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by Catherine Hewitt

  2. On the Maquis, see Sophie Krebs, ‘Montmartre, colline inspirée?’ in Valadon Utrillo: Au tournant du siècle à Montmartre – de l’Impressionisme à l’École de Paris, exhib. cat. (Paris: Pinacothèque de Paris, 2009), pp. 37–47 (p. 41).

  3. On 11, Avenue Junot, see Paul Pétridès, Ma Chance et ma réussite (Paris: Plon, 1978), pp. 69–71.

  4. Pétridès, p. 70.

  5. Pétridès, p. 71.

  6. Suzanne Valadon to Conrad Satie, cited in Ornella Volta, Satie Seen Through his Letters, trans. by Michael Bullock (London: Marion Boyars, 1989), pp. 46–7.

  7. Volta, p. 47.

  8. Mme Annette Jacquinot was struck by Suzanne’s inattention to her appearance despite being able to afford to look good if she had wished. See Jean Fabris, Utrillo, sa vie, son oeuvre (Paris: Éditions Frédéric Birr, 1982), p. 75.

  9. For a discussion of this work, see Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, Suzanne Valadon (New York: Universe Publishing, 1994), pp. 79–81.

  10. André Utter, undated letter, MNAM. Letter reprinted in Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, ‘Les multiples identités de Suzanne Valadon: Marie-Clémentine, “Biqui”, ou “Terrible Maria”?’ in Suzanne Valadon – 1865–1938, exhib. cat. (Martigny, Switzerland: Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1996), pp. 31–53 (p. 48).

  11. Anecdote recounted in Fabris, p. 35.

  12. Anecdote recounted in Fabris, p. 35.

  13. I am indebted to Guy Patrice Dauverville at Bernheim-Jeune & Cie for the detailed information regarding Maurice Utrillo’s relationship with Bernheim-Jeune.

  14. Maximilian Ilyin, Utrillo (London & Paris: A. Zwemmer and Fernand Hazan, 1953), p. 4.

  15. André Utter to Suzanne Valadon, 16 May 1927, MNAM. Letter reprinted in Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, ‘Les multiples identités de Suzanne Valadon: Marie-Clémentine, “Biqui”, ou “Terrible Maria”?’ in Suzanne Valadon – 1865–1938, exhib. cat. (Martigny, Switzerland: Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1996), pp. 31–53 (p. 50).

  16. See Fabris, p. 71.

  17. See Fabris, p. 69.

  18. See Fabris, p. 75.

  19. A photograph of the event is reproduced in Fabris, p. 70.

  20. Robert Coughlan, The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo (London: Gollancz, 1952), p. 97.

  21. Lucie Valore, Maurice Utrillo, mon mari (Paris: Joseph Foret, 1956), p. 117.

  22. Cited in John Storm, The Valadon Drama: The Life of Suzanne Valadon (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959), p. 241.

  23. Robert Destez, ‘Heur et Malheur de Maurice Utrillo, Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur’, L’Homme Libre, 21 September 1928, p. 1.

  24. Destez, p. 2.

  25. M.R., ‘Exposition Suzanne Valadon’, L’Intransigeant, 29 January 1929, p. 5.

  26. G. Charensol, ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Les Chroniques du jour, September 1929, pp. 22–5.

  27. Jeanine Warnod, Suzanne Valadon, trans. by Shirley Jennings (Naefels, Switzerland: Bonfini Press, 1981), p. 88. John Storm, The Valadon Drama: The Life of Suzanne Valadon (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959), p. 222.

  28. Peter de Polnay, The World of Maurice Utrillo (London: Heinemann, 1967), p. 168. June Rose, Mistress of Montmartre: A Life of Suzanne Valadon (London: Richard Cohen Books, 1998), p. 224.

  29. This episode is recounted by Mme Jacquinot. See Fabris, p. 73.

  30. This letter is reproduced in Fabris, p. 72.

  31. See Ilyin, pp. 5–6.

  32. This anecdote is recounted by Pétridès, pp. 68–71.

  33. Anecdote recounted in Fabris, p. 71.

  34. See Pétridès, pp. 72–4.

  35. James F. McMillan, Twentieth-Century France: Politics and Society 1898–1991 (London, New York, Sydney and Auckland: Arnold, 1992), p. 101.

  36. André Salmon, Revue de France, January 1930, cited in Rose, p. 221.

  37. See for example André Utter to Suzanne Valadon, 2 April 1930, MNAM. Letter cited in Rose, p. 224.

  38. On this work and Suzanne’s self-portraits, see Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, Suzanne Valadon (New York: Universe Publishing, 1994), pp. 79–81.

  39. René Barotte, ‘Au Portique – Suzanne Valadon’, L’Homme Libre, 11 May 1931, pp. 1–2.

  40. On the depression in France, see McMillan, pp. 101–2.

  41. G. Charensol, ‘Les Grandes Ventes’, Formes, May 1931, pp. 89–90.

  42. On the trip, see Mme Jacquinot’s account in Fabris, pp. 73–5.

  43. On this work, see Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, Suzanne Valadon (New York: Universe Publishing, 1994), pp. 60–5.

  44. The publication was advertised in Les Nouvelles littéraires, 2 July 1932, p. 9.

  45. This episode was recounted in Paris-Soir. Stéphane Manier, ‘Quelques minutes avant de partir pour Londres M. Édouard Herriot nous a parlé du peintre Suzanne Valadon’, Paris-Soir, 14 October 1932, p. 3.

  46. René Barotte, ‘Chez Georges Petit – Suzanne Valadon’, L’Homme Libre, 20 October 1932, p. 2.


  1. Michel Chadeuil, Expressions et dictons Périgord Limousin (Chamalières: Christine Bonneton, 2015), p. 146.

  2. Robert Coughlan, The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo (London: Gollancz, 1952), pp. 101–3.

  3. Maurice’s letter of condolence is reproduced in Jean Fabris, Utrillo, sa vie, son oeuvre (Paris: Éditions Frédéric Birr, 1982), p. 74.

  4. On Maurice and religion, see Lucie Valore, Maurice Utrillo, mon mari (Paris: Joseph Foret, 1956), pp. 65–7.

  5. This and the following episode are recounted by Mme Jacquinot. See Fabris, pp. 67–9.

  6. On Suzanne’s flower pieces in the 1930s, see Françoise Künzi’s discussion in Valadon Utrillo: Au tournant du siècle à Montmartre – de l’Impressionisme à l’École de Paris, exhib. cat. (Paris: Pinacothèque de Paris, 2009), p. 340.

  7. See for example Louis Léon-Martin, ‘Les femmes artistes modernes’, Paris-Soir, 17 February 1932, p. 6.

  8. See ‘Musée du Luxembourg’, Bulletin des musées de France, July 1933, pp. 104–5.

  9. Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, Suzanne Valadon (New York: Universe Publishing, 1994), p. 123. June Rose, Mistress of Montmartre: A Life of Suzanne Valadon (London: Richard Cohen Books, 1998), p. 229.

  10. On this second version, see Fabris, pp. 67–9. Lucie Valore (subsequently Lucie Pauwels) believed Maurice was baptised when they married. See Valore, p. 66. The Association Utrillo has no record of the baptism ever having taken place. I am grateful to Hélène Bruneau for this information.

  11. Peter de Polnay, The World of Maurice Utrillo (London: Heinemann, 1967), p. 181.

  12. This document, a statement signed by Suzanne confirming the amount and terms of the loan, is held by the MNAM.

  13. Valore, p. 41. Robert Coughlan, The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo (London: Gollancz, 1952), pp. 103–4.

  14. Coughlan, pp. 103–4.

  15. Coughlan, pp. 104–5.

  16. Valore, pp. 41–2.

  17. Valore, p. 42.

  18. Some accounts of the reading state that the clairvoyant gave Lucie the initial ‘M’. See for example: Paul Pétridès, Ma Chance et ma réussite (Paris: Plon, 1978), pp. 129–130. In other accounts of the reading, Maurice was actually named. See for example: Coughlan, p. 105.

  19. This card is reproduced in Fabris, p. 75.

  20. De Polnay, p. 167.

  21. On Gazi, see: De Polnay, pp. 187–8. ‘Gazi Le Tatar’ [accessed 22 March 2017]. J.P. Crespelle, Montmartre Vivant (Paris: Hachette, 1964), p. 244.

  22. De Polnay, pp. 187–8.

  23. According to Peter de Polnay, it was ‘Yvette’ with whom Utter eventually settled. See De Polnay, pp. 172–3.

  24. For Robert Naly’s account, see Crespelle, pp. 244–6.

  25. Crespelle, p. 244.

  26. De Polnay, p. 228.

  27. ‘L’Actualité Artistique – Expositions’, Mobilier & Décoration, 1934, p. 301.

  28. Miguel Utrillo died
on 20 January 1934.

  29. This was the symptom that most struck Lucie. See Valore, p. 44.

  30. A condition whereby the kidneys fail to properly perform their excretory, regulatory and endocrine function.

  31. On Lucie’s account of the visit, see Valore, pp. 43–7. See also Coughlan, pp. 105–6.

  32. Valore, p. 46.

  33. Valore, p. 47.

  34. Coughlan, p. 98.

  35. De Polnay, pp. 175–6.

  36. Valore, p. 47. Coughlan, p. 107.

  37. See Valore, pp. 54–5.

  38. See Valore, p. 55. Fabris, p. 95.

  39. Valore, p. 55.

  40. Valore, p. 56.

  41. De Polnay, p. 174.

  42. De Polnay, p. 174.

  43. Valore, p. 57. De Polnay, p. 174.

  44. Fabris, p. 95.

  45. De Polnay, p. 173.

  46. Valore, p. 58.

  47. Fabris, p. 95.

  48. Letter dated 26 March 1935, reproduced in Fabris, p. 77.

  49. The Association Utrillo holds no record of the baptism ever having taken place. I am grateful to Hélène Bruneau for this information.

  50. Valore, p. 54.

  51. René Barotte, ‘A la Cathédrale de Chartres quand Maurice Utrillo peintre génial de la Butte et maniaque de la solitude, prie avec sa fiancée’, Paris-Soir, 12 April 1935, pp. 1, 7.

  52. Barotte, p. 7.

  53. Valore, p. 60.

  54. Rose, p. 235.

  55. V, ‘Les “Femmes artistes” et “Les Universitaires”, Le Petit Parisien, 30 May 1935, p. 4.

  56. The photograph was reproduced in Paris-Soir, 4 May 1935, p. 14.

  57. De Polnay, p. 175.

  58. Valore, p. 59.


  1. Georges-Emmanuel Clancier, La Vie quotidienne en Limousin au XIXe siècle (Paris: Hachette, 1976), p. 143.

  2. ‘Thursday’ is inscribed on this letter which Jean Fabris dates as 9 June 1935, reprinted in Jean Fabris, Utrillo, sa vie, son oeuvre (Paris: Éditions Frédéric Birr, 1982), p. 78. The 9th of June 1935 was actually a Sunday, so the letter was probably written on Thursday 6 June 1935.

  3. Paul Pétridès, Ma Chance et ma réussite (Paris: Plon, 1978), p. 129.

  4. On the house and surrounds, see Lucie Valore, Maurice Utrillo, mon mari (Paris: Joseph Foret, 1956), pp. 69–71. Pétridès, p. 134.

  5. Peter de Polnay, The World of Maurice Utrillo (London: Heinemann, 1967), p. 164.

  6. Fabris, p. 95.

  7. Pétridès, p. 132.

  8. Fabris, p. 95.

  9. See Valore, pp. 70–1.

  10. Letter dated 20 August 1935, cited in Pétridès, pp. 132–3.

  11. Lucie Pauwels remembered that the dog died shortly before she became engaged to Maurice. See Valore, p. 49. However, in a letter dated 29 October 1935, Maurice asks if the dog is better. See Fabris, p. 79.

  12. Robert Coughlan, The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo (London: Gollancz, 1952), pp. 107–8.

  13. John Storm, The Valadon Drama: The Life of Suzanne Valadon (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959), p. 249.

  14. De Polnay, p. 187.

  15. Letter dated 29 October 1935, reproduced in Fabris, p. 79.

  16. J.P. Crespelle, Montmartre Vivant (Paris: Hachette, 1964), p. 244.

  17. Episode recounted in Crespelle, pp. 244–6.

  18. ‘Gazi Le Tatar’ [accessed 22 March 2017].

  19. Valore, p. 49.

  20. Pétridès, p. 133.

  21. Letter dated 6 January 1936, reproduced in Fabris, p. 80.

  22. On this work and Suzanne’s relationship with the Camax-Zoeggers, see Thérèse Diamand Rosinsky, Suzanne Valadon (New York: Universe Publishing, 1994), pp. 65–7.

  23. ‘L’Actualité – Les Expositions’, L’Art et les artistes, March 1936–July 1936, p. 249.

  24. Fabris, p. 89.

  25. Pétridès, p. 134.

  26. Valore, p. 87.

  27. Many of these letters are held by the MNAM.

  28. Letter transcribed in Fabris, p. 89.

  29. Valore, p. 71. Fabris, p. 92.

  30. Valore, p. 76.

  31. Pétridès, p. 136.

  32. Pétridès, pp. 137–138.

  33. Pétridès, pp. 138–139.

  34. On ‘La Bonne Lucie’ and the staff, see Valore, pp. 77–81.

  35. Valore, p. 79.

  36. De Polnay, pp. 189–91.

  37. Geneviève Barrez (née Camax-Zoegger) in an interview with June Rose. June Rose, Mistress of Montmartre: A Life of Suzanne Valadon (London: Richard Cohen Books, 1998), p. 240. De Polnay, p. 187.

  38. Valore, pp. 86–7.

  39. Valore, p. 86.

  40. Valore, p. 86.

  41. G. Brunon Guardia, ‘Les arts – Portraits’, L’Intransigeant, 16 November 1937, p. 2.

  42. Pétridès, p. 141.

  43. On Pétridès’ recollections, see Pétridès, p. 141.

  44. La Revue de l’Art, April 1937, p. 70. Raymond Lécuyer, ‘Les Femmes Artistes d’Europe exposent au Musée du Jeu de Paume’, Le Figaro, 14 February 1937, p. 2.

  45. John Storm, The Valadon Drama: The Life of Suzanne Valadon (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959), pp. 252–3. The exhibition Storm refers to took place in the first few months of 1937.

  46. G. Brunon Guardia, ‘Les Arts – Suzanne Valadon et ses satellites’, L’Intransigeant, 15 May 1937, p. 2.

  47. On this, see Fabris, pp. 68–9. The error probably came about due to Miguel Utrillo’s death in 1934.

  48. On this episode, see de Polnay, pp. 228–30.

  49. An informative summary of these letters can be found in Rose, p. 242.

  50. This card is held by the MNAM.

  51. Louis Vauxcelles, ‘Les Femmes Artistes Modernes’, Le Monde Illustré, 2 April 1938, p. 16.

  52. Carco is cited in Jeanine Warnod, Suzanne Valadon, trans. by Shirley Jennings (Naefels, Switzerland: Bonfini Press, 1981), p. 88.

  53. Carco is cited in Warnod, p. 88.

  54. George Besson, ‘Le marchand de couleurs – Suzanne Valadon’, Ce Soir, 20 March 1938, p. 8.

  55. Claude Roger-Marx and Waldemar George, ‘Suzanne Valadon’ La Renaissance, April 1938, p. 48.

  56. F.H.L., ‘Suzanne Valadon (Galerie Bernier)’, Marianne, 16 March 1938, p. 11.

  57. Louis Vauxcelles, ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Le Monde Illustré, 16 April 1938, p. 14.

  58. Valore, p. 87.

  59. Valore, p. 88.

  60. Valore, p. 88.

  61. André Warnod, ‘Suzanne Valadon est morte’, Le Figaro, 8 April 1938, p. 2.

  62. On the funeral, see: André Warnod, ‘L’hommage des artistes à Suzanne Valadon’, Beaux-Arts, 15 April 1938, p. 1. ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Beaux-Arts, 15 April 1938, p. 3. ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Le Vieux Montmartre, March–April 1938, p. 4.

  63. Diamand Rosinsky, p. 118. The coin gives Suzanne’s year of birth as 1867.


  1. The following is drawn from the local paper’s report of this event in Bessines in 1949. A.R. Soulier, ‘D’une manière simple et touchante Bessines a honoré Suzanne Valadon’, Le Populaire du centre, October 1949. See also A.R. Soulier, ‘Après l’hommage rendu à Suzanne Valadon’, Le Populaire du centre, October 1949. Marie-Louise Peyrat, ‘Suzanne de Bessines’, Limousin Magazine, March 1965, pp. 16–19.

  2. Suzanne Valadon to Jean Vertex, cited in Jeanine Warnod, Suzanne Valadon, trans. by Shirley Jennings (Naefels, Switzerland: Bonfini Press, 1981), p. 89.


  1. Regards, 21 April 1938.

  2. Louis Vauxcelles, ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Le Monde illustré, 16 April 1938, p. 14.

  3. ‘Suzanne Valadon’, Beaux-Arts, 15 April 1938, p. 3.

  4. Yves-Bonnat, ‘Suzanne Valadon – Un Grand peintre’, Regards, 21 April 1938, p. 14.

  5. On this, see: Jean Fabris, Utrillo, sa vie, son oeuvre (Paris: Éditions Frédéric Birr, 1982),
p. 92. Lucie Valore, Maurice Utrillo, mon mari (Paris: Joseph Foret, 1956), pp. 112–13.

  6. Text transcribed in Fabris, p. 100.

  7. Robert Coughlan, The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo (London: Gollancz, 1952), p. 122.

  8. Reproduced in the last unnumbered insert in Valore.

  9. Coughlan, p. 113.

  10. Coughlan, pp. 113–14.

  11. Coughlan, p. 115.

  12. Maximilian Ilyin, Utrillo (London: A. Zwemmer; Paris: Fernand Hazan, 1953), p. 3.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.



  Anquetin, Louis


  Auberge du Clou

  avant-garde art

  Avenue Junot


  Bartholomé, Paul-Albert

  Bernard, Émile


  Boissy, Adrien


  Bruant, Aristide


  Café de la Nouvelle Athènes

  Café Guerbois

  Camax-Zoegger, Marie-Anne

  Casas, Ramon

  Cassatt, Mary

  Charigot, Aline

  Chat Noir, Le


  Cirque de l’Impératrice

  Cirque Fernando

  Closier, Zoé

  Coca, Gilberte

  Coca, Marie

  Collège Rolin

  Communards, the

  Commune de Paris


  Coquiot, Gustave

  Coquiot, Mauricia

  Cormon, Fernand

  Cormon’s atelier


  Coulaud, Léger

  Coulaud, Marie-Alix


  d’Ache, Caran

  de Goncourt, Edmond

  Degas, Edgar

  Delacroix, Eugène

  Dérozier, Jeanne

  Dony, Marie

  Dony, Martial

  Dreyfus, Alfred

  Dumaret, Odette


  École des Beaux-Arts

  education for women

  Eisenmann, Germaine

  El Quat Gats



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