The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9)

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The Gift of My Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Book 9) Page 8

by Caryn Moya Block

  Margot ate as the children talked about their rooms and what they might like to get on their shopping trip. Mathis put his arm across the back of her chair and played with her hair. She smiled at him. He had that look in his eyes again, the one that said he wanted her naked. She shivered as his fingers caressed her neck.

  “I do want you naked. I fear we won’t have time for that until this evening.”

  “Really?” Margot replied telepathically. “What a pity.”

  Margot heard the groan in Mathis’s thoughts. “You tempt me, woman. I already told you not to play with fire.”

  “I’m not afraid to get burned. Not with you.”

  Mathis tilted up her chin and took her mouth, sharing the last bite of eggs in her mouth. His tongue tangled with hers, claiming her mouth for his own.

  “They’re kissing again,” Tikaani said disgusted.

  “Just like the princess in the movie,” Ukiuk said dreamily.

  “My mama said it’s not nice to watch someone kissing,” Nuvuk said.

  “You don’t have a mama, anymore. I don’t either,” Elisapie said.

  Margot gasped as Mathis pulled away. “Elisapie, we will make a new family,” Mathis told the children. “Margot will be your mama and I will be your father.”

  “Does that mean you will spank us when we change into a wolf?” Ila asked quietly. Margot looked at Mathis in horror. Had the children been punished for shifting?

  “You must be careful when and where you shift,” Mathis said. “The wolf is part of you, like it’s part of me. I would never spank you for being who you are, Ila.”

  “Can I call you mama?” Elisapie asked Margot.

  “If you want to,” Margot answered. “I would like that very much.”

  Susan walked in carrying a mug of tea. She handed it to Margot. “You kids want to go outside with me and do some exploring? Uncle Ujarak is coming with us.”

  “Yes, yes,” came from around the table.

  “We’ll keep an eye on them,” Ujarak said, coming into the room.

  Mathis nodded and took Cybille out of the high chair, handing her to Susan.

  Troubled, Margot watched the children follow Ujarak out the back door next to the kitchen with Susan bringing up the rear. Mathis came back to the table and sat. “Finish your breakfast, Margot. The kids will be fine”

  “I know. They’re doing amazingly well. They didn’t even blink at so many strangers in the house.” Margot took a sip of her tea. “What are all these workmen doing here, anyway?”

  “I’m having a safe room installed. I want to know that you and the children can get someplace secure if Ouelette shows up. It will be next year before the new house can be built.”

  “Do you really think Ouelette will come after me?”

  “The only reason he hasn’t come before now is he left the country. My sources said he returned three days ago. He’s obsessed with you, baby. I know how he feels. I wouldn’t let anything keep us apart.”

  “That’s the mating bond talking. Samuel doesn’t have that excuse.”

  “Ouelette is insane. He wants you and he won’t take no for an answer. When the police didn’t come after him for kidnapping you, he came back into the country. He’ll try again, mark my words.”

  The front door swung open. “Margot, come see what I brought,” her mother’s voice came from the living room. “I’m afraid I got a little carried away.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Mom?” Margot walked into the living room with Mathis on her heels. Lizette Martin stood in the corner holding a Christmas tree. “A Christmas tree?”

  “You can’t have a house full of children and not decorate. ‘Tis the season, dear. Yes, I think this is the perfect spot.” Lizette brushed her blond hair off her shoulder. “Now, where are my new grandchildren? I can’t wait to make their acquaintance.”

  “The children are in the backyard with my brother and Susan,” Mathis said putting his arm around Margot’s waist.

  The front door opened and a man entered, his arms full of boxes, his face hidden. “Put the boxes over here, dear,” Lizette said.

  The man walked over to Lizette and placed the boxes on the floor. It wasn’t until he lifted back up that Margot realized it was her father. She stiffened in surprise. Was a confrontation brewing? Mathis brushed his face against her, the hairs on his chin grabbing at her hair, connecting them together. She leaned into his warmth. Whatever happened, she wasn’t alone anymore. Her father brushed his hand over his shorn hair and looked sheepishly at Margot and Mathis.

  “I’ll go out back and meet the children while you fix this mess with your daughter,” Lizette said looking pointedly at her mate, then at Margot. She swept into the kitchen and Margot heard the back door open and close.

  Martin sighed and rubbed his chest where the heartmate bond connected him to Lizette. “Your mother reminded me that the heartmate bond is a sacred gift and always finds the perfect mates to bind together. I will always remember the first time I saw your mother. My heart felt like it wanted to burst from my chest. I cherish every moment I spend with her. She is my miracle. It didn’t occur to me that the same thing happened to you and Mathis. I owe you an apology. I hope you’ll forgive me, both of you.”

  Mathis’s mind touched Margot’s, flooding her with warmth and love. He simply waited for her to decide what she wanted, either way, he was with her.

  “I don’t want to fight with you, Dad. Mathis is my mate and I have six children to care for. They are my first priority. I won’t be available to show off to your friends and neither will my children. I love you, but things can’t go back to the way they were.”

  “I understand. I’d really like the chance to be part of your life. Maybe I can be a better grandfather than I’ve been a father.”

  “The children are starving for love, though I’m sure Mom is spoiling them rotten even now.”

  As if to punctuate her words, the back door opened and the children ran into the front room to see the tree and boxes of ornaments. Lizette followed them, carrying Cybille in her arms.

  “Look, Papa Mathis, a real Christmas tree!” Ukiuk pointed out while taking Mathis’s hand and tugging.

  “It is indeed, though I think it might need something to put on the branches,” Mathis said kneeling down to be on her level.

  “There are ornaments in here,” Nuvuk said inspecting the bags.

  “Well, if it’s okay with your new mom, I think we should get this tree decorating party started,” Mathis said.

  “Is the mad man going to help us?” Elisapie asked looking up at Margot.

  “He’s not mad, honey. He was surprised and yelled a lot,” Margot said taking the little girl’s hand.

  “I hope you children will forgive me. I didn’t mean to scare you. I came here today to ask if I could be your new grandpa.”

  “I would like a new grandpa,” Nuvuk said. “My old one always said he didn’t know what to do with me. Will you know?”

  “Well, I’m new at this, so you might need to help me. I think between the two of us, we might figure it out. Is that okay?”

  Nuvuk nodded and when Martin held his arms out, Nuvuk went to him and hugged him. Margot could feel her father’s sadness filling the room. He really was sorry and trying to make amends.

  “Did, someone say ‘party’?” Ujarak asked from the dining room door. “You can’t have a party without music. I found a stereo last night. Let me see if I can find Christmas music on the radio.” Rocking Around the Christmas Tree soon filled the air.

  “I’ll make popcorn. We can string some and put it on the tree,” Susan said, hurrying into the kitchen.

  Tikaani leaned against the wall, his face sullen, his eye’s sad. When one of the twins offered him an ornament to put on the tree, he shook his head and turned away. Shrugging her shoulders the little girl placed the ornament on the branch. Not sure what to do, Margot caught Mathis’s eye and nodded toward the boy.

  “Would you do the honor
of putting on the angel?” Margot asked handing Mathis the ornament.

  “Me?” Mathis asked, smiling.

  “Yes, you. This family wouldn’t be together if it wasn’t for you.”

  Mathis nodded, his gaze filled with warmth. “I think I might need some help. Tikaani will be Alpha after me. Will you help me, son?”

  The boy looked up surprised and then tentatively stepped forward to take the angel. Mathis lifted him and he put the angel on top of the tree. The other children shouted and clapped. Ujarak swung Susan around. Parker placed a kiss on Lizette’s head. Margot smiled. This was a moment to remember, her family’s first Christmas tree celebration. Mathis embraced her and kissed her nose.


  Three days later, Mathis entered the house and reset the alarm inside the door. Margot came out of the kitchen. She smiled a soft smile before walking into his arms.

  “Sorry, I’m late. What have you been doing?” Going back to work had been a necessity to find out what went on at the resort and what his people knew about Ouelette.

  “You mean besides taking care of six children?” Margot asked, laughing softly.

  “Honey, you have a piece of red paper stuck in your hair and glitter under your eye.” Margot looked beat which alarmed Mathis more than he wanted to admit. “Where’s Susan?”

  “She couldn’t come over today, she needed to work.” Margot brushed at her face trying to remove the glitter.

  “Where’s Ujarak?” Why was his mate all alone?

  “He is running wires. He said something about monitors in the master bedroom and in the safe room. I saw him go downstairs about an hour ago.”

  “The children?”

  “I got them into bed about an hour ago. I’m surprised one of them hasn’t come down. We had a fun day playing outside and making crafts. Jared came over with some tests to see where the children place with their learning. I asked him to set up a homeschooling program for us.”

  “You have been busy. What still needs to be done?”

  Margot gave a weary smile. “Everything. Nothing, I finished the last of the dishes as you walked in the door. I can take care of the rest tomorrow.”

  “Well, then I think it’s time someone took care of you. Right now.”

  Mathis scooped her into his arms and headed for the stairs. “Be careful of Nuvuk’s Ferrari. He left it on the stairs again,” Margot warned.

  Mathis nodded and maneuvered around the toy. Good thing Margot warned him, it would have hurt like hell if he stepped on it, not to mention breaking Nuvuk’s heart if it got ruined. “He needs to stop leaving it out where it can get broken.”

  “I’m not sure how it ended up on the stairs. I thought he took it to bed with him.” Margot laid her head down, nuzzling his shoulder.

  Mathis carried her into the bathroom and lowered her to the toilet seat. “Get your clothes off. We’ll take a shower and go to bed.” He started the water and then began to strip.

  Margot slumped over, her arm leaning on the counter next to the sink. “I’m really tired. Can’t we go straight to bed?”

  “You’ll feel better once you’re clean. Come here, baby.” Mathis began removing her clothes. Then he picked her up and stepped under the hot water. Margot tilted her head back under the spray letting the water wash through her hair. “Hmm, that does feel nice.”

  Mathis lowered her feet to the floor and reached for the shampoo. Margot leaned against him, while he massaged the soap into her hair. He worked his fingers through her tresses, to her scalp and neck. She moaned. “God, you’ve got great hands.”

  He smiled and tipped her head back to rinse the soap away. After adding conditioner to her hair, he grabbed the bar of soap and began to wash her. Margot had taken to being a mom to six kids a whole lot easier than he expected. Once she gained a little confidence, she seemed to have a sense about what the children needed and when. Still, she worked way too hard. He needed to hire help for her.

  Running the soap over her chest, he enjoyed the way her nipples pebbled and her breath shortened. He didn’t push the level of desire any higher. It was enough to know she responded so willingly to his touch. She was tired and needed rest. He finished soaping her and then pushed her under the water. “Rinse off, baby. Give me a minute to finish.”

  Mathis hurriedly washed and then turned off the water. Stepping out, he reached for the towel and enveloped Margot in its warmth. He rubbed her skin until it was rosy and then worked on getting all the excess water from her hair. She picked up a comb when he went to dry himself. She watched him, her eyes appreciative. “None of that,” Mathis growled. “You’re going to bed to sleep.”

  She yawned and pulled a night gown over her head. “I should argue with you since you’re being so bossy, but I’m too tired right now.”

  Mathis slipped on a robe and led Margot to the bed. He pulled down the covers and waited to tuck her in. “Sleep well, mon amour.” Mathis kissed her gently.

  “You’re not coming to bed?” Margot asked her tone alarmed.

  “I need to check in with Ujarak and then I’ll be right up. Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. Mathis waited until her breathing slowed before he moved away. He walked down the hall and checked on the children, needing to see them asleep in their beds. The pups wormed their way into his heart and he wanted their happiness. He pulled up blankets to cover little shoulders, picked up toys, so no one would trip, and kissed little faces relaxed in sleep. He touched their minds to make sure no nightmares threatened and they were content, then he returned to the master bedroom.

  He opened the closet to find six monitors inside, all showing a different place on the property. It was a good thing they were only staying here a few months. Margot would throw a fit if she didn’t have a place to hang her clothes. He closed the doors again, so the glow wouldn’t wake his mate and headed to the basement.

  He walked down the stairs and into the small room built on the outside wall. Ujarak lay under the table attaching wires to the bank of monitors. He climbed out and hit the keyboard. The monitors came to life showing similar scenes around the property.

  “Hey, big brother. About time you got home. Your mate looked a little ragged.”

  “Why weren’t you upstairs helping her?” Mathis growled.

  “She insisted she was fine, and we both know that Ouelette has heard by now that Margot is here. Fixing the computer and monitors was the final step. All we need now is some food and water and this room is the safest place in the province. It’s even fire safe, with an outside ventilation system.”

  “I saw the monitors upstairs. Explain to me what I’m seeing here.”


  The alarm blared through the house. Eight pairs of sleepy eyes opened. Margot rushed into Cybille’s room, her heart racing, and picked her and the diaper bag up, before moving to the stairs. Tikaani led the group down to the basement safe room. Margot did a quick count and brought up the rear.

  Tikanni hit a key on the computer and the large brace locked the door closed. Fans came on, filling the room with fresh air. The loud alarm, though still ringing, was now acceptable to their sensitive lycan ears.

  “Thirty seconds. Well done, everyone,” Mathis’s voice came over the speaker. Tikanni pressed another few buttons on the keyboard and Mathis appeared on one of the monitors. He stood in the master bedroom in front of the control screen. “Good job, Tikaani. You’re doing great. Now open the door, I’m on my way down.”

  Margot sighed. She understood the need to have these drills, and yet her heart still pounded from the initial panic. She feared the only reason the children had done so well, this time, was because they had all been in bed asleep.

  The last time, they had the drill during the day. Elisapie hid under her bed. Nuvuk stopped in the kitchen to get a sandwich, and the twins ran upstairs to get the new dolls her mother had bought them. Margot knew the only two who would definetely make it to safety, was Cybill
e because she was carried, and Tikaani, because he loved to work the computer. In fact, he loved it so much, Margot had decided to buy a computer as a Christmas present for the children.

  The alarm stopped ringing and the door opened. Mathis came in smiling. He walked over to Tikanni, who sat at the computer keyboard. “Well, done, son.” He ruffled Tikaani’s dark hair. “Only one week of practice and you’re becoming a real computer wizard.” Mathis continued around the room, praising and complimenting each child, until he stood in front of Margot with Cybille still in her arms. “Well done, darling girl. You didn’t cry this time. I am so proud of you. Were you scared?”

  Cybille nodded her head and buried her face in Margot’s chest. Mathis ran his hand over her curls, sending her reassurance telepathically. “Loud noises can be scary. If you know why they’re sounding, you know how to react.”

  Margot wasn’t sure if Mathis tried to reassure her, or the toddler. “All right, everyone go upstairs for a drink of hot chocolate.” The children ran out of the room headed for the kitchen. Mathis put his arm around Margot’s waist and led her from the small space.

  “Do you think they can do this by themselves?” Margot asked, thinking of their earlier failures.

  “An adult will always be here with the children, even if we aren’t. So yes, I think they can do this. Each time we practice it gets ingrained in their brains.”

  “I hope you’re right. I’m almost afraid to leave them tomorrow night to go to Dad’s party. I can’t believe I let him talk me into another one.”

  “He’s trying to make amends. You just don’t want to go. We can’t miss our own engagement party.”

  “But the children…”

  “Will be fine with Susan. I also arranged for two of the Sable Guards to keep an eye on the property. No more worries, Margot.”

  “No more worries,” Margot said. So why did her gut twist at the thought of going to her father’s party tomorrow night? She should want to celebrate finding her mate.


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