Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1)

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Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1) Page 26

by E. L. Todd

  “Yeah…” He didn’t seem happy at all.

  I just wanted to get away from him. I had a million other things to get done that day—and one of them was Ash.

  “Look.” He put his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry for the way things ended with us.”

  “It’s fine,” I blurted. “Tony, I’m over it.”

  “You are?” A hint of sadness was in his voice.

  “Yes. If you’re the kind of guy who goes to a strip club then ridicules the women on stage while you’re on the floor, then I don’t want to be with you anyway.”

  “I just…your boyfriend doesn’t have a problem with it?”

  “No. He’s not an ass.” I didn’t feel bad for saying that last part.

  “I was just upset and blew everything out of proportion.”

  Still. Don’t. Care.

  “Can we sit down and have coffee or something?” he asked.

  “Why?” Tony and I weren’t friends before we went out. Why should we be friends now?

  He stilled at my abrupt response. “I just want to talk.”

  “I’m confused. What are we doing now?” I was being the biggest bitch in the world but I didn’t care. He dumped me right in the middle of the strip club and he refused to talk to me afterward. I didn’t owe him a damn thing.

  “Then can we get dinner later?”

  I laughed even though it was rude. “Ash wouldn’t like that very much.”

  “He doesn’t have to know.”

  My eyes narrowed to slits. “Maybe you sneak around behind your partner’s back but I don’t.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Look, I don’t want to waste another moment talking to you. I’ve moved on with my life. I don’t care what you think about me—because I don’t think about you at all.” I moved around him and this time he didn’t block me. Then I strutted back to work, feeling proud for putting that jerk in his place.


  At 5:38 on the dot, Ash walked into my apartment without knocking. “Your stud is here.” Before he grabbed a beer from the fridge, he leaned over the back of the couch and gave me a kiss. “I missed those lips today. And I can tell they missed me too.” He wiggled his eyebrows then grabbed a beer.

  “My other lips missed you too.”

  “Yeah?” He sat on the couch beside me and his eyes immediately darted to the area between my legs. “I’ll give them a kiss too.” His hand moved up my dress then yanked my underwear over viciously. Then he leaned down and pressed a few kisses to the area.

  I immediately tensed and felt a distant shiver move through my body.

  He pulled away, a devilish grin on his face. “You were right. They missed me too.” He took a drink of his beer and put his arm over the back of the couch. His fingers rested on the back of my neck, gripping me possessively.

  “How was your day?”

  “Good,” he said cheerfully. “I got fired.”

  “What?” I turned off the TV and gave him a frightened look.

  He smiled like he knew something I didn’t. “It’s cool, baby. I was leaving anyway.”

  “What did you get fired for?”

  “My boss found out I was stealing all his clients for my new shop. I’ve been taking appointments and handing out business cards. He was so pissed.” He laughed to himself. “Priceless.”

  “Isn’t that kind of mean?”

  “How so?” he asked. “I do all the inking and my clients come to me for a reason. He doesn’t do anything like that. He’s just a manager that runs the register. Why wouldn’t my clients follow me? It’s no different than a hair stylist.”

  “I guess that’s true.”

  “It was my last week anyway before the shop opens. Now I have more time to see you.” He kissed the shell of my ear then pulled away. “How was your day?”

  “It was okay.”

  “Nothing interesting happened?”

  “I ran into Tony.”

  He visibly stiffened. “What did that little bitch have to say?”

  “Not a whole lot,” I said. “He wanted to sit down and talk and—”

  “Did you?”

  I shot him a glare. “What do you think, Ash?”

  He relaxed at my response.

  “And he apologized for the way things ended between us. I told him I couldn’t care less and I’ve moved on.”

  He smiled at that part. “Oh yes, you did.”

  “He asked if we were serious and stuff and—”

  “What did you say?” he demanded.

  “Can you stop interrupting me?” I snapped.

  He pressed his lips tightly together like it took all his strength to do it.

  “I said we were super duper serious. It made me sound like a five-year-old but whatever.”

  “At least he got the picture.” Ash relaxed now that he knew nothing happened with Tony. “Did he talk about his fiancée?”



  “He even asked me to dinner and said not to tell you.” I rolled my eyes. “What a jerk. I can’t believe he would have a clandestine meeting with his ex when he’s marrying someone.”

  “You had dinner with him?” Ash snapped.

  “I said would. He would have dinner with me.” Ash had selective hearing. He only heard what he wanted to hear. “Chill out.”

  He relaxed again. “You want me to take care of him? I can make sure he’ll never bother you again.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure he’ll never contact me again. I told him off before I walked out.”

  “Good girl.” He patted my head like a dog.

  I glared at him. “That’s sexy…”

  He returned his hand to my neck and smiled. “What? Who doesn’t like dogs? I love dogs.”

  “I do too but that doesn’t mean I want to be treated like one.”

  “Yeah?” He leaned closer to me. “You don’t want to snuggle with me all night long and sit in my lap while I drive around? Because that sounds awesome to me.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the same time.

  Ash snatched me then pulled me across his thighs. His definition was felt through his jeans right against my ass. “See? It’s pretty nice, huh?”

  “It has a nice view.”

  He pressed his lips to my shoulder and kissed the skin. “So…where are those handcuffs?” He yanked the front of my dress down and revealed my chest in a strapless bra.

  “I have something else that you’ll like more.”

  “Doubt it.” He kissed the valley between my breasts.

  “You wanna bet?”

  “Is it anal?”

  I stopped myself from smacking him. “No.”

  He continued to kiss me. “Then I don’t care what it is.”

  I pulled his face away from my chest. “I think I’m going to quit my job.”

  Instantly, his eyes shined with excitement and that seductive smile I loved stretched across his lips. “Yeah? You’re right. I do like that more.”

  “Told you.”

  “And what made you change your mind? You were being a pain in the ass about it just last week.”

  “Well, I talked to Shelly about it. I realize it’s not practical…especially if this is going to be a serious relationship. She told me I shouldn’t go through with it unless I really saw this going somewhere.”

  “And you see this going somewhere?” He stared at my lips as he asked the question.

  “I think so…I hope so.” Ash wasn’t exactly the boyfriend type but he’d been doing a good job with me. Every rule he made was broken—for me. He said he didn’t do the girlfriend thing but he’d been doing it since we met. And he told me he loved me. The risk seemed to be worth it.

  “I have an idea.” He kissed the corner of my mouth before he looked up at me. “Move in with me.”

  “What?” I blurted that out without thinking. My tone was high-pitched and almost terrified. Of all the things I expected him to say, that wa
s the last one. “You don’t have to offer that just to make me feel better.”

  “I’m not.” He held my gaze as he said it. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.”

  “You have?”

  “Come on, I walk through that door every day like I already live here. We’re together all the time, and I want to be together all the time. I want your pink and girly shit to take up the counter in my bathroom. I want your stuff mingled with mine. I want to open my drawer and see your lacey panties on top. I think it’s a great idea.”

  “But we’ve only been together for a few months…”

  “A few?” he asked in surprise. “No, we’ve been together for eight months. Shit, people get engaged in that amount of time.”

  “Eight?” I asked.

  “We met eight months ago. And I’ve been committed to you ever since I laid eyes on you. I know you went on a few dates and stuff but…it doesn’t really count. Come on, that’s plenty of time.” His face became guarded. “Unless it’s too soon for you…that’s okay too.”

  “No…I just…” I didn’t know what to say. The offer was on the table but I never expected it to be made.

  “Take your time and think about it,” he said. “It was just an idea. You won’t hurt my feelings if you say no.” His voice turned melancholy at the end like he’d be devastated if I turned him down.

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “Why would I ask if I weren’t?”

  “It’s just…you said you don’t do relationships or commitment and now—”

  “It’s different with you.” His voice came out as a whisper. “I know what it’s like to live without you and it’s pretty shitty. I know living with you will make me a pussy. But I’ll be a happy pussy. This is what I want. I didn’t ask you on the spur of the moment. I saw an opportunity and went for it.” He shrugged. “I don’t have any doubts, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  My heart rate slowed down and the feeling returned to my fingers. I looked down at him, feeling joy radiating through every inch of my skin. I’d love to see Ash walk through my front door every day then kiss me. I’d love to share my bed with him. I’d love to be something more even if it was a little fast. “Yes.”

  His eyes widened in excitement. “Yeah?”

  I nodded.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes.” There wasn’t a doubt in my mind. “I know it’s quick. But sometimes you just know.”

  He gripped my hips then abruptly stood up, carrying me with him. “Now we really need those handcuffs to celebrate…”


  We stood in front of his new shop. The windows were shiny from lack of any grime, and the sign over the store was bold and noticeable from a few blocks away. All the equipment was inside and ready to go, and the furniture was brand new and smelled like leather.

  I handed Ash the large scissors. “Cut the ribbon.” I tied a small piece in front of the door earlier, even though he said it was lame and unnecessary.

  “They do that with schools and hospitals,” Ash argued. “Not tattoo shops.”

  “Shut up and just cut it.” We’d argue all day if I didn’t tell him off.

  He smirked like he was amused then grabbed the scissors. Then he cut the ribbon and watched it fall to the ground.

  I clapped in excitement. “Yay!”

  He chuckled then grabbed the trash from the ground. “We’re officially open for business.”

  I moved into his side and hugged him tightly. “So proud of you.”

  His arm circled my waist and he held me close. He kissed my forehead. “Thanks, cream queen. I appreciate it.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “Now let’s get this show on the road.”

  We entered the shop then got to work. Ash had a few employees ready to go. Music played over the speakers, and the shop had a laid back feel to it. I stood behind the desk with Ash and watched the people walk by. I didn’t expect the first day of business to be booming with customers but I knew a few would come in.

  A man and a woman holding hands walked by the window then entered through the door. They were middle aged and familiar.

  “Wow, it looks so nice now that it’s finished.” Ash’s mom walked inside and looked around.

  Ash stilled when he realized she was there. “Oh…hey.” He clearly hadn’t expected them to show up.

  “Very nice, son.” His dad eyed the red couches in the lobby. “Very…vibrant.” He wasn’t completely impressed with the shop but at least he was trying.

  “Thanks.” Ash wasn’t his usual self. His smartass behavior was gone. “Thanks for stopping by.”

  His mom and dad hugged and greeted me. “Thanks so much for supporting Ash while he does this,” his mother said.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” My place was by his side and nowhere else.

  His mom squeezed his shoulder in an affectionate way. “You did great, honey. Your father and I are really impressed.”

  I kept my emotions in check even though they were about to come spilling out. Seeing Ash loved and accepted for who he was was exactly what I wanted. He was a great guy and deserved the admiration.

  “Thanks.” He smiled at his parents. “It means a lot that you came down.”

  “Maybe I should get some ink,” his dad said in a teasing way.

  “You’d rock it, Dad,” Ash said with a laugh. “The chicks would dig it.”

  “No one is getting a tattoo,” his mother said in irritation.

  Ash pulled me into his side and put his arm around my waist. “Mom and Dad, we have something we’d like to tell you.”

  We did?

  His mom immediately tensed like she was about to explode in excitement.

  “We’re moving in together,” Ash said. “We’re shacking up.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful.” His mom hugged him tightly. “You found such a nice girl. It’s been my dream forever.”

  “Yeah, she keeps me in line.” Ash winked at me.

  His mother hugged me next. “Thank you for making an honest man out of my son.”

  “He already was,” I said with a sigh.

  After his parents said goodbye, they left the shop and walked past the windows.

  Ash turned to me. “See? It’s like the cream queen mishap never even happened.”

  “Because they’re nice enough to not bring it up,” I jabbed.

  “Whatever,” he said. “They’re excited we’re moving in together. They love you even if you are a cream queen.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew I would never shake this nickname.

  “That was nice of them to come by…” Emotion was in his voice but he cleared his throat and it dissipated. Ash wasn’t an emotional guy and it was difficult for him to express what he was thinking and feeling. I knew he didn’t like to get mushy-mushy.

  I hugged him tightly. “It really was. I knew they were proud of you. You’re an amazing person, Ash.”

  “Yeah?” He looked down at me with affection in his eyes.

  “Best guy I know.”

  Fondness burned in his eyes but then he quickly dropped it and returned to his typical ways. “Best guy in bed you know, you mean.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew the moment was over. “So, do you have a first customer?”

  He looked around the empty shop. “Not yet.”

  “Well…what about me?”

  His eyes narrowed on my face like he didn’t understand what I said. “What about you?”

  “What if I were your first customer?”

  The excitement crept into his face. “You’re being serious right now?”

  I smiled in response.

  “Don’t mess with me, baby. You can’t tease me like that.” He squirmed like he was on fire.

  “I’m not messing with you.”

  “You want some ink?” he asked. “Shit, you’d look so damn hot.”

  “Not ink.”

  “Then what?” he aske
d in surprise.

  “Umm…” I looked down at my waist. “I was thinking of a piercing.”

  “Shut. Up.” He held up his hand to me. “You want a clit piercing?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe…”

  He slammed his hand on the counter then jumped on it. He did a quick dance before he hopped back down. “That would be hot as hell. Let’s do it.”

  I chuckled at his excitement. “I know you’ll do a good job.”

  “Baby, you’re going to love it. So sexy.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “And then we’ll get you some ink.”

  “Well…let’s start with this first.”

  Ash rubbed his hands together greedily. “Let’s get this started.” He grabbed my hand and yanked me into the back room. He prepped me then got his equipment ready.

  I lay on the table and felt a little nervous.

  “It’ll barely hurt,” Ash said. “Trust me.” His hand moved to the area between my legs and massaged it gently.

  “Do you do this to all the girls?”

  “Why?” He smirked. “Jealous?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t hide it anymore.

  “I used to—not anymore.” He kissed the area and made me relax more. “You know what? I think you’re my soul mate.”

  “What?” I blurted it out in a negative way. “How do you figure?”

  “Because you’re piercing your clit.”

  “By that logic, every girl with a pierced clit is your soul mate.”

  “But you’re doing this for me.” He held my gaze as he said it. “And that’s what makes it different.”

  My eyes softened even though this was hardly romantic.

  “You’ve turned me into a huge pussy but I like it. I’d never thought I’d say that.”

  “Neither did I.”

  “Spending my life with just one person always sounded lame. Why the hell would anyone want to do that? But now I get it. I have someone that will do the craziest things just to make me happy. And I would do anything to make her happy.” He averted his gaze for a moment. “I’m not good at expressing myself…I’m not even sure what I’m trying to say.”

  My hand moved to his. “I am.”

  “Yeah?” he asked quietly.

  “You love me.”

  He smiled slightly. “I do.”

  “And I love you too.”



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