Blake (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 5)

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Blake (Lighthouse Security Investigations Book 5) Page 22

by Maryann Jordan

  As he whirled her around, she realized they were moving toward the open gate. No! I can’t let him get me out of the airport. She dug her heels in, tripping over the gravel path, slowing him down.

  “Stop right there!”

  Philippe jerked her around as he looked for the speaker, calling out, “Show yourself!”

  Hearing Blake’s voice, fear for him raced through Sara. She clawed at his arms, drawing blood, and locked her legs causing Philippe to stumble slightly, falling off balance. Oh, thank God!

  The sky was lighter now that the dawn had broken, but much of the area was still cast in misty shadows. She could not see Blake but trusted that he would take care of her.

  “Drop your weapon,” came a voice from behind them, and she recognized Drew.

  Philippe whirled again, backing toward the open gate.

  “Do it now,” came Sean’s voice from behind, and Philippe jerked in that direction.

  Sara’s heart was pounding, and with Philippe’s hand over her mouth was finding it hard to just breathe through her nose. Feeling lightheaded, she knew that Blake, Sean, and Drew had them surrounded.

  “Stop!” Philippe yelled. “I’ll kill her.”

  Black dots were beginning to form in front of Sara’s eyes, and she was afraid she was going to pass out. But if I’m dead weight, Philippe would be thrown off balance again. Taking a chance, she put all her trust in Blake and let her knees buckle as her body went completely slack.

  The crack of a weapon firing rang out, and her body jerked to the side with the force of Philippe falling over, screaming out in pain. She landed on her side, throwing her hands out to catch herself but falling heavily onto the concrete. Without Philippe’s hand around her and the gun next to her head, she forced her limbs to move and began to scramble on all fours.

  Almost instantly, Blake was there, scooping her up into his arms as Tate, Drew, and Sean came from the shadows. Shaky but relieved, she said, “Oh, thank God you came when you did.”

  Drew winked at her at the same time he was on the phone with Mace, giving a quick report before calling the police. Tate, with his weapon still held on Philippe, said, “We gotta stop meeting like this, Sara.”

  “Damn, Blake. I don’t see you for years and you bring all kinds of trouble to my town,” Sean quipped.

  In spite of the pain in her arm, a giggle slipped between her lips. Looking back at Blake, she lifted her hand and smoothed the worry lines from his face. “I’m okay. You’ve got me. We’re going to be fine.”

  Hours later, Blake walked out of his interview with the FBI and Hope City Police, glad for the support of the FBI director, Jerry Dalton, a friend of Mace’s and a man used to dealing with LSI as well as Sean. Philippe had been taken under police guard to the hospital and the local FBI had rolled in to interview Blake, Drew, Tate, Sean, and Sara in the small terminal.

  He looked down the hallway and observed Drew and Tate talking to one of the agents, but Sara was nowhere in sight. Drew caught his eye and shook his head, silently letting him know that he had not seen Sara either.

  He had checked her wrist earlier, and while it did not appear broken, it was possibly sprained. He had wanted her seen by a doctor, but she agreed with the agents to just have it wrapped by a paramedic before questioning.

  “What’s taking so long?” he growled. If he thought getting to her when she was held at Boutillier’s compound made him anxious, nothing could have prepared him for the way his heart pounded when he saw Philippe holding a gun to her head. It was better that Tate made the disabling shot because if it was up to Blake, he would have no compunction blowing the young man’s head off. Even when holding Sara’s shaking body in his arms, he could not get his emotions under control any more than he could slow down his heartbeat at that moment.

  The FBI agent looked at him. “You know the drill. They have to get all the information they can get from her about what she knew when she was at the UN building. Plus, I’ll go ahead and warn you that his country may use diplomatic immunity.”

  Blake shook his head. “You know what, I don’t even give a fuck if they do. As long as they get him the fuck out of this country and away from her.”

  “My guess is that considering France is trying to shut down the influx of drugs coming from French Guiana, he won’t be enjoying his freedom once he gets back to Paris.”

  Just then, the sound of a door opening had the men swinging around, and Blake’s breath left his lungs in a rush at the sight of Sara walking out with one of the agents. She smiled as she looked up at the agent and thanked him.

  The hardened, professional FBI agent looked down at Sara, and Blake recognized the softening expression on the agent’s face, having experienced it himself. Beauty and intelligence wrapped in sweetness.

  She turned, and when her eyes met his, her smile widened as he hustled toward her. Holding her gaze for a moment, taking her emotional pulse, she seemed to have come out of this latest trauma as unscathed as possible. Looking at her arm, he said, “We need to have that checked.”

  Moving into his arms, she said, “Can we do it when we get to Maine? I really, really just want to get there with you.”

  He was not sure he could deny her anything and was not about to start now. “The plane is fueled and ready to go, sweetheart.”

  Sean walked over, his hand extended toward Blake. The two men clasped hands then pulled each other in for hearty back slaps. “Never a dull moment with you, Blake,” Sean said, his smile wide.

  “Can’t thank you enough. I had no idea that this was going to happen but glad you were there for us.” Blake held the gaze of his friend, his words sincere.

  “How about you and Sara make a trip down to Hope City sometime for a visit that’s less exciting?”

  He chuckled. “We’ll plan on that. And the next time you’ve got some time off, come to Maine.”

  Blake moved to offer goodbyes to the FBI agents, and Sara moved in to hug Sean. “Thank you so much.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Sean said, then nodded toward Blake. “Take care of my buddy.” As she moved back into Blake’s embrace, Sean stepped over to offer his hand to Drew and Tate.

  With goodbyes said, Blake escorted her out to the plane. Once on board, with Drew as pilot, Tate sitting in the co-pilot seat, and she and Blake in the back, she looked at him and smiled. “This looks familiar.”

  He chuckled. “What will it take for me to convince you to go ahead and move up here?” He was smiling but held his breath, wondering what her answer would be and if he should have asked her in a more private setting without the ears of his two friends nearby. But, just like she always gave him her honesty, she did not make him wait.

  Leaning over, she said, “You don’t have to convince me at all. As far as I’m concerned, Drew is flying us home.”


  One Month Later

  Blake drove into his garage and alighted from his SUV, grabbing his bags from the back and walking into the large laundry room-slash-mudroom. Not wasting time to empty the bag, he set it on the washing machine to take care of later.

  Walking into the kitchen, he inhaled deeply, the scent of a roast and vegetables in the oven filling the air. Eschewing the master bedroom, he headed directly into the room he used as an office…now a shared office.

  His gaze landed on the beautiful woman sitting at her desk overlooking the water, and as soon as her eyes hit his, her smile widened. Holding up a finger, she said, “Je ferai traduire le contrat pour demain. Au revoir.”

  Hanging up the phone she jumped from her chair as he approached. “You got home early!”

  “Couldn’t wait, babe,” he said. “I caught an earlier flight.”

  His lips landed on hers and all the stress of his short mission flew out of his mind as his arms banded around Sara. Lifting her, he felt her warmth nestle against his cock as her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Carrying her into the bedroom, he bypassed the bed, knowing he needed a shower…and figured
a shower for two would be just the thing to welcome him home.

  After a round of shower sex, they toweled off, sharing about their time apart. “It was only two days, babe, but I swear it felt longer.” He watched as she ran a comb through her wet locks. “You were on my mind every second.”

  She dropped the comb onto the counter and stepped up to him, toe to toe, chest to chest. “Me too,” she whispered, lifting up to place another kiss on his lips.

  He started to take it deeper, but she skirted out of his reach, shaking her finger at him. “Oh no…the roast is ready.”

  Laughing, he said, “I gotta admit, it smells great.” They walked into the kitchen together, his arm wrapped around her. While she plated their dinner, he poured the wine.

  Sitting down, they ate leisurely, chatting about their latest work and plans for the upcoming weekend. With Drew and Babs’ wedding coming soon, Mace was making sure all the Keepers would be in town, and Sara had cleared her calendar as well.

  Sara had easily taken on more translating work and traveled occasionally for interpreting. Lighthouse Security had also hired her on a contractual basis for interpreting some of their foreign contracts. She settled into his house, using his home office for hers as well, a change that had not affected him at all. She left what little furniture she had in New York, and since her roommates had easily found a replacement, she was able to get out of her lease.

  So far, their only argument had been when she tried to pay part of his house payment, but he prevailed after much discussion, some of it quite heated. Considering it ended with make-up sex that was off the charts, he figured they came out all right.

  Later, after dinner, they poured another glass of wine and moved out onto the deck. They settled onto one of the padded benches, snuggled together, and stared out over the water, listening to the evening sounds from the woods.

  “I’ve never had this,” he said.

  Twisting in his arms, she peered at him, tilting her head slightly.

  “This,” he reiterated. “Coming home to something besides solitude. Coming home to a bright smile, a warm meal, and a hot body.” She giggled, and he leaned closer. His voice deepened as he continued, “Coming home to someone special.”

  She closed the distance and kissed him lightly. “I’ve never had anything like this at all, Blake. My childhood was spent traveling all over the world, living in interesting places but never having that one place I could call home. Then, as an adult, I lived in a shoebox in New York with others.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that we both gain from us being together?” he murmured against her lips.

  “Yeah.” Her breath whispered across his mouth.

  The kiss soon flamed, and wine forgotten, he carried her inside, not stopping until he laid her on their bed. The moonlight continued to shine through the window on the couple as they worshiped each other throughout the night.

  The simple wedding on the lawn near the lighthouse was perfect for Drew and Babs. Her mother and step-father had not been invited, instead choosing to have Mace walk her down the aisle.

  Babs surprised everyone when she appeared in a long, traditional ivory gown, fitted close through the bodice to the waist before swirling out in layers of silk and lace. Her hair was pulled back from her face with a veil floating behind.

  Drew’s casual stance faltered when his eyes landed on her, and Blake could have sworn he saw tears in his friend’s eyes. Gathered in front of their friends and Drew’s family, they pledged their vows before enjoying the catered dinner and dancing the night away underneath the stars.

  While Sara chatted with some of the other women, Blake noticed that Mace and Sylvie spent time with Drew’s brother, Knox, and chuckled. “Looks like Mace is recruiting,” he said to Tate, who twisted around in his seat to watch.

  “I heard he’s also about to sign Rank’s brother, Richard, as soon as he gets out of the service,” Cobb added.

  “Keep it in the family,” Tate commented. “Makes sense.”

  Sara walked over, and Blake jumped to his feet. “May I have this dance?” He gallantly kissed her hand. She laughed and allowed him to lead her to the area near the DJ.

  Holding her close, Blake danced slowly to the music, loving the way she fit perfectly in his arms. He had a diamond ring hidden in a drawer at their home, waiting for the right time to ask her to be his wife. He would have gladly already given it to her but did not want to intrude on any of Drew and Babs’ time of celebration. Smiling to himself, he began to plan his own engagement now that his friends were married.

  “What are you smiling about?” Sara looked up into his face, a speculative gaze in her eyes.

  Reaching one hand up to cup her face, he bent to glide his nose next to hers. “Just thinking about us always makes me smile.”

  He was about to kiss her when Tate moved swiftly toward them, and he shifted into alertness.

  “Sorry, man. I gotta go.”

  Concern speared through him. “What’s up, Tate?”

  “Got a call from my mom. She said my dad went to the hospital with chest pain. The docs told them that it’s not too bad, but he’s going to have a stent put in.”

  He and Sara both expressed concern but Tate shrugged. “I probably won’t be gone more than a couple of days. I’m letting Mace and Sylvie know but wanted to make sure to touch base with you as well.”

  Blake let go of Sara to offer a hug to Tate and said, “Keep us up on what’s happening.”

  Sara reached up to hug him as well and said, “I’ll be praying for your family.”

  Closing his eyes, Tate sucked in a deep breath before offering a chin lift in goodbye and headed to his truck. Blake watched him go and wondered if the woman Tate always tried to avoid would be at the hospital with his parents. Giving his head a shake, he focused back on the warm smile beaming up at him and the feel of Sara’s body next to his.

  As the evening finally came to a close, the gathering lit sparklers as Drew and Babs ran toward their SUV from the lighthouse after changing into travel clothes.

  The caterer had already cleaned from the dinner, and the DJ was packing up his equipment. The others slowly said goodbye, each wandering back to their vehicles.

  That night, after making love, Blake lay awake with a sleeping, moonlight-draped Sara tucked in his arms. A smile curved his lips as he thought of the ring in his drawer.

  Three Months Later

  “Oh, Blake, it’s beautiful!” Sara exclaimed. Looking around, she said, “I think this is the exact spot that my parents stood when they had their picture taken here!”

  Blake smiled at the beauty in front of him, her eyes bright with excitement and wonder. Then, standing under the lights of the Eiffel Tower, Blake dropped down on one knee and held the ring out to her. It was the most romantic moment he could imagine, and his heart pounded as he waited for her response.

  She did not make him wait. With a cry, she nodded and threw her arms around him, holding on tightly. The Parisian crowd around them cheered, but he was unheeding of anyone but the woman in his arms.

  The End

  Don’t miss Sean’s story in the new Hope City series coming in March 2020!

  Click here for the new Hope City Duet

  And don’t miss Tate’s story in my Lighthouse Security & Investigations Series!



  Book Links

  Don’t miss other Maryann Jordan books!

  Lots more Baytown stories to enjoy and more to come!

  Baytown Boys (small town, military romantic suspense)

  Coming Home

  Just One More Chance

  Clues of the Heart

  Finding Peace

  Picking Up the Pieces

  Sunset Flames

  Waiting for Sunrise

  Hear My Heart

  Guarding Your Heart

  Sweet Rose

  Our Time

  Count On Me (2020)

  For all of Miss Ethel’s boys:
  Heroes at Heart (Military Romance)








  Cas (2020)

  Lighthouse Security Investigations







  Hope City (romantic suspense series co-developed

  with Kris Michaels

  Hope City Duet


  Saints Protection & Investigations

  (an elite group, assigned to the cases no one else wants…or can solve)

  Serial Love

  Healing Love

  Revealing Love

  Seeing Love

  Honor Love

  Sacrifice Love

  Protecting Love

  Remember Love

  Discover Love

  Surviving Love

  Celebrating Love

  Follow the exciting spin-off series:

  Alvarez Security (military romantic suspense)






  Thin Ice (Sleeper SEAL)

  SEAL Together (Silver SEAL)

  Letters From Home (military romance)

  Class of Love

  Freedom of Love

  Bond of Love

  The Love’s Series (detectives)

  Love’s Taming

  Love’s Tempting

  Love’s Trusting

  The Fairfield Series (small town detectives)

  Emma’s Home

  Laurie’s Time

  Carol’s Image

  Fireworks Over Fairfield


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