Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1)

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Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1) Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  Noises erupted from our slick body parts. Hearing my dick slide in and out of her was just an extra turn on. My dick hardened and slightly enlarged as it prepared to release. I knew what was coming. “Right there…” My hands left her thighs and I squeezed her tits. I massaged the nipples with my thumbs and felt myself come undone. “Fuck.” I probably squeezed her harder than I meant to because it felt so good coming inside her. I released more than I thought was possible, and my heart almost gave out because my body was kicked into overdrive. The tenderness emerged after the orgasm ended, and that felt good too so I wanted to keep going.

  Alessandra came to a stop when I was finished. She was out of breath and covered in sweat. Her hair stuck to her neck because of all the moisture. “God, I love you.”

  I knew how she meant it so I didn’t freak out. “I get that a lot.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her chest against mine. Her tits were right against me, sweaty and warm. She pressed her lips to mine, and even those were covered in sweat. “You’re making me come but giving me a work out at the same time.”

  “I’m the solution to every problem.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t care if you’re cocky anymore. You have every right to be.” She pulled me out of her, and I winced slightly as my dick came into contact with the cool air. She lay beside me on the bed, tired and satisfied.

  I watched her for a moment, letting the sweat evaporate from my chest. Then I cuddled beside her even though it was way too hot for snuggling. My arm hooked around her waist and I pressed my face into her neck. “Good night.”

  She was already asleep.


  When I noticed another hole in the armpit of my sleeve, I knew I needed to go shopping. I hated buying new clothes because that meant I had to go to the store, try everything on, and then make a decision…a pain in the ass. I’d had the same clothes for the past four years, and now I came to the inevitable truth.

  I had to go shopping.

  When I got off work, I texted Alessandra. Yo.

  Wad up, player?

  Did she seriously just send that? Wad up, player? Did someone steal your phone?

  You always say yo so I wanted to say something gangsta.

  Well…you can’t pull it off so don’t bother.

  Shut your face.

  I laughed because I knew she was really offended. I need a favor.

  Do you really? Well, I’m conveniently busy.

  Come on, baby. Don’t be like that.

  Not your baby.

  Whatever. Can you help me or not?


  I need new clothes. I’ve officially grown out of everything I own.

  Ooh…you want me to help you pick stuff out?

  In a nutshell.

  I’m so there. Dressing up a gorgeous man in whatever I want…count me in.

  I chuckled. K. Let’s meet at my place.


  We walked through Macy’s and she picked out t-shirts.

  “Macy’s is expensive. Why don’t we go to Wal-Mart or something?”

  “Why do you think your shirts ripped to begin with?” she asked as she examined a dark blue shirt. “Get something with quality. It’ll last a lot longer.”

  “I guess.”

  She handed me a few then headed to the dressing room. “Try these on.”

  “Got it, boss.” I headed into the dressing room and shut the door.

  She came in behind me and took a seat.

  “Uh…what are you doing?”

  “Watching you try everything on.”

  “Won’t we get in trouble for that?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You sound like a pussy right now.”

  I locked the door and glared at her. “Shut up.”

  She pulled down her top and exposed her cleavage. “Or are you afraid of going to jail again?”

  “You’re ornery today…”

  She flipped her hair with attitude. “Let’s start the fashion show.”

  I tried on the different t-shirts and they all fit. But they were a rip off. Hopefully, they would last longer than my old ones.

  “Looking good.” She winked at me.

  “Well, I look good in everything.”

  She pulled some jeans off the hanger. “Try these on.”

  I snatched them then pulled them on.

  “Turn around,” she ordered.

  “Geez, you’re bossy.”

  “Just do what you’re told and I won’t be.”

  I turned around and presented my rear.

  “Your ass looks great in these.”

  “Why, thank you.” I turned back around and undid the button.

  Alessandra pulled my hands away then pulled down the zipper. A sinister look was in her eyes as she pulled the jeans down my thighs and yanked my boxers down, revealing my thick cock.

  “You know I already went to jail for this once.”

  She licked from the base to the tip.

  Now I didn’t give a damn about going to jail.

  “Then be quiet.” She took me into her mouth and did amazing things.

  I gripped her hair and enjoyed it. It was the first time I actually enjoyed shopping. I’d have to take Alessandra every time I went.


  Sawyer dribbled the ball then made the shot. “Haven’t seen you around much. What have you been doing?”

  “You know, taking the streets and breaking hearts.”

  He rolled his eyes. “How’s it going with your parents?”

  “Great. I’ll have that money back in no time.”

  “Wow, that’s an improvement. Whenever you talk about them, it’s only in a negative way.”

  “Well, my escort is perfect. She knows exactly how to make my parents adore her. Everything is going according to plan and I’ll be getting that check soon. Then I can tell my parents to take a hike.”

  “Problem solved.”


  He passed me the ball. “Are those new clothes?”

  I looked down at myself. “Are you a girl? Who notices stuff like that?”

  “Well, you’ve been wearing the same shit for years. And that doesn’t have a hole in it. That’s how I know it’s new.”

  “Whatever.” I made the shot.

  “So, this girl I went to high school with is coming to visit the city. She’s a model now.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Ooh…a hook up?”

  “Yep. Whenever she comes into town, we fool around.”

  “Where’s she from?”


  “Lucky you. You’ll be busy all weekend.”

  “That’s the plan,” he said as he dribbled the ball. “And you know what the best part is?”


  “She has a model friend.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  “Oh…cool?” Why did I care if she had a friend?

  “Cool?” he asked incredulously. “What kind of response is that?”

  Then it hit me. I wanted to smack myself in the forehead. “Oh, I get it.”

  Sawyer finally relaxed.

  “You’re having a threesome? Dude, that’s awesome.”

  “What? No. The girlfriend is for you. God, you’re an idiot.”

  “For me?” I pointed at my chest. “Why?”

  He stopped dribbling and tucked the ball under his arm. “Are you feeling alright?”

  “Yeah, never been better.” He wasn’t making any sense today.

  “I just told you I have a model friend for you and you don’t even care.”

  “Well…” I couldn’t think of an explanation for my behavior. “I can get girls on my own, man.”

  He walked across the court toward me. “What’s the deal? You got a girlfriend or something?”

  “No,” I snapped. “Hell no. Absolutely not.” Just the thought gave me a panic attack.

  “Then what’s the deal?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I�
��m getting enough sex as it is. I don’t need any more.”

  He raised a hand. “Okay, I’m calling a doctor. What guy says that?”

  “Dude, I’m fine. Get off my back.”

  “Seriously, what’s going on with you?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been hooking up with this girl and it’s been really…” I couldn’t find a word to describe it. “Awesome.”


  “I haven’t really been looking around since.”

  He grew suspicious. “You in love with her or something?”

  “Fuck no. It’s just…why look for something when you already have a good thing going on?”

  He stared at me blankly.

  “It’s like, you eat oatmeal, right?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I eat Quaker oatmeal and I have for years. I have it every morning and it keeps me regular.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “So, if I like it, why would I switch to Crème of Wheat?”’

  “Because it’s something new…”

  “But I know when I try it, I’ll still think Quaker is better.”

  He gripped his head. “What are we talking about here?”

  “I’m not totally sure…”

  “You want to go out with her or not?”

  “Uh…” Alessandra and I were just fucking around. We were friends who liked getting busy. That’s all it was. But I couldn’t shake the feeling inside me. When I thought about doing it with some other girl, it didn’t feel right. Why spend the evening with a stranger when all I wanted to do was be with Alessandra? The novelty would wear off eventually, but for right now, I really liked it. “No, I’ll pass.”

  “What the hell?” he snapped. “No, you’re coming.”

  “Dude, I just said no.”

  “I already told her I would bring a friend—you.”

  “Well, too bad.”

  “Look, if I don’t bring someone for her friend, then she’s going to be an awkward third wheel—and I won’t get laid.”

  “If she’s a model, I’m sure she can pick up some guy on her own.”

  “Shut up and come.”

  I growled. “Dude, I’m just not feeling it right now.”

  “You’re really going to screw me over like this?”

  “Screw you over?” I snapped. “You’re the one who just assumed I would do it.”

  “Because why the hell would you say no? That’s not the Ash I know.”

  Yeah, I hadn’t been myself lately.

  “Dude, she’s so fucking hot. I need this.” He gave me that look of desperation. “Just go out with us and keep her busy. Do it for me.” He pressed his palms together like he was praying. “Please.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

  “Thank you. I owe you.”

  “You bet your ass you do.”


  I blew my nose into the tissue and felt the dampness of the cotton. It was soaked with my mucous and so disgusting. I tossed it into the waste bin then grabbed another one.

  My nose was red in irritation from constantly wiping it, my eyes were glistening, and I couldn’t breathe. I was sicker than a dog and I felt like shit.

  “Girl, go home.” Shelly stared at me like I had a deadly disease that could kill her.

  “I have too much to do, and I have a few assignments today and tomorrow.”

  “I’ll cancel for you.”

  “I can’t do that.” I sneezed into the tissue again. The air came out so fast I made a hole in the thin paper.


  I grabbed another one and wiped my nose. My body was so tired and achy. I could barely keep my eyes open because they were swollen shut.

  “You can’t escort someone when you look like that. You’ll gross them out.”

  “But I can’t bail.”

  “It’s better to bail and find a replacement instead of…getting this.”

  I felt terrible for standing my clients up. They needed my help.

  “I’m ordering you to go home.” Shelly pointed at the door. “Now.”

  “But I—”

  “No buts. Get out of here.”

  “Okay…” I cleaned up my desk and grabbed my purse. It was probably best if I went home. I could barely walk and see a foot in front of me. “See you later.” I headed to the door.

  “Feel better, honey.”

  Instead of walking to my apartment, I took a cab. I couldn’t handle the mile walk, not in that state. I just wanted to go to sleep. My chest hurt from every breath I took, and my nose was clogged and runny at the same time.

  By the time I got through my front door, I was barely holding on. I tossed all my things aside and headed to my bedroom. I didn’t bother undressing and I barely kicked my shoes off. I lay on the bed and pulled the sheets over me. My eyes closed and I felt a little better.

  But I couldn’t sleep because I was so congested. I tried to breathe through my mouth but that was just uncomfortable. I tossed and turned but could never get in the right position. My chest felt constricted like someone wrapped me in wire.

  I hated being sick.


  Hours passed and I couldn’t get any sleep. My throat hurt constantly, and every time I swallowed, it felt worse. I needed ice cream or soup but I didn’t have either. I was stupid and didn’t pick up Nyquil on the way. I was way too sick to go now, and growing weaker by the second.

  I didn’t know whom I should call. Shelly would do anything for me but she was cleaning up my mess at work. More than likely, she was taking my place for some of my dates over the next few days. My mother came into my mind but we never spoke. I had a few friends but it was a Friday night and I didn’t want to bother them.

  Then I thought of Ash.

  He probably wouldn’t mind. After all, I took him shopping last week and picked out clothes for him. But he would probably do it anyway even if I didn’t do anything for him. He was a sweet guy under all that pigheadedness. I found my phone in my purse and called him.


  Irene was really cute.

  She had bright blonde hair, nice cheekbones, and full lips made for sucking. The second she laid eyes on me, she was smitten. I could tell she was relieved I was her date and Sawyer wasn’t.

  “So, you ink for a living?” She sat close to me and gave me her full attention.

  Sawyer and his girl were in their own little world on the other side of the table.

  “Yep.” I showed off my forearms. “It’s my passion.”

  She stroked the skin with her fingertips. “Very nice…” A flirtatious look was in her eyes. She leaned closer to me, close enough for a kiss.

  Uh… “So, what do you do?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “I’m a model. I already told you that.”

  Oh yeah, she did. “But what kind?”


  “Very cool,” I said. “You must have a tan all year round.”

  “Something like that.” She rubbed her leg against mine under the table.

  I knew I was a good-looking guy but women didn’t necessarily want to jump my bones the second we met. I usually had to buy them a drink or talk to them for a few minutes. This girl already had her eye on the prize. It was flattering but a little nerve-racking.

  “So…” I was normally charming and witty but now I was just uncomfortable. “You like brunch?”

  “Brunch?” she asked in amusement. “Like breakfast and lunch?”


  “Why?” she asked. “Do you want to get some tomorrow morning?”

  Shit, that was a stupid thing to say. “I was just curious…”

  Sawyer shot me a glare and mouthed, “What the hell are you doing?”

  I shrugged in response.

  “I love your hands.” She felt them in her fingertips. “They’re so big…”

  “Yeah…” I gently pulled them away because I felt awkward. I didn’t know wh
at was wrong with me. Guilt flushed through me even though I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Alessandra kept coming into my head but I couldn’t get her to go away. It was the weirdest thing in the world.

  Irene wasn’t discouraged in the least. “You live nearby? It’s too loud in here and I want to go somewhere quiet…” She leaned toward me with her lips slightly parted.

  All I had to do was leave with her and I’d get laid. She’d probably be a bombshell in bed, judging by her confidence. And I had every right to do whatever I wanted…I wasn’t breaking any rules.

  My phone started to ring.

  “I have to get that.” I quickly snatched it, grateful I had some excuse to get some space. I didn’t even look at the screen before I took the call. “Yo.”

  Alessandra coughed loudly into the phone, and when she spoke, she sounded raspy and weak. “I’m so sorry to bother you—” She couldn’t even finish the sentence before she started coughing like she was on her deathbed. “Are you busy?”

  “Damn, you sound like shit.”

  “I know…I feel terrible.” She coughed again then sneezed. “They sent me home from work but I can’t rest because I can’t sleep. I’m so uncomfortable…”

  My heart ached for her. “Let me bring you something. How about some Nyquil?”

  “You would do that?” Affection was in her voice, underneath all the coughing. “I’m sure you’re busy…”

  I glanced over my shoulder at Irene. She batted her eyelashes at me then blew me a kiss. I turned back the other way. “No, I’m not busy.”

  “Really? I don’t want to intrude.”

  “Knock it off. I wouldn’t offer unless I was free. Anything else?”

  “Maybe some cough drops, Aspirin, ice cream…”

  I smiled. “Ice cream?”

  “It’ll make my throat feel better.”

  “I know something else that’ll make your throat feel better.”

  “Oh god.” She started laughing but was interrupted by a round of coughing.

  “Save your energy. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Thank you, Ash. You’re a life saver.”

  “You owe me.”

  She chuckled. “When you’re sick, I’ll take care of you.”

  That warmed my heart in a way I couldn’t explain. It sent ripples through my spine and made me smile. “I know you will.”


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