Honeymoon In Bondage

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Honeymoon In Bondage Page 20

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  All three women flinched knowing what the next hour would bring.

  Just minutes later, they were lined up in the dining room with Nelle confronted by Eric holding a tawse; Rose the target of her fiancé Roger’s wooden ruler; and Meri feeling a gleeful wrath from Lola as the stern Femdom sliced a cane baton through the empty air.

  Suddenly, the pain came raining down on all three, and the tearful, sobbing pleas began. Their once pristine flesh was beaten and punished and cruelly marked until Eric finally called a halt.

  The three Doms stood back and admired the heaving chests of their sobbing subs. Nelle’s and Rose’s breasts were a solid rash of red, while Meri’s showed individual welts from Lola’s cane cutting deeply into her white skin.

  A cheerful Eric doused them all with a wash of vodka, and watched his victims wince. “Looks like you could all use another glass of wine,” he said, then he started pouring from a freshly opened bottle of Pinot Grigio and handed out wine glasses. After that, he moved from sub to sub, mauling their punished flesh just to see how much they whimpered.

  “Arouses you, doesn’t it?” he said to Meri. Before she could reply, he moved on to Nelle, pressing his mouth against hers for a long, deep kiss.

  By then, the air bristled with sexual energy, the arousal so thick it could be tasted on the tongue and felt between burning thighs.

  Meri’s third glass of wine went down easily and a fourth quickly followed. Although she hated the spinning feeling in her head, it seemed to shut her conscience down, and remove Alain to some far place in her psyche that almost disappeared from view.

  “So, now it’s to the dungeon,” a seductive Lola moved in on Meri, kissing her lips with a fervor to match Eric’s. Her intent was clear. She wanted sex. And the inebriated Meri was ready.


  The free-for-all of kinky sex began in the torture chamber, where Eric put Nelle on the punishment chair and began a harrowing demonstration of his sadism. The assault was bold: Nelle screaming, Eric striking her breasts and cunt with increasing fervor until the pain-slut began to respond erotically. While Nelle suffered, Rose was immobilized on the rack. In time, Eric moved Nelle to the cross and Rose took the sub’s place on that brutal chair.

  For a different and more artful show of Dominance, Lola preferred her submissive strung up in an open area where she had access to every bit of Meri’s naked flesh while she worked her over with a whip, a cane and a braided flogger. Meri’s long, lean body soon gleamed with sweat. In time, her strained face softened and her hips began to move to some erotic music playing inside her mind. Her arousal was plainly evident once again.

  The scent of pheromones joined with musky body odors, incense and candle smoke to weave a cloudy haze that curled about the room. The scene soon took on the look of an opium den and for a long while, it seemed as if the known world beneath Underhill House was moving in slow-motion, having slipped into an altogether different reality.

  Meri’s mind had given up control as soon as the first cut of Lola’s cruel whip landed across her back. What had been done to her breasts was now done to her ass, her thighs, her belly, her shoulders, until her body was screaming for an orgasm to bring her relief from all the pent-up desire. But the bitch Domme only teased her. Occasionally, her hand would graze Meri’s privates, enough to toy with her but no more. Or she’d kiss her bound sub’s lips and leave the scent of her body for Meri to savor. But each time, she went back to her task, laying on her dark abuse with a sadism that rivaled her male counterparts’ sadistic needs. The dark-haired bitch, in her sleek leathers and high-heeled boots, reveled in her demented dreams just as Roger and Eric reveled in their subs’ tortured bodies.

  There was no rhythm in Lola’s delivery. She worked erratically, taking Meri from the beginnings of an endorphin rush and cruelly jerking her back to the hard reality of a biting cut across her breasts, or high against her thighs. Meri’s wine-soaked mind would have been easy to lure into subspace; Lola could have brought her off with the whip or flogger alone. But the Domme had other ideas.

  “You want it, don’t you, slut?” the siren purred in her ear, while she ran her red nails across Meri’s flesh, enjoying every anguished jolt of her victim’s body.

  “Yes, ma’am, I do,” Meri whispered breathlessly.

  “You suppose you want this too?” She held a thick purple dildo to Meri’s lips.

  Meri failed to understand what the woman meant.

  “Lick it like you would your husband’s cock,” Lola ordered.

  The first few tentative licks seemed very strange; Meri had never done anything like this before.

  “I said, lick, slut!” Lola suddenly pulled back and slapped her face. “Lick it like you mean it!”

  Meri tried again more aggressively this time, hating the taste of the latex, but strangely loving what the forced submission did to her hungering body.

  Soon Lola began to fuck her mouth with the dildo, beginning a steady in and out as if the fake prick could actually get her off like a real cock.

  “Yesss,” she hissed. “That’s it, girl.”

  Finally deep in an erotic subspace, Meri’s lips and tongue lovingly lapped the inanimate object – for her mistress, for Lola, because Lola commanded that she obey. It had been a long time since a woman brought Meri to this place of surrender and she didn’t question it now…not the woman, nor the dildo, nor the fucking of her mouth. Losing herself to a dominant erotic force was what she did unconsciously, without a thought of protest in her mind, what she’d been doing since the first inklings of sexual surrender surfaced in her psyche, so very long ago.

  Suddenly Meri felt herself pulled from the bondage, and pushed down the dungeon corridor, farther than she’d been before to where the long hallway opened into another room. A half dozen mattresses were pushed together into the center, making the purpose for the room instantly obvious. A rude awakening.

  Meri recoiled at the sight, pulling out of her subspace stupor enough to feel her entire being panic.

  Lola sensed the change.

  “Don’t sweat it, girl,” the Domme whispered from behind, with her seductive voice and sensuous hands, drawing Meri back to her place of surrender. “Take a breath, Meri,” her voice was calming to Meri’s ears. Her perfume smelled so sweet, and the incense in the room was so erotic, so overpoweringly erotic. “Don’t worry, my darling, no man’s cock will spoil your wedded pussy. My cock might, but it’s just a nice fake.”

  Lola’s crotch was at her ass, moving in an undulating rhythm. Her hands moved down her body, down hips and thighs, across her breasts, until the woman was finally falling to her knees, prying Meri’s ass wide, while her tongue went deep into the fissure. She began to come as Lola’s mouth began to work. By the time the persuasive Domme had Meri spread out on the mattress, her lips pressed to her submissive’s wet cunt, Meri was getting off for a second time. One come followed another with her body rising and falling with Lola’s delicious erotic movements, until the woman finally crawled up her torso and brought her own cunt to Meri’s face. Once there, she transformed from a seductress into a scowling harlot, ordering her victim to suck her off.

  “Eat me, slut!” she gazed down with the ominous eyes of a predator.

  Meri obeyed without thinking, returning favor for favor, her tongue and mouth buried in the woman’s strong smelling snatch. It took little to have Lola almost coming against her mouth, but suddenly that was not enough for her, and the Domme abruptly pulled off of Meri’s mouth.

  “You ever been fucked with a strap-on, slut?” she asked.

  “No, ma’am.”

  From behind her Lola pulled out a strap-on harness and the purple dildo. “Well, there’s always a first time, honey. And tonight is yours.” She started fitting herself into the straps, talking the whole time. “You get to come the right way. Even if it’s not your husband’s precious penis, you’ll get off, trust me. My little friend here will have you screaming all the way to your pretty toes. This time, I�
��ll be screaming too.” She finished with the final buckle, showing off the penis, bobbing threateningly at her crotch. Meri stared up at the enormous thing until Lola backed away and it disappeared.

  The first thrust blind-sided her, coming on so fast, so strong, so hard and rough, and hitting her so deep that she cried out, “Oh, gaawwwwwwwd!” Her insides felt as if they were being beaten, but the effect was as astounding. She started to cry as she came, her heart filled with shame, her body filled with heat and lust and unrepentant desire. She heard her own voice begin to bellow, “Fuck me!” loud enough to bring a snickering Eric Ravenly from the other room.

  Above her, scowling with sadistic pleasure was Lola, hips rocking in a steady rhythm, her face twisted into a grimace of pure ecstasy. Something about the strap-on arrangement was obviously as physically pleasing to Lola as it was for Meri because the outrageous Lola was getting off.

  Soon the entire mattress room began to vibrate as they were joined by the others. The scene was like an orgy, though it was not a real orgy by any means. The three couples stayed faithful to each other, Roger with his Rose, Eric enjoying the tarty little Nelle, and Lola in charge of a rapaciously greedy Meri, who might have come more than all the rest.

  Both Lola and Meri moaned and thrashed as their hips and cunts bucked in a frenetic tango. They reached erotic heights that had them both shaking, until, worn out, they finally collapsed into each other’s arms to rest.

  For a long while they lay listening to the groaning, grunting fucking noises in the mattress room. Then Lola whispered, “Damn, your husband is one lucky Dom.” The declaration gave Meri a rule jolt. Lola hadn’t meant to bring Meri back to thoughts of Alain and what he’d say about this scene. Meri didn’t even want to think about the consequences, how her conscience would eventually force her to confess her own desire, and what awkward moments would follow as Alain learned the truth. Her mind swept through places she dared not visit, while still tenaciously holding on to the feelings of pleasure she enjoyed as she submitted to the amazing Lola. For a while, thoughts of Alain disappeared again and her mind glided on the pleasant memories. Her eyes closed and she listened to the sounds of sighing release that rose up all around her. She might have even drifted off to sleep, but suddenly something intruded on her peace – a hand grabbing at her arm, not Lola’s hand, but someone else’s pulling her from Lola’s grasp.

  When Meri opened her eyes, Eric Ravenly’s face was just inches from hers. She felt his hand on her ass drawing her naked body into his naked body, his hot erection pressed against her thigh, moving in-between her legs, aiming for the target she refused him just a day ago. Her eyes widened in horror and her insides recoiled, becoming almost instantly nauseous.

  “No!” she practically screamed as she pulled away.

  “She’s had enough, Rave…you come fuck me if you need more,” Lola was there to tug him away.

  Eric looked down at Meri, scowling, “You know, I’m beginning to think you’re for real, slut.” No pretense now. Just stating a fact. “Though I doubt that the man deserves you.” Then he turned away.

  Meri lay alone while the fucking went on. Then as her mindless stupor began to fade reality took hold. She was cold, lost, and very much alone once Lola was off having sex with Eric. Unable to stay there another minute, she slipped from the mattress room without being seen and made her way through the dungeons, tiptoeing up the stairs.

  The upstairs of the house was cool and silent except for the faint groaning sounds rising up through the walls. Like a thief looking to steal a pound of peace and quiet, she tiptoed up to the second floor. She would have gone into her room to hide had she not glanced down the hall seeing Priscilla standing by Lawrence Underhill’s bedroom door with her back to the wall.

  She’d been crying.

  Meri approached her quietly. “Are you okay?”

  Priss shook her head sadly, biting her lip to hold back more tears.

  “He’s fading, Meri, and I don’t know what to do,” she looked straight at Meri, her eyes filled with anguish. “If I can’t get him out of here and to a hospital, he’ll die. I’m sure of it and Eric doesn’t seem to care. Something about fate and his time may have come…the man has no compassion in him at all…I don’t know what to do. Goddammit, Eric’s even locked the outside doors, not that there’s an answer for this outside. He’s playing D/s mind games while his uncle is dying!” She sighed disheartened. “I feel trapped. There’s just nowhere to turn.” The aggressive Priscilla that protectively flared up days ago to protect her master seemed to have vanished, replaced by a weeping, stunned and grief-stricken female Meri didn’t recognize.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do either,” Meri said sadly.

  “There’s nothing to do, nowhere to turn,” Priss vented. She bucked up once again. “Sorry to worry you about this. I’ve got to get back to him…smiling of course, in case he wakes up…”

  Meri nodded supportively. “I suppose I’ll try and get some sleep.”

  “I hear Eric is playing in the dungeons,” Priscilla said as she started to open the bedroom door.

  “Yes, they are all downstairs.”

  “So why are you here?”

  “I don’t think I was needed any more,” Meri said.

  In Priscilla’s once dead eyes there was a flash of life, “Oh, don’t be so sure,” she retorted. “The man has a hard, cruel streak. Don’t be surprised if he comes back. I’d bolt my door.”

  There was no bolt on the door for Meri to set. More nervous now than ever, she kept watch under her covers, listening intently to the sounds of the house: the creaking noises, the rowdy laughter down below and eventually Eric’s loud voice rising up the stairs.

  Curious and scared, Meri finally tiptoed out of the room and peered down the staircase, seeing Eric Ravenly with a bottle of wine that he swigged in huge gulps as if it was a pint of ale. She could tell by his slurred speech that he was drunk.

  Kneeling crouched by the staircase, Meri’s heart beat rapid and scared. The man kept acting as if he were about to mount the stairs, but Lola and Nelle kept pulling him back. They were drunk too, pawing him, kissing him, making him laugh. Then he ordered Nelle to her knees between his legs to suck his cock. The man was rapacious, either that or on Viagra to be in such a state and still so hard.

  Meri should have fled then while his mind was fixed on the two women, but she couldn’t take her eyes from him and the raunchy scene. Something about him, even when he was boorish and drunk, seized her hungering crotch, hungering still…even with all the coming. Was she as repugnantly addicted to the sex as he? Her mouth watered, her pussy came to life again; sore and aching from Lola’s dildo as it was, she wanted more.

  Suddenly, as if Eric knew he was being watched, he turned his head in her direction and looked up. Their eyes met. Seconds slowly ticked by. Then a malevolent smile appeared across his lips.

  “Why, it’s Mrs. Danvers!” he shouted. “I’ve fucked the others but I haven’t fucked you!” He lifted up the wine bottle in a mock salute, and Meri suddenly took off. She knew how this would end and was sober enough to stop it – if she could.

  Her room would be no safe haven from the man, or her own betraying desires. Thinking fast, she rounded the corner that headed toward the third floor turret. She would be trapped there, but she also knew the way out: the secret stairway, the second floor entrance, right where the hall and the upper stairway met.

  Her hand sought the spring latch in the paneling and the doorway abruptly snapped open enough for her to tuck herself inside and have it closed…hopefully before Eric realized what had happened. If he’d seen anything, she was doomed; certainly, he knew about the small maze of private passageways that worked their way through the house.

  Slipping into the darkness, Meri had to think fast, going by feel, not by sight. It was pitch black. Her bare feet were silent on the stairs and she heard nothing, nothing from inside the house, no voices, no thuds and, thankfully, no one behind her. E
very step of the long journey downward was terrifying, but having committed herself, she had no choice but to continue.

  She finally reached the cellar level of the house where the secret stairway leveled off and turned into a hallway. Where it led, she had no idea, but she could sense that the space around her had brightened, and the air was fresher, as if she was coming out of a dark cave. Eyes straining, she actually saw a door handle a few feet in the distance, the light had changed that much. She rushed forward and turned the knob, bursting into the out-of-doors, immediately assaulted by the scent of the cool, crisp night.

  Stars were everywhere above, the storm had passed. And spring. All around her, a feast for her senses. Blossoms wafting fragrant. She drank in the breeze and the moon and the canopy of light that beamed down from above. Her heart was still beating fast, but she sensed freedom all the way to her bones.

  Meri moved fast along the soft earth, as if running away from mortal fears, until she came to the small house with the single candle burning. She burst in the door without knocking.

  “Mr. Dawson!”

  The man turned from his reading and sat up with alarm.

  “The master is fading fast Priscilla tells me. Is there any way you can contact someone, anyone? Please tell me it’s possible!”

  Dawson jumped up, looking worried. “I thought the worst had passed. Ravenly led me to believe…”

  “No, sir. I just spoke with Priss, not a half hour ago. Could you please try?” She looked toward the old instruments in the corner of the room that in recent years had been replaced by the internet and cell phones, none of which could reach them now.

  “I’ll try again and see,” he said, giving her little hope.

  But as she waited listening to crackling noises over the crude radio equipment, she began to hear some signs of hope. Minutes later, she breathed a relieved sigh.


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