Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise)

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Good Vibrations (Welcome to Paradise) Page 9

by S. L. Scott

  “You’re being overly dramatic. It’s not that bad.”

  “Look around, Katie. This house, our cars, our education, none of this has ever been about family. It’s only about how we look to the outside world, how we’re perceived. Would you spend time with them if they weren’t paying your expenses? If you were broke? Think about it. We only fit the mold of what the ‘proper’ family should look like. That doesn’t make us the perfect family. I’m sick of it. I’d rather have a family than possessions. I guess that’s where we differ.”

  “You’re not sick of that hundred and twenty-thousand dollar car. You’re not sick of your free rent in this house. You’re just sick that they don’t cater to your every bitch and moan, Evan. Well, it’s time to face it, they aren’t perfect parents, but they’re all we have. So this is it. This is your life. Welcome to it.”

  I down my drink then toss the glass over my head into the pool.

  “Why do you do that? You know that could break in there.”

  I get up, begrudgingly, and walk to the side of the pool where I dive in. Water is my safe haven. I find solace in the water, whether it’s a pool or the ocean. I always feel better when I’m surrounded by it. It’s so easy to block out the rest of the world in here. Opening my eyes, I see the sparkle of the crystal on the bottom and force myself deeper to grab it. I emerge, setting it on the side. “There it is, all in one piece.”

  “Good. Now get me another drink, please.”

  After tossing my soaked shirt poolside, I make another round of drinks in the kitchen. I hand Kate hers before I jump back in the pool and hang on the edge, resting my chin on the rock border.

  She moves to a chair that faces me. “Tell me what else is on your mind. I can tell it’s more than just the parents.”

  I duck under the water debating if I want to share my thoughts, my concerns with her. When I come up, she says, “It must be bad if you’re hiding in there.”

  “I’m not hiding—”

  “No one knows you like I do. Just talk to me.”

  She’s right. She may be a pain in the ass, but when the chips are down, she’s always there for me. “There’s this new girl—”

  “Wait, let me get this straight, Baby Bro. You’re all worked up over a girl? That’s a first in forever.” She laughs then sips her drink. I give her a pointed look, so she softens a bit when she says, “Okay, I’ll be nice. Tell me about this new girl and what’s so special about her that she’s got you all twisted inside.”

  I sink a little lower in the water, embarrassed I’ve exposed a weakness, but needing to talk about this with someone. “Her name’s Mallory. Sunny told Zach she’s here for the summer.”

  “That’s better than just for a week like your usuals.”

  “I’m going to ignore that comment, Kate. She’s also working at Kehones—”

  “Wait, Sunny from Kehones?”

  “Yeah, you remember her?”

  “Uh-huh. So, her and Zach finally hooked up?”

  I chuckle. “No, he still doesn’t have the balls to ask her out. But he finally started saying more than ‘I’d like a burger with fries’ to her.”

  “He’s sweet, but I might have to get involved in that situation or we’ll all be old and gray before he makes a move. Now tell me more about this Mallory or is her name all you know?”

  “I know a little more,” I say, closing my eyes. Memories of her body moving against mine and the feel of her heated skin flood my mind. I open my eyes. “She’s smart, which is a complete fucking turn-on—”

  “And to think I thought you were just into tits and ass.”

  “I am, but when she also has a brain, she’s perfect.” I jump out of the pool, sit on the edge, and take three gulps from my drink. “She’s different. There’s something about her. She’s frustrating too, so fucking frustrating and strong.” I stop to think about if I’m willing to share anymore, but I don’t think I can. This conversation is getting way too deep for my comfort level.

  Kate has a thoughtful expression as she leans back in her chair absorbing what I’ve told her. “What was up with the girls in the car if you’re this in love with someone else?”

  “I’m not in love!” I’m not in love, I repeat to myself. It’s only been two weeks. I’m not in love! That is one thing I do know. “I was trying something…sort of like an experiment.”

  “It wouldn’t have worked. You know that, right? It could’ve been the best sex of your life and you wouldn’t see it that way because they aren’t her. And if you were using them to get her off your mind, it would have only been a temporary fix.” She takes a sip of her drink and smiles, like a big sister who actually loves her brother kind of smile. “If you’re so hung up on her, why aren’t you with her?”

  I lean forward, running my hand through the water. “I’m not sure.” I pause before adding, “I can’t. I can’t do a relationship.”

  Kate sits next to me, dangling her feet in the water, and putting a comforting arm around my shoulders. “You need to let all that stuff go. You deserve to be happy. It’s time for you to move on.” Standing up, she offers me a hand out, and asks, “Are you sure you want to be with a girl that’s leaving in a few months anyway? That might not be the wisest choice.”

  I take the offered hand, and get out. “She’s the wisest choice I could make these days.”

  After kissing me on the cheek, she walks away. “Go with your heart, baby bro, and fuck expectations. Goodnight.”

  “Night, Katie.”

  I thought I had spent the last year flipping the bird at all expectations placed on me by my family, university, and everyone else only to have it pointed out by my sister that I am doing exactly what has been expected of me for years—a self-fulfilled prophecy. I’m screwing my life up just like they said I would.

  I grumble into my house, stripping off my shorts, and flop down on the bed—the bed where I can feel her presence suffocating me. I roll over, burying my face into my pillow, as memories of her crash over me like a tidal wave. Mallory.

  Chapter 11


  Chirping birds and sunshine are my alarm clock—a typical morning living in the islands, a far cry from the busy street sounds of Manhattan. Glimpsing the time, it’s past noon. So much for the morning. When I sit up, Zach is lounging on my couch reading a book.

  He looks up, and says, “Morning, pretty boy.”

  “What are you doing here?” I would’ve normally thrown a fuck in there, but I actually don’t mind Zach hanging out in my digs. He and Murphy are my best friends.

  “Did you know that ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ uses—”

  “Every letter in the alphabet? Yes.”

  “What about a duck’s quack doesn’t echo? Freaky, huh?”

  “What’s up with the weird facts, Z?” I ask, stretching my arms.

  “Just making conversation. You want to grab a burger?”

  “Yeah, give me ten and I’ll meet you out front.”

  As I ride in his truck, I wonder aloud, “Let me guess where you want to eat.” He gives me that guilty expression that says so much. “Why don’t you just ask her out?”

  He stares forward when he answers. “I don’t know. Sunny is different. I don’t want to screw it up. If she says no then the fantasy is over. I know that sounds strange, but I would rather have the fantasy then nothing at all.”

  “What if she says yes?”

  “I haven’t been able to take the risk and hope for that outcome yet.”

  I shake my head, and laugh. “Dude, really? You haven’t been able to properly formulate a theory that results in that conclusion? It’s called life. Ever heard it of it? Life is all about decisions, risks, regrets.” I knock him in the arm, and say, “I’ve kept my distance from that girl for six months now. If you don’t do it, I will.”

  He gives me an evil look that I didn’t know he was even capable of giving. “You better not, man. She’s a good girl. Don’t even look at her.”<
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  “What? I don’t deserve to date a good girl?” The lack of response kind of says it all. I throw my hands up in surrender. “All right, all right. I won’t go near her,” I say, knowing that comment would incite him. I would never hit on my bud’s dream girl. I’m actually hoping to provoke him into action. How could Sunny turn Zach down? Zach is the best person I know. Everyone loves him. She’d be lucky to have him.

  We pull up to Big Kehones and suddenly I’m faced with my own dilemma that I had conveniently buried on the drive over. Mallory. Is she working today? Do I want her to be? My stomach turns and suddenly I feel like I might be sick. I press on my stomach without thinking.

  “You all right there, E?” Zach asks, concerned.

  “Yeah.” Just irritated I have such a physical reaction to that girl.

  We walk into the restaurant, but I don’t allow myself to do the only thing I really want to, which is look over at the bar. I don’t have to, I know she’s here. I can feel her presence. I give in and angle my head, scanning the bar without reward. Disappointment fills my chest.

  I follow Zach to our usual table, but don’t even have a chance to sit before Murphy barrels in. “Boys, how the hell are ya?” He fists bumps both of us, sitting across from Zach and next to me.

  “What has you in such a good mood?” Zach asks him.

  “More like who’s got you in such a good mood?” I correct Zach’s innocent assumption.

  “Who says a girl is involved when it comes to my good moods?” Murphy puts his hand on his chest like he’s offended. “Maybe I’m just happy to hang with my braddahs.”

  “Whatever,” I grumble.

  “What’s with him?” Murphy asks, knowing my mood is not typical.

  Zach glances at me then looks at Murphy, and not so subtly signals to the bar with his head. Both Murphy and I follow the signal and there she is—Mallory. She quickly turns her back and lowers down as if looking for something.

  “See something you like, guys?” Sunny asks, pulling all of our attention to her. She looks over her shoulder, letting us know we’re busted.

  Zach sits up straight, clasps his hands on the table, and says, “Hi, Sunny. How are you today?”

  She smiles and in that smile I see… hmmm… maybe like. Yep, she likes him. Sunny isn’t the type to flirt for tips. I may not know her well, but I know she’s genuine in her affections. I chuckle at the scene playing out before me—both of them too nervous to push this surface relationship any further in fear of rejection. They’re so sweet it makes my teeth hurt.

  Turning back to the bar, my eyes meet Mallory’s. My heart tightens like a hand is squeezing the life out of me. Despite my discomfort, I stare at her as pink covers her cheeks and she hurries into the kitchen.

  It’s time to face reality. I can’t stop thinking about her. The girl has gotten to me. I don’t know how, but what I do know is if she asked me to give up all the vices I love the most, I would do it. If she asked me to make love to her on this bar right now, I would definitely do it. But what scares me the most is, if she asked me to be in a relationship with her, I would do it and I don’t do relationships. I don’t know why this girl makes me feel this way and I don’t like it, but I’m coming to terms that these feelings are too strong to deny anymore.

  She returns from the kitchen and the grip on my heart loosens, providing some relief. Stealing a few seconds to stare, I take her in. Her long brown hair draws all the attention to her large and bright green eyes. Her outer beauty might have been what drew me to her, but it’s her brain that keeps me fixated. She’s too good for me. I drop my head down lost in this self-deprecating thought.

  “Evan… E?”

  A punch to my upper arm brings me back to the present. I look at Murphy annoyed he hit my arm. “Why’d you—”

  “Would you like to order something?” Sunny asks, smiling and waiting for me to answer.

  My eyes flash to Mallory once more. The way she looks at me is unsettling. It’s like she sees the real me, sees beneath the image I hide behind. My chest tightens again, and I quickly look back at Sunny. “Cheeseburger, fries, and a soda please.”

  As soon as Sunny walks away, Murphy leans forward and whispers, “Dude, you really need to get a grip. She’s just another girl. Hit it and let’s get on with our summer.” Though rationally I know he doesn’t mean to insult Mallory, everything about his suggestion is all wrong.

  I bite back. “She’s too good to be treated like a whore, so don’t talk about her like she is one. Ever!”

  Zach laughs so hard his head goes back. I hit him on the arm pissed because I know he sees right through me. The room is closing in on my little charade, and I don’t like it.

  “Don’t stand up or anything, guys!” Kate says, sitting down next to Murphy. “I guess manners don’t matter in Hawaii.”

  “Sorry, Kate,” Murphy says, checking her out, his voice clear of his usual obnoxiousness.

  Looking between Kate and Murphy, I sense something different, a shift in their behavior. I know he’s smart enough not to mess around with my sister, so I’m going to let that too-friendly of an exchange go… this time.

  I’m frustrated and I know it’s because I’m losing control of my own reactions to the girl currently cleaning the bar. Feeling the heat from my sister’s glare, I look up. “What?” I snap.

  “Oh, nothing,” she says, shrugging and looking over her shoulder.

  When Sunny sets our drinks on the table she starts chatting with Kate. I block their noise out, but then I hear Kate say, “No, thank you. I’ll order from the bar.” As soon as she gets up from the table, I stand, not liking the looks of this at all.

  Chapter 12


  The blonde leaves their table and sashays toward me with a self-righteous smile plastered on her face. Taking a deep breath, anticipating the worst, my defenses go up. This girl is on a mission and heading straight for me. I’ve never been in a physical altercation before and I really don’t want to start now, but she looks kind of mean. I’m just hoping she’s not Evan’s girlfriend—at least not this week’s girlfriend.

  Stopping right in front of me, hazel eyes narrowed and hands on her hips, she says, “So, you’re the one that’s got my brother all in a tizzy.”

  Sunny races over with a nervous smile on her face as if she’s here to rescue me. Although I’m uncomfortable, I smile at the ridiculously beautiful blonde, tilt my head, and lean forward. “Who’s your brother?”

  “This is Kate, Evan’s sister,” Sunny replies.

  When Kate smiles, it reveals her confidence and is more compassionate than I expected. Looking over her shoulder, I lock eyes with Evan who is standing up for a better view and looking quite worried. There’s no trace of his usual cocky smirk in sight.

  “Yeah, so, it’s Mallory, right?”

  I turn back to blondie. “Yes.”

  She leans closer, lowers her voice, and says, “Any girl that can knock my little brother off his high horse deserves some respect.”

  “I didn’t do anything to Ev—”

  “Mallory barely knows him,” Sunny adds.

  Kate looks at Sunny and furrows her brow then slowly turns back to me. “Is that so?”

  By the insinuation in her tone, she knows more about my brief history with Evan than I’m ready to discuss. I decide to remain silent because anything I say might be used against me. I’m also embarrassed that this is playing out in front of Sunny since I haven’t told her about my tryst with Evan yet. Fortunately, I’m saved by the bell—the food’s ready. Sunny leaves to deliver their order.

  Both Kate and I watch her stride over to their table, precariously balancing the food on a tray.

  Kate crosses her arms over her chest and cocks an eyebrow up at me. “She doesn’t know about you and Evan?”

  “No, it hasn’t come up in conversation. Believe it or not, I don’t even think about the time I spent with your brother and I know he doesn’t think about me, so it doesn’t m
atter anyway.”

  She smirks and it’s unsettling in its familiarity. “I think you’re thinking about him more than you’re letting on, new girl.”

  Anger burns inside as I feel my embarrassment over falling for Evan’s smooth lines and hard abs. “No offense, Kate, but your brother is an asshole.”

  She bursts out laughing. After catching her breath, she says, “Mallory, I think we’re gonna be good friends.”

  “I’m confused. Yesterday, he was renting porn with two sluts. Today, you, his sister, wants to be my friend. Yeah, so a little confusing, don’t you think?”

  “You’re different. I can tell. You’ve got a brain, first of all,” she says with a smile. “You seem cool and if I’m being direct, which I always am, Evan had some nice and interesting things to say about you.” She stands up and rests her hand on the bar. “When’s your next day off?”

  I’m too stunned to respond. This is the absolute craziest conversation I’ve had in a while and naturally it’s with another Ashford. I’m so fascinated by her that I reply, “Friday.”

  “Great.” She looks at Sunny, who has returned. “Are you off on Friday, too? Mallory and I are going to get together.”

  Sunny is puzzled, her expression mimicking exactly how I feel. “I can switch shifts with Johnny. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  “Perfect! I’ll make plans.” Kate pulls her phone out and I give her my number.

  When she walks back to the table, I see Evan looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Kate sits down, and he immediately leans forward and starts to whisper. He seems angry. Kate laughs and pats him on the shoulder, blowing him off and turning her attention to Murphy.

  Evan stands abruptly and stalks straight to me. My breathing stops in stunned anticipation of the inevitable confrontation. Before the movie store run-in, we hadn’t spoken since I told him to leave almost two weeks ago. Acid fills my stomach as the hurt and anger come flooding back, and it pisses me off that even with the incident yesterday fresh on my mind, I’ve actually missed him. His looks didn’t change to me. I thought my anger toward him, the hate I was feeling, would make him uglier to me, but it hasn’t. He’s beautiful, still too beautiful for his own good.


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