J D Robb - Dallas 19 - Divided In Death

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J D Robb - Dallas 19 - Divided In Death Page 26

by Divided In Death(lit)

  He grabbed her arm, spun her around. "Is this your way of slapping at me because I refuse to stand on the same elevated moral ground as you?"

  "If I slap at you, pal, believe me, you'll feel it. This, and that, are two separate issues."


  "Oh, fuck you and the big-ass dick you rode in on." She jerked away from him and lost control long enough to shove him back.

  She saw his eyes fire, but he didn't shove back, didn't touch her. She hated herself for resenting that he could keep that violence in line when she couldn't.

  "This is my work, goddamn it, and I don't have the time or the luxury to think about anything else right now. You don't like the way I'm running this investigation and this team, then step out. Step the hell out. You don't know what I'm dealing with."

  "You've just made my point. I've some concerns, reasonable concerns, about having my wife go up against the HSO. This isn't just a murderer, or even organized crime. It isn't some wild-eyed group of terrorists. This is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. If they're involved in this, as it seems they must be in some aspect, it logically follows that they'd have little compunction about harming a New York City cop who got in their way. Personally or professionally harming that cop. My cop."

  "Deal with it. That's part of the package you took on. You want to keep my ass out of the sling on this, get me the information. That's what you can do. That's all you can do."

  "It's part of the package I took on," he agreed in a tone that was dangerously soft. "You'd do well to remember the whole of the one you took on. The whole of it, Eve. You have to live with that, or without it."

  She stood, shocked to the bone, when he turned and walked away from her. Her skin went cold with it, and her stomach cramped and twisted as she rushed down the stairs out of the house. Something of it must have shown on her face as Peabody turned to her when she climbed into the car.

  "Dallas? You okay?"

  She shook her head. She wasn't sure she could get out words. Her throat was burning. Punching the accelerator, she sent the car speeding down the drive, which was flanked by lovely trees and bushes beginning to fire with the first hints of autumn.

  "Men are tough nuts," Peabody said. "The more I'm around them, the tougher they get. It seems to me that one like Roarke would be tougher than most."

  "He's pissed that's all. Really pissed." She had to press a hand to her troubled stomach. "So am I, goddamn it, so am I. But he got under my guard. He's really good at getting under your guard. The son of a bitch." Her breath wanted to hitch so she sucked it in, sucked it in hard. "He knows just where to jab."

  "The more somebody loves you, the better their aim."

  "Christ, he must really love me. I can't do this now. He knows I can't do this now."

  "Never a convenient time for relationship upheaval."

  "Who the hell's side are you on?"

  "Well, since I'm sitting beside you, and you punch really hard, I'm on yours. You bet."

  "Gotta put it away." But she was afraid the sickness in her belly was going to plague her throughout the day. Still, she engaged the dash 'link and took the next step.

  "Nadine Furst."

  "I can't make lunch. We'll have to reschedule. As soon as possible."

  "All right." Nadine didn't bat a carefully groomed lash. "I'll clear some time and let you know."

  "Looking forward to it." Eve signed off.

  "What the hell was that?" Peabody demanded.

  "Spooks aren't the only ones who can be covert. That was me telling Nadine to break the story that Blair Bissel was HSO, with a few selected details to confirm and expand upon. We're going to see whose ass is red by the end of the day."

  "Roarke's not going to be the only one who's really pissed."

  "Thanks." Eve managed a weak smile. "That makes me feel considerably better."


  Morris had done exactly as instructed. Because it took ten full minutes to clear her and Peabody into the morgue, she decided he was more than a little annoyed. He admitted them personally, then led the way through the chilly white tunnel toward the autopsy and viewing rooms.

  "What time did you get here this morning?" Eve asked his rigid back.

  "Around seven. Early, as I was doing a cop a favor, or had intended to do one by coming in ahead of schedule and running tests on Bissel to see if he'd had any recent facial enhancements or sculpting. I got coffee and reviewed my previous notes on the case, then came down here, about seven-fifteen."

  He used his pass and a voice command to open the secured doors on one of the storage/viewing areas.

  "Was this door locked?"

  "It was."

  "I'll have Crime Scene check it for tampering," Peabody said.

  "Bissel's slot was empty," Morris continued, and approached the wall of stainless steel refrigerator drawers. He opened one and it let out a whoosh of air and chilly white vapor. "Initially I was annoyed, assuming he'd been moved or misfiled, so I checked the last log-in, which verified he'd been stored properly. I called the AME, Marlie Drew, who was on the night shift. She was still here as she wouldn't end shift until eight. She had no record of anyone entering this area, adding or removing anything."

  "I'll need to speak with her."

  "She's in her office, waiting. We ran a thorough search. His data is still here, his body is not."

  "How many bodies do you have in at this time?"

  "Twenty-six. Four came in last night. There was a vehicular accident logged in at two-twenty."

  "You've checked all storage areas?"

  Insult flashed over his face. "Dallas, this isn't my first day on the job. When I tell you a body isn't here, it isn't here."

  "Okay. So you only had twenty-two before the new ones checked in at two-twenty?"

  "No, we had twenty-three. Two were scheduled for disposal-city expense. Two sidewalk sleepers, unclaimed."


  Now, fresh irritation layered over the insult and made his voice an icy slash. "You know the damn drill. Unclaimed, indigent, the city cremates after forty-eight hours. We deal with them during the night shift, send them out to a crematorium."

  "Who goes with them?"

  "Driver and orderly." Because he saw where she was heading, he set his teeth. "They wouldn't have taken Bissel by mistake, if that's what you're thinking. We don't run a damn comedy hour around here. It's serious and sensitive work to care for the dead."

  "I'm perfectly aware of that, Morris." Her own temper was beginning to fray as she stepped up to and into his face. "But Bissel's not here, so let's go through the steps."

  "Fine. There's a staging area. Bodies slated for transfer and disposal would be logged out from storage-and the records checked-by the AME on duty, and those records would be cross-checked to avoid any mistakes. The transfer team would take them to the staging area, log them out through another series of checks. This isn't a matter of someone mistakenly slating Bissel for disposal and leaving one of the city jobs behind. I've got a damn body missing. The count's wrong."

  "I'm not thinking it was a mistake. Contact the crematorium first. See how many they did for you last night. And I want the names of the ones who transported the bodies. Are they still on site?"

  "Different shifts." Looking more worried than angry now, Morris led the way out, resecured the door. "They'd have been off by six." He walked quickly toward his office. He called up the previous night's schedule even as he engaged his 'link.

  "Powell and Sibresky. I know both these men. They're big on jokes but they're efficient. They're careful. This is Chief Medical Examiner Morris," he said into the 'link. "I need to verify a delivery for disposal, city contract, made early this morning."

  "One moment please, Dr. Morris, I'll connect you with Receiving."

  "Does anybody but me think this is kind of sick?" Peabody wondered. "I mean, Receiving. Yuck."

  "Shut up, Peabody. Do a quick run on this Powell and Sibresky, get me pictures."<
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  "I gave you pictures," Morris objected. "People around here don't just fry up any loose body. There's a very exacting system in place to... Yes, this is Morris," he said when Receiving got on the line. "We delivered a John and a Jane Doe early this morning for disposal. Order numbers NYC-JD500251 and 252. Will you verify?"

  "Of course, Dr. Morris. Just let me pull those up. I have those deliveries, and disposal was completed. Do you need the verification numbers?"

  "No, thank you. That's enough."

  "Do you need to verify the third delivery?"

  Eve didn't need to see his stomach to know it sank. It showed by the way he slowly lowered his body into his desk chair. "A third?"

  "NYC-JD500253. All three were delivered and signed for by the Receiving supervisor, Clemment, at one-oh-six A.M."

  "Disposal is completed?"

  "Oh yes, Doctor. Disposal was completed at... three-thirty-eight A.M. Is there something else I can help you with?"

  "No. No. Thank you." He broke transmission. "I don't know how this could happen. It makes no sense. The order is here, right here." He tapped his screen. "For two, not three. There's no third disposal order, no third body cleared from Staging."

  "I need to talk to Powell and Sibresky."

  "I'm going with you. I need to follow this through, Dallas," he said before she could object. "This is my house. The guests may be dead, but they're still mine."

  "All right. Get Crime Scene in here, Peabody. And let's get Feeney to pick us a hotshot from EDD to look at Morris's unit. I want to know if any of the data's been altered in the last twenty-four."


  They got a very irritated Sibresky out of bed. Though he mellowed a bit when he saw Morris, he still scratched his butt and bitched.

  "What the hell? Me and the old lady work nights. You gotta sleep some time. You day people think everything runs on your clock."

  "Real sorry to disturb your sleep, Sibresky," Eve began, "and I'm real sorry you didn't use a mouthwash before this little conversation."


  "But the fact is I'm conducting one of those pesky daytime investigations. You took a delivery to the crematorium early this morning."

  "Yeah, so what? That's my fricking job, lady. Hey, Morris, what the fuck?"

  "Sib, this is important. Did you-"

  "Morris," Eve interrupted, more gently than she might have with anyone else. "How many did you take in?"

  "Just the one run from the city morgue. We do 'em in groups if it's under five. Five or more, you gotta take it in two trips. More of that in the winter when the sleepers kick off from exposure and shit. Good weather like this, it's pretty slow."

  "How many in the run?"

  "Shit." He poked out his bottom lip in an expression Eve gauged as concentration. "Three. Yeah, three. Two Johns, one Jane. Jesus, we went through the routine, the logs, the paperwork, the sign off, sign in, and shit. Not my fault if somebody decided to claim one of the bodies after the forty-eight."

  "Who authorized the transport for you and Powell?"

  "Sal, I guess. You know, Morris, Sally Riser. She logs 'em out usually from Staging. It was already done when I clocked in, but it wasn't Powell."

  "What wasn't Powell?"

  "Powell called in sick, so the new guy was working. Real hotdogger," Sibresky said with a grimace. "Had all the paperwork done when I clocked on. Don't matter a shit to me. I just drive 'em."

  "What was the new guy's name?" Eve demanded.

  "Shit, I gotta remember everything at ten in the fricking morning? Angelo, I think his name was. What the hell do I care, he was just filling in for Powell. Wanted to do all the paperwork himself, and that's fine with me. Like I said, he was a real hotdogger."

  "I bet he was. Peabody."

  Understanding, Peabody pulled photos of Blair and Carter Bissel out of her file bag. "Mr. Sibresky, are either of these the man you know as Angelo?"

  "Nah. Hotdogger had a big, stupid mustache, lots of eyebrows, hair all slicked back and hanging to his butt like some kinda fag-ass vid star. Scar on his face, too." He tapped a finger on his left cheek. "Nasty one, went from the corner of his eye nearly to his mouth. Teeth bucked out, too. Guy was pretty damn ugly."

  "Sibresky, I'm going to ruin your day," Eve told him. "You'll need to get dressed, and come down to Central. I need you to look at pictures and work with a police artist."

  "Ah, come on, lady."

  "That's Lieutenant Lady. Go get your pants on."


  She wasn't surprised to find herself standing over Joseph Powell's body, but she was furious. She had to control the fury, coat it thickly before it clouded judgment.

  He'd lived alone, and that had been one of the many breaks for his killer. He'd been scrawny, with little meat on his bird bones and a crop of hair cut short around the ears and trained, somehow or other, to stand up straight from his head in a six-inch crown dyed lightning blue.

  From the looks of his place, he'd liked music and cheese-flavored soy chips. He was still wearing his headphones, and an open bag of the chips was in bed with him.

  There were no privacy screens on the single bedroom window, but a shade, blue as his hair, had been drawn. It blocked out the sun well enough, turned the room to gloom, and let all the traffic sounds-air and street-rumble against the glass like a storm rolling in.

  He'd toked a little Zoner along with his chips. She could see the remnants of paper and ash in the dish shaped like a stupendously endowed naked woman on the table beside the bed.

  Another break for the killer. He'd been zoned out, music pounding in his head, and couldn't have weighed more than one-thirty. It was unlikely he'd even felt the jolt from the laser pressed to his carotid artery.

  Small blessings.

  Across from the bed, tacked up for the view she was sure, was a life-sized poster of Mavis Freestone, exploding into a midair leap, arms extended, grin wide and full of fun. She wore little more than the grin and strategically placed glitter.



  The sight of it, hanging on the dingy beige wall, laughing down at the dead made Eve incredibly sad and sick.

  Because Morris was there, and she knew he needed to take some control, she stayed back and let him handle the initial exam.

  "One jolt," he said. "Full contact. Burn marks from the weapon are clearly evident. No other visible trauma. No signs of struggle or defensive wounds. His neurological system would have been immediately compromised. Death instantaneous."

  "I need positive ID, Morris. If you want I can-"

  He whipped around. "I know the drill. I know what the fuck has to be done here, and don't need you..." He lifted both hands. His breath shuddered in, then out. "And that was so uncalled for. I'm sorry."

  "It's all right. I know this is rough on you."

  "Close to home. This hits very, very close to home. Someone came into this room and killed this... boy as carelessly as you might swat a fly. He did that without knowing him, without having any feelings about him. Did this only to remove a small barrier so he could walk into my house. This really meant nothing more to him than putting on his shoes so he wouldn't stub his toe.

  "Victim is positively identified as Powell, Joseph. I'm going to take just a minute, Dallas, to pull myself together so I can do him, and you, some good."

  She waited until he left the room. "Peabody, I need you to work this. Do the on-scene, call the sweepers, start the knock-on-doors. I have to get to the Tower."

  "I need to be there."

  "They ordered me, not you."

  Peabody's jaw tightened. "I'm your partner, and if your ass is getting fitted for a sling, mine is, too."

  "I appreciate the sentiment, however strange the visual, but I need my partner to pull the weight here. He needs you," she said, looking down at Powell. "You have to start the process for him, and you need to help Morris. And if they're fitting my ass for a sling, Peabody, I need you to keep pushing this investigation
through, to keep the team solid. I'm not protecting you. I'm counting on you."

  "Okay. I'll handle it." She stepped up, stood with Eve over Joseph Powell. "I'll take care of him."

  She nodded. "Do you see what happened here? Tell me."

  "He let himself in the door. He knows how to bypass security, and there's not much here to bypass. No cams, no doorman. He picked Powell instead of Sibresky because Powell lived alone, and as orderly, probably handled more of the paperwork. It was business here, and he went straight for it. Powell's in bed, zoned or asleep, probably both. He just leaned down, pressed the weapon to his throat, zapped him. Um..."


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