Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01

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Warlock's Son: An Andrew Moore Novel 01 Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  He kissed the rest of the way up, and claimed her lips in a soft kiss.

  She sighed into his mouth, and opened hers a little more when he licked across her lip, and then she felt both his tongue enter her mouth, at the same time his cock slid home where it belonged. The dual sensation somehow made it all more intense.

  She moaned in pleasure, as he stretched her out. She kissed him more passionately, as she realized he was going to wait for her to get used to him. She almost cried at that, gentleness being such a shock, she’d been so ill-used for so long she’d gotten used to it.

  The fact that he’d eaten her out, and was now waiting for her pussy to adjust, was already making her like him far too much, for such stupid reasons as basic decency. And he was that, a good man, she wouldn’t ever regret the pact she’d just made, except maybe the ordering her in bed part.

  She wouldn’t have minded that at all, ever, if this was how he was with his partners. Then again, she wouldn’t mind because he’d never do it anyway, which was crazy and made the point moot.

  She felt so stretched out and tight around him, and he filled her completely, and touched her in all the good spots, but she thought she was ready, and she lifted her ass up and wiggled and ground against him, a signal to tell him to get on with it. She wanted to feel him fuck her hard until he exploded and filled her, while she exploded around him. It was what she wanted, what she needed.

  She gasped, he didn’t disappoint. He’d started out slow, but before long he long stroked her, almost pulling out all eight inches and then slamming it back home. She wrapped her legs around him and started to buck up into him, lost in the rhythm of their flesh meeting, and the pleasure of his body plundering her own.

  He changed angles on her and started to graze her g-spot with every stroke, which felt amazing. He wasn’t just amazing in bed, he was a generous lover, and once again she gasped out his name, and lost herself in the blissful pleasure of their joining, she was putty in his hands, and couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt the ultimate pleasure so much or so hard. Without guilt or reservation.

  It was all a blur as she finally gave up on logic and fear, and fully surrendered to the feelings he effortlessly engendered in her body, mind, and emotions. When she felt him finally surrender his seed to her grasping sex, she went over again herself in wanton abandon at the sensation.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Julia’s body was plastered against my side, her head on my shoulder. I held her tightly against me and caressed her back, shoulders, and soft silky blue-black hair. She was stunning, beautiful, sexy, and I was in deep trouble. Something had happened about halfway through. She’d been responsive to my touch from the start, very responsive. She’d loved being eaten out too, and had cum all over my cock more than once.

  But… then it had changed, and she’d become a wanton sex goddess, more than that, it had opened an intimacy between us. One that was way too soon, I’d only met her this afternoon for goodness sake, and she’d been unconscious for half the time. The sex had been intense, both in physical pleasure, and emotionally. She’d… surrendered herself to me in a way I’d only ever felt once before. Only one other partner had ever given me everything she was, and that was Katia.

  I didn’t really understand it, but I felt like somehow her serving me was something she craved.

  She was also incredibly talented, I knew she only looked like she was eighteen or nineteen, but she was in reality twice my age, and while I’d worked her body the best I could, which she appreciated, she’d blown my mind as well.

  I didn’t want to take things for granted, but I sure hoped she became my permanent bed partner. I’m not sure I had it in me to share, which made me a hypocritical prick. Of course, I could share her with Lilith, I meant with another man. If she was going to be in my bed, I wanted her to be with me. Selfish maybe, but it was how I felt about it.

  Julia was kind of amazing, tough, strong, obviously intelligent, and she was strong and a fighter, obviously so. I can’t imagine how she could have put up with her head alpha for so long, and still be sane, much less as vibrant as she was. And… uninhibited, though it was arrogant to think so, I was fairly sure that was for me, she’d surrendered herself to me, and I didn’t really understand why.

  Of course, I felt guilty too, Katia was supposed to be coming, tomorrow night. She was probably at some hotel somewhere on interstate ninety. How was I supposed to explain I was sharing a bed with two other women? I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I doubted it would be good.

  “What are you thinking about?” Julia asked.

  I thought she could probably smell my guilt, so I didn’t bother prevaricating. I explained my thought process, Katia, who she was, that she was on the way, and what I was thinking about her. I also explained what I was thinking about her at the same time, how I wanted her to be mine, at least her sexual appetites, which made me a hypocritical asshole.

  She giggled, and kissed my shoulder.

  “You’re really not Andrew, you just got caught up in things. As for you being a possessive asshole, that works for me. I don’t know if we’ll ever be more than this right now, but I’d be very satisfied and happy if you took care of my sexual needs. At the very least, I trust and respect you. I’d already been hoping I wouldn’t have to go anywhere but this bed for those needs. I don’t like hunting for random sex, I’d rather have more, but that isn’t just up to me so I do what I have to.”

  I frowned, “So if Katia decided to stay you’d be okay with that? Sharing me with her and Lilith?”

  Not that it would happen, most likely Katia would slap me, kick me in the balls, and leave me forever. It was no more than what I deserved.

  She shrugged, “You think like a human. I’m a tiger in a pride, and have a highly-charged sex drive. I’ve been sharing men with my sisters, not by blood but by pride, since I grew into a woman. So no, that wouldn’t bother me, and it wouldn’t stop me from developing deeper feelings for you either, if that’s a possibility. I think it must be, we’ll be together a long time, and you’re a generous and talented lover.”

  “I can’t argue that, I’m not one for casual disconnected sex, and you’re quite a woman Julia. We’ll just see where it goes, you’re my guardian, and now my lover, but I hope that becomes much more. I’d like you to be family.”

  She raised her head, and blushed as she stared into my eyes. Her dark amber eyes were gorgeous, and both seductive yet strikingly intelligent, and showed her strong spirit. How the shifters ever thought them to be just some hot tail I’d never understand. I didn’t think I was all that special, just because I saw past the seductive and sexy body, so maybe it was shifter instincts that caused the disconnect?

  “Where’s Lilith?”

  I replied, “She’ll probably join us later, I think she’s giving us a chance to get to know each other. She’s not a typical demoness, or succubus. She’s more than that, and has the capacity for good and evil both. She’s… one of the original fallen, and that’s something you won’t share with anyone else.”

  She said sultrily, “Ooh, my first order, got anymore master?”

  Had she just gotten turned on by the fact I gave her an order?

  She winked, and then started to kiss her way down my body, apparently she had, gotten turned on I mean. When she reached her destination, my eyes rolled back in pleasure as she took me deep inside her mouth. I looked down to see her sexy pouty lips wrapped around me. It was so much hotter, and felt so much better, than in my imagination. Her mouth, tongue, and throat were warm and talented, and her beautiful face, and the look of lust in her eyes just made it even better. Her eyes told me she wanted to be down there, no… they told me she needed to be down there.

  Guess it was time for round two…

  She woke me up the same way the next day, which was quite an experience. I got the idea that I’d be having sex with Julia first thing every morning, and last thing every night, and quite possible even between those
two times on occasion. Not to mention Lilith, who’d joyfully joined us in our first threesome that morning, which was intense, and very creative. I filled both their centers twice, not to mention that fist load in Julia’s sexy mouth. They’d also helped each other out, which turned me on more than I could say, and it also took some of the pressure off. I don’t think I could handle them both if they were both entirely focused on me, at the same time.

  They were both goddesses in bed, and couldn’t get enough of me, which was a big shot to the ego. They were both so beautiful, and talented, plus so much more outside of sex. The fact that they were both mine, if not in love yet, was really intense for me, overwhelming even.

  Luckily, having a pact with a succubus meant I could recover my libido, and being a caster of magic meant I could heal the chafing on my cock. I certainly wasn’t going to complain about any of it, truthfully I doubted I’d ever tire of it. Lilith had assured me I wasn’t turning into a sex starved pervert, and that it was a side effect of always being near her, and my new pheromone enhanced guardian. No, I’d never get tired of bringing them pleasure, and being pleasure in return.

  After our first morning threesome, and a shared shower. The three of us fit in there just fine, and the large Californian king bed, and ridiculously large shower stall with seven independent nozzles started to make sense to me. Cat shifters might have been genetic sluts, but apparently, warlocks were magically induced male sluts.

  Eventually, we managed to get clean, dressed, and into the kitchen for breakfast.

  “What’s going to happen? With the possession thing.” Julia asked curiously.

  I shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. A vampire bite just makes a shifter sick as the shifter magic fights it off. But in this case it will be a full on possession, by the kind of full spirit that usually inhabits an ancient vampire after hundreds if not thousands of years of growth and feeding. I imagine there will be some kind of struggle between your magic and the demons, and it might hurt. Okay, it will probably hurt a lot, but when you recover you’ll be extremely strong, and we’ll have to see what kind of gifts you get. You probably won’t be a typical vampire.”

  She nodded, “Maybe we should do this before breakfast then?”

  That… was probably a good idea.

  I sighed, “Alright. Let’s go.”

  Lilith stayed behind to prepare breakfast, as we walked back to the study and through the other door. She held my hand in the thin lightly lit corridor, and looked a bit frightened. I couldn’t blame her, no one had done something like this before. If not for the magic indicating it would work, I’d have assumed it wouldn’t after what Lilith told me yesterday.

  I led her over to the circle, and had her step inside of it.

  “You ready? The spells short, and it won’t take long.”

  She straightened up and looked strangely calm, I wondered what she was thinking. Probably about the revenge this power was going to help her attain.

  “Do it Andrew. And… thank you.”

  I asked, “For what?”

  She said simply, “For seeing me.”

  I stared into her intense dark amber eyes for a moment, and nodded. Such a simple thing, seeing past her devastating beauty, but her inner self shined obviously to me. It was a shame few people could see it. Maybe that did make me different, I didn’t know. It didn’t seem that special to me, but she believed it was, and I’d at least respect that.

  I started to intone the spell in my head, I didn’t want to freak her out with the Latin, and my magic built with the spell, and I released it into the circle.

  Shadows rose and twisted in ropes from the floor, but didn’t give Julia enough time to overly worry or panic, they dove at her and disappeared into her body.

  Julia screamed.

  I winced, as she fell to the floor with a heartrending cry of pain, and her whole body started to shake and convulse.

  It didn’t last that long, but it went on for far too long for my comfort. Maybe fifteen seconds later the scream cut off, and she passed out and then twitched once or twice before going still.

  Fuck, I never wanted to see her in that much pain again, but if she gained power it was probably worth it. Both for my protection, her sense of duty, and of course for her revenge. The power was gone from the circle, the ritual spell complete. I bent down and checked her, she had a steady heartbeat, but was unresponsive when I lightly slapped the bare skin of her arm. She was out, and probably would be for a while, as the demon turned her.

  The adjustments to her body for speed and strength should happen quickly, as well as the other vampire gifts, since there was a full demon taking care of it instead of a small wisp of demon essence. Still, it could take some time. I carefully picked her unconscious body up, for the second time in as many days, and hopefully for the last time ever.

  I cradled her gently against me, and used the telekinesis spell to open doors. It was kind of a cool spell, as long as I kept the spell active in my mind, I could focus it on any one thing. It could pick up anything less than five hundred pounds, and move it around at a decent speed, so turning doorknobs and opening doors was child’s play. A short time later, I was laying her down in bed again, but this time in our bed, she’d never be in the guest room again.

  At least, not by my choice.

  I slid my fingertips gently against her soft cheek, and pushed a few stray hairs behind her ear as I bent and kissed her forehead. I was in trouble, Julia was already precious to me, for many reasons. I knew some of that intimacy and closeness was artificial from all the sex we’d had last night and this morning, but in the end I wasn’t sure that mattered. She was mine for centuries, until I died, it was just a matter of time before I lost my heart to her.

  Which, again, stab of guilt and a thought for Katia. Not that the guilt stopped me from sleeping with and falling for Lilith and Julia, I was such a dick. I could have waited two days, once I’d learned the truth, and gotten closure with Katia first, but the truth was I couldn’t keep my hands, or my heart, away from the two of them for an hour, much less two damned days.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So, what do you think?” I asked before I popped another piece of bacon in my mouth.

  Lilith said, “Julia is perfect, though I worry about her price.”

  I nodded, “In what way?”

  She shrugged, “We should be fine with the shifters if we play it right. The head alpha isn’t exactly liked by his people, and at the very least we should end up allies of sorts with the Cat shifters if we play things right. But… chances are the mages and vampires might think you’re playing a deeper game, and may fear you’ll go after their leadership next.”

  “Why? I mean why would I?”

  She giggled, “You’re one in a million. Ambition of course, most warlocks would do something like that to destabilize things, in a possible move to rule the city. Of course, ninety-nine times out of a hundred they fail, there’s only ever been two cities where a warlock ruled over the other races, and even then it backfired after a few years.”

  I frowned, “Are you saying I’m not ambitious?”

  Okay, I realize I was being Mr. Sensitive there, but really, she’d used that when breaking me and Katia up. So… I was a bit defensive about it.

  Lilith’s eyes widened, “You are ambitious, you claimed me, you’re working hard to get started, and you’ve claimed a shifter for your guardian, which has never been done before by a warlock to my knowledge. On top of that, you’re turning her into a new kind of supernatural never seen before. It’s only your second day too.”

  “So… what were you saying?” I asked a little bit less defensively.

  Lilith sighed, “That your ambition is tempered by your compassion, common sense, and sense of morality. Most warlocks are rather amoral, and selfish. It’s the reason I went through so much trouble remember, the Moore line of warlocks are different. You are no exception, but don’t let it go to your head, they all eventually go crazy and let thei
r ambition get them killed as a result. But don’t worry, you have a few hundred years.”

  I reached over and pulled her out of her chair, and firmly into my lap, and then kissed her softly.

  “You’re going to make me blush.”

  She snorted a laugh, “Speaking of work.”

  I sighed, and pinched her ass as she got up. She blushed rather prettily, and I wondered what she was really like, underneath the programming of her body’s DNA. I imagined I’d never really be able to comprehend the mind of an angelic being made of pure energy.

  She winked, “Probably not. Now go, I’ll clean up. You can slow down in a month or two, but right now you need a firm grasp of all the basics, and then advance as you want.”

  I agreed, “I’m working on summoning today, and then probably more spells. Summoning and binding is the last thing I need I think, to have a basic understanding across the board.”

  She nodded, “Of types of magic yes, but there’s still a lot you don’t know is possible, so be careful.”

  I stole one more soft kiss from my sexy succubus before I grabbed a second coffee, went back to the study, and opened the book I’d left on the desk last night…

  It didn’t take me long to realize summoning was rather restricted in utility. Meaning, I couldn’t just summon demons in the middle of a fight. If I knew a fight was coming, I would be able to summon some warrior and succubus demons to take part in it, and bind them to fight as allies. Of course, most fights probably wouldn’t be at a time or place of my choosing, I doubted I was going to attack a lot of people.

  I could summon ten demons, and just keep them around me, but there were problems with that as well. For one, each summoning spell was an active spell in my mind, if I let it go, then the demon was sent back to hell as the infernal magic holding it here quickly expired. That meant I’d have to constantly have partition running, even at home, which would be mentally exhausting. It was bad enough I had to do that every time I went out to be safe, but when I was home it was a time I could relax my mind, and let the spells go.


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