Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01

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Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01 Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  Chapter Six

  Ambitious enough? I wondered what Katia would think of me now.

  My mother and I had eaten breakfast together, and she’d given me a hug before leaving. Honestly, I was two minds about that. On the one hand, I needed to stand on my own and make this decision, on the other I felt very alone. My mother had done what she could for me, but was gone now. Katia had ripped my heart out and stomped it. I still didn’t know who my father was. I had absolutely no one to turn to, and I was still in danger from demons.

  Demons! It was hard to credit, but I couldn’t deny the truth of the last few days. I’d sat in the kitchen for about an hour after she left, drinking a coffee and thinking. I was too young to die, which meant I needed to claim my power, and while bartering for my soul was pretty crazy, chances were that it would all work out, if the packet I was left told the truth.

  I shook my head and stood up, not ambitious my ass, and I moved down the hallway and into the study. I pulled out the pages on the ritual to summon Lilith. It was a little complicated, but that was because I didn’t have my power yet, which made the first summoning a little trickier, much trickier than summoning and binding demons in my service will be in the future.

  I shook my head, had I gone insane? I didn’t feel any doubts, in fact it kind of felt right to me.

  Even the Latin issue had been solved, the words were spelled out phonetically in English for the translation. It was thoughtful, because there’s no way I’d be able to learn Latin in the two days of safety I supposedly had. I spent about an hour practicing, until I thought I’d had it all right.

  I lifted the gold amulet, and took a deep breath. Was I really going to do this, risk my immortal soul for the chance at power, and a cushy afterlife deal with a fallen angel turned succubus? They put people in rubber rooms for a lot less.

  I pulled it over my head, and it fell against my chest and a bright light burst from it, and I winced at the pain in my chest. I felt something deep inside of me ripped open, and the power flowed into me from the amulet. Borrowed infernal power to fuel my first summoning, I’d have to be careful not to use it for anything else. I did have those natural affinity abilities with infernal magic, which I had no idea how to use. Still, a stray thought could ruin my chances if I didn’t stay focused.

  Once I had my power, the amulet would act as an infernal battery as well, storing power. I wasn’t sure why that was necessary, except if it didn’t work that way I wouldn’t be able to do this now, would I? So, perhaps it was meant for my successor, hopefully many years in the future?

  I also knew now, that the amulet’s engraved spell was for pacts. All it would take is an act of will to power it, and a pact would be sealed. I guessed this was to prevent the need to cast a long spell in Latin in front of a human, it would make them nervous and second guess their decision? I wondered how hard it would be to do the same with other spells. I had so much to learn. But I had to get started if I was going to get anywhere, and be able to defend myself when my father’s enemies caught up to me.

  I turned toward the other door in the study, and went through. The walls were unfinished and concrete, and there were carvings all down the hallway, I had no idea what they were for. The lights were chemical in nature, and lit up the hall with an eerie glow. Perhaps electricity would interfere with magic in some way?

  There was a small part of me that wanted to turn around and run, and never stop. But there was an angry part of me as well. I was still pissed and hurt about Katia, and I was angry about some assholes messing up my life and turning things upside down. Demon attacks.

  There was also a part of me that felt this was right, the warlock part of me that I now suspected was the part of me that said no to all my career choices in the past. This was what I had been waiting for, as strange and insane as that sounded, this was the more that I’d always been expecting. I wasn’t sure what kind of warlock I’d make, truthfully, the idea of making soul deals with other humans kind of twisted my stomach, even if I was doing it to myself right now.

  The hallway opened up into a very large room of polished granite walls and a floor. There was plenty of light to see the whole room, but it wasn’t very bright. There wasn’t much in the room at all, there was what looked like an altar, and many summoning circles on the ground of various kinds. I had no idea there’d be so many, and wondered what they were all for. I’d find out eventually.

  I looked down at the paper, and found the circle made specifically to summon Lilith in order to bargain a pact. It was the one near the altar, which was very basic and bare, and about waist high. I didn’t see any writing on it, and there was nothing on it except a red silk cover sheet for the top. From the sides, it looked like it was made from marble.

  I had an idea what I wanted for my end of the deal, but I also knew the more I asked for, the higher the price and conditions Lilith would demand. That information had been in the folder packet as well. It also went over the fact that if I defaulted on the pact, failed to keep up my end of it, all bets were off and my soul would be forfeit, so the conditions were very important.

  There was nothing to get ready, though I did examine the circle and make sure it matched the paper exactly. Everything was already ready, all I needed to do was read the summoning, and power it with my borrowed magic. Still, I lifted the paper to my face and was struck with doubt. I felt foolish for believing any of this. I looked around, suddenly paranoid that my college buddies were playing the ultimate prank on me, and would post my stupid ass on YouTube or something.

  I shook my head and laughed a bit nervously, and then cleared my throat. It was past time to shit or get off the pot Andy, and I started to read the summoning ritual. I felt the borrowed magic within me stir, and respond to my wishes and the spoken words I slowly and carefully intoned. All sheepishness fled at the feel of the magic within me, and my tone grew more confident and deeper as I went through the ritual.

  Then I finished, and the power left me in a torrent of magic and fed the circle before me. There was a bright flash of light which made me turn my head and squint my eyes. Then I heard a soft extremely pleasant and sexy voice speak.

  “Hello Andrew, I’d wondered if you’d contact me.”

  I turned back and froze, unable and unwilling to look away. Lilith had long flowing reddish brown hair, warm light brown eyes, a button nose, and slightly pouty lips. Her face was beautiful in the girl next door way, it had an innocent quality to it that took my breath away, but there was also a hint of naughtiness in it as well, giving her a natural innocent and sexy look.

  She was also naked and was smiling at me a bit knowingly.

  Her body was a perfect hourglass, and average in a flawless way. She had the ideal measurements at a glance, and very perky C cups, which was my personal favorite. More than a handful, large enough to slide my cock between, but not too big that they sagged. The curve of her waist and flat hard stomach were mouthwatering, and her legs seemed to go on forever. She was about five foot six, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was perfect, everything about her, for me that is, and my tastes.

  I wasn’t actually that picky that way, chemistry and attraction was important of course, but there was a lot more to attraction than that. Still, I was a hard as a rock, and couldn’t tear my eyes off her. Of course, succubus. I took a deep breath, as her comment finally sunk into my mind.

  “You were expecting me to summon you?”

  She smiled coquettishly, and nodded, “Your father is in a pact with my beloved sister, she let me know what was going on, and to expect your summons, shall we get down to it? I find this part tedious, and want to get down to the fun part.”

  “Fun part?”

  She smirked, “Yes, there’s only one way to seal a pact with a succubus, and I can already tell you’re quite… gifted.”

  Her eyes flickered down to my obvious bulge, and my cock twitched at the thought. It also made me feel a bit wary, she’d no doubt use her sex appeal to try and trip me
up, I’d have to be careful.

  I said, “Alright. I want you as my patron, to access my power. I want your protection, honest and truthful advice, no lies or evasions, and your company in this mortal life. I also want a favored position in your demesne when you claim my soul, no torture, only pleasure, and servants, as you use my soul’s power for eternity.”

  She laughed lightly, “You don’t want much, do you?”

  “I’m willing to negotiate, what do you want in return for all of it?”

  She said, “Protection I can offer only as a last resort, but you’ll have the power to stand on your own. I won’t lie to you, in this negotiation or once the pact has been made, but I reserve the right to be circumspect, some truths in existence are not meant for mortals to know. I’d also be more than pleased to be at your side and… serve you for your mortal lifetime. I can also order my lesser succubae to extract power in your afterlife, using only pleasure, which I think you’d enjoy very much. No servants though, everyone in my demesne works for me, and you will be my servant, even if a favored and pampered one. On top of all that, I’ll also help you learn Latin, I’ve gotten quite good at teaching it the last few centuries.

  “The price for all that is your soul. I’m prepared to be generous in the conditions as well. Two soul pacts a year, which will not only increase my power, but also increase your power and lifespan once the deals are sealed. I will also require you have heirs available to take your place when your life ends.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the first condition. Did I really want to barter two souls every year? I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of damning souls, the ultimate evil door to door salesman. If I failed to deliver, she could claim my soul immediately, and drag me to hell, and I wouldn’t be getting the pampered treatment.

  The second condition was even worse, if I failed to have an heir when I died, the same thing would happen, the deal would be void and my soul forfeit.

  “Just to clarify on the second condition, the heir doesn’t have to accept?”

  Lilith shook her head, “No, you just have to make sure one is available to renew the pact we are now agreeing upon, and that the offer is made. If that happens upon your death, all conditions will be fulfilled and you’ll have your cushy place with me forever. I know your father has many heirs in hiding, just in case.”

  I sighed, “Soul deals? How does that work?”

  She tilted her head, “You feel guilty at the idea? How… delightfully innocent,” she bit her lip and looked like she wanted to ravish me in that moment, but her eyes cleared, “When you make a soul deal, we just take a small portion of their soul as… collateral. Part of that power and life will go to you, the other half to me. When the person dies at their appointed time, the rest of the soul is sent to me. Of course, in the end, you’ll deliver all those little pieces to me when you pass as well.”

  She looked at me thoughtfully, “You worry about damning souls, but that’s not what you’ll really be doing.”

  I frowned, “It isn’t?”

  She shook her head, “No. Think about it for a moment. You’ll cast a spell to find someone willing to trade their soul for power, fame, fortune, or even longer life. Something they covet. They won’t be very nice people. Those types of people are usually headed toward hell anyway. All you’ll really be doing is changing their destination address in hell to my demesne, and putting them under my power. You might even be helping them, I’m not such a cruel mistress as other rulers in hell after all.”

  I frowned in thought, strangely enough, that did make me feel better about it. The people I’d be making deals with wouldn’t be the type to be bound for heaven in the first place.

  I smirked and shook my head, what did that say about me, and my soul deal? I didn’t think I was a bad person, just caught up in circumstances out of my control, and born with an affinity for the infernal I’d had no say in at all. Still, I was here wasn’t I, standing before a fallen angel and bargaining for those same things? Power, longer life, fortune, I was even looking forward to all the sex I’d be getting with Lilith over the years.

  Fucking Katia… I pushed that down again.

  “Alright, how about one a year?” I tried to haggle.

  She shook her head, “Think about this. Your rich, and you’ll be powerful enough to do whatever you want. My deal requires you to work two days a year, and knock up a few women on occasion. Otherwise, your time is your own. I’m your servant, and you can do whatever the hell you want. Is working two days a year really too much to ask? Maybe you aren’t serious about this.”

  “Do whatever I want?”

  She nodded, “Of course, what else is power good for? You could help people, or build an empire to control, or something in the middle. You’ll be busier than that of course, dealing with other supernatural beings, learning to harness and control your powers and spells, and dealing with enemies when they make themselves known. But as far as me and you, and our deal, two workdays a year. How hard is that?”

  “Okay, two per year, but I want a two-year grace period to catch up if I run behind, just in case, so I don’t default from unseen circumstances. I doubt that I’ll ever need it, and I won’t put things off until the last minute, but I want it there.”

  She smiled, “Of course Andrew. Anything else?”

  I froze, I wanted to state a caveat that the pact would be null and void, if I died before I got a chance to make my first heir, but I didn’t believe she’d accept it. I would have to take that risk, as risks went, it would be my biggest one. I’d have to make that a priority. Once I learned how to use my magic that is.

  She winked at me and nodded, which made me wonder if she could read my mind. Probably. Still, she’d try to keep me alive I was sure, better me giving her souls for years, and supplying a possible heir to carry on with things, as opposed to her ending up with nothing but mine, right?

  “I think we have a deal.”

  She gave me a smoky look, and I felt a surge of lust that made what I felt for Celeste feel like a turn off. I was powerless to resist it, and I found myself pulling off my clothes without thought, I had to have her. She was perfect, beautiful, innocent, sexy, mesmerizing, and I had to have her, now. I’d never even considered taking a woman against her will before, but right then what she wanted wouldn’t have mattered to me, though I knew she did want it.

  She turned and walked to the altar, and bent over it, and presented herself lewdly to me, her legs slightly spread, her beautiful sex peeking out between her luscious ass cheeks in invitation. She turned her head around and there was a look of lust and desire on her face that made my heart beat faster, and my cock now freed from confinement twitched in the cool air of the room. Her eyes smiled as she took in its size, I wasn’t a freak by any measure, but I was on the very large side of average at eight inches, and rather thick.

  I’d never gotten any complaints, and more than once had been told I was the perfect size.

  That brought up thoughts of Katia, telling me again what a good fuck I was, even as she dumped me. Bitch. I pushed that all down, and walked toward Lilith with the intention to make her scream, in a good way, before I took my own pleasure.

  She laughed delightedly, and said sultrily, “Andrew, come. Take your power, if you can, and seal our pact with your essence. Don’t worry about pleasing me this time, we can do that later. Trust me, I’ll enjoy this moment more than you can imagine.”

  I was in a trance, and the closer I got the more my controls fell away, as I took in her powerful scent of arousal which clouded my mind and tantalized my senses. She looked moist, but normally I’d have checked with fingers to ensure she was ready anyway, if not ate her out first, but that thought was impossible, and blown away by the torrent of lust and need that ran through my body.

  I grabbed her warm hips, lined myself up, and thrusted violently into her heat. I’d slept with a few woman that did kegel exercises, and had control over tightening their pelvic floor muscles to improve the pl
easure of sex, but none of them could compare to being inside Lilith. I was buried in her sex and overwhelmed by the feeling of her tightening around me.

  She moaned in pleasure and satisfaction, and ground back against me sensually.

  More than that, she started to ripple her incredibly tight and sinfully warm silken passage up and down my cock, it was a symphony of pleasure that blew my mind. I had no doubt if I just stayed there buried inside her heaven, that she’d have extracted the essence of my pleasure quite easily, but my inflated and enflamed libido wouldn’t allow such a passive role.

  I started to pump into her hard and fast, I rutted her like an animal out of its mind. The tight wet silken friction, her scent, the way she started to buck back against me and moan and gasp in pleasure, it was all too much for me to last very long at all, and I finally understood why she said later. I wasn’t going to last a minute in her body’s embrace and its sensual assault on my long hard sex.

  I felt my legs start to numb, and my balls tingle, and I buried myself hard.

  Then, impossibly, it got even better. Her pussy was magic, because it gripped my base hard and started to milk me, while deep inside her wet heaven, my sensitive tip felt like it was in a whirlpool of heated silken liquid. I cried out at the intensity of it, and then the wave broke over me, drowning me in the pleasure of the strongest orgasm in my life.

  I couldn’t think, and I kept waiting for the intensity to die down, and the pleasure to peter off, but it rose higher, and higher, and seemed to last forever. Finally, it became too much, and the pleasure crossed the circuits in my mind, and it started to hurt as well. Wonderful pain and dirty pleasure combined and overwhelmed me.

  Then the true pain started, and I tried to pull out, escape her feeding, but her sex had a tight grip on mine, and it hurt way too much to try, I was literally stuck inside her of her, and felt like she was ripping out my soul. She was ripping out my soul, feeding on it, and I could feel her quiver and tremble, as she cried out in ecstasy beneath me as she did so.


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