Weekend with the Best Man

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Weekend with the Best Man Page 2

by Leah Martyn

  Nathan gave a bark of laughter and confided, ‘Sami reckons it’s modern vintage.’

  Dan looked unimpressed. ‘Tell her the menswear shop in Hopeton have never heard of cummerbunds, let alone stocked them.’

  ‘She said she’d order them online—but don’t panic.’ Nathan held up a hand in a staying motion, deciding to let his friend off the hook. ‘I’ve talked her out of it.’

  ‘How?’ Dan’s interest picked up. From what he’d seen, Sami was one determined lady. In the nicest possible way, of course.

  ‘I had a mental picture of us with bulging satin waistlines and fell about laughing. Sami wasn’t amused. She wrestled me to the sofa and belted me with her slipper. Then she saw the funny side and laughed too.’

  And then they’d probably gone to bed, Dan thought. It was great Nathan was so happy, so...loved. He deserved to be. Dan wondered how long it would be before he had someone special to call his own. Someone to love and who loved him back the same way. Unconditionally. And that was what had been missing with Caroline.

  ‘So it’s sorted, then?’

  ‘It is. When are you coming up?’

  ‘The day before, on the Friday, if that’s OK?’ The couple were being married in Sami’s home village of Milldale, some thirty miles north of Hopeton. The wedding reception was to be held at Rosemount, one of the historic homes in the district that had been revamped into a functions venue.

  ‘Friday’s fine,’ Nathan said. ‘Sami’s booked us into the local pub. My folks are staying there as well.’

  ‘Your meals, gentlemen.’ Leo slid plates the size of cartwheels down in front of them. ‘Enjoy.’

  ‘This looks good.’ Nathan rubbed his hands in anticipation. ‘Dig in.’

  Halfway through their meal, Dan said, ‘When is Sami leaving her job?’

  ‘She has already. She’s going to start up her own business here, a travel agency cum tourist thing. She’s had mega hits on her website already.’

  ‘That’s fantastic. You’re going to settle here in Hopeton, then?’

  ‘Yep.’ Nathan twirled a length of spaghetti around his fork. ‘It’s a good fit for us at the moment. And my job’s safe—well, as far as any job can be these days.’

  Dan’s throat closed for a moment. Nathan’s future seemed secure and...good. If only his own future had a semblance of the same simple expectations attached to it. He shook his head. God, he’d better lighten up, or he’d be like a wet blanket at his friend’s wedding.

  As if he’d tuned into Dan’s thoughts, Nathan said, ‘Have you written your best man’s speech yet?’

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘Don’t say anything too incriminating that’ll get me hanged, will you?’

  Dan’s mouth twitched. ‘Like the after-rugby parties when we were at uni?’

  ‘You were there too, matey,’ Nathan reminded him. ‘Let’s not forget that.’

  A swirl of emotions juxtaposed in Dan’s head. They had been good times. Uncomplicated. Until life had happened. He swore inwardly. He had to release this choking collar of useless introspection. But it was the day, he justified. The date. The memories. ‘I suppose I could talk about your peculiar eating habits.’

  ‘Like what?’ Nathan gave an offended snort.

  ‘In all my travels, I’ve never seen anyone consume food as quickly as you.’

  ‘It’s a gift.’ Nathan gave a Gallic shrug. ‘What can I do?’

  Dan chuckled. ‘Ratbag.’

  ‘So,’ Nathan asked, suddenly serious, ‘how was it this morning in A and E?’

  ‘I wish you hadn’t asked me that.’

  ‘You didn’t kill anyone, did you?’

  Dan shook his head. ‘Probably worse. I dumped all over the team in Resus and walked out.’

  ‘Crikey. I’ll bet Lindsey Stewart was impressed—not!’

  Dan grimaced.

  ‘Did you apologise?’

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘Lins has the respect of the whole hospital.’ Nathan looked serious. ‘You’d better do a real grovel. Ask her for a drink after work and do it then. Properly.’

  Dan felt worse and worse. He’d apologise, of course. But ask her for a drink? She’d probably turn him down flat. And he wouldn’t blame her. In the short time he’d been at Hopeton he’d hardly put himself out to get to know her or anyone else. Out of nowhere, Lindsey Stewart’s flashing green eyes seemed to challenge him. And he realised on some basic level that he wanted to get to know her. To break away from the past. He had to turn things around. ‘I shouldn’t have come to work today.’

  ‘Possibly not,’ Nathan agreed. ‘Just fix it, mate. Hopeton’s not so big that bad behaviour goes unnoticed.’


  BACK AT THE STATION, Lindsey glanced at the clock and sighed. She couldn’t wait for the shift to end. And thank heaven she had some leave coming up. And where was Dan? She scanned the precincts with a practised eye. Probably, as Vanessa had supposed, enjoying a long lunch. Except he wasn’t late back, she admitted fairly. It was her own fault she’d taken only the briefest lunch break. But she’d got sick of her own company and her mixed-up thoughts had been driving her nuts. She needed to be busy.

  Dan made his way slowly towards the station. There she was, sitting with her back towards him, her dark head with its subtle streaks of auburn bent over some paperwork. He silently thanked all the gods she was on her own. He couldn’t do this in front of an audience. His breathing faltered, his stomach churned and he went forward. ‘Lindsey...’

  She spun round and looked up. ‘Dan...’

  Dan rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling his muscles bunch but not release.

  For a few seconds there was an awkward silence as they both took stock.

  ‘I owe you an apology,’ Dan said eventually.

  Lindsey stood up. She’d feel better able to sort this standing eye to eye. She sent him a cool look. ‘Do you have a problem with the nursing back-up in the department? Or a problem with me?’

  ‘Of course I don’t.’ Dan felt a spark of anger. Where had she got that idea? He gave a tight shrug. ‘I was out of line earlier. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.’

  Lindsey felt her whole bearing soften. His ownership of his lapse was more, much more than she’d expected. She lifted her chin and met his gaze, suddenly aware they were close, too close for comfort. What was he thinking? She couldn’t tell. His eyes were clouded with uncertainty. Out of nowhere, Lindsey felt a twist of uncertainty herself. She hated being out of sync with any of her colleagues. Hated it. ‘Stuff happens in Casualty.’ She gave an open-handed shrug. ‘Don’t beat yourself up.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Dan felt the ton weight lift from him. He gave a tight smile. ‘Put it down to an off day. We all have them, don’t you agree?’

  ‘I guess we do,’ Lindsey said carefully. And if she was any judge of the human condition, he was still having an off day. He seemed a bit...desperate, for want of a better word. Edgy. And there were shadows beneath his eyes. Again. If anyone needed a hug, it was Dan Rossi. But that would be totally out of order. Unprofessional. And embarrass the socks off him. She looked away quickly. In seconds, the tenor of her day had changed completely. What was going on here had no rhyme nor reason. It was just...happening. And she felt she was jumping fences ten feet high and couldn’t stop. It was an extraordinary sensation.

  Dan swallowed through a very dry throat. She had her hair twisted into a topknot and flyaway strands were coming loose. He wondered what it would look like if she were to let it tumble down, releasing the scent of the flowery shampoo she used. It wasn’t going to happen. In an almost reflex action she reached up, pushing the wayward strands back in. Dan fisted his hands, resisting the urge to do it for her. ‘So, what’s on the agenda?’

  Lindsey put he
r nurse’s head on quickly. ‘We have a little kid waiting for sutures. Michelle and Andrew are presently treating a youth with burns, the result of walking barefoot on coals after a bush barbecue. If you’d rather take over there and have one of them see the child...?’

  ‘No, no.’ Dan frowned a bit. ‘Our junior doctors need to gather experience. I’ll see the child. Point me in the right direction.’

  ‘I’ll come with you,’ she said, as Vanessa took over the station.

  ‘Fill me in,’ he said, as they walked towards the cubicles.

  ‘Preschooler, Michael Woods. He was chasing a ball out of bounds, tripped and hit his chin on the edge of a brick garden bed. Fair bit of blood. Panic stations and the school rang mum. She’s with him.’

  ‘Good. She’ll be a calming influence.’

  Lindsey chuckled. ‘You hope.’

  ‘Are you saying it’s the mothers we have to be afraid of, Lindsey?’

  Lindsey turned her head and caught his gaze. She blinked a bit. Unless she was mistaken, there was actually a curve happening to one corner of his mouth. On impulse, she sent him a full-blown smile in return, urged on by a feeling of oneness with him she couldn’t explain. ‘I’ve met a few.’

  * * *

  Five-year-old Michael was sitting on the edge of the treatment couch, his small legs swinging rhythmically back and forth. He didn’t look overly upset, Lindsey noted thankfully, although the blotches of dried blood on his T-shirt indicated it had been a heavy bump to his chin.

  Dan smiled at the mother. ‘Mrs Woods? I’m Dan Rossi. I’ll be the doctor looking after Michael.’

  ‘I’m Stephanie.’ Michael’s mother kept her arm protectively around her little boy’s shoulders. She gave a wry smile. ‘He’s a bit of a tornado in the playground.’

  ‘So, you like playing footy, Michael?’ Dan asked.

  ‘I can kick the ball as high as the house,’ Michael declared, aiming upwards with one small arm.

  ‘Fantastic.’ Dan looked impressed.

  Lindsey gave him a tick of approval for keeping things light and thereby gaining their small patient’s trust. Unobtrusively, she gloved and said quietly, ‘I’ll pop that sticking plaster off Michael’s chin, shall I, Dr Dan?’

  ‘Let’s do that.’ Almost casually, Dan hooked over a mobile stool and snapped on gloves. He sat in front of Michael. His eyes narrowed slightly. The removal of the plaster had revealed a gaping hole underneath. The mother’s gasp was audible. ‘Easily fixed.’ Dan’s tone was gently reassuring. Tilting Michael’s chin, he examined the damage more closely. The edges of the wound were uniform. They would align nicely. It would be a neat scar.

  ‘Is he OK?’ Stephanie asked anxiously.

  ‘His bite seems even,’ Dan responded. ‘And his baby teeth all seem in place. I’ll put a stitch or two in his chin and he should be as right as rain.’

  Gently, Lindsey positioned Michael for the suturing procedure, laying him back with his head at the end of the bed.

  Dan rolled across the trolley containing the instruments he’d need and switched on an overhead light. ‘Now, Michael, this is where you have to be as brave as the best footy player in the world,’ Dan said, flicking up the syringe of local anaesthetic.

  Michael’s blue eyes lit up. ‘Like David Beckham.’

  Dan huffed a laugh. ‘That’s the guy. Now, if you lie very still for me while I make your chin better, I’m sure I can find an amazing sticker you can wear on your shirt tomorrow and show the kids at preschool.’

  ‘My shirt’s all dirty,’ Michael said with childish logic.

  ‘Honey, we’ll find you a clean one to wear.’ Stephanie smiled at her son and held his hand tightly.

  Dan looked up. ‘Lindsey, if you would, please?’

  She nodded. The injection of the lignocaine would sting and be a shock to the little one. ‘Squeeze Mummy’s hand hard, Michael,’ she said, placing herself gently across the child’s body in case he tried to wriggle free.

  In a few seconds the local had been injected and they waited a couple of minutes for it to take effect. Dan prodded the wound gently in several places. ‘Can you feel anything hurting, Michael?’

  Eyes squeezed shut, Michael said, ‘No...’

  ‘Good boy. Keep holding Mummy’s hand and we’ll be finished in no time.’

  In a short time Lindsey watched Dan snip the last suture close to the skin. ‘There you are, sweetheart.’ She gave the little shoulder a gentle pat. ‘All finished.’

  ‘Can I get my sticker now?’

  Dan looked a question. He’d promised one to his small patient. He just hoped they had some in the department.

  ‘They’re in a box at the station,’ Lindsey said right on cue. ‘Won’t be a tick.’

  * * *

  ‘Gorgeous little boy, wasn’t he?’ Lindsey remarked lightly as she went about tidying the treatment room.

  Dan was parked at the mobile tray, writing up his notes. He lifted his head in query. ‘Sorry?’

  ‘Michael,’ Lindsey said. ‘He’ll probably be a real heartbreaker.’

  ‘Yes, probably...’ Dan went back to his notes, finishing them swiftly.

  ‘Thanks.’ He gave the ghost of a smile and left quietly.

  Lindsey bundled the soiled linen into a bin with a vengeance. What was with this guy? Would it kill him to indulge in a bit of normal conversation?

  * * *

  Dan was amazed how quickly the rest of the shift passed. The ache in his shoulders had disappeared. Cautiously, he began to feel, as a result of the sudden turnaround with Lindsey, he might have a chance at some kind of normal life here at Hopeton. A chance he couldn’t afford to ignore.

  Deep in thought, he began collating paperwork at the station. There were some end-of-shift letters he needed to write to several GPs. In Dan’s opinion, their respective patients would need referral—

  ‘Still at it?’ Lindsey stopped at the station, her brows raised in query.

  Dan’s mouth tipped into a rueful smile. ‘Still a bit of tidying up to do. You’re off, then?’ His fingers curled round his pen. Idiot. It was the end of her shift. Of course she was off. Gone were the hospital scrubs; instead, she was wearing soft jeans that clung to her legs and a long-sleeved silver-grey top, a silky scarf in a swirl of multi-colours around her throat.

  And knee-high boots.

  Dan felt his heart walk a few flights of stairs. He couldn’t think of a single thing to say to the beautiful woman standing in front of him. And how pathetic was that?

  ‘It’s Friday, you should give yourself an early mark.’ Lindsey looked more keenly at him. The lines of strain were still there around his eyes. He needed to relax. But whether or not he’d allow her to help him do that was another matter entirely.

  But for some reason she couldn’t fathom, she had to try.

  ‘Most of us are going to the pub. Few drinks, a game of snooker, a pizza or five later. You’re very welcome to join us.’

  Dan’s heart suddenly came to a halt. Thank you, God. ‘Sounds good. Uh—which pub?’

  ‘The Peach Tree. Ancient red-brick place at the top of the main street. See you there, then?’

  ‘You bet.’ He nodded enthusiastically. ‘Thanks for the invite.’

  ‘Welcome.’ Lindsey hitched up her shoulder bag and turned, moving off quickly to catch up with Vanessa.

  A fleeting frown touched Dan’s eyes as he watched the two women make their way towards the exit. He took a long controlling breath and let it go. Thanks to Lindsey’s invitation, he’d taken the first steps towards his new life.

  With the thought still humming in his head, he went back to his office to type up his referrals.

  Letters completed, Dan swung up from his desk, looking up in question when Martin Lorimer, the senior docto
r on take, poked his head in. ‘Ah—Dan. You’re still here. MVA coming in. Pile-up on the highway, two vehicles, all teenagers. Can you hang about?’

  Dan felt his gut contract. Did he have a choice? Hell. Lindsey would think he’d bottled out or just been plain rude. And he didn’t need that kind of misunderstanding after today’s debacle. He’d text her if he could but he had no idea of her mobile number. He swore under his breath. If the injuries to the kids were not too serious, maybe he’d still make it to the pub. Holding that thought, he made his way towards the ambulance bay.

  * * *

  ‘I got you another OJ.’ Vanessa placed the glass of juice in front of Lindsey. ‘And what’s with you tonight, Lins? We could have won the snooker if you hadn’t been so not into it. Now I owe Andrew ten bucks.’ Vanessa pleated a strand of her blunt-cut blonde hair behind her ear. ‘Um...do you think Andrew might be a bit keen?’

  ‘On you?’ Lindsey took a mouthful of her drink. ‘Maybe. Every time he needs a hand with a patient, he makes a beeline for you.’

  ‘So, do you think he’s ever going to get off his butt and do something about it?’

  ‘Why wait for him? Van, you live in the same building. Surely you run into him about the place. Just ask him in for a coffee or something.’

  ‘But if he said no, I’d feel stupid,’ Vanessa moaned. ‘And I have to work with him.’ She ran her finger around the rim of her glass. ‘Did he seem to miss me while I was on leave?’

  ‘Not that I noticed,’ Lindsey said drily. ‘But he’s coming over now. Perhaps you’re about to find out.’

  ‘You bet I will.’ Full of resolve, Vanessa whirled to her feet. ‘Are you off home?’ She gave Andrew a pert look and a very warm smile.

  ‘Think I’d better. I’m back on a late tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh, me too.’ Vanessa grabbed her bag. ‘Let’s share a cab. I’ll put the ten bucks I owe you towards the fare. Deal?’

  ‘Deal.’ Andrew’s white smile gleamed. The two took a few steps away then turned and chorused, ‘’Night, Lins.’

  Lindsey dredged up a smile and fluttered a wave. Ten minutes later her eyes did another tour of the lounge. Still no Dan. Inwardly, she gave a philosophic little shrug. She’d invited him and he hadn’t shown. And yet he’d seemed keen enough. Perhaps he’d thought better of it. Her mouth turned down. And perhaps she’d come across as being too pushy. Well, whatever, she wasn’t going to hang about, wondering.


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