Fortune's Flames

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Fortune's Flames Page 29

by Janelle Taylor

  She spent the remainder of the afternoon unpacking and settling into Jared’s quarters. She was delighted to find his cabin so large and neat—there was plenty of room for her and her belongings—and she was intrigued by the papers and books on his desk. She did not examine these, however, but decided to wait for his permission to do so.

  Patty prepared a delicious meal for her, and Kerry Osgood joined her for dinner. They talked for a long time because Maren explained what had taken place that day, as Jared had requested. Afterward, Kip entertained her with tales of past voyages. He was glad Jared had revealed his past to Maren, for he could now talk to her without fearing a slip. But when the hour grew late, Kip excused himself so Maren could go to bed.

  After bolting the door, Maren donned a thin, cool nightgown and then slipped into the comfortable bed. She imagined Jared lying beside her, and she smiled happily. Tomorrow they would set off on a perilous mission. She was now a part of his life, his work; and they would stalk their mutual enemy, and hopefully defeat him. She yawned and stretched, then curled up on her left side, cuddling a pillow and pretending it was her handsome husband. Surprisingly she slept very well on her first night aboard the ship. Perhaps Jared’s scent lingered in the cabin and that relaxed her. Or perhaps the heady brandy Kip had enticed her to drink after dinner did that.

  Peter Thomas came to Jared’s cabin at midmorning, and he and Maren again spoke for a long time, going over everything she knew about Eric James and that voyage from London, and everything Peter had learned about her cousin while sailing with him. Thomas then discussed her role in the upcoming scheme, and Maren was eager to accomplish it.

  As they chatted genially, noon came and went, and knowing that tide would not last much longer, Peter finally told her, “We have orders from Captain Hawk to sail at the last possible minute if he doesn’t make it aboard.”

  Maren stared at him. “What do you mean? You can’t leave without Jared? He’s the captain!”

  “Jared knows how vital this mission is. Kip is to act as captain if he doesn’t arrive before we have to sail.”

  “Why wasn’t I told?” Maren was worried. She envisioned a lengthy and dangerous separation from her beloved.

  “He didn’t want to worry you unless it was necessary, Mrs. Morgan. You’re aware of the trouble back there. If Jared’s being watched, he could be prevented from joining us.”

  “But we can’t sail without him,” she protested.

  Peter responded softly, “We may have no choice. This mission is more important than Captain Hawk, or you, or me. We’re at war, and only America matters.”

  “You’re wrong, Peter; all of us matter. We are America.”

  “Then we should be willing to make any sacrifice for her.”

  “I’m not leaving without Jared,” Maren declared firmly.

  “You won’t have to, love,” Jared said as he entered the cabin.

  Maren knocked her chair over as she jumped up to rush into his arms, causing him to chuckle. “Where have you been? What happened?”

  Kip stood behind him as Jared greeted Peter, then explained, “I got the necklace and put our papers in the bank. I then told Dan and Mary that false tale about you being upriver. Dan was worried, but he agreed to take care of Lady Luck for us. I told them I was heading home for a few weeks, after which I would return and fetch you.”

  The three men chatted a few minutes and then went topside. Alone, Maren paced the cabin. She recalled how long and boring her last voyage was, but this time she would be with Jared. Knowing the dangers they faced, she prayed they would slip through the blockade without any trouble.

  As the ship moved beneath her, she inhaled deeply. This exciting journey had begun. She did not know that far away the famed Battle of Lundy’s Lane was being fought at that very moment. Near the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, Jacob Jennings Brown and Winfield Scott were fighting for their lives, as she and Jared soon would be doing….

  They sailed out of Lake Borgne and into the Gulf of Mexico. Their route would take them between Florida and Cuba, past the Bahamas, across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Strait of Gibraltar, and into the Mediterranean Sea. They would put in at the French port of Marseilles. The voyage would take six weeks, more or less.

  Maren looked through a porthole until only water was in sight. She knew Jared was busy on the deck, giving commands and watching for British ships, so she sat down to read. Hours passed, and daylight waned. She had dined alone. Jared had not even come to visit her for a few moments since they had sailed, but Patty had told her this was a dangerous area.

  When she felt sleepy, Maren changed into her nightgown and climbed into the bed. She realized the ship was sailing through the night, and wondered when her husband would come to bed. She did not wonder long because Jared soon eased himself into the cabin, moving quietly as he presumed she was asleep.

  “You don’t have to be so sneaky, my love,” she teased.

  Slipping out of his clothes, he joined her. “I wish you didn’t have to be here, love, but I’m glad you are. We won’t be safe until we’re in the Mediterranean, so I’ll have to stay topside most of the time to keep from being distracted by you. I guess you realize we’ll pull the same tricks Eric did to avoid being captured.”

  “If any captain dares to challenge Captain Hawk and the Sea Mist…”

  “You flatter me, woman,” he jested, then kissed her lovingly.

  As his hands drifted over her receptive body, Maren let hers explore his virile frame. Then Jared drew her into his arms, and for a time he was content just to hold her. Finally his lips began to wander over her face before invading her mouth, and he cupped one of her breasts and gently fondled it. He was stimulated by the way she responded to his touch and nearness.

  And Maren was stimulated by the way Jared reacted to her caresses and embraces. She loved the way their spirits soared as one, their hearts beat in rhythm, and their bodies joined in blissful pleasure. He was so easy to be with, to talk to, to trust, to share all with, to love.

  Jared’s caresses and kisses waxed bolder as his hunger for her increased. He hated every day and night they were apart. Even if they didn’t make love, he wanted her beside him, wanted her flesh making contact with his. He wanted to see her smile, hear her laugh; wanted to share her vitality. Her magnetic pull was powerful, irresistible. He ached for this war to end so they could enjoy a bright future, and he worried over her safety on this perilous voyage. He loved her, needed her, and he could not allow her to be harmed.

  Maren’s fingers slid over Jared’s sleek back and dipped into the shallow valley along his spine. She trailed them sensuously up and down the bumpy ridges there, then allowed them to roam freely over his hard muscles. Meanwhile she stroked his nimble legs with hers, and her lips assailed his neck, nibbling and kissing. When his mouth began to work deftly on her breasts, her hand encircled the fiery torch which was burning against her hip. Gently and stirringly, she eased her hand up and down its silky shaft.

  Jared moaned and his hips writhed as his manroot grew in size and yearning. He felt it tremble with the need to burst into bloom, heard its mute plea to enter the cooling, refreshing, territory where it could be nourished and cherished. Yet, he restrained his ardor so he might savor her enticing caresses and urge her passion to blaze out of control. His fingers aroused the sensitive areas of her body, as did his mouth.

  They both labored until they were breathless and feverish, then eagerly fused their bodies to lay claim to the prize which loomed before them. They kissed, caressed, and moved rhythmically until a mutual victory was attained. Joyfully, they yielded to it, freely and wildly, until their urgency passed and rapture poured over them like heavy rain. Gradually contentment claimed them, and locked together, they went to sleep.

  For exercise and diversion, Maren was allowed topside twice a day: morning and evening. She enjoyed watching her husband at work in the surroundings he loved, and the crew was always busy, alert, caring, and obedient. The me
n rose early, took down their hammocks, bundled and stowed them, and reported for duty. They scrubbed decks, tended canvas, cleaned and greased chains and guns, mended casks, watched for enemy ships, and secured loose cargo. They were fed well and were allowed a cup of grog at the end of their shift. For relaxation, they smoked, talked, and played games. Some even did wood carvings or made decorative things from rope. This crew was happy and well trained.

  By Thursday morning, the Sea Mist was heading across the Atlantic Ocean. Winds continued to “back her canvas,” and no British ship had been sighted. As far as Maren could see, only blue water was visible. The ocean was calm, and the Sea Mist sailed gracefully over its surface, much like a huge water bird. The crew had taken to Maren and did not seem to mind having a woman aboard, which many sailors considered bad luck. And at sea, peace filled her. She even forgot the war for a time.

  On that same morning, New Orleans was anything but peaceful after Eric James arrived. He first stopped at his office and questioned his brother, Marc. He was astounded to hear that Maren had not only moved into Lady Luck, but that she had been having numerous problems, which did not sound like those he had ordered created to entice her into selling the gambling establishment. At first he was furious to learn of Jared Morgan’s partnership; then he smiled, relieved by that discovery. Marc was unaware of Maren’s and Jared’s departure, so he could not inform his brother of it.

  Eric decided to visit Samuel Lewis before seeing Maren, and perhaps Jared. He would then find a way to meet secretly with Dan Myers to get the manager’s story. After opening the safe to put some papers inside, he noticed the stack of letters. He snatched them out and studied them; the ribbon wasn’t tied as it had been, and the stack was out of order. So, he mused, Maren did know the combination. She had searched his office. He berated Marc for allowing her to do that, but even he realized his brother’s innocence could not be denied.

  At his lawyer’s office, Eric was given more disturbing news. He learned about Jared’s intrusion in his affairs and Maren’s near-fatal accidents. He was glad when Lewis told him Dan had gotten rid of Howard Heath and Evelyn Sims. The lawyer revealed everything Dan had related to him, including Dan’s pretense of assisting Jared and Maren. Eric did not like this report, and he decided he had to do something quickly.

  But the worst news came from Dan Myers. He hurriedly entered Lewis’s office, and was shocked to find Eric James there.

  Eric looked at the anxious Myers and said, “Good to see you, Dan, but isn’t this visit of yours a little dangerous? What if you’re being followed?”

  “Lewis has been out of town for weeks so I couldn’t tell him what’s happened. Has he told you everything?” the nervous manager asked.

  “Obviously not everything or you wouldn’t be so eager to see him. Tell me what happened, all of it,” Eric ordered.

  Dan rapidly revealed his distressing news, ending with, “Maren’s gone upriver somewhere, probably to hide. I haven’t been able to get a clue as to her location. And Jared Morgan sailed on Monday. He left me in charge of Lady Luck until he returns, so he doesn’t suspect me.”

  Myers and Lewis then remained silent as Eric walked to the window and gazed outside. “Damn,” he muttered. “I had her partner right where I needed him. But no matter. When Morgan returns, I’ll have him killed and Maren will be subdued. This will work out better than I planned. I will obtain even more than Lady Luck at his death. I’ll be leaving for France on Monday, but I’ll give you strict orders how to handle him if he returns before I do. This time, make certain my orders are obeyed perfectly. I don’t want Maren injured. In fact, forget about her; I’ll take care of my little cousin.” Eric spoke these last words oddly.

  Before leaving he made each man go over the entire story once more to make sure nothing had been omitted. He then went to the door and gestured to Horben Wolfe who stood outside.

  “Let’s go, Ben. I must visit the bank before it closes.” Withdrawing a key from his pocket, Eric tossed it into the air, caught it easily, and laughed. “With luck, they don’t know each box has two keys. If they’ve found anything of value, they probably locked it up there.”

  As the two men walked down the street toward the bank, Horben asked, “What about the necklace, Eric? What if she has it with her?”

  “Maren’s too smart to carry around something that expensive. If I know her, it’s in the bank box. If not, we’ll find her and take it.”

  At the bank, Eric was shocked by the contents of the metal box, but he suddenly grinned. “Let’s go home,” he said. “I’ll go over this stuff there. I want you to gather some of the men and find Maren for me. I have a good idea where she’s gone.”

  Eric stretched out on his bed and tossed the money from the box aside. Then he read the papers, one by one. At last the real deeds were in his hands and nobody could prove anything against him once he substituted these for the forged ones. He smiled as he went over the two wills, thrilled by what he would soon obtain. Reaching for the ribbon-bound paper, he slid off the ribbon. As he read that document, his green eyes narrowed and chilled. “Damn you, Maren James,” he exclaimed, grasping the extent of her betrayal. Then he laughed. Jared’s will was even more valuable when added to this marriage license.

  He gulped the whiskey sitting beside his bed and savored his new victories. He had assumed Willa hadn’t known about Jared’s part ownership in Lady Luck or she would have told him of it when he’d visited her recently. No matter. He would soon own the plantation where she lived. She had been someone to dally with on his trips to Savannah, but he would not permit her to live on his land.

  He despised people who went against him, and he always made them pay for their betrayals. He had been twenty-three when he had accidentally discovered why his father had hated him and Marc. He had returned home one day when his parents, thinking they were alone in the house, had been quarreling bitterly. Concealing himself, he had eavesdropped, and had learned of his mother’s treachery and his father’s crime.

  Elizabeth had shouted at John, “You whored around more than I did, you bloody bastard! You’ve slept with every tart around, but I’ve only spent time with one man. You men are lucky; you don’t have to worry about becoming pregnant when you enjoy your little trysts. Well, I needed love and sex just like you, my selfish husband. You wouldn’t touch me, so I found a real man who loved me—and I loved him.”

  “You sorry bitch! You won’t sleep with him again because I killed him. And if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you too. I’ll never let you humiliate me by leaving or exposing me. And if you try anything, I’ll tell Eric and Marc who their real father is and what a whore you are. You dumb bitch, you should have stayed away from him after I forgave you and kept you around even though you were pregnant with Eric. But no, you had to start up with him again and conceive Marc, the other bastard I claimed to cover your sins, the stupid one. But if you thought I’d allow you and him a third bastard, you were dead wrong, Lizzy, just like he was. And if you dare replace him, I’ll slit your whoring throat. Living with a whore for twenty-four years is more than enough for me. Behave, or you’re gone, bitch.”

  “I should have left you for him years ago. No, I should have killed you for provoking me to turn to another man. My sins don’t come near yours. He loved me, and I still love him. If you had been any kind of husband to me, none of this would have happened. I had as much right to love as you did.”

  “You belong to me, Lizzy, and I can do as I please with you. Check the law if you doubt my word. If you ever reveal this…”

  John did not complete his threat, and Elizabeth replied, “You’re the one who’s going to expose us by treating Eric and Marc like scum, though they’ve been born and reared as your sons.”

  “I have only one son, and that’s all I need or want from you. Murray is the only real James heir and he’ll get everything. Your two bastards won’t see a dollar of mine. Be glad I allowed you to keep them and raise them in my house to prevent a scandal. Every t
ime I look at them I get sick to my stomach. They’re just like their father, a no-good tavern owner who was drunk half the time. You would never have left me for trash like that, and if you thought I would ever touch you again after you bedded such filth, you’re as stupid as Marc. Keep your mouth shut and your legs crossed, or I’ll make sure your bastards lose the James name and see you all drummed out of town.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Elizabeth had scoffed. “I can have you sent to jail for murder. How would you like living in a tiny cell without your money and power and slimy wenches?”

  “It would be easier to prove you killed your secret lover than to prove the honorable John James did it. You have more to lose than I do, woman, so shut up and do as I tell you.”

  “I hate you, John, and one day you’ll burn in hell for this crime.”

  It was this statement that had given Eric the idea of punishing his parents. Nobody would miss a whore and a killer! He had looked into the tavern owner’s murder to learn who his real father was. His mother had been right. The tavern owner had been a good man, but that did not exonerate his mother. She had made him a bastard! He would destroy the two people who, in their bitterness and revenge, had destroyed him.

  For months Eric had plotted their deaths, and he’d come to hate them more and more. Horben Wolfe, his best friend, had helped him carry out the lethal deed. They had rendered his parents unconscious ata hotel and had set fire to the room. John and Elizabeth James had not survived the blaze which had engulfed the hotel and two adjoining businesses before it had been controlled. After that, Eric had plotted his loathsome half-brother’s death, and he had recently killed Murray. Now, he owned the James empire, or he soon would. To avoid suspicion, he would wait a year or so before ridding himself of Marc. He didn’t care about Colin and Martha James. They were in London, and they were not related to him by blood, neither was Maren.


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