Catch You if I Can

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Catch You if I Can Page 8

by Marian Tee

  “I’m not going to quit,” Ianne said tightly. She couldn’t understand why Alex had suggested it in the first place. Did he really think so lowly of her skills then?

  Chapter Nine

  Cheerleading practice was harsher than usual. Although basketball season was still two months away, Gee wanted everyone to master everything in a month.

  You just got to hand it to her, Ianne thought, impressed at Gee’s dedication, never mind her perennially tortured muscles. As far as everybody else knew, none of the other schools were even half done with their choreography, and definitely none of their competition had choreographed with cheerleading rather than cheer-dancing in mind.

  By the time practice was officially over, they were only 80% done with basic jumps.

  Disappointment was written all over Gee's face. "Tomorrow, we stay till we finish everything."

  None of them dared to groan because by now, Ianne and the others knew that the more they complained the longer Gee would keep them on the field.

  Gee, a slavedriver? Definitely!

  As she trudged back to the locker room with the rest of the squad, Ianne glanced at her watch and almost groaned. 7:45! She just had fifteen minutes to get ready before Alex came to fetch her. He had offered to take her out to dinner and drive her home while walking Ianne to her next class. And she had said yes, despite having many trepidations.

  It was already ten minutes past eight when Ianne finished powdering her face, not bothering with anything else except for some lip gloss since she was already late.

  Outside the gym, she craned her neck to look for Alex but didn’t find anyone. After waiting for a few more minutes, Ianne decided to check if Alex was waiting for her at the parking lot. Street lamps lined the path, and Ianne noticed a solitary couple standing underneath one of the lamp posts.

  Ianne wouldn’t have even looked twice for them if the guy hadn’t moved slightly, revealing enough of his face for Ianne to realize it was Alex.

  She started to call for him when the girl he was talking to turned towards her as well, and it turned out to be Zelda.

  Her teeth snapped together. Again? Ianne knew she was being unfair. She had no right to complain, and there was nothing wrong about two exes talking. But even so, it hurt.

  Ianne was about to turn away when Alex suddenly called her out, his tone urgent. “Ianne!”

  She whirled around, and Alex was suddenly there, the slight crooked smile on his lips nearly blinding her. “Zelda?” she whispered. There was just no room for pride now. She needed to know what they were talking about to keep from driving herself crazy.

  “—is nothing you have to worry of, ever,” he stressed.

  At her still troubled look, Alex sighed and held her face in his hands. “How many times do I have to tell you? She doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  But was he telling the truth?

  Ianne wanted so badly to ask him that, but she couldn’t. She had promised herself to be more adventurous, to take more risks, but it took situations like this to make Ianne realize that she was not as brave as she had thought.

  “Ianne? You believe me, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she half-lied. In truth, she was just filled with confusion. Forcing a bright smile, she said, “Should we go now?”

  Alex took her to a fancy place for dinner and, after that, Ianne suggested they watch a movie with shy determination even as she blushed while asking.

  Alex had given her an odd look and even more so when she chose a horror movie. “You hate horror,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, but you’re there to keep me safe, won’t you?” Ianne returned boldly even though her cheeks became hotter with every word.

  Alex’s cock instantly grew to immense proportions at the suggestive words. “Ianne,” he growled. “Don’t. Tempt. Me.”

  The warning in his voice only made her heart beat faster and her body more hyper-aware of Alex. It must have shown somehow, too, because the next thing she knew, Alex was letting out a rough groan before hauling her bodily to him, his lips immediately closing over her parted lips.

  She moaned against his mouth as his tongue slipped inside hers. He tasted hot and sweet, forbidden and familiar at the same time. Her hands clutched his shirt to keep herself from falling as her senses swam when Alex only deepened his kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.

  “Alex.” The way she whimpered his name brought Alex back to reality, and it took superhuman effort for him to lift his head and end the kiss. If he had allowed it to continue another second, he was pretty sure they wouldn’t be heading to the theaters after. There would only be one place to go, and that would be his bedroom, with Ianne naked between the sheets.

  The thought of Ianne without her clothes had his balls tightening and his cock growing harder and larger against his pants.

  Ianne was startled when she felt something hardening against her belly.

  “Ianne—” Alex said warningly, hoping it would dissuade her from looking down but it was too late. He watched her eyes go wide at the sight of his bulging erection, and he bit back a groan when her fingers tightened on his shirt once more. Shit, shit, shit. It just made him imagine Ianne clutching his shoulders, calling out his name as he thrust inside her over and over.

  “Y-you’re…” Too big, she wanted to say but knew it would make her sound terribly inexperienced. And she was that, but she didn’t want it to be too obvious. Ianne couldn’t help but think that Zelda would have been more experienced and sophisticated, probably bolder, too. If she had seen this, Zelda would probably have something more interesting to say.

  “Yes, I am,” he agreed thickly. A part of him wanted to tell her to stop staring, but another part of him wanted her to continue staring because the way she did made Alex feel pretty much like Superman in terms of sex appeal.

  She swallowed convulsively, unable to tear her gaze off his erection. Was it real? Those were the words brimming on her lips even though common sense told her that of course it was real. Alex Rockford simply was not the type to take something or do something just to increase the size of his manhood.

  “If you keep staring at my cock like that, don’t blame me for the consequences.” He owed her that warning at least.

  Ianne forced herself to look up. She felt like she was floating and dreaming, butterflies lazily flying in her stomach. She belatedly realized she was still clutching his shirt but she just couldn’t let go. “Maybe I want the consequences.” She wetted her lips—

  Alex’s curse was her only warning before he was kissing her again, backing Ianne until her back hit another lamp post, and then he was grounding his erection against the throbbing flesh between her legs. Both of them were wearing jeans, but she was so sensitive it felt like there was nothing – absolutely nothing – between them.

  She kissed him back desperately, passionately, urgently, no longer inclined to think. Who cared about thinking when she had Alex Rockford kissing her?

  Ianne whimpered in protest when Alex broke the kiss once more, but the sound died in her throat at the hungry look of desire in his gaze. “We’ll have dinner as planned,” he bit out. “We’ll go to the theaters. And throughout the night, I want you to think about whether you really want us to go to the next level. Because if we do, there’s no turning back and I won’t be holding back anymore.”


  “I want you to be mine. I want everyone to know you’re my girl and when I say that, I mean it in every way. I’m not the kind of guy who’s laidback and easygoing. What I want, what I need, I demand to have.” He kissed her hard, marking his possession, giving her a taste of how it was to have Alex possess her. When he lifted his head again, he whispered roughly, “I want you to think of me first all the time because that’s how I think about you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Ianne was stiff on her seat at the start of the movie, too acutely aware of Alex to concentrate on anything else. He was too close, too hard – too much of everythin
g that she had to literally sit on her hands just to keep her from reaching out to him. She bit her lip hard, too, so as not to accidentally moan out his name.

  But as time passed, Ianne gradually relaxed, losing herself in the story unfolding on the silver screen. A smile flitted over Alex’s lips as he continued to observe the girl next to him beneath his hooded gaze. He had deliberately stayed silent, wanting the tension to leave Ianne because he didn’t want her nervous or anxious about the two of them making love. God knew he wanted it to happen – wanted to have the right to take her anywhere and anytime – and he knew he would take advantage of it when he did – but he was willing to wait. He wanted it to be damn special between them, so much so that if she was ever forced to choose, she would choose him.

  Ianne was so engrossed with the movie that when the dead woman showed up unexpectedly behind the heroine of the movie, she let out a scream, instinctively grabbing hold of the arm next to hers.

  Which wasn’t Alex’s.

  “Oh my God, sorry,” Ianne apologized in a rush, releasing the other person’s hand. It was too soft and small to be Alex’s, and the other girl snatched her hand away from Ianne. The glare from the movie screen revealed a disgusted look on the girl’s face, which was quickly replaced with a coy smile when she realized who Ianne was with.

  “Hi, Alex!”

  Alex merely nodded, and the smile on the girl’s face became forced when Alex lifted the movable armrest between them so that he could snake an arm around Ianne’s waist as he pulled her close. “Relax.”

  Alex had whispered the word straight into her ear, his breath fanning her skin, and she became even stiffer in the circle of his arms, conscious of how the other girl was still staring at them. She looked up at Alex, saw the wicked gleam on his eyes and almost groaned. He was playing with her again!

  Ianne’s mutinous glare almost tempted Alex to smile, but he managed to keep himself from doing so. He did not want the other girl to misinterpret him in any way and think that he was smiling at her. “Try to relax, Ianne.” He suggested in a soft silky whisper.

  Or what, her eyes challenged him.

  “Or I do this…” He squeezed her waist before slowly moving his hands up until the top of his fingers pressed against the underside of her breast. He smiled when she sucked her breath in loudly, but his smile completely vanished when instead of withdrawing from his touch Ianne moved closer, as if fitting her body to his touch.

  His arm moved in reflex, going across her body as if hugging her to him, enabling Alex’s hand to clasp her breast.

  Ianne stiffened then, but it was too late. For both of them.

  Her teeth sank deeper into her lower lip as she felt Alex’s hand tighten around her breast. Did he know that the other girl was squinting like crazy, trying to find out who she was and what she and Alex were doing?

  The movie completely forgotten, Ianne leaned her head against his chest and simply breathed his scent in. As she did, Alex tensed against her, his arm on her waist tightening.

  “Tease,” he whispered to her.

  She smiled against his chest. She liked being called that. The old Ianne wouldn’t ever have been described as one. But her smile faded pretty fast when she felt Alex’s hand moving again, his fingers suddenly clasping her nipple.

  Her back shot straight like a magical beanstalk, but this only made Alex chuckle, a terribly manly sound that only had her breasts aching and nipples puckering. “Alex,” she hissed when he still didn’t let go of her badly aching nipple.

  The other girl was still watching them! She tried to communicate the words through her eyes.

  But his eyes, which sort of glowed under the glare from the movie screen, only laughed at her. Then let her watch. And he suited action to words, his fingers pinching her nipples.

  Ianne’s eyes squeezed shut as the most agonizing sensation hit her body, centered on the nipple that Alex was pinching. She had never imagined that such a simple touch would feel so impossibly good. Too good. And the damn man knew it.

  Feeling a need to retaliate, she pushed aside her inhibitions and turned to him even more, her back obstructing the other girl’s view.

  Alex was startled when Ianne shifted in her seat, practically facing him directly this time. He looked down at her, about to ask why when he felt it.


  Karma time.

  He gripped her waist hard as Ianne’s gently exploring fingers brushing over his erection. It was pure fucking torture, and Ianne damn well knew it. Brush, brush, brush. Her fingers kept moving, never staying long enough to relieve him from the painful anticipation of having Ianne really hold him.

  Ianne almost giggled, a rush of feminine power coursing through her at the way Alex’s grip had become almost painfully tight. He was definitely affected by her touch, and the knowledge had her head spinning, her heart thumping, and her body aching so very beautifully for him.

  When someone in the movie – probably the ghost – screamed loudly, and the rest of the audience screamed in fright with her, Ianne took advantage, her fingers finally encircling his intimidatingly large erection. And then she squeezed.

  “Fuck,” Alex couldn’t help muttering, but fortunately the sound of it was drowned out by the screams. Ianne’s actions had completely taken him by surprise, but it was a fucking good surprise and one he desperately wanted more of. He waited tensely for what she would do next, feeling like he was going crazy as he did.

  When her fingers finally started to move, it was as if she was measuring him. Her fingers had released him, but it returned just as quickly, her little finger at the base of his manhood and then her hand stretching as widely as her thumb could reach. She did this another time, starting with where her thumb stopped earlier, and Ianne was stiff again in his arms by the time her fingers reached the head of his cock.

  Her head snapped up, and her eyes were large with shock as they met his. That large, her gaze seemed to demand in a daze.

  Alex’s face didn’t soften when she looked at him in askance, his unyielding expression an answer on its own. Yes, I’m that fucking large, and it’s this large cock that’s going to take you.

  Ianne felt like fainting at that. He wasn’t just large. He was gigantic. Like, fourteen inches of gigantic. She almost felt like measuring him again, but she knew she had gotten it right the first time around. Her head whirled. Fourteen inches? Fourteen inches? FOURTEEN INCHES?


  Alex almost smirked at the way Ianne kept stealing glances at him, her eyes mirroring her disbelief. He whispered into her ear, “Yes, I’m that large. Yes, it will fit. And yes, it will feel like your body would burst because of the size of my cock.” He paused. “And it’s all yours.”

  She practically collapsed in his arms after that.

  Looking up at him, Ianne knew she had reached the end of her control. “Alex?” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

  He raised a brow.

  “I want you now.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Alex did not ask her if she was sure. He simply stood up, his hand holding hers very tightly as he strode out of the theater, pulling her with him. He still moved with sensual grace, but there was also no mistaking that he was in a hurry and that he’d kill anyone who stood in his way.

  All in all, the haste with which Alex moved only made Ianne tremble even more, more excited than frightened at what would happen next.

  When they were inside his car, Alex’s hand clasped her neck as he pulled her to him for a kiss that possessed Ianne to the very depths of her soul. Something had profoundly changed between them, their relationship already making its way to the next level. Whatever happened later was a consequence, a result of her decision to be his, and his decision to own her.

  The sexual tension between them was rife, both of them silent throughout the ride. In less than fifteen minutes they had reached his home, and when Alex went to her side to help Ianne out, that was when he saw how pale she was.
r />   He felt for her, but he was not going to let her go this time. He had warned her, she had made the choice, and there was no fucking way he would allow her to back out now. Too much time had been wasted between them, and he was damned if he was going to let another moment to go to waste.

  “You’ve made your choice, and you chose me to be your lover.”

  She swallowed. “I feel like things are going too fast…”

  He laughed hoarsely. “Too fast? I’ve been wanting to do this since I was fourteen.”

  That only seemed to make her more nervous, and he realized the reason why when she blurted out, “But what if I don’t please you?”

  He took her hand and pressed it to his still-bulging erection. “You kept me hard just by being close to me, Ianne. If there’s anything you have to worry about,” he gritted out, “then it would be if you please me too much and I’d end up not pleasing you.”

  She seemed to consider his words seriously before slowly shaking her head. “Then there’s nothing to worry about,” Ianne said shyly. “Because I’ve always known whatever you do would please me—”

  The rest of her words was lost in his kiss. He had to kiss her after that. She had been always so shy, which was why he knew how much it cost her to say something like that. When he lifted his head, he told her seriously, “Don’t say anything else like that until we reach my place. If you do, I’ll end up taking you in the elevator and I’m not fucking joking.”

  Ianne, her eyes soft with desire, only nodded.

  Gripping her hand tightly, he took her with him into the lobby of the condominium where he owned the penthouse suite. The concierge greeted him politely, but his eyes were curious when he saw Ianne.


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