Bear My Heart: A Small Town Paranormal Romance

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Bear My Heart: A Small Town Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Natalie Kristen

  Brandon nodded once and asked quietly, “Can you scent her, Troy?”

  Troy grimaced. “No.”

  “You said she's your mate.”

  “She is.”

  “You claimed her yet?”

  Troy gave a terse nod.

  Brandon flashed him a quick smile. He paused and gave Troy a long look. “You can't keep your bear leashed all the time. Cut yourself some slack, Troy. You won't lose control. Trust your bear and have more faith in yourself.”

  Troy gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  “I almost went rogue after those shits killed my dad,” Brandon went on. “I wanted them to pay with their lives. They murdered my dad and all they had to do was pay a fine. A goddamn fine! There was no justice, and I wanted to exact my own justice. A shifter life is worth much, much less than a human life. That's the message.”

  Troy gave a bitter laugh. “Minorities have it tough. I just never realized how tough.”

  “Well, that's life. Some things we can't control. What we can control is our response to what life throws at us.”

  Troy slanted Brandon a look. “You getting all philosophical on me?”

  “Nah. What I'm trying to say is—” Brandon turned to face Troy. “You stopped me from doing something that would have made my dad ashamed of me had he been alive. If I turned rogue, it would have killed him if he wasn't dead already.”

  “You're not a rogue, Brandon.”

  “Neither are you.”

  Troy reached over and clapped the younger man on the shoulder.

  “My dad told me that a bear can track its mate for miles,” Brandon said. “I don't know if that's true. I don't have a mate.”

  The guy lifted his big shoulders in a shrug. “But Dot...I mean, Olga, is your mate, Troy,” Brandon went on earnestly. “She's a part of you. I'm sure your bear can find her. Seriously, you don't let your bear out often enough.”

  “That's what Olga said.”

  Brandon was about to reply when Troy swerved sharply. Brandon's eyes widened when he saw what Troy was staring at.

  There was an abandoned motel off the side of the highway. A rusty broken sign proclaimed that the Artisan Motel was open seven days a week. The Artisan Motel had once been very popular with tourists and visitors to Bear Cove but now all that was left was a gray, peeling, sad-looking building. It was a pity because everything was still in place. Almost all the doors and windows were intact.

  “I see it, I see it!” Brandon yelled. “There's a black car parked at the back of the motel!”


  Olga lunged forward and screamed, “Don't touch him! Leave him alone, you bastard! Let him go!”

  She clawed at the collar around her neck and strained as hard as she could but the chain wasn't long enough. She couldn't reach Leo.

  Simon had prepared everything. He had chosen one of the rooms on the second floor of the old motel and tidied it up. It was obvious that he had spent quite a lot of time in the abandoned Artisan Motel. He had painstakingly pushed all the broken furniture into a corner, leaving just a single chair in the middle of the room. There was a carefully sharpened pencil and sketch pad on the chair.

  “Our cabin,” Simon had announced dreamily. “Remember our cabin, Daniella? I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to find something better for you. This motel hasn't been used in years but it'd do.”

  There was a brand new electric drill on the floor. Simon had managed to bolt a length of chain to the wall and hook it to a collar.

  Olga had seen the collar the instant Simon shoved her into the room. She had tried to fight him but he overpowered her and clamped the collar tightly around her neck.

  Simon was humming softly as he tied a rope around Leo's neck. The boy's hands were tightly bound behind his back. Leo stared at Olga with large, frightened eyes, and sobbed. He kicked furiously at Simon but the man was much bigger and stronger than him.

  Olga knew why he had left Leo's legs unbound. He was going to hang Leo from a hook in the ceiling, and he wanted her to see the boy kicking out in terror and desperation and he fought for his life.

  Olga squeezed her eyes shut so Leo wouldn't see her tears. She didn't want Leo to see how scared she was.

  “Hey, Daniella.” Simon whistled.

  She kept her eyes shut.

  “Daniella,” Simon repeated. He sounded angry now. “Open your eyes.”

  Olga inched backwards until her back hit the wall. She kept her eyes firmly closed.

  Silently, she slipped her hand into her pocket and felt the tip of a pen.

  “Daniella! I said open your eyes and look,” Simon snapped.

  She shook her head defiantly and made an angry, muffled sound of protest.

  If he wanted her to open her eyes, he would have to come over and force her eyes open himself.

  She heard him curse viciously. Something hit the wall but she refused to open her eyes.

  She heard his approaching footsteps.

  “Don't disobey me, Daniella,” Simon hissed and grabbed her face. She felt his hot breath on her cheek and she tightened her grip on the pen.

  Simon dug his nails into her cheek. “Don't make me hurt you, Daniella.”

  Olga snapped her eyes open and wrenched the pen from her pocket.

  She raised her arm and saw Simon's eyes round in shock when he saw what was in her hand.

  With a tortured cry, she plunged the pen straight into Simon's eye and shoved him forcefully backwards.

  “Run!” she screamed to Leo. “Go!”

  Leo scrambled up, tears streaming down his face. His hands were bound behind his back but his legs were free. He stared at Simon in horror as the man staggered sideways and smashed into the wall. A pen was sticking out of his left eye and one side of his face was covered with blood.

  Frozen with fear, Leo stared helplessly at Olga.

  “Run, Leo! Just go!” she yelled at him.

  “What about you?” he cried.

  “I'll be fine. Go! Keep to the road and keep running!” She turned and saw that Simon was stumbling towards her. “Go! Now!”


  Troy bolted from his truck even before the truck had skidded to a stop. He charged through the broken back door of the motel and kicked bricks and wooden planks out of his way as he ran towards the staircase.

  He raced up the rickety stairs and skidded on the dusty floor when he heard a scream.

  “Olga!” he roared.

  Troy let his bear rise and he felt his claws slicing out of his fingertips. He was still in human form but his senses were fully feral. He could feel the power and rage of his beast slamming through him like a tidal wave.

  The rotting floorboards almost splintered under his feet as he pounded down the corridor.

  Slashing the door with his claws, he put his fist through the wood and tore the door right off its hinges. His roar was answered by a scream. It was a child's scream.


  Troy staggered back as Leo ran into his arms. “Uncle Troy! Uncle Troy! Save her!” Leo wailed.

  Troy saw Olga struggling with Simon at the back of the room. The bastard had Olga pinned against the wall. Simon was screaming as he slammed Olga's head against the wall again and again. His scream didn't sound remotely human.

  Troy grabbed Simon by the collar and flung him backwards. Troy jerked back when he saw the man's face. He saw the pen sticking out of Simon's eye socket and he smiled despite himself.

  His Olga was one hell of a fighter.

  She had protected herself and Leo.

  Troy glanced over his shoulder and saw Brandon scoop Leo up and shield the boy's eyes from the gore and violence. With a nod at Troy, Brandon ran from the room. He would get the boy to safety.

  Simon was crumpled in a heap on the floor. Groaning and cursing, he pushed himself up slowly.

  But Troy was already at Olga's side. He tore the collar from h
er neck and helped her up.

  Her eyes widened as she stared behind him. “Troy, look out!” she shrieked.

  Troy whirled round and caught Simon's wrist. He had a knife in his hand and he was aiming it at Troy's throat. The knife trembled in Simon's fist but he refused to let go. The point of the blade quivered just inches from Troy's neck.

  Troy kept twisting until Simon finally released the knife. With a blood-curdling scream, Simon fell to his knees, cradling his hand to his chest.

  Troy kicked the knife to a corner and grabbed the chain. Snarling, he yanked the chain free, sending nails flying out of the wall and scattering across the floor.

  Swiftly, he wrapped the chain around Simon's wrists and bound his arms securely behind his back.

  Troy stood up and stared at the Artist. Simon Quinn was struggling weakly and moaning in agony. But his one good eye glittered with menace as he stared at Olga.

  “Daniella,” he hissed. “You will not leave me. Daniella!”

  Troy put his arms around Olga and led her out of the room.

  “Daniella!” Simon Quinn screamed.

  In the distance, Troy heard the wail of approaching sirens. The Sheriff was here, and from the sound of it, he had backup.

  “You didn't kill him,” Olga whispered. Despite the bruises on her face, she smiled through her tears.

  “No,” Troy said evenly. “The law might not respect shifters, but I respect the law. Let the law deal with him. There's enough evidence in that room to convict him.”

  He took Olga's shivering hands and said, “The Artist will pay for his crimes. It's over, Olga. It's all over.”


  Olga hurried to the door when she heard Troy's truck in the driveway. She opened the door to see Leo and Logan climbing out of the truck.

  “Hello, Aunt Olga,” Logan greeted her as he skipped into the house. Leo trailed behind his twin and mumbled indistinctly when Olga put her arm around his shoulder.

  Troy came up to her and kissed her softly on the cheek. “I missed you,” Troy murmured.

  Olga laughed. “You just drove to Megan's place to pick the boys up,” she said. “You've only been gone ten minutes.”

  “And I miss you already,” he drawled.

  Olga gave him a quick kiss and pushed him away gently. “I'll see to the boys,” she told him. “Aren't you meeting Brandon this morning? Go. Shoo!”

  Troy tried to draw her to him again but she batted him away and scurried off. He just couldn't seem to keep his hands off her. They'd been living together for two months now, and they'd grown even closer to each other. Every day, their love just kept growing stronger as they helped each other heal and grow. They had been through so much together, and they understood each other's strengths and weaknesses, hopes and fears.

  They weren't perfect. But they were perfect together.

  Olga hadn't moved back to her house. Ever since Troy grabbed her duffel bag and drove her straight to his place, she had been staying with him. Her real estate agent had been very understanding and accommodating, and he assured her that he would speak to the owners so she could terminate her lease early. When she went back to visit Casey and Timmy just a few days ago, Olga saw that there was a “For Sale” sign in front of the house. Mr and Mrs Yong had decided to sell their house, and Olga hoped that Casey and Timmy would have a nice new neighbor soon.

  On Saturdays when Megan had to work, Troy would pick his nephews up and drive them over to their place. Olga loved spending time with the twins, and she would wake up extra early to prepare their favorite pancakes and chocolate chip muffins.

  “Enjoy your breakfast, boys,” Troy called out as he opened the front door. “I'll see you guys later!”

  “Where are you going, Uncle Troy?” Logan asked as he sat down at his usual spot at the dining table. The boy was already reaching for a muffin as Olga poured him a glass of milk.

  “I'm meeting Uncle Brandon.”

  “Ooh, can I come too?” Logan asked, his mouth full of muffin.

  Troy laughed. “Finish up your breakfast. I think your Aunt Olga is planning to take you to Papa Bear's for lunch. Uncle Brandon, your mom and I will meet you guys there.”

  “Yay!” Logan grinned.

  Olga ran back to the kitchen and grabbed two paper bags. She passed Troy the bags and said, “One for you, and one for Brandon. Big bears need big breakfasts,” she quipped. “I packed muffins, sandwiches, fruits and...some chocolate,” she whispered. “I know Brandon loves chocolate.”

  “Thanks! You're going to spoil him, you know,” Troy grinned and pulled her in for a long, deep kiss.

  Olga heard giggles and turned to see the twins watching them. “I love you,” she whispered as she watched Troy stroll to his truck.

  Olga closed the door and went back to the dining table. She sat down beside Leo and watched the boy eat in silence. Leo kept his head down and didn't look up.

  “Would you like a muffin, Leo?” she asked gently.

  Leo nodded.

  She handed him a large muffin and he mumbled his thanks. Olga sipped her coffee and waited for Leo to bite into his muffin. Logan had already finished his breakfast and was fidgeting in his seat.

  “Can I watch cartoons, Aunt Olga?” Logan asked.

  “Okay. Put your plate and glass in the sink and you can go watch TV,” she told Logan. “I'll sit here and eat with Leo.”


  After settling Logan in front of the TV, Olga went back to the dining table. Leo was still eating quietly, his eyes downcast.

  Olga swallowed hard. Being kidnapped and attacked by a brutal, twisted man wasn't something that could be easily forgotten. Leo's young mind was traumatized by everything he had witnessed and experienced. The counselor had told them that it would take some time for Leo to fully recover from his ordeal.

  Olga reached out and took Leo's little hand in hers. “Leo,” she began softly. “Can we talk about...what happened?” She was the only one with Leo in that horrible, nightmarish motel room. Only she had lived through the nightmare with him. His mother, his brother, his uncle and the counselor hadn't been there.

  Leo gulped. “I shouldn't have talked to that man in the bathroom.”

  She squeezed his hand. “It's not your fault, Leo.”

  “He was standing by the sink and he asked me a lot of questions. I didn't think he would hurt me. When he came closer, I didn't run. I should have.” The boy's lower lip trembled.

  “No, Leo. It's okay to trust people. That man just happened to be a very bad, evil man, but there are a lot of good people around. And you were very brave, Leo. You helped me. You got out of there, and you got me out too. We're safe now, Leo. We have people who love us, and we love them right back. We're two very lucky people, Leo. We're strong and tough. You are stronger and tougher than me, of course. You are my hero.”

  Leo managed a smile. “I am?”

  “Of course. You are a very brave boy, Leo. And I want to be brave like you.”

  “You are brave, Aunt Olga.”

  Olga shook her head. “For a long, long time, I was afraid. I didn't dare live my life. I didn't talk to anyone, and I didn't let myself be loved. I was afraid to be happy.”

  Leo looked up and this time, he placed his small hands protectively over hers and said, “Don't be afraid, Aunt Olga. I'll save you again. You don't have to be afraid.”

  Olga hugged him. “I'm not afraid any more, Leo.”

  “Leo!” Logan hollered. “Come quickly! The Amazing Stinky and Rinky Show is starting now!”

  Leo eyed the TV eagerly. “Can I go now, Aunt Olga? That's my favorite cartoon.”

  “Yes, go.” Olga laughed as she watched Leo scramble to sit beside his brother. The twins started chattering and chuckling as they watched the crazy antics of Stinky and Rinky.

  Olga closed her eyes for a moment as she thought briefly of Steven and Simon Quinn. Those two brothers were sick
and twisted, sharing the same sadistic, violent tendencies. Simon Quinn would now pay for all his crimes. She had turned all the drawings she'd received over the years to the police and told them everything. The last drawing was of her gazing out of the library window. Simon had been in the library, watching her as she looked out the window at the town she had grown to love.

  He had sketched her with the sunlight on her face as she gazed out of the library window, her laptop in front of her.

  The details were painstaking and meticulous. He had even captured the intricate pattern on her blouse and the shadows under her eyes.

  Simon Quinn thought of himself as the Artist. He had talent, but he had no capacity for love. His drawings were cold and cruel, and he didn't create any beauty in his art.

  Olga exhaled a long breath and opened her eyes. She looked at the twins sitting side by side on the couch, and smiled when she saw Logan put his arm around his brother.

  Leo would be all right. His family was here for him. And she would always be here for him. And Leo was brave, strong and protective, just like his Uncle Troy. Even after what he had gone through, Leo didn't hesitate to tell her that he would save her again. At the tender age of six, he already knew how to put others before himself.

  He truly was her hero.


  Troy parked his truck beside Brandon's SUV and got out. Brandon was leaning against his car, watching two butterflies dance among the wild flowers growing at the edge of the woods.

  “Here.” Troy handed him a brown paper bag.

  “For me?” Brandon opened the bag, grinning. “Aww, you made breakfast for me. Thanks, man.”

  “Not me,” Troy replied, pulling out a huge sandwich from his bag. “Olga prepared everything.”

  “You're a lucky man,” Brandon said, finishing his muffin in two bites.

  “So are you,” Troy retorted.


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