Amboseli Elephant Research Project, 78, 80
American Association of Bovine Practitioners, 305
American Association of Swine Veterinarians, 305
American bison, 10, 225–33, 239, 240
American Dietetic Association, 273
American Farm Bureau, 295, 299
American Game Dog Times, 159
American Kennel Club (AKC), 205, 208, 209–15, 217, 220–21
American Sign Language (ASL), 5, 70–71
American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners, 305
American Sportsman (TV), 192
American Veal Association, 125
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 304–11
Amory, Cleveland, 257, 283
and Black Beauty Ranch, 1, 2, 8–10, 336
and Fund for Animals, 254
Amway, 339–40
Anderson, Chuck, 344–45
Angell, George (Thorndike), 47, 237
animal behavior, science of, 65
animal control, 47, 242
Animal Cops (TV), 192
Animal Damage Control Act (1931), 242
animal fighting, see specific animals animal husbandry, 129
Animal Planet (TV), 16, 152, 192
animal-protection movement:
and animal welfare, 43–48, 87, 280
beginning of, 49
debating opponents of, 277–84
government funding for, 198
mission of, 346
moral responsibility in, 87, 272–77
and social reform, 51–52
and wildlife protection, 242
animal rights, 46, 50, 280
antibiotics fed to, 306–7
author’s long-term interest in, 13–16
and blood sport in history, 46, 153–57
capacity to suffer, 282
as commodity, 127–30
conditioned fear of, 22–23
confinement of, 92, 93, 123–24, 125, 126, 127, 299, 306, 307–8
contraceptives for, 335–38
cruelty to, 49, 106, 107, 108, 111, 281–84, 346–47
disaster planning for, 190
disease spread by, 23
domestication of, 30, 33–40
domestic-to-wild ratio of, 34
emotions of, 62, 65–66, 76–78, 79–85
euthanized, 47, 196, 197–202, 203
extinction of, 17, 28–29
fifty ways to help, 351–56
genetic manipulation of, 297
as harvestable crop, 279, 280
homeless, 196
human bond with, 16, 24, 27, 35, 39–40
instinctive actions of, 30–31
intelligence of, 59–71, 87
laboratory testing with, 7–8, 260, 274, 281–82, 338–44
live-animal markets, 17, 346
monogamy among, 26
as pets, see pets
rescued in Katrina, 177–91, 212
sacrifice of, 40–43
totem, 29–30
TV shows about, 192–93
animal science, 129
animal shelters, 196–204
adoptions from, 197, 200, 202, 203, 204
Black Beauty Ranch, 1–13, 336
costs of, 4
government funding of, 198
and no-kill movement, 197–204
numbers of, 3–4, 81–82
purebreds in, 206
animal welfare, 43–48; see also animal-protection movement
Animal Welfare Act (1876), 47–48, 215–17, 282, 340
Animal Welfare Council, 284
Annenberg Foundation, 336
Anthony, David, 38
anthropomorphism, 63
antibiotics, 306–7
anticruelty laws, 46–48
Antiquities Act (1906), 238
apes, intelligence of, 69–70
aqueducts, 296
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 44, 45
Aristotle, 62
Arizona, factory farms in, 93, 125
Army, U.S.:
and bison slaughter, 240
and service dogs, 27
Arpaio, Joe, 124–25
Arturo (caretaker), 1
Assateague Island National Seashore, 335
Athabascan Indians, 246
Audubon, 248
Audubon, John James, 236
Audubon Society, 285
Avanzino, Rich, 200, 201
Aviagen, 297
avian influenza, 163
AXLR8, 343
Ayuma (chimp), 69–70
Babbitt, Bruce, 231
Babe (elephant), 1–3, 9, 10
Bad Newz Kennels, 137, 140–44, 172, 174, 175
Balcombe, Jonathan, 64–65, 70, 76
Bambi (film), 193
Barker, Nigel, 258
Basic Four food groups, 273
Bateson, Sir Patrick, 220
battery cages, 93, 121, 130–31, 316
bear baiting, 154, 158, 249–50, 292
aerial killing of, 247
gallbladders of, 292
grizzly, 239
hunting of, 249–51
protection of, 292–94
behaviorism, 64–65
Behring, Kenneth E., 233–35
Bekoff, Marc, 75–76
The Smile of a Dolphin, 66
Bella (dachshund), 190–91
Benedict XVI, Pope, xii
Benson, Ezra Taft, 297
Bentham, Jeremy, 45
Bergh, Henry, 46–47, 49, 153, 332
Best Friends Animal Society, 201
Binti Jua (gorilla), 56, 70
biological determinists, 60
biophilia, 27, 31
bird feeders, 326, 331
bird flu, 163
captive shoots of, 47, 252, 288–91
in captivity, 83–84
chickens, see chickens
feather plucking by, 83
intelligence of, 66–69
plumage of, 240
protection of, 84, 236, 238, 285–88
sanctuary for, 82–84
tools used by, 68
bison, 10, 225–33, 239, 240
Black Beauty Ranch, 1–13, 336
Blackwell, Michael, 302–3, 307, 310
Blank, Arthur, 142
blood sport, in history, 153–57
Blumenauer, Earl, 167
Boddie, Davon, 137
Body of Liberties, 45
Body Shop, The, 340
biochemistry of, 24–30
human-animal, 16, 24, 27, 35, 39–40
Bonilla, Henry, 116
Boone and Crockett Club, 236
Boston Zoo, 79–80
Bragdon, Katherine, 22–23
Brandt, Peter, 109
Brandy (dog), 13, 270–71
Breaux, John, 168
Bronx Zoo, 15
Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, 54–56
bull baiting, 46, 154, 156
Burch, Rex, 341
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 292, 336
Burke, Edmund, ix burros, 8–9, 335–36
Bush, George W., 139, 171
bush-meat trade, 17
Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego, 321
CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), 93
Calamity Jane (dog), 74
egg production in, 95–96, 130–31
factory farms in, 93, 94–104, 109–10
Inland Empire in, 95–96, 131, 133–34
Proposition 2 in, 92–93, 97, 107, 119, 123, 126, 130–34, 284
Proposition 8 in, 93
trophy hunting banned in, 248–49
California condor, 285–88, 294
California Downed Animal Protection Act, 108, 113
California Game Wardens Foundation, 293
Californians for SAFE Food, 284
Callie (cockatoo), 82–83
r /> Cal-Maine Foods, 131
Campbell, Jeremy, 185
cod fisheries in, 256, 266
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), 256
seal killing in, 254–66, 315, 347
Canada geese, 335
Canine Health Foundation, 220
Cape buffalo, 37
capitalism, as creative destruction, 317, 321
Carter, Sue, 25–26
Catlin, George, 240
feral, 197, 203
spaying and neutering, 337
TNR (trap-neuter-return), 203
used in laboratory testing, 281–82
see also pets
Catskill Game Farm, 15
domestication of, 36–37
downer cows, 104, 108, 109, 112–14, 116–19, 299, 306
fed on corn in feedlots, 130
foot rot of, 99
grazing, 130
“Happy Cow” campaign, 106
mad cow disease, 110, 112, 117, 119
mastitis of, 99
as milk-producing machines, 98–99
slaughterhouses, 94–104
Cattlemen’s Association, 309
Cavel International, 11
Central Virginia Parrot Sanctuary, 82
in public opinion, 280
resistance to, 274–75, 316–18
accelerated growth of, 128–29
in battery cages, 93, 121, 130–31, 316
caught and killed, 129
cockfighting, see cockfighting
and eggs, see egg production
feral, 335
forced molting, 306
humane slaughter laws for, 101, 302
child labor, 52
freedom for, 85
genome of, 5
and Goodall, 57–59
grieving, 76–77
and language, 5, 6, 67
orphaned, 57
in research laboratories, 7–8
Chimpsky, Nim, 4–6, 9
fur markets in, 256
market for bear gallbladders in, 292
pigs in, 34
Chomsky, Noam, 5
Chrissie (border collie mix), 194
Church, Ann, 159, 161
Citizens for Wildlife Conservation Committee, 284
civilization, 346
Clovis people, 28–29
Cobb-Vantress, 297
Coburn, Tom, 139
cockfighting, 157–72, 284, 347
across state lines, 167
and blood sport in history, 46, 154–56
doping, 160
international scene in, 163–64, 346
legal jurisdictions, 160, 162, 164, 165–66
legislation against, 165–72
magazines of, 159
protection money in, 162, 163
and public health, 163
cod fisheries, 256, 266
cognitive mapping, 329
Colar, Richard, 185–86, 188
Collins, Francis, 339
Comanche Indians, 240
Combest, Larry, 167, 168
compassion, 271
concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 93
Condor Recovery Program, 286
Congress, U.S.:
and agribusiness, 298–99
and animal-fighting legislation, 139, 158–59, 164, 166–72
and animal rescue, 189–90
and bailouts, 298–99
Farm Bills of, 116, 167, 168, 172
and food safety, 112–13, 115, 116–17
and government subsidies, 301
and NRA, 292
conservation movement, 49, 237–38, 240–42
consumer values, 319
contraceptives, 335–38
Conyers, John, 172
Cook, Ken, 298
Coren, Stanley, 69
Corey, Doug, 310
cosmetics, tested on animals, 274
coyotes, moral behavior of, 75–76
Craig, Larry, 136
craniometry, 60
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 112
Cromwell, Oliver, 154
crows, tools used by, 68
cruelty, 281–84, 346–47
legal prosecutions for, 49
legislation against, 108, 111
media depictions of, 106, 107
rationalization of, 283
use of term, 281, 282
Crufts Dog Show, United Kingdom, 219–20
dairy industry:
factory farms, 130
“Happy Cow” advertising campaign, 106
milk production, 98–99, 297
subsidies to, 300
Dallas Zoo, 80
Darwin, Charles:
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, 62, 65, 85
On the Origin of Species, 48, 61
Davies, Brian, 254, 255, 257
Declaration of Independence, 50–51
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 50
deer, population control of, 242, 250, 335
DeGeneres, Ellen, 132
Deiter (dachshund), 190–91
Descartes, René, 45, 61, 62, 64
Detroit Zoo, 80–81
Diamond, Jared, 29, 33
Discovery Channel, 193
Disney, Walt, 193
Dodman, Nicholas, 310
dogfighting, 135, 137–53
across state lines, 139, 141
as felony, 161, 165, 172
films of, 143
game testing of dogs, 141
in history, 46, 153, 155–56, 157
international markets for, 162
legislation against, 153, 155, 158–59, 171–72
public awareness of, 143–44, 175–76, 260
street fighting, 143, 149
and Vick, see Vick, Michael
breed registry organizations, 212, 215
breed rescue organizations, 197
conformation of, 214, 217–20
congenital health problems of, 217–18
culling of, 151, 220
dog fancy, 210, 212
domestic pets, 32, 35
genetic diversity among, 218
The Bond Page 45