The Strongest Little Brother’s Commonplace Encounters with the Bizarre?!

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The Strongest Little Brother’s Commonplace Encounters with the Bizarre?! Page 10

by Tsuyoshi Fujitaka

  In the end, he smacked down every one of the thrown away dolls, stuffed animals, and robots that haunted him, strong-arming the situation to a resolution.

  Chapter 6: First Week of November: Yori’s So Popular

  Yoriko Sakaki was known as the younger of the Beautiful Sakaki Sisters.

  It was hard to say which of the two was more beautiful, but the younger sister, Yoriko, was definitely the more popular with men. She held that position, in effect, by default, since the elder sister was not popular at all.

  That wasn’t to say that there weren’t quite a few men who had showed an interest in the older sister’s beauty, but that interest lasted only until they learned about her personality. Now that Mutsuko’s eccentricities were known to the world at large, men left her alone completely.

  All that aside, though, Yoriko really was popular, and she was often propositioned by older men.

  Younger men mostly stayed away; only a few in her current year (second year in middle school) ever approached her, and a few more in third year, but they were a small percentage of the total.

  The vast majority of the men who approached her were high schoolers. She had been approached by college students, too, but it was hard to tell how serious those were.

  As the fact that she was often approached by boys in high school might suggest, Yoriko’s beauty was quite well known around the city. She never ran with high school social groups, yet they would still come to ask her out just based on having caught a glimpse of her, or having seen a picture of her.

  In other words, they either didn’t care about her personality, or they just imagined a personality for her based on what they saw.

  Yoriko saw this as something to be expected. She was aware that she was beautiful, and it wasn’t all natural beauty. She worked hard every day to enhance that beauty, and even earnestly studied fashion to bring it out even further. If she wasn’t beautiful enough to charm men by the dozens, there was no way she could get the man she wanted.

  But even knowing this was inevitable, Yoriko still found it a dreadful nuisance. She saw the process of turning down all these men as nothing but work. No matter who it was, there was never any need to think it over.

  She didn’t bother evaluating their looks, feeling out their personalities, considering their compatibility, or testing the strength of their feelings. She just dealt with each in a completely mechanical manner. None of them even stood a chance.

  So when she dumped the most recent hopeful, she was really just dealing with things the way she always did.

  It happened at a modern-style cafe near the station. Two female middle school students, dressed in sailor-style uniforms, sat at a table by the window.

  The long-haired girl sitting by the window was Yoriko Sakaki. The short-haired girl sitting by the aisle was Karen Hanagasumi. They were both in their second year of middle school. They were in the same class, and they were best friends.

  “That boy you turned down recently. I hear he started dating Otori from Class Two, and got dumped after three days,” said Karen.

  Yoriko wasn’t really listening to her best friend. She was gazing absentmindedly out the window, thinking about how she’d like to get home soon to see her big brother, Yuichi. Still, even that frivolous behavior would just make her look like a melancholy beauty to anyone around her.

  Karen was quite attractive herself, but she paled before Yoriko. Naturally, anyone who would get jealous about every little thing like that would never be able to stand Yoriko’s presence, so Karen was more the type to see their friendship as something to boast about.

  “They say Otori is rich, but she keeps dating guys and dumping them,” commented Karen. “It’s kinda fishy, huh? You wouldn’t think a rich girl could get away with that, would you?”

  At last, Karen’s words permeated Yoriko’s distant thoughts. Her friend was talking about a third-year boy that she had blown off, but there was something slightly off in what she had said.

  The girl in question had actually dumped one man after a day, and another after two days.

  “I hear that she’ll give a chance to any man as long as he’s good-looking,” said Yoriko. “Then she’ll always dump him, saying something like, ‘Sorry, it’s just not working.’”

  “Huh? You knew?” Her friend looked surprised. “You know a lot about Otori, by the way...”

  “She’s the one who tells me...”

  Akane Otori had transferred to their school recently, and in the blink of an eye, she had seized leadership of Class Two. Yoriko knew these things because Otori herself had told her personally; the girl had apparently decided to forge a rivalry with her for some reason.

  I don’t care if men like me or not, personally... Yoriko thought. But apparently that was what Otori was concerned about. She didn’t like the fact that the men always went after Yoriko first. And the fact that she came all the way to tell her about such things suggested an extremely brazen attitude.

  “Like a leadership conference?” Karen asked. “That’s the queen for you!”

  “Please stop calling me that,” Yoriko said wearily.

  The hierarchy that her class in elementary school had only been vaguely aware of had become quite clear by the time they were in middle school. No one specifically said it out loud, but there was a tacit understanding about who was on what level, and what level you fit in yourself.

  Yoriko hadn’t intended it at all, but at some point, she had ended up venerated as the head of the class. Everyone seemed to acknowledge that, and Yoriko had decided she wouldn’t argue, as long as it kept the class at peace.

  “So, why come to me for romantic advice, anyway?” Yoriko added. “I really don’t think I can be any help.”

  Apparently a friend of Karen’s wanted to ask Yoriko for some advice. That’s why they were going to meet up at the cafe on the way home.

  Yoriko had blown off any number of guys, but that was always when the men came after her. She didn’t know much about romance, and she wasn’t especially good at managing it. If this person wanted to know how to get a guy she liked to notice her, well, that was something Yoriko wanted to learn herself.

  “I’m sorry, they were just so insistent on it...”

  Karen seemed so apologetic, Yoriko couldn’t really fault her. Besides, it was a favor for a friend, so she’d decided she might as well play along. Once this friend told her the situation, it was entirely possible that she might be able to offer some advice. And if she didn’t know what to do, she could just say that.

  “Well, that’s fine.” Yoriko checked her wristwatch. It was just the time they’d scheduled.

  “Karen, sorry I’m late!”

  Yoriko looked up to see two men in blazer uniforms standing beside the table they were sitting at.

  In confusion, she looked over to Karen, but the girl was just smiling brightly, waving to the two men. Before Yoriko could sort out her confusion, the two men sat down across from them.

  “Karen? What’s going on?” Yoriko found her gaze turning into a glare. This hadn’t been what she was told.

  “Huh? He needs romantic advice, like I told you,” said Karen. “Oh, the one on the right is Takuma. He’s my boyfriend. The one on the left is Subaru, the guy who wants advice.”

  Yoriko didn’t recognize the uniform, but he seemed to be a high school student. Takuma was attractive enough, but seemed like a rather frivolous sort. Subaru’s uniform was rumpled, and he had a slovenly air about him. He was blessed with an attractive face, but his dyed brown hair lent him a rather wild air.

  “As a middle school student, I doubt I am capable of giving romantic advice to someone in high school. May I go now?” Yoriko said quickly, realizing she had fallen into a trap. She wanted to believe that Karen hadn’t done this maliciously. It was likely the high school boy in front of her who had come up with the plan, then manipulated Karen to get what he wanted.

  “Wait a minute,” the high school boy protested. “The thing I want advice ab
out, only you can help me with.”

  Subaru’s attitude was completely inappropriate for someone he had just met. Yoriko made up her mind: this was an enemy.

  “I want you to date me,” the guy added.

  Yoriko had to deal with these from time to time. Punks like this thought that if they could come on strong, that would be enough. They thought they could get anything they wanted as long as they took the initiative.

  Yoriko stood up. “I’m sorry; I will not date you. I will not change my mind on the matter later, either.”

  Yoriko made herself clear in the way she always did. She sometimes changed how she said it based on what the person was like, but she had to leave no room for argument when she turned someone down someone.

  “Karen, move. I’m leaving.”

  Karen quickly stood up.

  Yoriko knew she was perhaps being a bit too harsh, but she really was angry, and she couldn’t hide that. She picked up her bag and tried to leave the table.

  But as she passed by, Subaru grabbed her right hand. “Wait!”

  Yoriko felt a shot of annoyance. Why did he have to prolong their embarrassment? Why couldn’t he just let her go?

  Yoriko turned back and lightly twisted her wrist. That alone was enough to free her hand, but she wasn’t satisfied with just that. She then grabbed his own wrist and pulled him downwards. Surprised by her power, perhaps, Subaru pitched forward into the aisle.

  Then Yoriko thrust her knee right in Subaru’s face. Subaru tumbled into the aisle, bleeding spectacularly from his nose.

  Yoriko walked leisurely through the ensuing commotion.

  She knew she had gone too far. There would have been many more peaceful ways to settle things.

  And sure enough, the incident that was about to unfold would be caused entirely by Yoriko’s short temper.


  “And that’s what happened!” Yoriko exclaimed. “Isn’t Karen awful?”

  “Huh? Wait a minute. What happened to that Subaru guy?” Yuichi asked.

  Yoriko was trying to paint herself as the victim in the story, but Yuichi had his doubts. This Subaru guy had clearly acted like a jerk, but she hadn’t had to go that hard on him.

  “Who cares! It’s his own fault for just grabbing my arm like that!” Yoriko snapped.

  Mutsuko, Yoriko, and Yuichi were seated around the dinner table at the Sakaki home. Their mother was nearby, too.

  Their mother’s name was Tamako Sakaki. The label above her head read “Mom.” For now, as far as Yuichi could tell, his family’s labels didn’t mean anything but what they said. His father’s label was “Dad,” as well.

  They were having yakiniku for dinner that night, so there was a large pile of meat on a plate.

  “Oh dear, that sounds terrible.” Their mother listened to the story with a shocking lack of concern, considering the scene being described, as she tirelessly stacked meat onto the hot plate.

  “But Yori, you can’t inflict violence on people in broad daylight! You need to do it like Yu does, secretly, where no one can ever see!” Mutsuko announced as she gobbled down a strip of meat.

  “Don’t say ‘like I do’!” Yuichi protested. “Still, Sis is right. The person you beat up has their pride, too, you know? Some guys might never be able to show their face in public after getting beaten up by a middle schooler in front of so many people.”

  Yuichi wasn’t really worried about that, though. If you lost your head over something a middle schooler did, you’d usually just end up looking worse. He was pretty sure this Subaru guy wasn’t that stupid.

  “But what’s up with middle schoolers these days?” he added. “This Karen friend of yours really has a boyfriend in high school?”

  “Seems like it,” Yoriko said as she ate her meat. “I only just heard about him today. But there are quite a few girls like her.”

  “Wow... middle schoolers these days are really something,” Yuichi said.

  Middle schoolers are still kids, Yuichi added silently as he dipped his meat in sauce.

  The children of the Sakaki family ate a lot. Despite that, they never seemed to put on weight, probably because they all had active hobbies. Yoriko didn’t get extreme combat training like Yuichi did, but she still received some martial arts lessons.

  “But were things awkward for that Karen girl afterwards?” he added. Her boyfriend’s friend had gotten laid out, after all. Yuichi would be at a loss after something like that.

  “Well, the boyfriend didn’t really seem like the loyal type,” said Yoriko. “They’ll probably break up in no time anyway. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  As a romance traditionalist, Yuichi found himself rather shocked by this behavior. “You date people and break up with them just like that?”

  “But, Big Brother! What if he doesn’t really back off? What if comes after me again?” Yoriko asked suddenly, as if she’d just come up with a brilliant idea.

  “I guess he could.”

  “Yeah! And I’m scared! Could you walk me to school for a while?”

  “Huh? Why should I?”

  “What if he comes after me for revenge?!”

  “Well... you beat him once before. Couldn’t you do it again?” Yuichi couldn’t see why anything more would be necessary. As far as he’d heard, the boy Subaru was quarrelsome, but not much else. Yoriko was probably strong enough to take care of him, especially if she had her L-wrench for protection.

  “What if he brings a group? I can’t fight a group!” Yoriko protested.

  “A group? Would they really send a group against one middle school girl?” Yuichi asked skeptically.

  Even so, when she put it that way, he did worry. Yuichi hadn’t seen the guy, so he didn’t know how persistent he might be.

  “Yu, you have my permission to skip club! Just stick with Yori for a while!” Mutsuko broke in, reflecting Yoriko’s insistence.

  Yuichi still felt like Yoriko had brought this on herself, but he couldn’t help but be soft when it came to his little sister. He’d be walking Yoriko home from school for a while.

  When Yuichi walked up to the gate of her middle school, he found Yoriko standing there, looking dissatisfied.

  He thought maybe something had happened at school, but her sour expression hadn’t appeared until Yuichi showed up. That meant he was the one she was mad at.

  Standing next to Yoriko was a short girl with short hair — her friend Karen, most likely. He’d been worried things might have gotten awkward between them, but apparently they hadn’t. The girl’s label was “Middle School Student,” so she seemed innocent enough.

  “Yori, you asked me to come,” he said. “What’s with the sulking?”

  “Yes! That’s right! I thought this might happen!” Yoriko burst out, glaring.

  The focus of Yoriko’s glare was Aiko, who was standing beside Yuichi. He’d told her about what happened to Yoriko at school, and she’d ended up coming along.

  “Ah... um, I thought having more people around might be a better deterrent against the weirdos,” Aiko said, wincing at Yoriko’s glare.

  “I don’t need more people! I just need my brother! You’ll just trip us up! I know you, Noro, and you’ll just get taken hostage!” Yoriko shouted.

  “Um, I won’t get taken hostage...” Aiko said, flustered.

  Karen interrupted. “Greetings. Thank you for taking care of Yoriko. I’m Karen Hanagasumi.” She gave them a low bow. She seemed good-natured and polite; certainly more responsible than Yoriko’s description had made her sound.

  “Oh, thank you,” Yuichi said. “And I hear you’ve taken care of her for us, as well.”

  “Not at all,” said Karen. “She’s the one who takes care of me. Ah, and is this your girlfriend?”

  “Karen! Don’t make eyes at him while my back is turned!” Yoriko had been digging into Aiko, but now it was Karen who’d earned her ire.

  “What’s the big deal?” Karen asked. “I broke up with Takuma.”

Really, what’s with middle schoolers these days... Yuichi had also worried that Yoriko’s little rampage might cause strain on that relationship, but Karen seemed truly indifferent to it.

  “Um, do you want to walk with us too, Karen?” Yuichi asked.

  “Yes! We always walk home together.”

  And so the four of them walked together.

  Despite asking him to escort her home, it was really only a ten-minute walk from the middle school to their home. It was very likely nothing would happen. Yuichi thought they were probably just worrying too much.

  “I get it!” Karen said suddenly. “So this is your big brother. I thought you were exaggerating, but he’s pretty hot. He looks a lot like you, too.”

  “Karen... do you know what happens to people when I fight them seriously?” Yoriko asked darkly.

  “They end up with a bloody nose like Subaru?”

  Most of the walk home was through residential neighborhoods. The roads were narrow, making it difficult for even two cars to pass each other. During some times of day, the roads could be flooded with people. But Yuichi couldn’t let his guard down just because it was a residential district.

  “Sakaki, I don’t think anything’s going to happen,” Aiko spoke up. “Did you just want to dote on Yoriko a little?”

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Yuichi said. “But it looks like he was more persistent than I expected.”

  Yuichi had sensed someone following them for a while. He was keeping his focus squared on that presence, and it was clear their group was the target.

  I doubt he just wants to have a talk, either... Yuichi was detecting a clear aura of malice that was definitely targeted towards Yoriko.

  “Yori. I’m turning left there,” he whispered.

  Yuichi got out front and turned down a road. Yoriko and the others followed naturally.

  After a while, they arrived on a vacant lot that was for sale.

  “Sakaki, what’s going on?” Aiko asked in confusion. Even if there was nobody there, she seemed to feel guilty about the thought of stepping onto someone else’s property without permission. Yoriko’s expression was indifferent, suggesting she had intuited what was going on, while Karen didn’t seem to find anything strange about it.


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