When Fangirls Lie

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When Fangirls Lie Page 6

by Marian Tee

  Saffi quietly opened the door and flipped the light switch when darkness greeted her.

  “Murderous mackerel.”

  Alan was engaged in a passionate embrace.

  With another man.


  “Boss? I think we have another problem.” Bob was at the doorway again, glancing over his shoulder like escape from a madman was impossible.

  The worst kind of déjà vu hit Staffan. Cursing under his breath, he said, “It’s H again, isn’t it?”

  Bob slowly nodded.

  “What’s it this time?”

  “It’s not been confirmed,” Bob hedged. “But I’ve been hearing things---”

  “Just spill it.”

  “I’ve been hearing stuff from the crew, boss. They say she’s, err, with the dancer Carson and they’re, err, engaged in private business.”

  Staffan saw red.

  “Where. Are. They.”

  “Boss, how about I check it out first---”

  “Goddammit, Bob. If you don’t fucking tell me where they are right now, I’m going to beat it out of you instead.”

  Bob flinched. Although he knew it wasn’t a real threat, the voice reminded him too much of how Staffan had been in the past, right after his most god-awful breakup with The Cougar. Before his employer’s almost miraculous overnight change three months ago, Staffan had been a mess, drinking himself to death and involved with every brawl he encountered – which there was a lot of since Staffan had spent practically every night in bars – and behind bars.

  Bob opened his mouth to say it. But no words came out. He wouldn’t have cared what happened to other Gs, but this one was different. He knew it – everyone knew it. Only the boss didn’t seem to know it – or didn’t want to know it. “Boss---”

  Staffan lost patience. His voice was chilling and low as he spoke. “Bob. You owe your fucking loyalty to me. Your concern for the girl is touching – but misplaced. Since I didn’t fucking kill Chloe when she betrayed me, I won’t fucking lose my head over whatever this is.”

  Bob gave in. “They say she’s at the back, inside a locked room with Carson---”

  A white-faced Staffan walked past him.

  Dammit to hell, Saffi March. What the fuck happened to make you so crazy tonight?


  Alan and the other man broke apart almost violently, panic written all over their faces. “What the hell are you doing here, Sapphire?”

  She stammered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know---I was looking, and then I saw…” She stopped speaking, realizing she wasn’t making any sense at all.

  The other man Alan was with didn’t look like a dancer, with dorky glasses and a rather scrawny build. He looked more like a cute grad school student, someone who absolutely had no business traveling with a European rockstar on tour.

  Seeing her staring, he offered her his hand. “Hi. I’m Donovan,” he said with a slightly strained smile.

  They shook hands. “I’m...”

  “Sapphire March,” Alan muttered. “The girl with the worst kind of luck---”

  “Alan!” Donovan snapped when he saw the look of hurt flash over Sapphire’s face.

  Alan had the grace to look shamefaced. Running an agitated hand through his hair, he muttered, “Sorry, Sapphire.”

  “It is true anyway.”

  Alan looked even guiltier. “Dammit, Sapphire, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean it.” He gestured to Donovan. “I’m just…what we have, who we are, it’s a secret.”

  She nodded, having already deduced the same thing for herself the moment she saw the two kissing in the dark. “I promise I won’t tell.” She paused. “But please---don’t tell Staffan the truth about me either?”

  Alan’s eyebrows shot up. “You mean he doesn’t know who you are?”

  She had to smile. “Don’t sound so surprised, Alan. Being a Senator’s daughter doesn’t make me famous.”

  “But you’re also Steel and Silver March’s kid sister.”

  “Their very boring sister, who used to be the black sheep of the entire March clan.”

  Alan flushed. At that moment, he remembered with uncomfortably vivid clarity how life had been like for Saffi back when they were kids. No one had wanted to talk to her because they hadn’t wanted to look stupid next to Saffi, who had completed high school when she was 12 and college at 16.

  Back then, the most popular girl in their circle, Vania Coolidge, had loved humiliating Saffi. And all of them had stood by because it had been easier to do that. Saffi had made it harder for them to help her, with her eccentricities.

  His lips twitched when he remembered the first words she said. “Murderous mackerel, Sapphire?”

  She smiled sheepishly. “Yes, I still think of fish when I’m overly emotional or whatever.”

  Alan tried not to look too guilty at her words. He had indirectly been one of the reasons why Saffi had been so “emotional” in those days. Even at a young age, Saffi had been already lovely, too, inside and out. Everything about her was the opposite of what rich kids were supposed to be. She had never held a grudge against any of them, not even after what happened during their graduation ball, with Saffi as the guest of honor---Alan shuddered. It still qualified as the most horrible night of his life.

  A loud pounding on the door made them jump in surprise.

  “What the---” Donovan exclaimed.

  “Are you fucking in there, H?”

  Saffi squeaked in shock.

  Knowing he only had seconds to spare, Alan hissed, “Remember your promise!”

  “I promise. And you promise, too.”

  Alan nodded. “I keep my word, Sapphire.”

  Her eyes widened at the name he used. “Alan! Don’t call me---” She ended up shrieking instead when the door smashed open. Rather, Staffan had kicked it open. He came in, looking beautiful and furious in a three-piece suit. How was it possible for a human being to be so swooningly exquisite? He really was Mr. Rockstar Chic.

  Staffan’s eyes found hers, the emotions swirling in it making her swallow.

  Well, make that Mr. Angry Rockstar Chic.

  “I can explain,” she said in a small voice.

  “Really?” he drawled out. It was all Staffan could manage since every part of him was itching to smash Carson’s face. And what the fuck was Donovan Bradley doing here? What the fuck had he walked into – a goddamn ménage a trois?

  “We were just talking. Alan---”

  He seethed at hearing Saffi mention another man’s name.

  “---and I are friends from way back.”

  “Is that so?” he asked silkily. “What kind of friends?”

  Her eyes widened. “No, no, not like that! Oh my God, no!”

  Staffan raised a brow. “And I should believe you because?”

  Alan said nervously, “We did not do anything---”

  “Get the fuck out, you two.” He didn’t spare the boys a glance. Fucking boys. He should have an all-girl dance backup instead next time.

  Alan and Donovan couldn’t get out fast enough. Sorry, Alan mouthed to her.

  It’s okay, she mouthed back.

  When she looked back at Staffan, his eyes had become even chillier.

  The green-eyed monster inside him had never been fiercer, and all Staffan wanted was to pull Saffi to him and mark her body in every way he could. He wanted to fuck her until she lost consciousness, wanted to see the dreamy smile back on her face – the smile that should only be for him.

  “We didn’t really do anything,” she said urgently.

  “Why the fuck should I believe you when you didn’t tell me where you’re going, you locked yourself inside this fucking room with two men---”

  “Because I can prove it,” she blurted out.

  He stilled.

  This should be interesting.

  He lifted a brow.

  She gulped. When they said that starting anything with a lie could only continue with more lies --- it was true, and it was happening now

  “I’m a very, very, in demand groupie.”

  Staffan did his best not to roll his eyes.

  “I do all sorts of stuff. Like, umm, mouth jobs – I mean blow jobs.” She lifted her chin just so he wouldn’t know how she was completely winging everything. “And hand jobs, foot jobs, even umm, anal jobs.”

  Two parts of Staffan’s body twitched: his lips…and his cock.

  “But one thing I didn’t do with, umm, any of the Celsius guys---”

  Staffan’s eyes narrowed.

  She inhaled. “I’ve never done it with them. Like done…it…that.” Her soft dark eyes sought his, her voice seductive without meaning to as she said, “I’m still a virgin because I wanted you to be my first.”

  The words melted his rage in an instant, turning it into liquid heat, his body on fire.

  In one long stride, Staffan had her in his arms, and she was gasping against his lips as he took hers for a kiss that claimed not just her body, not just her heart but her very soul.

  With Staffan so near, Saffi was immediately on fire…and in love. Her eyes closed. The truth Saffi had tried to blind herself to was now out in the open, and it was the scariest thing that ever happened in her life.

  She had already been halfway to being in love with Staffan Aehrenthal with a phone call, and now that she had spent almost an entire night with him, had been pleasured by him twice---

  She didn’t care what other people would say.

  Her brain was smarter than the rest, and so was her heart.

  And both told her she had found her soul mate, the one man she could only fall in love with.

  She wrapped her arms around him more tightly, welcoming the darkness and passion in his kiss, her body instinctively molding to his, pressing her sex against his as hard as she could. They groaned as his cock swelled, trying to push into her even though their clothes were a barrier between their bodies.

  His hand sank into her hair, pulling her head back so his lips could move down her body. He sucked at her neck, hard, this time laying a blood red claim on her beautiful skin. That should teach any fucking asshole who wanted to try taking what was his.

  “Later,” he whispered against her skin.

  She tried to think. “Later…what?”

  “Prove to me that you did all those stuff and you’re not just an innocent fangirl who’s bitten more than she could chew.”

  She froze.

  Hiding a smile, he slowly pulled away. “You aren’t, are you?”

  Saffi tried not to look as guilty as she felt. “NO.”


  That one word caused her confidence to take a nosedive. She let Staffan turn her around, pulling her against his side as he led her out of the room and past a relieved Bob and the entire crew. Who were all smirking. Again.

  She wanted to die.

  Desperate dogfish.

  How the heck was she going to prove she was sexually experienced when Staffan was her first in everything?

  Staffan pulled her closer. He was tempted to kiss her hair but managed to keep himself from doing so. That would make people have other ideas about them, and those weren’t ideas he was comfortable welcoming – maybe never.

  He could feel her thinking, worrying, and the way he was so attuned to her thoughts even though they had just met was even more alarming.

  “Ovulating orangespine unicorn fish.”

  Staffan swallowed a bark of laughter at what she was muttering to herself.

  Ah, Saffi March.

  I can’t wait to take your fucking virginity and make you mine.

  Chapter Five

  Saffi March changed her status to In an Open Relationship.

  Staffan was throwing her dagger looks, which Saffi did her best to feign ignorance to. He stood poised at the doorway of the airplane, waiting for her – no, he was silently demanding and commanding her with his gaze to go to him.

  But she didn’t want to. She couldn’t. For one thing, she couldn’t risk having any photographer identify her and blow her disguise. Secondly – and this weighed most heavily on her if Saffi was honest – she just didn’t feel good standing next to him.

  Even after everything, he still felt way out of her league. She was a lowly G, or a fangirl if you will, while he was the star of the tour, the man millions all over the world paid fortunes for the opportunity to see him perform on stage. She had no right to stand next to him.

  The door slowly opened with a swooshing sound, forcing Staffan to look away – but not without giving Saffi one last glance. If looks could kill, Staffan would have her six – no, make that sixty – feet under by now.

  Staffan slowly descended from the plane, his professional mask slipping back on his face. But he really didn’t have to pretend. He was in a black mood, which perfectly fit his “cold, aloof, arrogant” image. Or at least that was how most bloggers liked to describe him.

  A red carpet had been rolled out for him, and he curtly nodded his thanks after the welcoming speech of the airport officials. Behind him, the crew was also getting off the airplane, and he heard something that made him stiffen, with Bob almost bumping into his back.

  Saffi was laughing.

  His head snapped up as he turned towards the sound.

  Saffi was joking around with Carson and Bradley.

  Staffan gritted his teeth.

  If this was how she fucking wanted to play the game, then she fucking wouldn’t win it.


  An hour later and Saffi was miserable. Staffan wasn’t just giving her the cold shoulder. He was also allowing local Gs to flirt with him and monopolize his attention. The entire crew had flooded the hotel’s exclusive club, with Staffan declaring an open bar. Of course, Gs who were not above touching cock knobs had been allowed inside the “private” party as well.

  “He’s usually not like that,” Alan whispered to her. All of them – and she did mean the entire crew – couldn’t take their eyes off Staffan and his harem of girls. Some of them were the most seductive women Saffi had ever seen in her life, their every move designed to incite lust.

  How the heck could she compete with that when all she knew about sex was from free Amazon erotica novels? She didn’t dare buy the paid ones since that would show up on her credit card bills, which her parents still took care of.

  Donovan shook his head. “Strictly speaking, he used to be like that before and after his relationship with the Cougar.”

  Saffi knew who the Cougar was even though it was her first time to hear someone refer to Chloe Gustav in such a way. After all, she was one of America’s Sweethearts, the woman who took over Julia Roberts’ throne when the latter went into semi-retirement.

  Alan grimaced. “I really don’t get what the boss saw in her.”

  “They grew up together so he probably sees something that others don’t.” It hurt her to say the words, but she felt like she had to defend Staffan.

  Alan nudged her shoulder with his. “Aren’t you going to do something?”

  She shrugged helplessly. “He’s mad---”

  “Bullshit, Sa---I mean, H. You did all this crazy stuff for a reason and now you’re just going to let it go like that?” He snapped his fingers for emphasis.

  Donovan nodded firmly. “Get your man back, H.”

  “But I can’t go through those women,” she protested. “They’re like…I don’t know…rattlesnakes and queen cobras and I’m like a---a domesticated worm!”

  Alan took firm hold of her shoulders. “First of all, no sane human being keeps worms as pets. Secondly, you are not a worm. You are a…tigress.” Alan ignored Donovan when his lover looked at him like he was crazy. “Got that, H? You’re a fierce tigress!”

  “A tigress!” Saffi actually let out a roar, carried away by the image in her mind, and made a clawing gesture at Alan.

  Donovan choked on his laughter.

  Alan nodded, straight-faced, even as he dodged Saffi’s clawing fingers. “That’s right. A tigress---like the
tiger in Pooh but the female version! You can be strong when and where it counts. You can do this. You’re the smartest girl in the world. If you can’t go to him, make him go to you.”

  Slowly, an idea occurred to her. “I’ll need your help. The two of you.”

  Donovan grinned. “We are at your service.”


  What the fuck were they talking about? Staffan knew he shouldn’t be brooding about what a certain girl and his two goddamn traitorous backup dancers were talking about. He should be having the time of this life, with all his concerts selling out even before his tour officially began. He was surrounded by beautiful women, all willing to do anything he wanted. He had wealth, fame, and everything else that a man could want.

  So why the fuck did he want to smash the two men’s faces simply by daring to stand close to Saffi?

  And Saffi!

  Damn stubborn girl. What the hell did she want from him?

  His phone rang. The name that flashed on the screen made Staffan’s face harden. He rejected the call without hesitation. He had no time for Chloe’s explanations. As far as he was concerned, what she did said it all.

  When he looked up, Staffan cursed long and fluently at the sight that greeted him.

  Saffi was dancing on the ledge, and his entire crew was cheering for her, chanting just one word that made Staffan stand up so quickly he ended overturning his table, causing bottles to crash on the floor and the women around him shriek in surprise.


  In seconds, he had shoved his way to the ledge. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he growled. Had she fucking forgotten she hadn’t even her fucking underwear under his trench coat?

  Staffan was jealous.

  Over her.

  His tone said it all. Surely he couldn’t be faking it?

  Delirious at the realization, she could only smile down at him.

  The dreamy smile on Saffi’s innocently beautiful face practically knocked Staffan off his feet.

  “I was waiting for you to get me.” She bent even lower, her breasts tantalizingly close to his face as she touched his ear with her lips. “I was waiting for you to take what I promised.”


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