Coven Deception

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Coven Deception Page 7

by D. H. Davis

  He raises his eyebrow in response.

  “Well, one day anyway.”

  We smile together and share a meaningful embrace. I break away and ask to see his fangs again, intrigue getting the better of me.

  “Can I touch one or would it turn me?”

  Jessie laughs.

  “No. You have to want to turn someone for there to be venom in a bite and then they have to die. Go ahead, just be careful they’re even sharper than they look.”

  As I’m reaching forward ready to touch one with the tip of my finger, there’s a flash of green light and Jessie’s launched into the air.

  I rush to his side and help him to his feet as he coughs and Eve comes into view.

  “B, get away now!” she screams walking towards us readying another green energy ball in her left hand.

  I thrust myself in front of Jessie and put my arms up in protest.

  “Eve, no! You don’t understand!” I cry. Her eyes widen as she realises I’ve just put myself in the line of fire.

  “Brooke, move your ass now. I just saw the fangs and that little trick with Dylan earlier, he’s a bloody vampire, B.”

  Her energy ball is growing in size as her anger multiplies. Jessie’s in front of me now, not willing to risk me getting hit by a blast.

  “Eve, I promise you, I’m no threat to you,” he says calmly and clearly. It doesn’t work though and she throws the ball anyway, hitting him straight in the chest and he exhales in pain.

  “No!” I scream, rushing to him again. “Eve, stop please!” I beg.

  “Your dad told you there’s something evil in town, Brooke. I mean it, get away from him!” she pleads with me.

  “Dad’s alert charm didn’t activate until the wolf showed up at school. Jessie’s been in sixth form a year already,” I plead back.

  “Even if it isn’t him, he’s still evil,” she replies staring daggers at Jessie as she speaks.

  “No, he really isn’t, Eve, trust me please!” Eve just looks at me in horror.

  “What has he done to you?” she whispers. “What have you done to her?!” she yells, moving me aside and stepping between Jessie and I as though she’s trying to shield me.

  “Hey there, red, I don’t appreciate these accusations,” Jessie responds. “I had enough of them from her.” He nods his head in my direction and Eve turns to look at me intently.

  “B, he’s influencing you. Come on, you are stronger than this.”

  I pause for a moment and contemplate how this looks. If the situation were reversed would I really believe her? No way. I would come to the exact same conclusion and assume the vampire was controlling her mind to some vicious and heinous end. I can’t blame her for not taking us at our word. Then it hits me.

  “Read me!” I shout, excited, knowing she can’t dispute my memories. She raises her eyebrow but doesn’t reply. “Honestly. I give you permission this one time.” I step forward and grab her shoulders, pleading with her, “Do it. See for yourself.”

  Jessie watches silently as Eve focuses on me, clearly unsure of what we are talking about but deciding it’s safer for him not to ask.

  I grow cold as the air around me chills and I know she’s in. She’s reading my mind, searching for any thoughts, feelings and memories surrounding Jessie.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed when she breaks eye contact and mutters the word “shit” as she retracts back to lean on a tree, clearly attempting to process everything. Jessie is next to me in an instant, putting his arms around me, checking I’m okay.

  “What was that?” he asks.

  “I read her mind,” Eve replies now focusing on Jessie. “It’s fascinating. Everything we thought we knew. It’s all bull.”

  “Well, I’d say what’d you expect from old school witches but I’ve decided I’m pretty scared of you, so I won’t.” Jessie states holding his hands up in respect to Eve.

  She smiles.

  “He’s smart. I like him.” Giving me her seal of approval, a very extreme flip of opinion. “Catching her from the tree, now that was a smooth move.” She smirks at Jessie and he grins back, hugging me tighter.

  “So we’re good?” I ask, hoping I’m reading the vibe correctly.

  “We’re good,” she beams. “You, me and Jay. Start of something beautiful, I can tell.” Her body language changing to show she’s feeling far more relaxed.

  “Now hang on a minute,” Jessie replies. “I’m not being funny but you can’t call me Jay if you call her B.” That’s it. We’re all doubled over crying. They are most definitely going to get on.

  It’s a while before we venture back inside and re-join the party. Owen must have been wondering where we were but we got carried away with talking supernatural stuff. Eve and I have never had anyone outside the Coven to talk to about it, let alone another species. It’s thrilling. It’s also a relief for me to be able to share everything with Eve again too; I don’t like having secrets from her.

  Jessie’s enjoying the third party to our relationship too. He’s genuinely captivated by the fact Eve’s an ‘Empath’; apparently vampires thought they were just a myth. I think they now have a deep-rooted appreciation for each other, truly embodying the definition of fast friends. I sense, I might regret their budding friendship in the future but the thought only lasts for a few seconds.

  Once we find Owen, we fill the rest of the night with dancing and laughing, having a much better time than any of us anticipated having. Maybe it’s the fact that apart from Owen, we all know it could be short lived. Jessie isn’t what triggered the alert so that means there’s something out there that could strike again at any moment.

  Chapter Nine

  It’s Wednesday evening, meaning I can finally relieve some of the many stresses I’m feeling in a productive manner as dance class gets under way. It’s as if the instructor knows I need something high energy because unusually we’re doing a whole lesson on Latin, which really gets the heart pumping. The lights are turned low and the music turned high, so the grubby Community Centre floor becomes our stage. I must be throwing myself into moves more than usual because my instructor does something very out of character and compliments me. Mrs Upton is not a woman to give praise lightly. She used to be a dancer in the West End so she’s fierce. Even in her forties she still has that slim, petite, delicate frame but don’t let that fool you, she’s a pit bull when she wants to be.

  As I stop for a water break and reach for my sports bottle, my bracelet catches my eye. My star charm is glowing red. I sharply glance around the hall in every direction, really hoping it’s Jessie; even if it is a bit pervy to have snuck into my dance practice. I bend down to my bag, dabbing the sweat from my face with a towel, diverting attention from the fact that I’m sending a text on my phone; Mrs Upton does not approve of distractions.

  ‘Are you here at my dancing? Xxx’

  ‘No but what a great idea, bet you look hot x.’

  ‘Can you ever just be serious? My alerts gone off, there’s something here xxx’

  ‘I’ll be right there x.’

  I hadn’t quite meant for him to come here, Upton will go mad! I don’t have time to respond though as she’s heading back over in my direction. I slide my phone back out of sight, take one last swig from my water bottle, then spin to head back to my spot before she can reach me, pretending I hadn’t seen her approaching.

  Of course, it does not take Jessie long to arrive and in typical fashion he just walks in like he owns the place. I glare at him as if to say what are you doing? He just grins and walks straight over to Upton. She’s turning red as though she’s about to explode at him but then Jessie looks her in the eyes and she’s subdued, instantly. The fool’s only influencing her in front of a room full of ordinaries. Idiot! However, she just smiles back at him then shouts over to me that I am dismissed. I don’t hang about to see if anyone’s found it weird, I just grab my bag and hurry out the door.

  “What are you playing at?” I ask hitting him on his
arm, clearly not bothering him at all but it makes me feel better.

  “I’m not leaving you in there when there’s something potentially evil around.”

  “You do realise I’m about to be head of a coven. I don’t need you to swoop in and save me.”

  “I know you don’t need it, witchy. I do.” I stare at him perplexed. “I need to know you’re safe. We dunno what is going on and I’m sure as hell not risking something happening to you and me not being there.”

  I soften. Maybe I’m just not used to having an actual caring boyfriend. Well, if he even is my boyfriend … Apart from the conversation at the party, we haven’t exactly discussed the concept.

  “Fair enough,” I reply, starting to walk down the street. “Whatever this presence is, I don’t think it’s going away.”

  “Yeah, well until we figure it out, I’m gonna be the overprotective boyfriend and you’ll just have to deal with it.”

  I give off a wide smile. “Oh, so you’ve just assumed you’re my boyfriend have you, Mr Wells?” I tease.

  “Oh yeah, you don’t have a say in the matter.” He smiles turning into me and pulling me close.

  “Very arrogant, don’t you think?” I say looking into his eyes, as our faces are now practically pressed together.

  “Arrogance is my middle name, you know that.”

  He follows the remark with a deep, passionate kiss. One that makes me forget we’re out in the open, in a street not far from the church or my house; makes me forget the potential imminent danger too. I just embrace it and him, wrapping my arms around his neck whilst he grips my waist.

  It’s not until I feel a drop of rain on my cheek that we come up for air and before we know it, the heavens open. It would have been quite romantic, getting drenched in a downpour having a desire fuelled kiss, just like the movies, but there was one difference. We quickly realise it isn’t normal rain. I can see it on Jessie’s face and he can see it on mine. Bright red smudges on our skin where the drops are falling.

  “Shit, is it blood?” I wonder, looking up at the sky.

  “No, it isn’t,” Jessie says opening his mouth and tasting some drops. “It’s water, just red. But why?”

  I just look at him baffled. I don’t have an answer. I’m not sure if anyone will.

  “Come on!” he shouts grabbing my hand and pulling me into a run. I scurry behind him not quite as fast as he is, even though, he’s going a fraction of the speed he could. He leads me straight back to my house knowing that I need to see my dad. As we arrive at the door, he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek then vanishes before anyone can see him.

  I rush into the house, my clothes drenched with red stained water. Sammy greets me in the hallway with,

  “What the hell’s happened to you?”

  “Haven’t you seen outside? It’s a torrential red rainstorm. Where are Mum and Dad?”

  For once Sammy doesn’t have a witty comeback; even he knows this is serious. He just points to the kitchen with widened eyes.

  I find Mum laying the table and Dad frying off some mince. If Dad’s cooking it means fajitas for tea, they’re his signature dish; delicious as they are, they’ll have to wait.

  “You’re back early, love,” Mum says before she’s actually looked up and seen my dishevelled, distressed appearance. “Oh, Brooke, what’s happened?” she cries in terror as she realises.

  I’m guessing as a mother your initial instinct at seeing your daughter covered in what looks like blood, would be panic.

  “You need to look outside now!” I point at the French doors at the rear of our kitchen. “You too, Dad.” I command.

  They both follow my instruction and rush to view what’s concerning me. Both of them show a flash of severe fear on their faces as they realise what I’m referring to.

  “Jane, summon the Elders now!” Dad instructs my mother who immediately rushes to find her phone.

  “Brooke, tell me everything now.” He isn’t talking to me as a father, he’s talking to me as my leader. The sternness in his face and authority in his voice inform me of that.

  “Dad, something seriously bad is going on. It’s time you stop shutting me out and start treating me like I’m about to be the leader. You want me to be responsible and protect everyone but having a one sided exchange of information isn’t the way to inspire that.”

  He looks at me taken aback. I guess leader Dean isn’t used to being challenged by anyone. Usually he gives an order and witches obey. Then the look in his eyes changes as though he’s had an epiphany.

  “You’re right. I’m asking you to be an adult then treating you like a child which is something I need to address, Brooke, I can admit that. But, honey, now isn’t the time. I need to know every little detail so I can assess the situation and make everyone safe.”

  He’s right. I can pick fault with him later but for now, he needs information I have.

  “It just started raining. It looks like blood but it isn’t. Since the wolf came to school, I’ve had a really bad feeling. Like there’s more to come. I’ve even had a dream that I think is a warning so I set myself an alert charm, similar to yours, for any unseen presences and it went off at dancing. There was something there, Dad. So, I left to come home and that’s when the rain started. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s all connected and it’s something bad.” I conveniently leave everything about Jessie out of it. I’m aware it makes me a massive hypocrite but Dad is not remotely ready for that aspect. Besides, it isn’t even relevant to this. I know that Jessie’s got nothing to do with any of it.

  Dad stands silent for what seems like an eternity. Mum’s back now and helping me to peel off my soaked clothes and rubbing me with towels. We both know better than to interrupt his train of thought. When he eventually speaks, he surprises me with an exchange of information.

  “Brooke, I wish you’d told me about this dream before now. If something is reaching you supernaturally then that just conveys how powerful it is.”

  He pauses for a moment, preparing himself for what he’s about to reveal. “Two days before the wolf attack at the school, we got word that one of the London Elders was found dead. They were drained of all their blood by two holes in the neck. We believe she was killed by a vampire but we don’t yet know why. We just know that it violates the truce; something that hasn’t been done in centuries. I don’t have to tell you what a serious matter this is and now supernatural occurrences are infiltrating Arcane Grove, well, we think it means there is a vampire here.”

  “How can you be so certain it is a vampire though, Dad? Don’t we have to be open to all possibilities at this stage?” I ask my father, not just for Jessie’s sake, but because I genuinely believe it’s wise not to have a tunnel vision plan. Dad’s expression, however, just turns to annoyance.

  “You aren’t the leader yet, Brooke, you have to trust that I know what I’m doing. You have no idea what vampires are capable of. They’re cunning, vicious and merciless.”

  I cut him off, “I just find it hard to believe that a whole species is inherently evil. From what the Elders told me, a lot of what caused the war was our fault.”

  “Just STOP, Brooke!” Dad shouts at me in a harsh manner he never has before. “This is why you aren’t ready to lead yet, you’re too naive!”

  His words leave a stinging cut in my gut. I have to fight back the tears I can feel building. I refuse to let him see he’s got to me. I refuse to look weak. He’s clearly not willing to listen to me so now it’s my turn to be silent.

  A dead witch, possibly a vampire behind it, the truce possibly broken. This is so much worse than I imagined and to add another layer to all of that, I’m dating one of the accused. There’s no way Dad can find out now. He’ll just assume it’s Jessie and I know from the bottom of my heart it isn’t. He’s proved time and time again he’s no threat to anyone and he’s never lied to me. Anything I ask, he answers.

  Maybe it’s time I ask more questions. Maybe he knows about other vampires. I
have to see him.

  Chapter Ten

  I’m sat on a ruined, old tree stump in the middle of the Spinny. Stood in front of me are a very concerned looking Jessie and Eve. I called them here to fill them in on the information my dad finally shared and they are just hovering nervously as I relay the events. I can see the cogs turning in Jessie’s mind as he swallows the news I’ve just given and its several moments before he speaks.

  “I’m not being funny but a vampire would not leave a body drained like that. We spend our entire existence trying to stay out of the spotlight. Like I said before, feeders give us what we need, freely; there’s no reason to kill. On the odd occasion, you do get a homicidal vamp, they would be better at covering their tracks.”

  “I have to agree, B. Doesn’t it just seem way too convenient?” Eve asks.

  I think about what they’ve both said and realise I’m in agreement too.

  “Yeah it does but we still can’t rule out that there is a vampire in Arcane Grove. Even if that’s not what killed the London witch, does it mean Jessie’s the only one here? Like we obviously know it’s not you but my dad and the Elders are convinced there’s one. Would you know if there was another here?” I ask Jessie who immediately sniggers.

  “Yeah, my spidey sense is tingling away!” he mocks me, reminding me there’s still a lot I don’t know about his kind. “Think how long it took you to figure out what I am, I’ve been here a year and that was purely chance. It could be the same for someone else. I wouldn’t know what they were either but I can assure you, none of my clan are here. They wouldn’t set foot in Arcane Grove because of the truce. They thought I was mad when I applied to school here.”

  “Why did you come?” Eve asks. “No offence.”

  Jessie smirks again before replying, he really is finding us amusing today.

  “Honestly, I was bored. Kind of wanted to see what witch territory was like,” he shrugs. “Not like I was actually expecting to befriend witches, just, I dunno, wanted to see how the other half lived and although I’ve got a load of A Levels, I haven’t got history yet and here has the best course. My prime knew there was no point trying to stop me, so he set me up with an apartment and told me to get it out of my system. I go visit at the weekends and there’s nothing out of the ordinary. Even if they did come here though, they’re like me. We don’t hurt anyone, we just want to live out our very long lives in peace.”


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