Catch You if I Can

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Catch You if I Can Page 10

by Marian Tee

  Tupperware, Tupperware, TUPPERWARE!

  She backed another step. “Anyway, I can see I’m intruding so I better leave. Really sorry about what happened.” She gave Ianne a sad smile.

  The Tupperware virus was as strong as ever, and Ianne found herself returning the fake smile with one of her own. “I’m sorry I messed up the squad’s presentation.”

  “No biggie. We veterans can handle it.”

  Zelda blew her a kiss.

  Ianne blew her a kiss back.

  The moment Zelda flitted away like a tiny bird of an unknown poisonous species, the twins gazed at her with complete bafflement. “Is it just me,” Sally said finally, “—or was that totally bizarre scene really scripted?”

  “She’s pseudo-friendly with you, isn’t she?” Sara asked, looking at Ianne thoughtfully. After a pause, she asked, “Are you two frenemies?”


  No matter how hard she tried avoiding Alex, it was no use. She had told Train and Middy to lie to him, but either he had made them tell or his sixth sense for her whereabouts was really that good.

  “Hey.” Alex claimed the seat opposite her.

  There were a few other students in the library, and right this moment everyone including the librarian was looking at them with undisguised interest.

  She said stiffly, ‘Hey.”

  Alex gazed at her in frustration, wishing they were alone so he could pull her onto his lap and kiss her until she forgot about this morning’s incident. “I’m sorry I made you late,” he said finally.

  Her eyes flew to Alex in horror. “It’s not your fault!” She meant it. “I messed up because…I messed up,” she ended dully. “I was a loser and I don’t think I’m cut—”

  “Ianne.” Half of him wanted to let her continue speaking, the selfish part of him wanting her to feel so bad she would consider giving up cheerleading. But his love for her demanded that he make her feel good, and it was that part which won.

  “It was just your nerves.”

  She flinched. “Zelda said that, too.”

  He stilled. “What are you implying?”

  “She also said…she also said that you probably knew I’d mess up because I’m new—” A little cry escaped her when she saw how his eyes flashed. He had thought it!

  Alex cursed silently at the look of betrayal that crossed Ianne’s face. “It’s not what you think. I believe in you, okay? Do you think I don’t know all about those classes you secretly took in high school? Most of the time, I was at the same place just taking another class in the next room. I know how good you are, but I also know it’s your first time—”

  “You think Zelda’s better than me.”

  “No, I don’t fucking think anything like that and I never did. I think you’re better than her in every way. Always,” he said fiercely.

  “But you thought I’d fail.”

  No. He hadn’t. But a part of him had wanted her to fail, and he knew better than to tell her that.

  His silence somehow made her feel worse, and Ianne felt the same restless frustration again, of Alex keeping a part of himself unreachable to her. Why? Why couldn’t he give all of himself to her? Was that part reserved for Zelda alone?

  In a childish attempt to hurt him, she said, “Gee told me I might have to choose one day between cheerleading and other…stuff.” Ianne lost her courage at the last minute, and she quickly substituted his name with the first generic thing that came to her mind.

  He said flatly, “I don’t like mincing words, Ianne. If I am the other stuff that you’re talking about, then you will choose me. Won’t you?”

  His gaze demanded an answer, and her body responded to it, as if every part of her only answered to his command. She whispered, “Yes. I’d choose you.” But that wasn’t really the problem, was it? If he had been the one making the choice, would he also choose her over Zelda?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You missed your cue,” Gee bellowed, making Ianne nearly jump in surprise.


  It had been her second time to miss her cue today, and Ianne knew it was again because she had been busy thinking about Alex instead of the routine.

  Gee called the entire squad to a halt as Ianne stood there dumbly, her face burning red while she waited for Gee's explosion.

  She didn't have to wait long.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Gee screamed. "Is this not serious business for you?"

  "Very serious," Ianne whispered, trying not to cringe away from Gee's killing glare.

  "Then why the hell aren't you paying attention?"

  "I'm sorry,” was all Ianne could say. “I promise not to do it again."

  "50 push-ups. Now!" Gee shouted in visible anger, hands on her hips and waiting, just waiting for Ianne to give her an excuse so Gee could throttle her this time.

  Ianne saw Zelda smirk oh so slightly before turning away to talk to her friends. It made her badly want to scratch the other girl’s eyes out but...she was crazy in love, not stupid.

  She quickly went down and gave the Cheerleading Almighty 50 push-ups. This Alex business had to be resolved soon. Yea or nay, she had to know the real deal about them or get kicked out of the squad due to flea level attention span.

  Alex was waiting for her outside the locker room when she had finished her shower. It was also just her luck to leave with Gee as well as Zelda and her posse just a couple of steps behind her, making Ianne feel self-conscious.

  When Alex bent to kiss Ianne on her lips, she turned her face slightly away from him, and his kiss landed on her cheek instead.

  When Alex stiffened, Ianne knew with sickening realization that he had misinterpreted her action. The moment the other girls walked past them and exited the gym, she grabbed his hand instinctively, holding him to her. “Alex, it’s not what you think.”

  “Isn’t it?” he asked in a cold voice that made her flinch.

  Not knowing what to say to convince him, she pulled his head down to her for a kiss, pressing her body to his as she did. He remained stiff for more than a few moments, but Ianne didn’t give up, kissing him with all the love she couldn’t speak because he hadn’t spoken the words to her either.

  Her kiss proved to be irresistible and with a groan, Alex took command of the kiss, his hands trailing down to cup her buttocks to pull her forward, his erection snugly fitting against her folds.

  She moaned in his mouth the same time the door to the gym opened noisily, with Train calling out impatiently, “Seriously, guys, you can make out later. But we’re freaking hungry already so can we please go?”


  Alex, designated driver for the night, drove Ianne and her friends to a nearby restaurant, where Jacy and Andra were already waiting. He did not speak much, only smiling or smirking whenever Train or Middy would tease her about what they had been caught doing at the gym. She was tongue-tied in embarrassment, but more than that she was quietly dying with the fact that Alex had held her hand throughout the ride, keeping it under his whenever he had to reach for the stick and switch gears.

  When they were at the restaurant, Jacy and Andra meeting them at the door, Alex excused himself to go to the men’s room.

  The moment he disappeared from view, Middy said teasingly, “Oh, look, it’s Alex Rockford’s girlfriend.”

  It took her more than a moment to realize that Middy was referring to her, and when she did, Ianne could only grin foolishly.

  Jacy groaned. “You look so lovesick!”

  “I can’t help it,” she mumbled. “I’m just…” Her hands fluttered in the air. “I’m happy.”

  Jacy asked, “Has he told you about Zelda yet?”

  Her happiness faded a little at the question. “No. But I’m sure he will in time.”

  Her cynical friend scowled. “You need to ask him, Ianne. Even Andra and I hear the rumors and we’re not from your school.”

  Andra shook her head firmly. “Stop badgering Ianne.” She gave Ianne a comforting smile. “Don’
t listen to Jacy. She’s just too shy to tell you that she’s only concerned about your feelings but she’s really happy for you and Alex.”

  Jacy’s jaw dropped. “I think all that?”

  Andra ignored her. “She’s really happy for you, Ianne. Don’t pay attention about people saying you’re his rebound girl. Love sometimes happens that way, you know.” She snapped her fingers. “Just one look and you’re in love.” Andra looked at Jacy meaningfully. “Right, Jacy?”

  To everyone’s surprise, the words seem to take a whole new meaning for Jacy, who turned red and mumbled grudgingly, “Yeah.”

  Train hissed, “Don’t talk anymore, he’s walking back to us.”

  And he was, Ianne’s gaze immediately flying towards him.

  Gorgeous. So gorgeous. Beautifully gorgeous. Oh dear God, gorgeous.

  Her knees buckled, but her friends had been expected it and Train and Middy laughingly held her upright while Jacy smirked and Andra did her best to hide her smile.

  “Are you all right?” Alex demanded, having seen Ianne losing her balance for some reason. “Is there anything I can do?” Somehow, that struck Ianne’s friends funny with everyone laughing hard while Ianne only turned a deeper shade of red.


  “They’ve gone crazy. Don’t mind them.” She hurriedly dragged him with her towards the table reserved to them, keen to get Alex away before one of her friends ended up blurting the truth about her balance problems whenever Alex’s sheer gorgeousness took her by surprise.

  “Yo, Ianne!”

  Kenny, one of the few guys making up the squad, was suddenly in front of them, and he wolf-whistled when he looked at her head to toe. She had dressed with extra care for tonight, picking a short-sleeved dress that fell below the knees but more than made up for the chaste length with its deep-V neckline. She had picked it deliberately, hoping it would turn Alex on because she was dying to feel the same pleasure he had given her last night.

  “You look hot.”

  “Shut up,” she muttered, blushing. She gestured to Alex, her lips curving in what she knew would look like an infatuated smile as their eyes met. She couldn’t help it. She really did feel that crazy in love with him. “Kenny, this is my…” She stopped, wondering if she really could say she was his girlfriend.

  “Her boyfriend,” Alex finished smoothly, his arm going around her waist as he made them face Kenny. He offered his hand to the other guy. “Alex Rockford.”

  Alex Rockford in the flesh, Kenny couldn’t help but think in awe as he tried not to wince at the other guy’s grip. He had seen the other guy a few times in campus, but Kenny had heard about him endlessly from practically all the girls he knew. Every time the topic of hot guys on campus would come up, Alex’s name would always be on all the girls’ lips.

  He was clearly not a local, with his deeply tanned skin and ebony-black hair. And Alex Rockford may be eighteen like him, but the way he held himself told anyone who cared to know that he did not consider himself a boy. He was a man, and he had the strength and power to prove it.

  How the hell could a sweet shy girl like Ianne handle this guy?

  Sure, Alex might be the quintessential Southern gentleman, his Texan drawl causing girls’ hearts to flutter, but this guy was probably a raging bull in the bedroom. Was Ianne really capable of handling the heat and passion that simmered underneath Alex Rockford’s elegant clothes?

  One look was more than enough for Alex to know exactly what the boy was thinking and when Kenny looked at Ianne, he said abruptly, “It was nice meeting you.” He didn’t need to give Kenny a fucking chance to discover the secret that he selfishly guarded. For as long as he lived, he would make sure that no other man would ever discover how fiery and passionate Ianne was under her shy exterior.

  The rest of the evening proceeded smoothly, everyone having a great time, mostly at Ianne’s expense. Alex did not talk much, but when he did speak it was with the kind of sophisticated humor that had everyone choking and gasping for laughter.

  After, with everyone saying goodbye before parting ways, Alex did not say a word as they walked back to his car. But the moment they were both inside, he locked the doors, switched the A/C on and unclasped her seatbelt.

  She was bewildered. “Alex?”

  And then he was hauling her to his lap, kissing her with such passion that she was left gasping and straining against him.

  When he released her lips, he pulled the neckline of her dress further down until her cotton-covered breasts popped out. He pushed the cups away and took one nipple in hungrily.

  She bucked wildly against his mouth. “Alex!”

  “I hated seeing you talking to another guy,” Alex admitted under his breath. “I got so used to knowing that I’m the only man in your life ever since high school that seeing you with another guy, knowing that you’ve actually been friends with him long enough for you to be comfortable with him—”

  Ianne found herself smiling foolishly at Alex’s admission. “Stupid.”

  “Excuse me?” The supposed idiot with a 92.1 GPA in high school asked stiffly.

  “Stupid,” she repeated, dreamily. She touched his cheek. “No one could ever take your place in my h—whole life,” Ianne had been about to say heart, but since Alex still didn’t seem inclined to profess his undying love, Ianne didn’t want to push the issue.

  He shuddered at her words. “You better mean that.”

  “I do—” Her words ended up with a gasp as he returned his attention to her other breast. He sucked on her nipple hard, biting it occasionally, and she cried out with pleasure. “Please, Alex.”

  He released her nipple with a choked gasp of his own. “Dammit, we have to stop,” he groaned.

  She wanted to cry at his words. “Why?”

  “It’s your second time now, Ianne. I can’t take you in the car—”

  “But I want you to.”

  “It might hurt—”

  “It will be a good kind of hurt so please…” Ianne wanted him so much that she forgot all her inhibitions once more.

  Disbelief filled him as he watched Ianne raise her skirt up to wriggle out of her panties, causing her to temporarily press her breasts against his face. He automatically sucked on the nipple closest to his mouth and she moaned, her fingers fumbling for a second before she finally managed to wrench it away.

  It was his turn to groan when she took his hand and brought it to her already wet flesh. “Please…”

  Her passionate plea ruined what little there was left of his control, and in seconds he had freed his cock and clasping her hips, guiding her movements so she wouldn’t feel pain when he took her.

  Slowly, Ianne impaled herself on his erection and her moan of satisfaction mixed with his roar of pleasure as she sank down onto him.

  The car started to rock as he thrust up into her, over and over, her hips meeting his thrusts as she did her best to squeeze his cock with her inner muscles. Her eyes squeezed shut with pleasure, the gigantic size of his cock making her feel painfully full. “Alex, Alex, Alex.” She chanted his name over and over, feeling her whole body shake at his every thrust.

  “You’re so passionate,” he gritted out as he slid one hand between them to better arouse her already straining clit. “Promise me no other man will see you like this.”

  “I promise,” she gasped and then she gasped again, his pinching fingers on her clit triggering her release. She didn’t want it to end, but she couldn’t help it, her body shuddering as his hips moved wildly under her, his cock shoving in and out of her with such force that she felt so wondrously torn apart.

  She collapsed against him. “Thank you.” They were the first words that came to mind, and she blushed when the words escaped her.

  She felt him smiling and he kissed her hair, whispering back, “Thank you.”

  Remembering his words earlier, she told him quietly, “I mean it, you know. I didn’t say it out of passion or anything. I only ever wanted you and you’d always be
first with me.”

  It took him a while to answer and when he did, he broke her heart. “Sometimes I still find that hard to believe.”

  She looked up at his words. “Why?”

  “If I made you choose between me and cheerleading, would you really choose me?”

  Ianne became even more confused. “But why would I even have to choose?”

  “It was just a question,” Alex said, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Hey baby…” She had to pause after that, unable to believe how easier it got for her to call Alex that. Alex Rockford was her baby. Her face turned warm at the thought. They had been going out for almost a month now, and she still had to pinch herself, wondering if life could truly be this amazing. All it lacked was for her dad to acknowledge that she had been born a girl and she could die happy.

  “Hey. Is practice done?”

  “Actually, no. I was just wondering if we could cancel our date tonight. Gee thinks we need to practice overtime…” When he fell silent, she was content to wait. Alex was probably thinking about what they could do to make up for lost time. They were with each other almost 24/7 the entire week, and they couldn’t keep their hands off each other the whole time either. Alex’s rampant sexuality had taken her by surprise at the time, the way he didn’t give a damn about where and when they had sex. And it had thrilled her to no end, Ianne never even thinking of saying no because she had wanted him just as badly.

  There was that time in the corner of the hallway one night after practice, with Alex pounding into her from behind, easily turning her on so quickly that he had her coming with just a few thrusts. And then there was the time when they had been swimming laps in the school’s pool and he had fingered her underwater—

  “Can you cancel?”

  She shook the thoughts away. “Err, sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked if you could cancel practice instead.”


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