Boss: Romantic Thriller

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Boss: Romantic Thriller Page 10

by Sienna Mynx

  Kassidy picked it up. She walked over to the bed and sat down. She sat there for several minutes staring at the wallet and thinking of everything that transpired. For no particular reason she flipped it open. She looked at his driver license. There was a line of credit cards. And she noticed something else. The edge of something tucked between the cards. Kassidy pulled on it and out slipped an image. She was not prepared to see Clarissa. The moment she saw her and all of the memories rushed to the surface.

  August 2000

  Crystal Beach, Texas

  Kassidy loved swimming, kite flying and volleyball. Crystal Beach in the summer was where she could do both. Once a year her mother and father vacationed in the quaint seashore town. And once a year she got to spend time with her best friend. An older girl named Clarissa whose family owned a bed and breakfast, called Maria's Cavern.

  Clarissa wasn’t like Kassidy’s sisters. Clarissa liked her, and didn’t treat her like a baby. She played games with her, and taught her all about the ocean, the planets, and the animals we should love and protect, In particular the sea turtles. Under the light of the moon the turtles would emerge from the sea and dig holes to drop their eggs in the sand. It would be a dream come true to actually see it. Clarissa had promised one day they would.

  Tonight Clarissa couldn’t take her down to the beach to look for the turtles. Clarissa had a boyfriend who had returned to town. He rode a motorcycle and a dark helmet even at night.

  His name was Tarek.

  With her chin resting in her hand, Kassidy lay on her tummy in Clarissa’s bed kicking her little feet as she watched Clarissa groom and put on makeup.

  “Where will you be?” Kassidy asked.

  Clarissa ran the brush through her long raven hair. She turned from the mirror and smiled. “Do you mean where am I going?”

  “Yes. Where are you going?”

  “For a ride with Tarek,” Clarissa winked. “Pass me my purse princess.”

  She wore a peach and white summer dress that was strapless. She covered her slender shoulders under a thin short sleeve sweater. Kassidy scooted off the bed. She dropped to the floor and picked up the black and white purse. She brought it over to Clarissa.

  “Can I come? Please? Can I?” Kassidy asked.

  Clarissa laughed.

  “I'll be good, I promise,” Kassidy said.

  “Maybe next time. I'll ask Tarek if he wants to go for a walk on the beach with us.”

  There was a knock at the door. Clarissa’s mother peeked in. “Your friend is here. He’s waiting outside.”

  “Thanks Mama!” Clarissa puckered her lips and checked her makeup one last time in the mirror. To get a good look at herself. Kassidy mimicked her turning and putting her hand to her hip. Clarissa laughed.

  “Do you want to meet him?"

  “Can I?” she asked.

  Clarissa winked and extended her hand. “Come on,”

  “Really? Really!” Kassidy ran over and grabbed Clarissa's hand. She’d seen Tarek from her window a few times. Never had she been close enough to speak to him. Clarissa led her out of the house. Kassidy parents were away at dinner. Her older sisters had friends and were down at the beach pretending to be more sophisticated than they were. Clarissa had agreed to babysit her until her date, and then she’d spend the rest of the night watching jeopardy with Clarissa’s mother until she fell asleep.

  They walked down the stairs and out the front door of the house. The porch light was on. The sun had long ago slipped into the sea. But even in the darkness Kassidy could see how cool Tarek Marshall was.

  “Who’s this?” he asked. He eased off his bike and approached. It was spring and a bit cool at night. The leather jacket Tarek wore had silver zippers and pockets.

  “I’m Kassandra,” she smiled. “But everyone calls me Kassidy.”

  “Well, hello there little Kassidy. I’m Tarek,” he knelt before her and extended his hand to shake hers like adults do. At eye level with him she could see his face close and personal. He had brown eyes. And when he smiled, so did she. She went straight to him with her arms stretched out. Tarek seemed surprised at first by her warm greeting, but he hugged her back. Clarissa laughed.

  “That's Kassie, she's the sweetest little princess that comes from her kingdom in Plano to visit us,” Clarissa said.

  Tarek kissed her on the cheek. “Nice to meet you princess.”

  “Can I ride your motorcycle?” Kassidy walked from him to the black and chrome and black bike.

  “Sure, come here,” he swept her up and sat her on top of the motorcycle.

  “No, no Tarek, she’s not my kid. Don’t even think about it.” Clarissa warned.

  Kassidy tried to turn the key to start the motorcycle.

  “Whoa there Brave Heart!” he laughed. He helped her lean forward so she could grip the steering wheel.

  “I want to ride for real!” Kassidy demanded.

  “This is for real,” Tarek said.

  “Take her off the bike Tarek. Now. If my father sees he will...”

  “Okay, okay, just having a little fun Clarissa,” he plucked Kassidy off the bike and held her up in his arms.

  “One day I’m going to marry you,” Kassidy said and hugged his neck.

  “Kassie! Hey? That’s not nice. He’s my boyfriend,” Clarissa laughed.

  “I know that,” Kassidy said. “We can both marry him. Okay? We share.”

  “Do I get a say in this?” Tarek chuckled.

  “You better not!” Clarissa said with a teasing smile.

  “Tell you what kiddo. In twenty years if you still want to marry me, you come find me. Deal?”

  “Tarek!” Clarissa said. “That’s not funny she’s a kid. And in twenty years you will still be mine.”

  “Deal!” Kassidy grinned.

  Tarek tickled and then tossed Kassidy up a bit in the air, even though she was bigger than most kids her age. He didn’t drop her. Kassidy couldn’t stop grinning. She was in love.


  “Angela?” he called out. She blinked from the memory and realized Tarek had called for her. Quickly she tucked the picture back in the wallet. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Yes. I’m here.” She went back inside the toilet. He stood there with a towel barely large enough to cover him. She reached and got a larger towel. Tarek had an issue with raising his arm.

  “Something wrong?” he asked her.

  She kept her gaze averted away. “You know you are going to feel like crap for a long while. You’re seriously hurt,” she tried to change the subject.

  “I want you to pull that report together. Change the numbers. I need something I can send to the board that’s plausible.”

  “It won’t work. They’ll see through my proposal.”

  “You’re good. Give yourself some credit. Work on it for me. While I rest. Can you do that?”

  She helped him to the bed. She helped him lay down on it. He winced and she covered his legs and his body to make him comfortable.

  “I’ll try. Are you still going to go through with this business proposal you gave that man? After this.”

  “Definitely,” Tarek smiled. “I have his respect now. All I need his money.”

  “Oh, ah, Tarek?”


  “Earlier. Yegor, he said your brother Dale used another woman to get close to you. Who was she?”

  “No one.” Tarek said.

  Kassidy stared at him for a moment. She didn’t understand what she knew as a child and what she was learning now. She didn’t understand him.

  Part Two

  Chapter 8

  The burn and strain in her eyes had her stretching them wide to stay focused. She’d been at it for six long hours, fell asleep for four, and woke up to start again for another three hours. She had access to everything. Before he succumbed to his pain and drifted to a restless sleep he gave her the code to his briefcase. She was able to see contracts and agreements that were pathetic attempts to expand
their drillings into the Campo Basin.

  Daniel would have a field day. The evidence of collusion with government officials was overwhelming. She’d done it. She’d finally got the leverage to destroy the Marshalls once and for all. And all she could think of was why he carried Clarissa’s picture in his wallet.

  Kassidy used her iPhone to take pictures of the contracts. Out of pure boredom she started working on a counter proposal. Something to mitigate the financial risks for such an investment. And once she started she couldn’t stop.

  “Angela,” he groaned.

  She looked up from the computer screen. Tarek had turned over to his back. She got up and went over to him. The swelling hadn’t gone down. And the bruises were darker, a few with cuts that she needed to have looked at.

  “Bathroom. Can you help me?” he asked.

  “You need to see a doctor.”

  He groaned but didn’t answer. She sighed and moved the covers to help him out of the bed. He held on to her. She got him to the bathroom where he was able to piss on his own. He found his strength and told her he was fine. He asked her to give him a minute. She left him to give him privacy and paced outside of his door. Checking the time on her phone it was now seven in the morning.

  There were women who prepared meals for the men here. Older women who could possibly have medical supplies. If she went out and found her way to the kitchen she might be able to get something to help him with the pain.

  The toilet flushed and the water began to run. Kassidy glanced to the door and recalled the man taunting her on the outside. She had no weapon. What if she ran into one of those men? Tarek wouldn’t be able to help her.

  Kassidy wore her panties and a sleep shirt. She pulled it over her head and tossed it. She went to her suitcase and found a bra and put it on. Tarek came out of the bathroom. He looked at her and paused.

  He then glanced to the laptop she worked on with all the contracts spread around.

  “Found anything?” he asked.

  “Yes. I found plenty. See for yourself.”

  He walked stiffly with his hand to his side. He pulled back the chair and sat down. She saw him straining to read. His eyes were puffy and bruised.

  Kassidy continued to dress. At first he didn’t notice, or care. When she put on her boots and began to lace them up he spoke. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to the cafeteria. I want to get you something to eat and maybe a first aid kit.”


  She looked up. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Did you hear me? We don’t separate. Ever. I’ll be ready to go in an hour or so. We’ll meet with Yegor and...”

  “You can barely stand.”

  “I fucking said no! I can handle it.”

  She frowned.

  He glared at her.

  “You’re the boss.”

  The answer seem to satisfy him. He went back to looking over the new proposal she put together. And after thirty minutes of trying to be patient she gave up. “I’m leaving.”

  “Angela!” he yelled said and tried to stand. She headed for the door. There was a knock. They both paused. She grabbed a pair of boxers for him out of the suitcase and handed them to him. He put them on with her help.

  There was another knocking.

  He was the one who went to the door to answer it. Kassidy stepped back prepared for whatever came next. Yegor walked inside with another man. If she thought Tarek was the victim she soon discovered how wrong she was. Yegor’s face was covered in lumps and bruises. All she could see of him was the horrific brutality. What the hell had happened between them?

  “Tarek. This is doctor Clevek. He will have a look at you. Good morning kroshka,” he said to Kassidy and tried to smile. He grimaced instead. The doctor walked past her and Tarek followed. He sat on the bed.

  “Morning,” she said. “Rough night?”

  Yegor chuckled. “Da! Very good. Tarek and I had a business meeting. We came to terms on some matters. Now we understand each other perfectly. Are you hungry? I can have one of my men walk you to the cafeteria.”

  “She stays with me,” Tarek winced as the doctor squeezed his chest and back with both his hands. “She eats when I eat.”

  “Da, I understand. Then you both join me for breakfast. When the doctor is done.”

  Kassidy stared at Yegor. One of his eyes was swollen shut. The other was glistening with madness as it focused on her. Yegor turned and left.

  She glanced back to Tarek who was breathing for the doctor as he listened to his chest through a stethoscope.

  “How is he?”

  “Can you raise your arms above your head for me?” the doctor asked.

  Tarek struggled but managed to raise them both.

  “He’ll live. Nothing broken, I don’t think. I would suggest you see a doctor as soon as you return home.”

  “I’m fine.” Tarek said.

  “Can you give him something for the pain?” she asked. The doctor tossed her some pills. Tarek ignored them both. He stood and returned to the desk and laptop.

  “Thank you doctor.”

  Kassidy followed the man to the door and let him out. She locked it behind him.

  “This is good Angela. Damn good. I can use it,” Tarek said.

  “It needs to be put through your legal department. I’m not sure if what I even propose is legal or violates any laws.”

  “It’s fine. It can get scrubbed later. Right now I need to get this back home to my people. And we need to schedule a meeting with LuxeOil.”

  There was a loud horn. It blared like a siren. It pierced with the noise and she put her hands to her ears.

  “What is that?” she yelled over the horn. She could barely be heard. Tarek limped to his clothes and dressed. She helped him. The horn kept blaring. She wasn’t sure if it was an evacuation or worse. She put on his coat and then hers. He gathered her laptop and put it in her bag and they packed they packed the rest of their things pretty quickly.

  There was a pounding on the door. “Downstairs. Now!” A man yelled.

  “What do you think it is? The storm?” she asked.

  “Possibly. Sounds like an emergency of evacuation alarm. If we have to leave,” he panted. “I’ll have someone bring down our things.”

  She went to the door and tried to help him but he refused. He wanted to walk upright on his own. She could see the pain over his face. She didn’t bother to fight with him. She let him handle it and was close if need be. She had so many questions for him. Questions about what happened between him and Clarissa. And what was it his family did that caused her father to leave with them in the middle of the night. That caused the death of everyone she loved. She wanted those answers not this corporate espionage bullshit. But she’d backed herself into a corner.

  Together they went downstairs. Men were all gathered. Many of them. So many that they were stuck on the bottom step not able to go lower.

  Then Yegor and a police officials appeared. Kassidy knew there was something seriously wrong.

  “Everyone, there has been an accident. I’ve been informed by the Sheriff that Alec Dresden is dead and several of his men. Last night the storm brought down a crane on top of the command post. They were crushed to death and discovered this morning. We need as many volunteers as we can get to assist.”

  The men all mumbled that they would volunteer. Yegor glanced to Tarek and then to his men. No one questioned his banged up face or Tarek’s. They all acted as if it were normal. Kassidy knew it wasn’t. What she couldn’t fathom was how Tarek was involved.

  The men started out with the officers. Yegor walked toward them.

  “Come with me.”

  Tarek came down the step and she forced him to let her help. Together they followed Yegor. They were led to an office she supposed. Tarek took a seat.

  “Trouble?” Tarek asked.

  “Nyet. It’s under control. What I can’t have is the press finding out you are here. I’ve arranged to send you out now. B
ack to Anchorage. The storm is easing up. Enough for you to leave.”

  “But we have things to discuss. I have a proposal that can be submitted to LuxeOil that...”

  “Da. Da. I get it. Whatever you need. You have my full support. I’ve called father and he agrees. Do what you must but do it away from here.” Yegor looked over to Kassidy and changed his tune. “It was unfortunate that these men lives were lost. Let’s find a way to keep this project moving.”

  Kassidy didn’t buy his empathy for a second. She was even more repulsed by Tarek’s duplicity. But she kept her mouth shut.

  “How soon can you be packed?” Yegor asked.

  “We are packed. We can leave now.” Tarek said.

  “Da. Can you give us a minute, lisichka?” he asked.

  Tarek seem hesitant for her to leave him. He knew without saying so that she wasn’t safe without him.

  “I’ll wait for you outside of the door. Okay?” she asked.

  He relented and agreed. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I won’t,” she said.

  Yegor focused on her with his battered face. She thought he smiled. But she couldn’t be sure. She was glad to be away from him.


  “Father is very impressed with you,” Yegor said. “But he is curious. Why now?”

  “My father is dinosaur. I’m here to save the company.”

  Yegor smiled. “Do you know anything of your family who gave you up in Russia?”


  “Do you care to know?” Yegor asked.

  Tarek frowned. “Has nothing to do with our business. Reassure your father that my motives are the same as his. Greed.”

  Yegor laughed. “He’d like to hear that. Maybe someone day soon.”

  “A meeting? We can arrange a sit down to discuss....”


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