Celia Kyle - Battered Not Broken

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Celia Kyle - Battered Not Broken Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  "Gillian! God! Are you okay?"

  He jumped to his feet in one fluid movement and pulled her into his arms. The Bearclaw brothers sure did seem to have a thing with holding her. He lowered the two of them to the cold stone, cradling her weight in his lap. As soon as he'd settled her, he tugged off a glove and his cool fingers stroked the hair out of her eyes. She leaned into the touch, craving the feel of his skin against hers.

  "Are you okay, Gillian? What happened, poppet?"

  She sighed and let her eyes close as she snuggled closer to his warmth. She really did like his nickname for her.

  "Nothing. Well, a tree sort of happened, but it doesn't matter. I wanted to come looking for you. I heard you three arguing, and I told Ronan and Max I wanted to leave..."

  "You're not leaving."

  His arms tightened around her. Smiling she looked into a pair of eyes which seemed so like Ronan and Max's, but different just the same.

  "No, I'm not. At least, I'm not if I'm satisfied with our conversation."

  Conner stiffened beneath her, it felt like she now sat on a wooden board instead of Conner's fleshy lap, but she snuggled closer, ignoring the tension humming through him. Good, let him be the one on edge for once.

  "What do you want to know? What can I say to make you want to stay?"

  "The truth. Nothing more than the truth."

  "You might not like the truth, and then you'll leave."

  She gazed at him and ran a finger down his cheek. His stubble scratched her skin and causing goose bumps to rise along her arm.

  "Would you want to keep me with a lie?"

  "No, of course not."

  "Then trust me the way I've trusted the three of you for the past two days. Can you give me your trust, Conner?"

  Instead of answering, he lowered his head to hers, brushing his lips in a soft sweet caress of skin against skin. His weather-cold lips warmed with each kiss. Infused with daring, she snaked her tongue out to slide along the seam of his lips, savoring his flavor as she begged for entrance. Conner obliged, spreading his heated lips he gave her free reign to explore the moist cavern of his mouth.

  Gillian surged closer to Conner and slid her arms around his neck, tugging his chest to press against hers. More. She needed more. Sliding her hands beneath his jacket, she clutched his back ran her fingers over the taut, flannel-covered muscles.

  Her tongue devoured Conner's mouth, licking and tasting his very essence; a mixture of hickory smoke and earth, musky and strong, like him. He moaned against her lips as she sucked his tongue, showing him others things she could do with her mouth, her lips. She made sweeping, swirling motions in his mouth, teasing and dancing as they both fought for dominance. Each time she won, and she arched closer, pressed harder, demanding more.

  Sliding her hands to his chest, she kneaded the tightened muscles, felt the tense jerks each time she sucked hard, and the delicate release of muscle as she released the suction. His cock, hard and thick seemed to reach for her body through the confines of his jeans and she did what she never thought she'd do.

  She skimmed Conner's abdomen, stroking toward her destination. Her fingertips brushed the button of his jeans, the ice cold metal a stark contrast to the heat they had created. With one quick flick, the button was undone. A swift tug on the zipper and her fingers brushed the soft cotton of his underwear. Did he wear boxers or briefs? She'd soon know.

  Tearing her mouth from his, their gazes met, a question visible in Conner's eyes.

  "Let me.” She breathed against his lips. A plea. She wanted to touch him, to feel his skin against hers, his shaft in her mouth. “Please."

  Gillian wormed her hand into Conner's jeans, ignoring the tight squeeze, craving only to feel him in her hand, his arousal for her. He gasped against her mouth, his eyes squeezed shut when she managed to grasp his erection, her fingers not quite managing to envelope him fully. Long and thick, mmm.

  "Questions.” He moaned against her mouth just after she squeezed him. “You.” Pant. “Had questions."

  Gillian pulled back, flicking her tongue along his lower lip, teasing him. She didn't relinquish her hold on his cock, but gave him a bit of breathing room. Rubbing the tip of her nose against his, she whispered against his lips, anxious for his answers as she had plans for the cock in her hand. Never before had she ever felt so empowered, so free to do as she pleased. These three men wrenched those feelings out by showering her with freedom and caring.

  "Were you angry for what I did with Max? Or Ronan? They said you were jealous, but not angry. Which was it?"

  Conner closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers, and took a deep breath. “You want to talk about that now? Here? With your hand..."

  Gillian tightened said hand and nodded. “Yes, here, now. Talk fast, make it good and I promise to make you a happy man."

  Wow! Where had all this bravado and sexual aggression come from? Before meeting the three brothers’ she'd been withdrawn, and always turned inward during sex, of any kind. Sex with Kyle had been when ... No. She wouldn't think about that. Wouldn't think about the stench of alcohol on his breath, or what always managed to follow their “lovemaking". Not when she had another man's cock in her hand.

  He moaned and sucked in a harsh breath, she slid her hand further into his pants, searching for his balls. “Both. Oh God, Gilly. Stop. Wait, don't stop.” Her fingers found the tender skin where the skin of his shaft stretched lower and transformed to his sensitive scrotum.

  "Both?” she queried, anxious to hear his explanation and get her lips around him. Scratching his skin through the fabric of his boxers, or maybe briefs, she waited for her answer.

  "Both.” His breath came in harsh pants, the sound warring with that of the river below. “Jealous. Wanted to be with you.” Conner swallowed hard, his Adam's apple dancing along his throat. “Angry. Thought they took...” She tightened her grip, and taking advantage of the space she'd fought for in his pants, stroked him from balls to tip and back again. “Advantage.” The word came out on a sigh, his breath fanning softly across the skin of her cheek.

  So sweet, her Conner. So sweet and caring he'd nearly screamed the house down twice when he thought his brothers had taken advantage of her. First, when they'd just awoken, and again when he'd arrived home. While he had gotten angry unnecessarily both times, her heart melted for the man she held so near.

  "They didn't take advantage, Conner."

  He closed the distance between them, brushing his lips against hers. “No?"


  Reaching the top of his underwear, she prayed her hand had warmed while buried within Conner's jeans. Slipping her fingers beneath the waistband, the feeling of silken steel against her palm sent a shiver through her body and Conner jerked in response.

  Legs widening beneath her let Gillian slide to the ground beneath Conner's thighs, getting comfortable for what she had planned. Sitting on her heels, hand still buried and tight around his cock, she milked him softly as she tugged at his jeans and made more room.


  "Mine, Conner. Save the protests for later."

  Pulling the cotton fabric of his underwear down, she exposed his erection to the harsh winter winds.

  "Fuck! It's cold!” he yelled, but didn't move to stop her. Obviously couldn't be too cold, Gillian thought with a secret smile.

  The cinnamon-toned, mushroom-shaped head of his cock leaked droplets of pre-come that begged her mouth to taste. Leaning forward, she flicked the salty sweet fluid from his slit, rolling the bit of his essence around in her mouth. Going back for a second taste, she sucked the tip of his shaft into her mouth, running her tongue along the crown as she familiarized herself with his body.

  His hand sifted through her curls, brushing them away so he could cup her cheek. Gillian froze under his caress. Her heart pounded as she waited for his next move, what his demand would be. Would he wrap his hand in her hair, forcing his cock down her throat? She waited for the tension, the pressure as he �
��guided” her to do his bidding, but it never came. His touch remained gentle and feather-light as she ventured to take more of him, never demanding she rush.

  Willing her heart to calm, she inhaled a deep breath of the frost-laden air, begging her wayward thoughts to cease. Conner wasn't Kyle. Period. She needed to remember the distinction.

  Widening her mouth, she slid further down Conner's pulsing shaft, slicking him with her saliva as she endeavored to take him fully. His moan of appreciation could be felt through her body; nothing existed for her but him at the moment, him and his cock. Tapping her tongue along his erection, she raised and lowered her head, riding his cock with her mouth, doing her best to grant him pleasure. His hand remained light, cupping her face, his thumb drawing circles on her cheekbone as she sucked him. She moaned around his cock and her pussy grew damp with each flick, lick, and suck she gave.

  Conner's hips thrust his cock further into her mouth, and she swallowed convulsively around him as the head nudged the back of her throat. She wanted it all, wanted him all. The wind whipped and whirled around them, sprinkling snow over their bodies, but her thoughts and actions were focused on giving him pleasure.

  Resting her hands on his hips, she inhaled, savoring the musky scent of arousal and sex emanating from Conner, and unable to help herself, moaned again. Increasing her suction, she milked his cock with her mouth, begging ... no, demanding from him his release. In her mind she imagined him filling her mouth with the salty-sweet tang of his very essence, and she craved it; wanted to swallow every drop he'd give.

  Her mouth stroked his staff as she teased and tempted his orgasm from him. She had a feeling he'd come soon—his moans came more frequently, as did his gasps. Gillian upped her tempo, sliding her lips and tongue over his saliva-slicked shaft, doing all she could to coax his warm seed to be released.

  She sought out every vein and ridge of his erection, flicking over and over the places she found to be most tender and cause the greatest reaction. If he sucked in a breath, she flicked. If he groaned, she licked. And if he swore her name, she sucked the spot, aching to hear him scream again.

  Her ministrations were soon rewarded, the combination of licking, flicking and sucking pushing him over the edge. His body tightened beneath her hands, hips jerking as he roared her name, his cock pulsing to life within the deep recesses of her mouth. Searing hot seed burst from the tip of his cock, filling her mouth as she'd hoped. The salty, musky taste of Conner's very essence seeped into her, sliding down her throat as she swallowed around him, savoring every drop her gifted her.

  Releasing Conner's deflating shaft with a soft pop, she slid his underwear back in place before folding the flaps of his jeans over him, placing a soft kiss on the material.

  Sitting back on her heels, more than satisfied with her performance, she accepted Conner's soft, sweet kisses he rained on her face, neck and lips. Pressing his face to her neck, sliding her fingers through his midnight locks, she wasn't expecting a large, dark moving object near the tree line to catch her eye. As it trudged through the falling snow, her interest piqued and she kept her eyes trained on the object. It slowly came into focus as it stepped out of the shadows and into the clearing. Gillian's heart froze and breath caught—a bear.

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  Chapter Nine

  The trudge from her and Conner's “mountain” back to the cabin took longer than Gillian would have liked. True to form, Conner wouldn't let her walk and insisted on carrying her the entire way. He didn't seem concerned by the bear's appearance and had only increased his pace at her urging. While Gillian trusted Conner to know how to get back to the cabin, she kept her eyes peeled for any sign of the great big bear following them, waiting for its chance to pounce. Convinced the animal lurked in the shadows and behind every tree, her heart didn't calm until Conner placed her on the cabin's back porch.

  When the back door opened, revealing Max, she dashed past him into the house, anxious to wrap herself in the protection the cabin offered.

  "Shut the door, Max! There's a bear!"

  He seemed as unconcerned as Conner, closing the door with a soft click as he stared at her, brow furrowed. “A bear?"

  "Where's Ronan?” Conner looked around the room, causing Gillian to do the same.

  "Um, out?” Max replied, not looking at either of them, but finding something on the floor very interesting.

  Oh, God. Ronan had gone outside ... with the bear!

  "Do you two have guns? You should go get guns and save Ronan from the bear.” When neither of the men moved, she urged them further. “Go! Ronan's your brother and he's in trouble and..."

  "Oh. Who's in trouble dear?” A short, rotund woman with cinnamon skin and deep black hair stepped from the kitchen, dishcloth in hand. “Are you boys scaring this dear child?"

  Conner's exclamation of “Mom!” was drowned out by Max's reassurance of “No, Mom". Mom. Good Lord, now she was meeting their mother. The slut-of-the-universe in the same room as the mother of the men who'd turned her into said slut. Lord, strike her down now and make it quick.

  Shocked speechless, she let Conner mumble introductions. When their mother, who she now knew as Ethel, embraced her, she distractedly patted the woman's back as she shot panicked looks at Conner and Max of her shoulder. Couldn't they do something? Why had they not told her their mother was coming to visit? Not that she truly had any place with them other than a woman who liked to give and receive oral sex, but ... damn it! Somebody should have said something!

  Clearing his throat, Conner spoke up after introductions had been made. “Um, Mom, this is a surprise.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, reminding her of a small child who'd been caught doing something they shouldn't. “You didn't call or anything. What brings you here? I assume you brought Dad?"

  Ethel, with one arm slung around Gillian's waist, turned back toward the kitchen, dragging her along. “I had a dream that my boys needed me, so here I am. Why don't you two leave us ladies to dinner and go help Father and Dad with Gillian's car? I heard Father cursing up a storm, and I could hear Dad laughing like a damned hyena."

  Gillian gave Conner and Max a pleading look, but both men shrugged their shoulders as if powerless against the vibrant storm that was Ethel.

  At least Max tried. “Um, Mom, we can introduce Gilly to..."

  "Nonsense. You boys go on outside and let everyone know dinner will be ready shortly. Gilly and I have some talking to do and its best done without the ‘men’ of the family hanging around. Now, out with the two of you."

  No. Not out. Please not out. Maybe Gillian was the only one who remembered the bear lurking in the snow. Bears were big and strong with massive teeth, which could rip a person to shreds. Why weren't they afraid?

  "Um, what about the bear, Mrs. Bearclaw?"

  Ethel patted her arm. “Now, don't you worry about the bear. The bear wouldn't dare come near the house, or I'll have something to say about it. Didn't I tell you to call me Ethel, dear?"

  Ethel's kind blue eyes, so similar to Max's, met hers and Gillian felt some of her tension flow from her body—as if a simple look from their mother could ease her fears and calm her.

  Conner tried one last time to get Gillian out of the situation she found herself in. “Mom, we can..."

  "It's okay, Conner,” she stopped his plea before he could finish. Maybe getting to know the woman who had raised the three men she'd been spending time with would be a good thing. “I'll be fine, and if your mom says you'll be safe outside, then I guess you will. But, please be careful."

  "You sure, poppet?” She wanted to run and jump into his arms and shower him with kisses. His nickname for her gave Gillian the deep down warm-fuzzies like nothing else.

  "I'm sure.” Smiling, she walked with Ethel into the kitchen, leaving two of her three men standing in the hallway.

  Settling at the kitchen table, she watched Ethel check the pots on the stove, adding pinches of this and that to several of them before she sat across fr
om her. Just as Ethel opened her mouth to speak, Ronan stomped through the back door. Ethel stood so fast, her chair nearly toppled backwards.

  "Ronan!” Swiveling in her chair, Gillian was surprised to see Ronan frozen in the doorway, half naked and pale as new fallen snow. “Ronan Bearclaw, so help me. If you were smaller I'd take you over my knee.” Ethel stomped her foot. “Gillian said there was a bear outside. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Didn't run into any bears by chance?"

  Ronan swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing. “No, ma'am."

  "Hmph. Go get dressed, young man, and then help Pop chop some firewood.” Ronan moved like lightning, dashing down the hallway as if the bear were on his heels. “And I better not hear of any ‘bear’ sightings, that clear?” Ethel yelled after him.

  A muffled “Yes, ma'am” drifted back to them and Ethel plopped back into her chair.

  Gillian's head spun with everything she'd heard. From the sounds of it, Ethel had arrived with three other people, but she couldn't determine who they were, not really.

  "Now then, where were we? Have to get the ‘woman's talk’ out of the way before the boys and their fathers get back or we'll never have a chance to talk.” The way Ethel spoke of her family, the warm smile and loving expression, showed Gillian she cared for the brother's and their ... wait.

  "Did you say fathers? As in plural? More than one?” She'd grown up being taught not to ask such personal questions, but she was pretty sure Ethel had said fathers.

  "Why, yes, dear. That's what I wanted to tell you about before they came stomping through the house. I'm sure the boys haven't told you about our family's history, or you'd be on your honeymoon by now."

  Gillian's head spun. “Wait. Start at the beginning."

  Ethel reached across the table, covering Gillian's folded hands with her own. “Dear, let me start by saying that what you're feeling for my boys is natural. I could see it in the way my Conner carried you, the way Max stared out the window waiting for your return and the way Ronan turned into a bear ... of a man without you. My husbands feel the same way for me, and I imagine my feelings for them are similar to what you're feeling for Conner, Max and Ronan right about now."


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