Royally F*cked

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Royally F*cked Page 7

by Ivy Blake

  “That does not sound simple,” I said. “But I’m not sure I can just waltz up there and talk to the prince. That is ridiculous.”

  “He knows you, Teagan. You aren’t just some crazy person wandering up asking to speak to the prince about nefarious cloud patterns.”

  I groaned. “Do you have any idea how many girls are probably camped out in front of the palace just trying to plead for the prince’s hand in marriage?”

  “Ok, well, let me think,” Ellie said.

  She grabbed her phone and began to search for something.

  “What are you doing?” Teagan asked.

  “Just give me a minute,” Ellie replied.

  I finished my water bottle and tossed it in the trash.

  “Here! Oh, this is perfect!”


  “In an interview a while back Cort told someone he stays in shape by fencing, riding horses, weight lifting, mountain climbing, but he is always looking for other physical things to learn and get into that might challenge him.”

  “Ok,” I said. “I’m not really seeing where you’re going with this…”

  “You teach yoga, dummy,” Ellie said.

  “You want me to offer to teach him yoga?”

  “Of course!”

  “I don’t know…”

  “All you do is show up and tell them that you are a yoga teacher and want to offer the prince your services. Tell them your name. You told him that your name is Teagan and you teach yoga… he has to make that connection!”

  Now that was a thought. Could it actually work?

  “It’s perfect, right?” Ellie asked.

  “I guess it isn’t bad. I still don’t think it will work, but I’ve got nothing else to lose.”

  “You aren’t going to do it, are you?” Ellie asked.

  “I don’t know. This is all so out there.”

  “But it was good,” Ellie said. “Right?”

  “Of course, it was good,” Teagan replied.

  “And you already know how you feel. You love the guy, right? I can tell. I know you are all conflicted and feeling like a total moron for being conflicted but don’t let your stupid pride get in the way of this. Please just tell those lame voices in your head to shut up and follow your heart.”

  I smiled. “Wow, that was insightful.”

  “I may start writing greeting cards,” Ellie joked.

  We both laughed. I bit my lip slightly as I tried to force my nerves down.

  “I know you are scared, but you gotta take the leap,” Ellie said.

  “I know, and I will.”

  “Go get him Teagan,” Ellie said and she blew me a kiss before she signed off.

  Tomorrow morning, I was going to the palace.

  And I wouldn’t let myself stop me.



  A knock came at my office door. I had just finished another futile meeting with his advisors, who had nothing new to show me. It was just more of the same. I felt like I was just kicking a dead horse here. There was no way out of this without playing their game. If I wanted to be king, if I wanted to continue to lead his nation in a prosperous fashion instead of letting it be mismanaged at the hands of my foolish uncle, then I was going to have to grin and bear it. I was going to get married.

  But the only person I wanted to marry was Teagan. And she would not return my calls. I’d put two of my best advisors on the case to track her down. Hopefully, they would have something soon, but it might take a while. I was not going to hold my breath. A girl like Teagan was a free spirit and appeared to be very hard to track down.

  Besides, it was quite possible and probable that she would tell my advisors to get lost. She had to have seen the news by now. It was everywhere, and I wouldn’t doubt that foreign networks how now picked up the story. She was probably pissed at me for not telling her the truth about who I was. I just wish I could explain everything to her. Explain why I felt the need to lie, and how if she would give me a chance, I would never lie to her again.

  The knock came again. I didn’t want to see anyone, but I still had duties to perform after all. If I was awarded the crown or not, I was still prince.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  My secretary Nora came into the room.

  “Sir, you have a message.”

  “Ok,” I said. “What kind of message?”

  “A young woman came by, very insistent on giving you this.”

  Nora handed me a light blue piece of paper. I opened the paper up and almost fainted at what I saw written on it.

  Teagan Norton

  Certified yoga instructor

  First lesson free

  I bolted up out of my chair almost knocking over my desk in the process.

  “Is she still here?” I demanded.

  “She is. Security is holding her in the office downstairs. We were trying to verify things first. I told her we would contact her if you were interested.”

  “I know her. Please alert security and have her meet me downstairs in the gym.”

  “She will be down shortly. Security will accompany...”

  “No need for security,” I said quickly cutting her off. I wanted time with Teagan alone.

  “Of course, your highness,” and with that she quickly left my office.

  As soon as Nora left the room I collapsed on my couch. She was here! Teagan was here at the palace. But why was she offering yoga services? Why didn’t she just call me back?

  I quickly jumped up from the couch and rushed back to my room to change. I pushed through my door, nearly taking the door from its hinges. I rushed to my closet and pulled out the first pair of workout clothes I could find. I threw them on, and then rushed out of my room.

  As I was heading down towards the gym, I couldn’t contain my excitement to see her again. A slight thought or worry made me pause in the hall. What was I even going to say to her? I had been so focused on finding her, that I hadn’t even thought about what I would say to her. How would I even begin to explain?

  I would have to tell her everything.

  I would tell her how I felt the need to lie so I could experience one night without everyone knowing exactly who I was. I would tell her how after I met her, she was the only person I could think about. And then I would somehow explain the predicament I was now in.

  And then what? I would ask for her hand in marriage? I let out a frustrated sigh. How they hell was I supposed to do that?

  I looked down the hallway in front of me, and saw the door to the gym. No matter how hard this was, I needed to talk to her. There had to be some way to figure this out.




  My legs felt like jelly. I could hardly place one foot in front of the other as I scrambled along behind the secretary. How this all worked out, I had no idea. After what seemed like hours going through security checks at the main entrance, the security staff had finally let me into the building. I hardly had any time to ask questions before I was quickly escorted downstairs.

  I was led down a long hallway that looked like an elongated trophy room. It almost reminded me of a boarding school. On one side of the room were trophy cases with different awards and photo collages. I wanted to stop and look, but the secretary was walking too quickly, and I did not want to fall behind. It was important I maintained her businesslike façade and stayed focused. I could not pretend to be star struck. This woman had probably seen it all before, and I did not really trust that I was being taken to Cort until he was actually in her presence.

  Self-doubt started to fill my mind. I was so nervous. Was I actually about to see him again?

  I followed the woman through a set of double doors and into a large gymnasium. It was equipped with basketball hoops, a soccer net folded up in one corner, some bleachers on one side, and large mirrors hung on the other wall. I instantly felt even more self-conscious than I did a moment ago. I was starting to shake and my heart was pounding in my ches

  This was a horrible idea. What had I been thinking? Why had I listened to Ellie? This was ludicrous. Cort was going to see right through me. He was going to think I contacted him only because of the news that was everywhere. He was never going to believe that I “accidentally” deleted his number and his voicemails. The man was a prince; he was not stupid.

  “The prince will be right with you,” the secretary said. She looked me up and down quickly, almost as if she didn’t trust me. She was probably right not to. Women were probably pulling all sorts of stunts just to get close to Cort.

  I stood in the gymnasium for a few minutes. I was frozen stiff, and my legs felt like they weighed a ton. I shouldn’t have come here. I wanted to just run away right then. Cort would never have to see me, and I would never have to deal with the fact that he lied.

  I shook my head. Come on Teagan, I thought. Cort is not Theo. Not every guy is the same. He probably had a good reason for lying to her like he did.

  I just needed to breathe. It was all going to be ok. There was no reason for me to be so paranoid. It would all work itself out somehow. I just had to breathe easy. That’s all.

  A door opened suddenly in the corner of the gymnasium. It was partially obscured by the bleachers creating a shadow that spread across the gym floor. The window shades were drawn and the lights hanging from the ceiling appeared to be on low.

  And there he was.

  Cort was walking towards me now, nonchalant, steady, and even sexier than I had remembered him being.

  He had a slight smile on his face, his hair perfectly combed back revealing every single detail of his handsome features. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and tight t-shirt that clung to his hard body, detailing every single ripple of his washboard stomach. Holy hell was his body perfect.

  I bit my lip trying to calm my raging hormones. We needed to talk a bit before I jumped him.

  “Nice to see you again, Teagan,” Cort said with a smile.

  He was standing in front of me now. The strong, musky fragrance of his cologne was enticing as hell. I just wanted to glide my hands along every inch of his delicious body.

  “Nice to see you too,” I smiled. I was starting to feel much better. Somehow, now that I was there, and we were actually talking, all of the nerves that had been paralyzing a moment ago were drifting away. I felt normal… for the moment anyway.

  “I was frankly a bit surprised that you didn’t call,” Cort said. “And even more surprised when you arranged this little get together.”

  I smiled wider. “Well, I thought this would be more fun. I’m not really much for phone calls.”

  “I agree,” Cort replied. “Are we ready to get started?”

  “Sure,” I said with a laugh. I guessed we were actually going to do a yoga lesson, rather than talk.

  Cort moved his body closer to mine, and I was captivated by his gaze.

  “How did you know I wanted to learn yoga?” Cort asked, his voice now barely above a whisper. He was standing over me, looking down.

  My heart started to beat wildly in my chest, as I felt myself get wet.

  “I just had a feeling,” I said.

  Cort smiled. He grabbed my hand suddenly and started to lead me into another room. I looked up at his face.

  “I figured we should head to somewhere a bit quieter.”

  He pushed open a door and lead me into a darkened room.

  I walked more into the space, and realized he had taken me to his indoor pool. I bit my lip to hold my surprise. I felt his presence behind me and in that moment, I wanted nothing more than for him to grab my body and pull me to close to his.

  As if reading my mind, his hands immediately found my waist, and his lips lightly brushed my neck. For a second, I wondered if we should be doing this, were there security cameras around here? But the more his lips touched my neck I found that I did not care.

  He led closer to the pool and started to pull off my yoga top, standing directly behind me. “As much as you are sexy in these tight clothes, I prefer what is beneath it.” His lips grazed my shoulder, and I shuddered, closing my eyes. I lifted my arms and let him pull my top off of me.

  “Your skin is so soft.”

  His fingers traced my back, a feathery touch of his fingertips making my core hot and wet.

  “So, do you want go for a swim?” I joked, staring at the transparent surface of his pool.

  “Not quite. We’re going to get really wet, but there won’t be much swimming.” He kissed the spot beneath my ear, and I moaned. It was one of my most sensitive spots.

  I turned to face him and pecked him lightly on the lips. Then I walked back slightly and I slowly moved my body as I took of my yoga pants.

  “Damn, and she has moves as well.”

  I let out laugh as I tossed all of my clothes to the side. I couldn’t believe how brave I was being, but something about Cort made feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I was completely naked now, my outfit, sports bra, thong, and shoes lying discarded on the floor. I turned back around and started to walk over to the pool’s edge.

  He followed behind me and trailed kisses down my neck as he pulled his body close to mine. I could barely breathe when his hands roamed over my skin. He moved them down from my neck, to my breasts teasing my nipples slightly. Then he moved his hands downward and stopped at my core. He wrapped his arm around my waist and rubbed my clit, sending my heart into overdrive.

  “Cort... You definitely know where to touch me...” I moaned.

  He grinded himself against me, pressing his hard erection in between my ass cheeks, and I brought my arms up around his neck and pulled him even closer to me. In the back of my mind I knew we should not be doing this, we needed to talk about what happened, but I couldn’t seem to control myself around him. I bit my lip.

  “Are the doors locked?” I asked. His arms wrapped tighter around me, as his fingers circled my clit.

  “They should be.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was doing, but he just felt so damn good. I sighed and pushed my ass harder into him.

  “You respond to me so well, baby.” His fingers moved in circles, gradually speeding up. “You’re already so wet, and I just need to bury myself deep inside your tight walls.”

  “I need you too, Cort. You make me feel so good.”

  I couldn’t catch my breath, wiggling my butt against him as I came closer to my climax. He slid his fingers down and inside of me, reaching as deep as they could get. Each muscle in me tensed, the ecstasy becoming stronger with each thrust of his fingers. My body started to shake as he pushed me over the edge. I was orgasming hard, my body moving with his hands.

  “Fuck, I need to be inside you Teagan.”

  I turned to face him as I pulled his shirt off of him. My hands ran down his chest towards his waistline and I kissed his neck. I pushed down his shorts and boxers, and he stepped out of them, throwing his clothes into the same pile as mine.

  We walked towards the pool and got in, and the slightly warm water blanketed our bodies.

  “Teagan, there are so many things I want to do to you.”

  Only inches separated us when he stopped and took my breasts in his hands. My nipples immediately reacted to his intimate touch, hardening under his wet fingers.

  I held him by waist and rubbed against his erection, more than ready for him.

  “And I want you to do them all to me.”

  He smirked and brought my legs around his waist, our bodies flush against each other as he penetrated inside of me. He pushed my back over to the side of the pool and I was able to hand on to the edge. I cried out when he entered me completely. I was so full and it felt perfect.

  “God. Yes. This is what I needed,” I murmured as I tightened by legs around his waist.

  “Holy fuck.” He slid out and thrust inside, pushing firmly until I accepted his whole length again. “Do it again,” I begged.

  He smiled and pulled his hips back and thrust back inside.
  “You like that?”

  “Oh, yes!”

  I moved my arms up and grabbed tightly onto his shoulders. His hips started to pump harder. I felt a pressure deep inside start to build up and I wanted nothing more than Cort to take me to my release. His hips pumped harder as the water started to splash around us.

  Our moans and groans mixed in the air and filled the big room. I felt my body start to shake and I tightened my legs harder around his hips.I was about to be pushed over the edge. I clawed my nails into his skin as I rose higher and higher.

  “Cort!” I couldn’t breathe, unable to stand the intensity... “Fuck! Please, don’t stop...”

  “Not a chance.” He pounded me violently, turning my world upside down as my orgasm burst through me, and I let go of his shoulders, suddenly all limp in his arms. He didn’t miss a beat, as he continued to rock my hips.

  “Ah! Cort! That is...” I couldn’t form a single sentence, crying out when my orgasm continued, and my own screams made me deaf to anything else as the pleasure of my life overcame all my senses.

  “Fuck! I can’t hold on anymore,” he said.

  He pushed deeper inside me and I felt him release. My body shook with his as we let go together. When he was finished exhaled and leaned his forehead against mine, breathing unevenly.

  “Teagan, what are you doing to me?”

  “I could ask you the same,” as he pulled me over to the edge of the pool and sat me on the steps.



  I was only vaguely aware that the door to the gymnasium and to the pool was not actually locked. My secretary, or anyone who might have walked in, usually knocked first, but what if they decided not to? I bit back a laugh. I would have a lot of explaining to do if that happened.

  Whatever happened, it didn’t matter. I just had to be with Teagan. I’d been dreaming of this for days and when I finally saw her standing there, looking even more ravishing than I remembered, all of the feelings that I’d had to keep bottled up came barreling out.


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