Moon Shy

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Moon Shy Page 5

by Victoria Blisse

  She had a day of firings to look forward to, and she was most looking forward to telling that stinky, little girl Jenny that her time was up. Not only was she to be fired, she would be there to witness Dessie and Lowell change, and then Dessie would rip the disgusting, annoying woman to pieces. Maybe she’d let Lowell join in. That would be quite wonderfully ironic.

  She hated Jenny with everything within her. She knew the girl went down to Lowell’s office every lunchtime, she watched them on a discreetly hidden CCTV camera. And every day they kissed and pawed at each other, and Desdemona found it sickening.

  They laughed and joked and talked about how evil she was. That was the only bit she enjoyed. It was nice to see her hard work acknowledged. The day before, she had been busy and so had only checked the camera halfway through Lowell’s lunch hour. It seemed strange, but Jenny hadn’t been there, and Lowell had been at his desk, typing away as normal.

  It had became apparent just where Jenny actually had been a few minutes later when Lowell had stopped typing and closed his eyes. His mouth had formed an ‘O’, and his hands had gripped the sides of his office chair. Moments later, the smug redhead had crawled out from underneath the desk, licking her lips and giggling. Dessie’s had curled up in distaste, and she had seethed with even more anger than before.

  But at least now she had something interesting to show them both as she fired them. She couldn’t wait for Thursday to come around.

  * * * *

  Lowell could not get home from work in only an hour. He had thought it over and over, but there was just no way he could do it. The buses just didn’t run at the right times. That damn woman was insufferable. He was glad she’d be gone at the end of the week. With Miss Conall no longer breathing down his neck and being all weird around him, maybe he’d actually get some work done.

  There were no two ways about it. He’d have to lock himself up here at work. He had some chains in the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet for just such emergencies. He didn’t like the idea, but he had found a tiny storeroom down the corridor with no windows and a thick, heavy door. He would sit in there and wait it out.

  Lowell was agitated, anyway. He had thoroughly enjoyed the last week or so with Jenny. The first time she’d come home with him had been such a revelation. He hadn’t expected anything to happen, but having sex with Jenny was amazing, so much better than the meaningless sex he’d had earlier in his life when he’d been shallow and completely stupid.

  They’d even done more than kissing at work. It had been such a rush to have Jenny suck him off below his desk, her soft lips teasing him to orgasm. One time he had fingered her as they sat side by side on their chairs. He had made her come all over his hand. And what was the worst thing that could happen if they were caught? They could only be fired, and somehow that had lost its horror for him.

  Lowell marvelled at how little he cared about possibly losing his job. Finding a new one where he could be so isolated would be difficult, but it seemed that Jenny made doing anything worthwhile. He’d become a damn TV celebrity if it meant keeping Jenny in his life.

  He’d occasionally worry about Jenny’s safety with him. What if she turned up out of the blue during his ‘monthly problem’? He knew that as long as they didn’t get into having a copy of each other’s key or living together that her seeing him when he didn’t want her to would be practically impossible. He tried not to think much further forward than that. If they were to continue in a relationship, he would have to commit to her seriously. To do that, he would have to tell her his secret. He wasn’t sure he would be able to do that, so he tried his best not too think too far ahead. He didn’t want to consider a life without Jenny in it.

  Lowell glanced at the clock, sighed and stood up from his desk. Thursday had come around all too quickly. Jenny was scheduled for her performance review at 5:15. He had told her he would see her briefly afterwards, but that he had plans that night. He had five minutes to talk to her and console her before he’d have to race back to the basement to lock himself down. The time between full moons was just not long enough, in his opinion. Why couldn’t they come around once in a million years or something?

  He took the elevator up to the top floor and walked across the landing to Miss Conall’s door. He knocked.

  “Ah, Lowell, come in,” she called. “Sit there,” she told him as he entered the room.

  “Lowell, you didn’t have a good start, did you? But I must say that since that first day you’ve barely put a foot wrong. My only complaint is that you’ve taken too long on your lunch hour several times, but as you’ve made up the time at the end of the day, I can hardly dismiss you for such a trifling thing.”

  Miss Conall made him nervous. She had an even stronger scent of bitch on her today, and it was driving his senses crazy. He hated the day before the full moon. His wolf self was far too in charge, and as he smelt the scent he became aroused which appalled him. His instincts might have been animalistic, but his heart and mind were still both human, both very much Lowell. The sooner this damn full moon was over, the better.

  “So, I am very glad to announce, Lowell, that the company will be keeping you on. That is, if you don’t accept my job offer. I need an assistant. You will get ten K a year more than you’re getting here, and there will be other bonuses, too. I don’t need an answer right now, but if you’re interested, please ring me.” She slid a business card across the table, and Lowell picked it up and put it in his pocket.

  “Thank you, Miss Conall, but I am very happy here. I will think about it, though.” He didn’t want the weird bitch to be insulted and to fire him on the spot.

  “That is fine, Lowell. I look forward to hearing from you. You can go.”

  Lowell stood up and raced for the door. He did not want that mad woman to see his physical reaction to her scent. He couldn’t wait to get back down to the basement where Jenny’s sweet perfume would erase the bitch smell and ease his mind.

  Chapter Five

  Jenny knew she was going to be fired. She walked up to Miss Conall’s door at exactly 5.15 and knocked.


  She did, and Miss Conall pointed at the seat before her desk.

  “I’m not going to beat around the bush, Jenny. You’re a terrible employee. You do not sell, you do not push, you don’t put any effort into your job at all. That isn’t all, though. You take long lunches and don’t make up the time, and during these lunches you do things explicitly forbidden by company rules.”

  Miss Conall turned the computer screen to face Jenny, and Jenny saw black and white footage of Lowell climaxing. Her jaw dropped as she saw herself appear from below his desk and wipe her mouth. She had no idea they had cameras down in that room.

  “So you see, Jenny, I have to fire you.”

  “I see,” Jenny said, still in shock. She’d had a whole defiant speech prepared, but it had completely disappeared from her mind.

  Miss Conall stood up. “Let me just get your paperwork,” she said, “then you can go.”

  The next thing Jenny was aware of was a tightness around her wrists as they were dragged behind her back and a harsh throbbing in her head.

  * * * *

  “Ah, Jenny, you’re awake. Good.”

  Jenny looked round the stark, concrete walls of the dark room illuminated by a harsh light above her head to see Miss Conall naked and licking her lips.

  “What the hell is going on?” Jenny rasped. Her throat was sore, and she was finding it hard to focus.

  “Oh, you know, kidnap, assault, murder, nothing to worry about.” Miss Conall laughed, but the more she did, the more it sounded like a howl.

  “You can’t do this!” Jenny shook her head. Her heart was thudding inside her echoing chest, and she was panicking. This crazed woman was going to hurt her and probably kill her, and she was totally helpless. As she realised what was going to happen to her, she started to scream.

  “Help, help, help!” she yelled at the top of her voice.

  Miss Conall just laughed and howled harder.

  * * * *

  Desdemona was enjoying herself for the first time in weeks. She’d hit that puny redhead so hard that she had dropped instantly. It took her a matter of seconds to lift the prone body to her shoulder and take her down in the executive elevator to the basement. The girl had proven no challenge whatsoever. It was just the way she liked it.

  A length of rope tied her hands behind her back as the unconscious body rested against the cool wall, and another bound her ankles together. She’d not be moving anywhere. Even if she did break free, the door was locked and, within a matter of moments, Dessie would be in her true form. And nothing would escape her, then.

  She removed her clothes. It was a good suit she was wearing, and it was worth preserving.

  Jenny started to stir and asked the same, unimaginative question they all asked. Dessie inhaled the fear as she told the girl of her fate. It was the best aphrodisiac she knew. She laughed as her dinner screamed for help.

  “No one can hear you, oh no. We’re deep in the bowels of the building. There’s no one around to hear you through these thick, thick walls. I’m afraid it’s just you and me, dear. Oh, and the glorious full moon which should be making its appearance soon. And then, oh, then, you’re in for a treat.”

  Suddenly, there came a heavy clanging from the other side of the thick, storeroom door.

  Oh goody, Lowell had arrived. She unlocked it and let him in.

  “What the hell are you doing, you stupid bitch?” Lowell pushed past Desdemona, who just laughed and pulled the door shut behind him, locking it firmly.

  “Lowell,” Jenny gasped, “Oh, please help me.”

  The weak one burst into tears as Lowell worked to unfasten the knots around her ankles.

  “Oh, I like a little sport with my dinner, too, Lowell. Good idea. Free her feet so we can chase her.”

  “What the fuck are you on about?” Lowell spat. “You’re demented.”

  “Oh no, darling, I am just like you. Join with me. We can be the start of a new pack. I invited you earlier to be my assistant. I am now asking you to be my partner. I know who and what you are, Lowell, and in just a moment, we’ll both be ripping this puny human to pieces with our teeth and our claws.”

  “No!” Lowell screamed. “No, I will not. I love her.”

  “Pfft, she’s just a girl. I am your equal.” She pulled Lowell up by his collar. The moonlight was close to its apex, and she could feel the strength and ecstasy flowing through her veins. “Join me.”

  “Never!” Lowell howled.

  Dessie’s world began to sing. The change was upon her.

  * * * *

  At 5.30 precisely, Lowell stood in the main foyer, waiting for Jenny. He remained there for a good five minutes, but she never came. He was irritated. He could feel the full moon’s pull, and he needed to get down into the basement for safety. He could not wait for her a moment longer.

  He walked quickly to the elevator and, as he dropped down, he sent Jenny a text message to enquire where she was. He ran to his office and picked up his chains. He had to hurry, there were only ten minutes until the change. He raced down the corridor, and he could sense something was wrong. Something was very wrong. As he got closer to the storeroom he’d earmarked for his incarceration, he worked out why. He could hear Jenny, and she was screaming for help.

  “Jenny,” he yelled and banged on the locked storeroom door. He was scared and angry. He knew before the door opened whom he’d find in there. He yelled at the surprisingly naked Miss Conall and fell to his knees before Jenny. He quickly ripped off the bindings from around her ankles and tried desperately to free her arms.

  “Whatever happens, you need to run—run, but lock this door before you do,” he whispered in her ear as he frantically fumbled with the bindings at her wrists. But as the moon rose, his fine motor skills were decreasing, and the wolf was rising.

  “…join me.” Miss Conall finished her speech.

  Suddenly, it all became clear. She was a werewolf, too.

  “Never!” he yelled.

  But as the word burst from his throat, he felt his bones and his body cracking. Stretching and mutating. The change was on him. He threw himself away from Jenny, and when the beast awoke, he howled. Wolf Lowell heard the higher-pitched call of a wolf and looked around. A dark-furred female stood beside him. He could smell her. She was in heat, and her scent was like pure sex. She growled at Lowell and paced right past him.

  Lowell saw a body cowering in the corner and growled a challenge. It wasn’t until he stalked closer and picked up the scent that he remembered it. Something filtered through his animal instinct, and a word lodged there. Jenny. He knew this was something he had to protect. With a horrific howl, he launched himself at the female wolf. He knocked her to the floor, a foot or two away from Jenny, who cowered in the corner.

  At first, the female wolf thought he wanted to mate, her whimpers and barks indicated she was ready for him to take her. His nostrils were filled with her tempting musk. She begged him with scent and sounds to fuck her.

  He moved to the position, controlled by instinct, but just as he readied himself to slip inside her, he heard a sob and looked up. He saw Jenny, and anger raced through him. Instinct told him he had to protect that delicate thing from the female wolf below him.

  Dessie sensed the change in him, and as he lunged to take a bite from her flesh, she twisted below him. He fought back as she scratched and pummelled. His claws raked as he held her down, her snapping jaws aiming for his throat. She was strong, but he was stronger. He let her thrash out some of her energy, and the moment she tired and left a gap in her defences, he buried his teeth in her furry neck and began to rip apart the flesh.

  He did not come out of the fight unscathed. Although the other wolf was injured, she fought to the very last, landing scratches and bites along his body.

  He pulled away from the bloodied mess of battle and collapsed to the floor.

  Chapter Six

  Jenny tried to break her bonds, but she could not. Even if she managed to get to her feet, her hands were still tied behind her back, and she would not be able to unlock the door. She was shaking all over, the shock of what she’d just seen still ruling her mind and body. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She’d been so relieved when Lowell had arrived. He must have come to look for her when she hadn’t turned up in the foyer on time. How he’d found her, she didn’t know, but it was a miracle. She hadn’t understood why he had wanted her to lock him in with the psycho bitch as he whispered his directions into her ear. She hadn’t known why until a few seconds later when everything she’d known as Lowell had fallen apart.

  The noises coming from them as they‘d changed had filled her heart with terror. She‘d seen them change. One moment they had been human, and the next they had been large, evil wolves. Werewolves. Her mind had not been able to register it, but she had known she was in danger as they howled in unison to the moon.

  Miss Conall—or at least the beast who had once been Miss Conall—had turned on her first. Jenny had never given much thought to the way she’d die, but she sure wouldn’t have predicted she’d end up doggie chow for some mythical beast.

  She had felt the hot, horrid breath on her cheek as the slathering beast had drawn closer to her, then suddenly a blast of cool air had chilled her, and the howls and grunts had started again. Jenny looked. She had tried closing her eyes tightly, but the dark had been worse than the reality before her.

  Lowell, her Lowell in beast form, had been on top of Miss Conall. Jenny hadn’t understood until she’d looked closer and seen how excited the Lowell beast was. He’d been going to fuck the bitch right there in front of her.

  Her heart had shattered. Maybe they’d planned this all along. The two wolves were in cahoots. They’d fuck, then they’d eat her. She had sobbed as her heart had throbbed with pain. She could have sworn it literally had been breaking.

  He had look
ed across to her, then. The beast’s eyes had been a different shape and surrounded by a mass of shaggy hair, but they had still been Lowell’s eyes. She had wept in terror, heartbreak and shock, but instead of pouncing on her or plunging his animal phallus into the willing female below him, he had howled, and a battle had begun.

  Fur literally had flown as did spurts of blood. Teeth had flashed, claws slashed, and Lowell had seemed to be fairing the worst. He had attacked, not fucked, the bitch. He had seen Jenny, and he had changed his animal mind. She had seen Lowell as she had looked into those eyes, and he had seen her.

  And now he was protecting her.

  Or he wanted the human treat all to himself, and he was killing the competition, or trying to. That was a sobering thought, and Jenny began to struggle in her bonds again, trying desperately to loosen them. She watched the fight before her. She flinched every time Lowell was hit, scratched or bitten. Even when he was a beast, she loved him, and even if he tore her to shreds, she would love him. A psychologist would have a field day with that, she decided.

  But the wolf on top came out on top. As Miss Conall faltered, he went for the jugular. Jenny had to look away then as he tore at the flesh until he was sure the challenging wolf had been vanquished. When the only noise she could hear was that of her heartbeat and his heavy, laboured panting, she opened her eyes again. He was injured, very injured, and loosing a lot of blood. He looked up at her for a moment, then he collapsed to the floor.

  Jenny worked at the knots at her wrists. Lowell had managed to loosen them somewhat. She was determined to get her hands free, to escape. Lowell was a beast, and if he came to, he would have her for dinner. But as the rope loosened and she managed to painfully manoeuvre her hands free, she didn’t immediately get up and run.


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