Honeymoon In Bondage

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Honeymoon In Bondage Page 8

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “You’re not going to tell him!”

  “You must think the man’s stupid. Maybe blinded by your sexy body and your ability to seduce. If he doesn’t consciously know what’s real, he certainly knows inside. He’ll come to his senses. If the truth hasn’t already dawned on him, it will. He’s very inquisitive about your training and I don’t lie when I’m asked.”

  “Geez thanks, I’m fucked!” she spat.

  “Maybe not, it’s really your choice how this goes from here, but I didn’t want to play anymore games with you. And more than that, I wanted to set you straight about a few things. My wife isn’t sleeping in the maid’s room because of you, she’s sleeping there because she is a true submissive and she needs to learn an important lesson.” There was not a hint of amusement in his manner now, just Alain’s ruthless candor. “I love my wife and any desire you might have to make her look bad…well, you’ve been found out on that, just like she was caught in her own lies. You’ve been crossing the line in my house and that stops now. Forget the playing and the posturing. We’ll complete the training without it. That clear?”

  “Yeah, right, clear as a bell. But you’re going to complete the training?”

  “I promised Robbie two weeks, so I’m giving him his two weeks. That’s just two more days. I’ll have two days to finally break you. I wasn’t lying when I said I’d take you far and open you wide. You get another lesson tonight, then there’s the finale. Maybe before I’m done, you will be dying for what comes next, and when I finally turn you over to your master, you’ll think seriously about being the woman he wants, the woman he truly needs. If you honestly know what that means.” He paused as he rose to his feet. “Time to move on, slut. You get the beating you deserve. Up against the chair,” he pointed to a overstuffed reading chair in the corner, one perfect for draping the female form.

  Ella looked as sexy and sumptuous as usual with her torso reclining over the top of Alain’s reading chair. Her ass was pertly on display, her rounded ass cheeks almost inviting the sharp stinging cane. The cuts came swiftly, an even twenty that left cruel welts across the girl’s creamy skin. He paused several times before he was done, and every time he came back, the little slut seemed to have gone deeper into the punishment and the pleasure. Her crotch rocked across the top of the chair as if she was actually getting off. If she’d done that long enough, she might have climaxed, but the scene wasn’t about her satisfaction, but his. Once he threw the cane aside, he lifted her ass a little higher on the chair back, and then snapped a latex glove on his right hand. After steadying her with one hand, he began to probe her ass with the other. Her cleft was well-lubed, his fingers easily sliding in, one right after the other, until there were four going up nearly to his knuckles. She took it all without a complaint. He would be widening her ass even more before he was finally done, but that would be for their final night.

  Groaning and mad with lust, Ella’s body reeked with a feral kind of ‘fuck-me harder’ energy. Alain continued to abuse her ass, relishing every minute, until it seemed that her tight inner muscles were giving way completely. Withdrawing his hand, he had the final and largest anal plug ready to stuff inside her ass. Her moaning cry came from deep in her gut – the anal plug was much larger than she expected. While her body tried to refuse it, he countered her attempts to push it out with her inner muscles, shoving it in all the way until the flat base was lodged against her anus. He used ropes to tie it in place, knotting them to the bondage that circled her body so that she’d feel the thick plug all through the night.

  Ella slept on the carpet in a corner of the master closet with her training collar chained to an eyebolt in the wall and her cuffed hands chained to a second bolt in the floor. She was left with very little room to move. Alain considered this a satisfying finish to his day. With both his submissives securely bound for the night, he finally collapsed to the bed and fell into a sound asleep. Training females was almost as difficult a task as being a police captain.

  Chapter Seven

  Lessons In Surrender

  In the morning, Mrs. Langshire released Meri and Ella from their respective prisons. Each was told to bathe and then get on with their day as usual; nothing further said about the night they’d spent. Alain had gone in to work early, probably leaving plenty of questions unanswered – especially for his wife.

  He decided to let her stew. She needed a few sobering hours to contemplate her missteps.

  Meri spent the day in her studio doing sketches of the trees outside the tall studio windows. Despite the budding spring leaves, the images she sketched were stark and bold and a little frightening. Everything like her sullen mood. Had her world become so bleak? Her marriage so strained? She wished that the hellcat in the kitchen would just be gone, but there were two days left …two long and lonely days to suffer through until the bitch was gone.

  When Alain arrived home, it was late, nearly eleven o’clock. From the outset, Meri could see the strained look on his handsome face. The usual glint in his eye was just not there.

  She stood at the doorway to her studio waiting for him to say something, and finally he peered at her once he was finished glancing through the daily mail left for him on the hall table. “You’re still up, still working?” He looked surprised to see her.

  “I guess I lost track of time,” she replied.

  “I’m hungry. You think you could find me something to eat?”

  “Sure. There’s leftover meatloaf. How about a sandwich?”

  “That sounds good. Bring it upstairs with a glass of cold milk, will you?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He moved straight for the stairs without another word.

  Despite his somber mood, Meri’s heart was lighter than it had been all day.

  She watched him eat, sitting cross-legged on the bed and simply staring, wondering, fishing through her thoughts for something to say. Nothing sounded right.

  “So, you’ve had a tough day, right?” she finally decided on something neutral.

  “Yes.” He sighed heavily.

  “Then I don’t want to bother you.” She reached for the tray on his lap seeing that he was finished eating.

  “Well, that’s an opening line if I ever heard one. I’m guessing you do want to bother me. You want to discuss last night. You want your questions answered. Am I wrong?”

  “No,” she answered sheepishly.

  “Well, I have every intention of doing just that.”

  Meri waited while he stood up and moved to the closet to change his clothes. He came out moments later wearing a navy blue robe. Back on the bed, he pulled her toward him, but not all the way into his lap, he wasn’t ready to be that close.

  “Ella didn’t sleep in this bed, if that’s what you’re so concerned about. In fact, she didn’t even sleep in the room. She was chained in the closet, not too much different than you being chained to the bed in the maid’s room. I actually think you got the better deal. And, I didn’t screw her. She’s a seductive little bitch, but she’s not my type.”


  “Too manipulative, too calculating. At least when you’re misbehaving, it’s so obvious that it’s almost charming. Besides, she’s not my wife, you are.”

  “You must think I’m a dimwit, huh?”

  He laughed. “I’m not even going to honor that remark. What worries me, Meri, is the jealousy. The fact that that woman down the hall, who’s back in the bed where she belongs turned your world upside down. I find that remarkable and a little sad. She pushed you Meri, she found your weakness and pushed…don’t be surprised if you see that kind of behavior again from other women. Some women can’t help but try and drive a wedge between a husband and wife. It’s a game they play for no other reason than to see if they make it happen. Ella’s one of those women. I doubt if she would have wanted me if I’d thrown you off. But she loved the challenge of trying, even though it was hardly more than a thought.”

  “So you knew she’s been faking?”
br />   “Even Robbie knows she’s faking, pretty much. This entire two weeks has been to see how well she submits, how far he could go. The anal – that was her game with him and it was useful, but she was hardly an anal virgin when she came here. Whatever happens from here is up to them and it certainly doesn’t concern us. There’s just one more night to suffer through and then she’s gone.”

  “I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’ll be glad when she’s out of this house.”

  “I’m sure. But how about getting back to your jealousy. Tell me about that. The truth.”

  “The truth?”

  “Yes, the truth. Somebody hurt you, Meri?”

  One minute the conversation was rolling along quite nicely and suddenly he smacked her in the face with a question so right on that before she could think, there were tears streaming from her eyes.

  “I guess I really hit the mark.”

  She nodded, sobbing.

  “Come here.” He opened his arms, and she fell easily inside their comforting warmth. She wished he’d just forget about the answers he wanted. She cried in his arms for a long while, until he finally prompted her again. “Who was it, Meri?”

  “An old boyfriend…in the scene…” she spoke between breathless sobs, “he brought in another girl…to be trained. Living right there in our apartment. Pretty soon, he liked training her more than he liked being with me. He was screwing her all the time. He finally told me that I was too new, too fresh. He liked her better because she was bolder and she did things that I wouldn’t do. He fell for her and I was out…”

  “And Ella brought all that back?”

  “I guess so. I was so scared…and pretty silly, huh?”

  “Very silly, young lady. I’m not that man. And you’re not even the same girl you were then. I’m your husband and I love you. I have vows to you that will last until the day I die – unless you plan to break them. You bring to my life more than a thousand Ellas could bring. I just wish you’d bring less of the childish temper and juvenile behavior. Including the attempts to spy after you turned down my invitation to observe.”

  “You knew about that?”

  “You’re no better at spying than you are at lying.”

  She smiled weakly.

  “It’s over, Meri. I mean it. Jealous rages, the distrust, the sneaking around. Never again. Not in my house. You got that? Have a little faith in me, a little faith in yourself.”

  She nodded, hardly able to look him in the eye.

  “Now, I want your word on it.”

  “I promise…I am so sorry…”

  “No more sorrys, Meri. You ever get into a silly fit like this again, your temper ever takes the kinds of turns it has in the last two weeks, and you’ll be grounded for eternity.”

  “You mean that?”

  He thought a moment. “Figuratively, yes.”


  Alain and Robbie had been sequestered in the den nearly the entire afternoon. They even ate their evening meal in private, served by a curious but politely silent Meri, who tiptoed in and tiptoed out, given little more than a nod of Alain’s head to dismiss her.

  She was a little nervous, but not half as nervous as Ella must have been, given that she was likely the topic of conversation and would be the subject of the night’s demonstration.

  Alain had already given his wife a strong dose of his imperious domination, which was intended to take her through what might be a trying day before the whole thing was over and the despised Ella was finally out of their lives. He didn’t say much about what would happen that night, but he made it clear that she was to behave herself and keep her attitude in check. Knowing she could achieve this best when she was in a submissive frame of mind, he began their day with an unexpected lesson in surrender, one shocking enough to hold her attention.

  “I’d like to see you in the downstairs bathroom, the one off the laundry,” he’d told her as she was walking out of the master closet in her robe.

  “The bathroom?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “Sure.” The curt order came as a surprise, and he left her to wonder what this might mean. The strangeness of the command coupled with his tone of voice, had her feeling anxious, although his hasty exit closed the door on further conversation.

  Once she finished bathing, she combed out her wet hair and put on a silky robe, taking the backstairs to the kitchen. When she reached the bathroom behind the stairs, she pulled up short in the doorway, seeing that an old massage table had been pulled into the center of the unusually large room. On the top was a leather bolster. The floor and the walls of the bathroom had been tiled in black and white subway tile, which immediately took one back to the early 20th century. There was a toilet and sink on one side, and apparently there’d been a claw foot tub in the far corner. But that was long gone. The massage table was normally in its place, pushed against the far wall. The only time that Meri had seen it pulled to the center of the room was on the rare occasions when Alain’s masseuse friend came to the house and gave him a vigorous rubdown. At the moment, the table had been lowered to about waist height, ominously suggestive – not to mention the leather bolster strategically placed at its center!

  It took but just a second or two for Meri’s mind to figure out why Alain wanted her there at that hour. Then suddenly she recalled that every morning for the last two weeks, Mrs. Langshire and Ella would disappear into the back of the house. When she remembered why, a wicked chill darted up her spine.

  “Up on the table.” Alain’s touch caused a shiver all the way to her bones, when from behind her he gently pushed her into the room.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I think this is more about what you’re going to do for me.”

  She hated when he was so vague, but she had the distinct impression that it would be better not to ask any more questions.

  What took place then was a bit like a surreal dream. From outside, the intermittent sunlight of the spring day threw the most beautiful dappled shadows against the white tile. Clouds altered the shadows in strange and magical ways, while Alain’s fingers seemed almost beastly, like fire on her skin. He pulled the robe away, leaving her naked, then without speaking helped her to climb on the tabletop on hands and knees, her legs spread, her tummy settling comfortably over the round bolster.

  “Alain, I-I…” Her nerves were edgy as it was. This seemed so embarrassing, so intimate, even for a woman whose husband had a very intimate knowledge of her body. He’d never done anything like this before.

  She heard the sounds of running water and shuddered in places she never connected with her sexuality, even though there was a remarkably erotic aspect to this unusual scene. As she gazed back briefly, she saw him hanging an enema bag filled with water onto a tall hook that dropped from the ceiling. The long rope of tubing was crimped to hold back the flow of water. With the preparations done, he moved to her side and began to stroke his hand lovingly down her back. When his palm met her ass, he gave it a gentle squeeze, then abruptly, a firm smack. A dozen smacks, maybe more followed at a steady clip until she felt the warmth spread across her skin. Soon that sting began to heat and turn into real pain. Just before she was about to moan, he stopped and took up a vigorous massage of both ass cheeks. The heat and passion of that forceful play sent sexual spasms through her belly; a grinding, needy eroticism flowed. Soon, she was grinding her hips and ass under his palm, seeking more, hoping that she might forestall his plans.

  His fingers began to drop into her anal cleft where he made no excuses for diving deeply into the private places of her body, places he owned, places he had every right to use for his enjoyment, whether he chose to punish the tender flesh or make it revel in the titillating pleasures of sex.

  Her pussy was velvety soft, sodden with juice, dripping with the liquid of her sex and her desire. He plunged his fingers in deep and sent her body soaring, seeking the climax that would have followed had he continued even another few seconds. He
pulled back before she was able to reach that finale and began smacking her ass again, even harder this time. But now the hurt was climbing inside her body and going to the very deepest levels of her physical arousal.

  “Oh…my…gaaaaaaaaawd!” she vented, lifting her head and seeing the swirling, dreamlike quality of the room reflect her own dreamy state of arousal.

  When he stopped again, his fingers plunged into the crevice, this time going directly for the tight rosebud of her anus. Warm lube dripped down to coat the dry places, so that when he shoved his fingers inside, they entered easily. Her body seemed to open even further until her cleft was splayed unnaturally wide. In a blatantly crude display, as if she were encouraging the degrading treatment, her body involuntarily moved with the action of his impaling hand. She felt driven into her most vile sexual fantasies, shamelessly humiliating herself in her husband’s eyes. And yet, her husband was the author of her debasement.

  With this aggressive play, the action of his fingers relaxed her sphincter; there seemed to be nothing she wouldn’t allow him to do. Endorphins flying, she was on her way to the perfect finish, but again his hand pulled away just before the climax was upon her.

  Suddenly, it was the long nozzle piercing her anus and driving into her rectum. Then the strange feeling of water rushing into her body.

  She clenched up.

  “Alain—” just a soft and muted protest.

  “Shush, it’s just warm soapy water, nothing more and you’re going to be just fine. This won’t take very long.”

  Meri wasn’t so sure. The oddest sensations fired off inside her, a grumbling that seemed to go deep to her soul. At the same time, she experienced an astonishing bond with her husband, something so profound that she couldn’t name it. He demanded this of her and she was willing to go exactly where he led, even if it seemed curiously unnatural, she had no desire to rebel.

  “Ohmygod, this feels so…weird.”

  “Weird, is it?”

  “Uh, huh.” The dream state of her mind made talking almost impossible and pretty much useless…she had no words that fit the situation, and soon even her conscious thought seemed to drift away.


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