Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1)

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Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1) Page 1

by E. L. Todd


  It was the first day I didn’t think about Tony.

  Normally, I woke up every morning and wondered if he spent the night alone. Was there someone else in his bed right at that moment? Did someone lay in the sheets that I bought?

  Did they still smell like me?

  But today I woke up and thought about coffee. I wanted a pumpkin spice latte. It had way too much sugar, fat, caffeine—everything you can think of. But I didn’t give a damn. I wanted one.

  After I picked up my coffee and scone, I headed into the office next to the Chinese restaurant that totally blocked our entrance from the street. When new clients paid us a visit, they could never figure out where we were located. Our sign on the telephone pole didn’t help matters.

  I walked inside then sat at my desk. “Morning, Shelly.”

  “Morning.” Shelly was playing solitaire at her desk. She wore a tight pencil skirt and teal blouse.

  “Who’s winning?” I sipped my coffee.

  “I always win.”

  “Quite an accomplishment…” Playing against yourself must be really difficult.

  She didn’t take her eyes off her cards. “How was your night?”

  “Amazing,” I said sarcastically. “I stayed in and watched a chick flick with Brute.” Brute was my dog. He was a bulldog, but he was so cute.

  “What did you watch?”

  “The Notebook.”

  She stopped playing and finally looked at me. “That movie is so old. Move on, girl.”

  “But it’s so good.”

  She rolled her eyes then looked back at her cards. “You have a new assignment.”

  “I do?” I asked. “What’s his story?”

  “I’m not totally sure but he really needs an escort. Something about his family…” She went through her stack of cards then came to a stalemate. She rested her fingers on her lips as she remained lost in thought.

  “Well, more money isn’t a bad thing.” I’d been an escort for a year now. A few friends of mine bought the company and gave me a job. But it’s not what you think. I’m not a prostitute. I just pose as a girlfriend to men who need to put on a show. There are strict rules for this type of relationship. Only handholding and waist touching are permitted. Anything else will result in a swift kick in the nuts.

  “You’re scheduled to meet him later this week.”

  “Is he at least cute?”

  “Actually, he’s really hot.” She sighed then stacked up all her cards because she knew she lost the game. “A little hotheaded, but hot.”

  “Then what does he need me for?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure. I didn’t interrogate him. But he has a lot of tattoos.”

  “Oh…” I didn’t know what to think of that. Ink was hot on some guys, but on others it was a little tacky.

  “Don’t you have an assignment tonight?”

  “Yeah, it’s with that CEO.”

  “I’m sure that will be a walk in the park,” she said as she waved her hand. “Just look pretty on his arm then go home.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will be.” Not all my assignments went well. Sometimes men wanted more than what they paid for.

  But it was nothing I couldn’t handle.


  Roger picked me up at seven on the dot. He wore a black suit and tie, and his hair was perfectly styled like he stopped by the salon on the way here. “You look beautiful.” He looked me up and down, focusing on my legs in particular.

  “Thank you.” I locked the office door behind me and walked with him down the alley. I never gave a guy my real address because I never knew if he was a psychopath or not. “You look nice too.”

  “Thanks.” He put his arm around my waist.

  I let the touch slide because it stayed within the parameters of our arrangement even if there was no one around to put on an act for.

  He escorted me to his limo and opened the back door for me. Once we were both inside, the car moved. I kept my legs crossed and held on to my clutch. The nice thing about escorting men was the fact they didn’t talk much. All I had to do was sit there and look pretty.

  Roger was much older than my usual clients. He was close to forty and divorced. People were still talking about the brutal way his marriage fell apart, and he wanted to give them something else to talk about—me. “How are you?”

  “Good,” I answered. “You?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Is there anything I need to know for tonight?”

  “No. Just stay close to me and smile. That’s your only job.”

  Easiest money I ever made.

  We arrived at the hotel then entered the banquet hall. People were dressed in their finest, and the women’s gowns were beautiful and elegant. Roger handed me a champagne flute and took one of his own.

  “It’s nice,” I said as I took a sip.

  “Yeah…” He took a long drink while he kept his arm around my waist. “I always feel lonely at these things. I’m in a crowded room but I feel like I’m standing alone.” His eyes had a distant look to them, like he was in a faraway place.

  I didn’t know how to react so I took a long drink. Depressed people didn’t make me uncomfortable. I just wasn’t sure what to say to something like that.

  Roger moved around the room and made small talk with people. He introduced me as his girlfriend, and people seemed impressed that Roger was back on his feet so quickly after the divorce, especially with a girl half his age.

  There was a silent auction, and Roger bid on a trip for two to Hawaii. I just hoped he wasn’t planning on taking me if he won. Then we sat down to dinner and made small talk with his colleagues. Everyone brown-nosed him and treated him like he was the most interesting person in the room, but it was obvious how fake they were. The second he turned around, they would rip into him without any remorse.

  I felt bad for him.

  He was clearly a good boss for putting on a charity event and being so nice to his employees, but people didn’t like him for whatever reason. Perhaps the scandal of his divorce was still too fresh.

  That wasn’t fair.

  After dinner, Roger turned to me. “Would you like to dance?”

  “Sure.” I gave him a smile to uplift his mood.

  We moved to the dance floor and glided around slowly. Roger kept his hands in respectable places and guided me across the floor. It was clear he’d done this a hundred times.

  “You’re a good dancer.” I tried to think of anything to cheer him up. The permanent frown on his face made me sad.

  “Thanks…” He looked around at the other couples. “I’m sorry I’m such poor company. I usually come to these things with my wife…ex-wife.” He looked at anything but me.

  “I’m sorry…” I wasn’t sure what happened in his marriage but I suspected she left him and ran him dry.

  “There was someone else.” He spoke without preamble. “And she left. The worst part is she took the kids. Now they live in Long Island. I only see them every other weekend.”

  His words were breaking my heart. “I’m sorry, Roger. But things will get better.”

  “Do you believe there’s only one special person for everyone?”

  I thought of Tony. “No. I think some people are more compatible with each other, but I don’t think we only have one chance of success. Relationships are what you make of it.”

  He nodded slowly. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am, Roger. And you’ll find someone else.”

  “I guess.” He shrugged. “But even after everything my wife did to me…I still want her.” He stared at the floor as he moved. “Does that make me pathetic?”

  My he
art ached. “Not at all. You loved her with all your heart. And real love doesn’t die overnight.”

  He nodded and kept dancing.

  At the end of the night, we said goodbye to everyone then left. The limo took us back to the office while we sat quietly in the backseat.

  “I hate the way they look at me,” he whispered. “I feel like a loser in high school all over again.”

  “Who cares what they think,” I said. “If they really judge you the second you hit hard times, they’re terrible people anyway. Fire them if they cross you.”

  He chuckled slightly. “I could never fire anyone. I don’t have it in me.”

  He was too sweet. And that made people take advantage of him. I’d seen it too many times not to recognize it.

  We arrived at the office and Roger walked me to the door in the rear. “I can take you home. There’s no reason for you to walk.”

  Roger seemed harmless but I didn’t take any chances. “I’ll be fine. I have paperwork to do anyway.”

  He stared at me then stepped closer. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes looked distant. “Thanks for being my date tonight.”

  “It was my pleasure, Roger. Take care.”

  He didn’t move away. It seemed like there was something else he wanted to say.

  I patiently waited.

  He quickly leaned in and aimed his lips for mine.

  “Whoa…” My hand flew to his chest and pushed him back. “What the hell are you doing?”

  He stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. “Sorry…I wasn’t thinking.”

  “I laid down the rules before I agreed to this. Don’t cross me.” I had a taser in my bag and I wasn’t afraid to use it.

  “I’m sorry…” He held up both hands. “I’m not myself lately.”

  Since he was going through a hard time, I let it slide. “It’s okay. We all make mistakes.”

  He opened his wallet and pulled out a wad of cash. “What if I made it worth your while?”

  He did not just go there. “I’m not a prostitute, Roger.” I unlocked the door to the office and stepped inside.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” He shoved the wallet back into his pocket. “I just thought—”

  “Good night, Roger.” I slammed the door and locked it. Once his face was out of my sight, I collapsed into the chair at my desk. I’d have to stay there for the rest of the night just in case he was lurking outside. He seemed down on his luck and too depressed to function, but I knew he was harmless. Even so, I never took chances—not with this kind of job.


  I sat across from the banker in the office with glass doors. He was a typical suit who hated his job. His voice was always full of boredom, and his desk lacked any personality at all. It was a typical corporation, void of life.

  “Just give me the loan,” I barked. “How are small businesses supposed to start up if you don’t give them a chance?” I wasn’t asking for a kidney transplant or something.

  “I’m sorry.” He seemed bored out of his mind. “You don’t have the right credit.”

  “My credit isn’t even that bad.”

  He eyed his computer again. “Sir, you need to get it up and then we can talk again.”

  Dammit, why did I buy that motorcycle? “Fine. I’ll just go somewhere else.”

  “And they’re going to tell you the same thing.”

  I wanted to growl but I managed not to. “How about some free ink? I’m the best in the business.”

  He gave me a stoic expression. “Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.”

  “Whatever.” I stood and didn’t bother shaking his hand. “I’ll just get the loan from someone else.”

  “Good luck, sir.”


  “How’d it go?” Sawyer asked across the table from me. He was eating a burger covered in BBQ sauce.

  “How do you think it went?” I barely touched my food because I was so irritated. Normally, I ate anything I could get my hands on. But now every sensation in my body was numb.

  “Sorry, man. Just get your credit up.”

  “You say that like it’s so simple. It could take years for that to happen.”

  He shook his head. “I told you not to buy that bike.”

  I glared at him. “Now isn’t the time to say I told you so.”

  He shrugged. “I’m just saying…”

  I threw a fry at him. “Well, don’t.”

  It bounced off his face and landed on the plate. “Are you five?”

  “Sometimes.” I grabbed the fry and ate it.

  “Dude, that just touched my face.”

  “So?” I drank my soda and washed it down. “It’s food. Who cares?”

  He rolled his eyes then wiped his fingers with a napkin. “Now what?”

  “I don’t have a fucking clue. I don’t mind working at Ascension but I’m getting bored there. I want my own shop. I want to make my own rules.”

  “Maybe you can do it out of your apartment until you get enough cash.”

  “That’s not creepy…”

  “It was just a suggestion, smart ass. It’s better than all your ideas.”

  I didn’t have any ideas. “Maybe I should just go back in the army.”

  He stopped eating. “Not funny, man.”

  “It might piss off my parents enough that they’ll give me back the money they owe me.”

  “They’re assholes,” Sawyer said. “They’re going to hold this over your head as long as possible.”

  I had a feeling he was right.

  “And you would really go through that again?” he asked incredulously. “Back to Afghanistan?”

  “It wasn’t the worst thing in the world…” I’d seen a lot of things I wouldn’t share with anyone else. If people shuttered at violent movies, they wouldn’t be able to handle all the things I’d seen. Their stomachs couldn’t keep their lunch down.

  “I don’t want you to go,” Sawyer said. “You came back this time but who knows if you’d come back again.”

  It was a depressing thought. “Anyway, I’m seeing my parents tonight so I’ll bring it up again.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “But I’ll keep playing the Lotto. I have a better chance of winning that than getting my savings back.”

  “Why did you give it to them to begin with?”

  Because I was stupid. “My dad was going to lose his company if I didn’t. He’d already extended his credit line as far as possible, and they would take the house if he didn’t get the money. My parents would have lost everything, including their reputation.”

  “I’m surprised they took your money. My parents would never take anything from me.”

  “I knew it was a gamble at the time. If my dad’s prototype wasn’t a success, they would have lost everything, including my money.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t believe they’re holding it over your head like this.”

  “They claim they don’t have the money but I’m not buying it.”

  He leaned back in his booth and sighed. “Maybe you should go back in the military and give your parents a heart attack.”

  It was tempting.


  I walked into my parents' house in Connecticut. “Yo. Your baby is home.”

  “Is that Ash?” Mom said quietly.

  Dad whispered back. “Who else would barge in like that?”

  I entered the kitchen and saw them having tea while reading the newspaper. “Your day just got brighter. What’s up, Mom and Pop?”

  Mom gave me a curt smile but it looked forced. “Hey, honey. How are you?”

  “I’ve been better.” I gave her a quick hug then raised my hand to high-five Dad.

  He eyed it awkwardly before he completed the embrace. “What’s up, Son?”

  I sat in the seat then snatched a cookie. “Dude, these are the best.” I ate five of them in three seconds. Crumbs got on the table and on my fingertips.

  Mom eyed me with

  Dad was more laid back than Mom. “How was your day?”

  “Pretty shitty.”

  “Don’t cuss,” Mom barked.

  “Pretty lame,” I said. “The bank denied my loan application again.” I watched their reaction to my news.

  Mom eyed Dad then quickly looked down.

  Dad felt his teacup but didn’t say anything.

  It got awkward fast. “I’m not trying to be one of those annoying suits, but I could really use the money I loaned you. It’s been four years and I’ve put off opening my shop for too long.”

  Mom sighed like she was irritated. She sipped her tea without looking at me.

  Dad continued to eye his glass.

  Why was it always so awkward when I brought up this subject? “Look, I know the business has been doing well. Surely, you have the money by now.” I didn’t want to stick my nose in their business but I didn’t know what else to do.

  “Sorry, we don’t,” Dad said quietly.

  “Seriously?” I blurted without thinking. “You just bought a new Audi. How can you not have the money?” I didn’t want to accuse my parents of lying but nothing was adding up.

  “We got a loan,” Mom explained.

  “Why are you buying things you can’t afford?” I snapped. “Period.”

  Dad glared at me. “Don’t talk to your mother like that.”

  “I’m not,” I barked. “I’m talking to you like that.”

  The tension escalated.

  “Look, you don’t have to give me all of it. Just give me what you have. If I lessen the amount I need to borrow, the bank might help me out.”

  Mom and Dad stared at each other.

  Seriously, what was I missing? “You must have some money to loan me. You’re making your mortgage somehow and you just hired more employees.”

  Mom fixed her hair like she was flustered.

  Dad adjusted his glasses like he didn’t know what else to do.

  “Okay, cut the shit,” I said. “What’s up?”

  Mom cleared her throat. “Ash, your father and I love you very much…”

  Oh no. Here we go.

  “But we want you to turn your life around. Opening a shop is just going to put you further down this path.”

  “What path?” I asked. “I’m happy. Don’t you want me to be happy?”

  Dad took over. “We think you could be happier if you changed some things.”


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