Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)

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Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) Page 7

by Stephens, Amy

  “You should see how much her belly has grown since she’s been gone. She looks unbelievably gorgeous now.” I’m trying to work my magic. “The pregnancy makes her glow.”

  “Brian, how do I know you are telling me the truth?”

  The phone beeps again.

  Rebecca snatches the receiver up. I have her right where I want her.

  “Yes, I told you I will be right there with your towels. Give me a moment, please.” She says to the caller then slams the phone down.

  She turns to face me again. “Honestly Brian, I think you are full of shit.”

  I try not to show any emotion from her remark. That, in itself, should be enough to convince her I’ve changed and that my story is true. The Brian she thinks she knows would be quick to challenge any negative comment.

  “Why would I lie?”

  “Do you honestly want me to answer that question?”

  Okay bitch, I’ve had about all I can take. I grit my teeth, fighting hard to stay strong.

  The phone beeps yet again. Instead of answering this time, Rebecca picks up the towels, straightening the few that became unfolded when they fell to the floor.

  “Go take care of your room.” I tell her. “I’ll be waiting on you right here.”

  “Alright. I’ll be right back.” She turns to head out the side door.

  Once I feel it’s safe and she’s out of sight, I go behind the counter and begin pulling out desk drawers and looking inside the cabinets. I need to find it. Bingo! Right in front of me is Rebecca’s purse and just inside on the very top is her cell phone. I glance around the room to make sure it’s still clear and no one sees me. Headlights shine across the patio as a car pulls up and I jump. I try to tuck the phone in my front pocket as I scramble from behind the counter but it drops out of my hands, hitting the side of my foot and bouncing a few feet away across the floor. Thank goodness the phone is in a protective case or else it could have shattered. The front door opens just as I stoop down to pick it up. At the same time, Rebecca walks back in the side door. I look first at the man walking in, then over to her before I make a mad dash to the front door. I bump into the man sending him down to the floor. I could care less if I hurt him or not, I just need to get out of here fast.

  “Brian, what the hell are you doing?” Rebecca yells, but I’m out the door heading for my car in a matter of seconds. Rebecca, rather than chase after me, kneels down to tend to the fallen gentleman.

  I don’t look back. I pull my keys from my pocket, jump in the car and toss the phone over in the passenger seat. My hands are shaking uncontrollably but I manage drive away as quickly as possible.

  I’ve been unable to fall asleep tonight, something I should be used to by now. I flip the television to another channel since I can’t stand to watch those info-commercials that come on late at night. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all that comes on in the wee morning hours. I switch on the lamp that’s on the end table beside the sofa and pick up the book I had been reading earlier. I shift around to get comfortable, putting another pillow behind me and pulling the blanket around to cover my legs. I love sitting on the couch, the house nice and cool, but I wonder if I got in bed to read could I have a better chance of falling asleep.

  Through the curtain I see headlights coming up the driveway. Even though the guest house is just off to the side of the main house, I still know when vehicles come and go at the Williams’ house. I glance down at my phone to see the time. Lately, Todd’s been coming home later than usual at night, hanging out at the library getting in some extra studying before his state test comes up in several weeks. I would love to be spending more time with him just to have some adult interaction, but I have to admire him for dedicating himself whole heartedly to his career. Todd has a goal for himself and will not stop for anything less.

  When my parents were here visiting, they couldn’t help but like Todd and his parents, Rick and Beth. The more I think about it, my parents and Todd’s are very much alike in many ways. I hated to see them go, but after getting better acquainted with everyone, they felt safe leaving me behind under their care and watchful eye. Mom and dad should be back again in a few weeks to check on me again and to follow up with the lawyer again.

  Todd was true to his word about checking in with me, but the texts don’t come as often as I would like. I enjoyed hearing from him more but will settle for the occasional text.

  From my position on the couch, I am able to see through the sheer curtain when the headlights shut off. In just a few moments, the front porch light is switched off as well. Todd is home, inside, safe and sound. I think about sending him a text before he goes to sleep, but I know he’s got to be exhausted. If he senses something is bothering me, then he’ll more likely come down to check on me and it’s really not necessary.

  I glance down at my book trying once again to pick up with the story. My concentration is just not here tonight.

  Suddenly, my phone rings and I just about jump out of my seat since I wasn’t expecting it. My heart beats rapidly, and I need a second to catch my breath. Being that it’s almost ten o’clock, I am definitely not expecting a phone call and I quickly think about my parents. I hope nothing has happened to either of them.

  I pick up the phone from the side table and see Rebecca’s name light up on the screen. It’s been a few days since we have spoken, but I’m always up for a phone call from my best friend. I’m a little surprised she didn’t send a text first checking to see if I’m still awake, but I shrug off the thought and slide my finger across the screen to answer the call before it goes to voicemail.

  “Hello.” I answer cheerfully always excited to hear from my best friend.

  There’s nothing but silence.

  “Hello?” I repeat again.

  Still, nothing on the other end.

  “Rebecca, are you okay? Are you there?”

  Click. Dang it, she hung up. I hope everything is okay. Or, maybe a customer walked in at the hotel and she had to get off the phone quickly to tend to them. I’m sure she’ll call back when she’s done.

  Another minute passes, then the phone rings again.

  “Hey Rebecca.” I say this time. “Why’d you hang up?”

  “It’s me Jennifer.” I hear the familiar male voice on the other end and fear immediately sets in.


  Why is Brian calling me from Rebecca’s phone? My hands start to tremble so bad I’m barely able to keep the phone from sliding lose and hitting the floor. A sudden ache takes over my body and my body cringes.

  My mouth opens to say something, but I’m in such a state of shock, I can’t form any words.

  “Jennifer, I know you are there. I know you hear me.”

  “Noooo. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “Jennifer, please, hear me out.” Brian pleads. “We need to talk.”

  I’m still having a hard time forming my words, much less getting them to make sentences.

  “Why are you calling me from Rebecca’s phone?” I take a deep breath and try to regain my composure. Suddenly, I worry if Brian has figured out where I am. Did he pressure Rebecca enough that she finally gave in and told him? Rebecca promised me with her life she would keep my whereabouts secret. Under no circumstances would she give him any information. I have to believe my best friend is true to her word. There’s no way she would tell Brian.

  “Look, just hear me out.” Brian begs. “Just give me a chance.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.” I shout into the phone. I’m just about to hang up, I don’t’ have to listen to his pleas and demands.

  “Please tell me you still love me, Jennifer. Just tell me we can try again. I need you, baby.”

  “Don’t you dare call me baby! I am done with you. What part do you not get Brian? We are finished. Over! We are done!” I’m literally screaming into the phone now.

  “Just tell me where you are. Let me come get you and bring you home. You know you still want me.”

I swear Brian must be crazier than I ever thought. When I sat down with the attorney my parents hired to handle the divorce, one of the questions she asked me was if I needed to put a restraining order against Brian. Had Brian done any physical harm to me? Was he continuing to threaten me? I explained to her about leaving town in hopes to avoid any confrontation with Brian. Had I made a mistake by not telling her about the bottle he threw at me? I’ve done a pretty good job of covering the scar up with makeup and my parents, either didn’t notice it, or decided not to ask about it. If I had put a restraining order against him, then he would know better than to call me.

  “Brian, I’m going to hang up now. I’m asking you nicely, please don’t call me again. I have nothing to say to you. Ever!” Then it hits me. Brian’s outburst must stem from receiving the divorce papers. Several days passed without hearing anything from him, which was rather odd, and I could actually keep my phone on instead of on silent. Now, this little stunt with using Rebecca’s phone, was clever on his part.

  “I’ll fight you to the end, bitch. Don’t think you can get away from me so quickly. You may not talk to me now, but you will before this is over. You hear me? It ain’t over!” Brian is screaming so loudly I have to pull the phone away from my ear. His sudden lashing frightens me. How can someone go from begging for forgiveness one minute, to rude and hurtful the next?

  I have no choice but to end the call. I will not put myself through this tonight.

  I go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water hoping to settle my nerves. Oh, how I wish I could talk to Todd. He would know the words to say to comfort me. But there’s no way I can call him now. I can’t bring myself to talk to him this late at night.

  I place my glass in the kitchen sink and turn to walk back to the living room. Out of the corner of my eye, I am almost positive I see a ray of light coming from outside. Could I be seeing things? Surely I’m just being paranoid.

  Oh my goodness. What if Brian is outside and he has found me? What if he was outside watching me while we argued on the phone? No, this can’t be happening.

  I run to the front door and double check to make sure it’s locked. I also do a quick check of the windows and let all the blinds down. There’s no way he can find me here.

  I sit on the edge of the couch gripping the phone in my hand. Should I call someone? Who?

  I switch off the TV and the silence quickly fills the house. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared before in my life. I keep checking the time on my phone until fifteen minutes have passed. All kinds of thoughts run through my head, I just wish I knew what to do.

  Suddenly, the light on my phone lights up and a phone number that has my old phone exchange comes across the screen. My heart rate quickly increases. The number looks familiar but I’m unable to place it. Then, it hits me. The number is one of the lines from the hotel. The call ends, but just as soon as my phone has had time to turn dark, it lights up again with the same number. I just can’t bring myself to answer it. How do I know it’s not Brian?

  I need to talk to Rebecca to find out how Brian got ahold of her phone, and my gut tells me this could be her calling me. But, on the other hand, how do I know it’s not Brian calling me from the hotel?

  This time, the caller leaves a voicemail. I hesitate before listening to the message, not sure if I really want to know who the caller is.

  I give in and dial voicemail.

  “Jen, it’s me Rebecca. I need to talk to you. When you get this message, please call me at the hotel. Do not call my cell phone. You see, Brian took my phone tonight and I’m afraid he may try to call you. Call me as soon as you get this message.”

  I let out a big sigh of relief. Yes, I’m relieved to know Rebecca has remained loyal to me. And, I’m also somewhat relieved knowing that Brian is trying to pull a fast one over on me. There’s no way he could have Rebecca’s phone tonight and also be here. There’s just not enough time to allow him to drive all the way here.

  Without wasting any more time, I immediately call Rebecca back on the hotel extension. She picks up on the first ring.

  “Jen, oh my gosh, please tell me that douche hasn’t tried calling you!”

  I take a deep breath, relieved to hear my friend’s voice. “I was so scared. I thought something had happened to you. Then, I thought I saw lights outside. I thought maybe he had found me.”

  “Slow down sweetie. You’re going to be okay.” Rebecca assures me. “That ass hole freaked me out tonight but he’s not going to pull a fast one on me or you.”

  “You think he freaked you out? What do you think I’m feeling right about now?”

  “I can only imagine and I hate you’re having to go through this. That’s why I wanted to call you as soon as possible to tell you what happened. I need some advice though about what I should do.” Rebecca says.

  “How did he get your phone?” I ask not sure if I really want to hear his latest attempt to get at me.

  “It’s the strangest thing. I had a guest who kept calling the front desk requesting extra towels. I politely told them I would be there shortly. You know how it gets sometimes between checking in guests and the phone ringing.” Rebecca continues. “So, I looked up and there he was. At first he was calm. Then he said he needed to talk to me about you. He claimed you had come back home to work things out with him and he needed advice so he wouldn’t screw up again. At first I was believing him. But something told me he was up to no good.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I’m almost in tears, shocked to believe the lengths Brian would go to just to find me.

  “I just had that feeling he was lying. I should know better anyways. There’s no way you would be back with him without my knowing it. Anyways, the stupid phone rang again and instead of taking the call, I ran out the door to take the towels down to the room. Now that I think about it, I wonder if he set up the whole thing just to distract me. I came back in and found him coming out from behind the desk. He dropped my phone trying to put it in his pocket and when he bent to pick it up, a guest was coming in the door at the same time so he bumped into them. The guy fell on the floor and I had no choice but to tend to him instead of chasing after Brian.”

  “Why me, Rebecca? What did I do to deserve this?” I manage to say the words in between sobs. “I just don’t understand.”

  “I hate this is so upsetting for you and there’s nothing I can do to make it any better.” Rebecca tries to comfort me.

  “I know. Sometimes I just want to give up.”

  “Don’t you dare give up! You are one hundred percent in control of this. You’ve come too far.”

  Beep, beep.

  I look down at my phone and sure enough, Brian is calling me again from Rebecca’s phone.

  “He’s doing it again. He’s calling my phone.” I tell her.

  “Just don’t look at it. He’ll stop eventually.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. In the beginning, there were many nights he would call me all night long. If he wasn’t calling, then he was texting. I eventually had to turn the phone off just to get some rest. It got better. But it looks like I’m going to have to take action against him. Now that he’s been served divorce papers, I can have his phone turned off.”

  “Do you think I need to have my phone turned off too?” Rebecca asks. “A few weeks ago, I got a strange feeling so I went through and deleted all of my texts to you. Ever since then, I clear them all out immediately after we finish. It’s like I knew something like this was going to happen.”

  “You don’t know how relieved that makes me feel to know you covered our tracks. What about Todd’s number? Did you have it programmed in?”

  “I have it saved under the name Uncle John. Everyone has an Uncle John. He’ll never figure that one out.”

  “Knowing how crazy he is, I wouldn’t put it past him to call everyone in your contacts list.” I try to make humor of this but it’s so sad to know the lengths someone will go to just to bother you. “Then again, nothing would
surprise me with him. I have experienced more than I care to go through again.”

  Beep. Beep.

  I look down at my phone knowing it’s him again. Sure enough, he’s calling from his phone this time. Well, he’s about to discover how good a cell phone is with no service. I’ve had all I can take of him. It’s time to put an end to this.

  “You just say the word and I’ll have the number deactivated.” Rebecca says. “Do you think I need to also call the cops and make a report?”

  “There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep tonight. I’m going to go ahead and contact the phone service tonight. Customer service should be available twenty-four hours. I’m also contacting my lawyer first thing in the morning.” I let out a yawn even though I know it’s going to be another long sleepless night for me. My nerves have calmed some just from talking with Rebecca, but I just want to put all of this behind me for good.

  “You got it. I’m going to do the same then. Promise me you’ll try to get some sleep. Please?”

  “You don’t know how much a full eight hours of sleep would mean to me. Thank goodness I’m able to take naps during the day. It’s the only way I make it.” I tell her. “I really wanted to see about finding part time work, but I’ve waited too late. No one is going to hire someone who’s about to have a baby in a couple of weeks. I wish I could see you so bad. You’ve missed out on my entire pregnancy because of that jerk.”

  “You’ve had enough stress these last few months. Give yourself a break and enjoy your time before the baby gets here. Work can wait.” Rebecca can’t help but slightly giggle. “Besides, when that sweet baby girl gets here, all you’re going to want to do is hold her all day long.”

  When I first took the plunge to leave Brian and come here, the only goal I had was to get away as quickly as possible. I needed a safe place to keep me and my baby out of harm’s way. I didn’t look long term, and even now I still don’t know where I’ll be months from now, but the feel of this place is comforting. I’m sure the friendship I’ve formed with Todd has a slight influence for feeling this way, but it seems like a genuinely nice place to live and raise a family.


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