Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1)

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Marking Madden (Hearts of Hollis Book 1) Page 5

by Nicole Dykes

I can’t believe it, but I actually contemplate her words on the drive back. We get to Caleb’s parents’ house around three in the afternoon and I park my car in front of the modest home.

  I can hear the music coming from the backyard as soon I as open my car door. I follow Casey to the back gate and we walk into the backyard where the pool is. Caleb immediately walks over to us, wrapping an arm around Casey, “Hey babe, you made it. Come on back.”

  We walk further in and I see about six other people. All friends I’m familiar with, two girls are laying in lounge chairs and the others are in the pool. Including a tan, sexy Brady and his new girl who are situated on the deck. His arm is around her as they dangle their feet in the water.

  His eyes latch onto me and I give him a small smile. He doesn’t smile back, just nods his head and pulls his girl closer to his side.

  Well, this is going to be a pleasant afternoon.

  Maybe Casey is right. Madden seemed on board with making Brady jealous. Maybe I can work this to my advantage. Nothing says I have to sleep with him, just make Brady think I am.

  Unless maybe I want to. I’m definitely not a saint.

  Chapter 12


  I park my truck and take a deep breath before getting out. I don’t know that I’m making the right decision, but I’m here now and I won’t chicken out like some pussy. I can do this. I know Jack put his name on the line for me. It’s been a few weeks since I got to Hollis and I’m tired of sitting in my apartment all day. It doesn’t matter that I have plenty of money to live off of. I’m bored.

  So here I am at King Construction for my first official day of work. Well, official in that I’m getting paid under the table. No actual paperwork is being filed. Jack pulled some strings and got me the job. Told me to be here at six a.m.

  I don’t have a fucking clue what I’ll actually be doing, but I’m a quick learner. I’ll catch on. I don’t doubt that. I can do anything I put my mind to.

  I walk up to the site and ask for Caleb. Apparently, he’s the supervisor.

  “Who’s asking?”

  A dark haired guy holding a thermos approaches me. He looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place him.

  “Jack sent me for a job. I’m Madden Steele.” I answer.

  “The newbie.” he retorts. “Jade’s guy.” Now I recognize him. He was with the other waitress.

  “Excuse me?” I ask.

  “He didn’t even wear steel-toe boots.” a voice behind me comments. I turn around and Jade’s ex is walking up, shaking his head.

  “I wasn’t sure of all the job details. What it required.” I explain. “I can have a pair by tomorrow.”

  “I have an extra pair in my truck. Looks like they’ll fit you.” Thermos Guy says. “I’m Caleb. Your boss. Don’t come unprepared again.” I notice Brady smirk as Caleb motions for me to follow him to his truck. He hands me a pair of boots. I shrug out of my shoes and tug them on.

  Caleb looks down, almost looking annoyed that they fit. “Do you have any tools?”


  “Yeah, tools? A hammer, level, drill…anything?” he asks, exasperated.

  “I can have whatever I need tomorrow.” I answer. “Jack just told me to show up.”

  Caleb goes to the back of his truck and opens his toolbox. He pulls out a toolbelt, gloves, and then begins handing me tools. “Don’t bother buying anything. You probably won’t be here that long.”

  I tie the toolbelt around my waist, tug the gloves on, and then shove the tools into the compartments of the belt. I don’t dwell on his words. I’m sure he’s been doing this job straight out of high school and he thinks I’m a city boy who can’t hack it. Fuck him.

  “Newbie! Over here!” Caleb yells.

  I grit my teeth, but go to him. After all, he’s my boss. “Yes, sir?”

  “I need eight 2x4s brought over from the supply truck.” he instructs, pointing in the direction of a red truck parked several feet away.

  I nod and start in that direction. The truck is loaded down with lumber of all sizes. I grab the 2x4s and unload eight pieces. It takes me two trips to get eight pieces over to the site.

  “Do you not know what a 2x2 is, newbie?” Caleb complains. “I asked you to get eight 2x2s and bring them over. You brought 2x4s.”

  “Because you asked for 2x4s.” I tell him.

  “Nope. He said 2x2s.” Brady chimes in. “Didn’t he, Tate?”

  One of the other workers looks over and grins. “Yep. 2x2s. Right, Logan?”

  “That’s right, 2x2s.” yet another worker agrees.

  I hear laughter and agreement from the rest of the crew. I lean down and start picking up the 2x4s. Immature pricks.

  “Get it right, newbie.” Brady jokes.

  “I’ll get it right.” I assure him, anger fueling my thoughts. When I’m fucking Jade and making her scream my name. I’ll be getting it right then, asshole.

  Chapter 13


  What the hell am I doing? This is stupid.

  I’m standing in front of Madden’s door with a six pack of beer, my Thursday night shift just ended. I haven’t talked to him since Tuesday night when he kissed me, but I saw him today.

  Apparently, Jack got him a job working construction with Caleb and Brady. I had no idea until I went into work this afternoon and saw Madden standing on the roof of the bar with Brady. The whole experience was jarring as hell and the last thing I expected to see.

  Madden with a toolbelt strapped around his waist, his muscles straining against the white of a King Construction t-shirt. His outfit complete with tight jeans and a pair of work boots. His smile radiated down at me as he hammered away on the roof.

  I went in and asked Jack and he told me he hired the crew to repair the roof and how he got Madden the job.

  Now it’s a little past eleven at night and I’m standing outside the door of his apartment. I take a deep breath and knock.

  Maybe he’s asleep? Or just won’t answer.

  I turn to walk away, humiliated. This was a terrible idea.

  Then I hear the click of the lock and the door open and I turn around to face a dazed, shirtless Madden in all his sexy glory. “Jade?”

  “Uh, hi.” Is all I can get out.

  He runs his hand through his hair. I don’t think he was sleeping, but possibly about to go to bed. “Are you okay?”

  I nod my head, “I’m fine. I’m sorry, I forget about “normal people hours” working at the bar. It’s late.”

  He shrugs his massive shoulders, “I was still up, no big deal. What’s up?”

  Jesus Jade, grow a damn pair. I’m ballsier than this I swear. “I heard about your new job and thought you could use a beer.”

  He grins, his eyes scanning down my body until they stop on the six pack in my hands. Damn. His gaze makes my body scream with need. Calm down, Jade. This is just two friends, hanging out.

  Although I have to admit, Casey’s idea of using Madden to make Brady jealous is really starting to grow on me. Especially standing here staring at his naked chiseled chest.

  “Sounds good to me. Come on in.”

  I nod and follow him into the small apartment. As I look around I see not much has changed from the first night he moved in. There is a small living room area with a couch and television and in the back of the apartment there is a full-sized bed. The bed is nicely made and I notice the covers are neatly folded back. I look at Madden, “Oh, you were going to bed, weren’t you?”

  He takes the six pack from me and removes two of the chilled beers from the packaging, handing me one and popping the top on the other. He takes a sip, “Not quite.”

  “What time do you have to work tomorrow?”

  He sits down on the edge of the bed and gestures for me to join him. I do, but I leave some space in between our bodies. “Six.”

  I open my beer and take a drink, “Holy shit, that’s early!”

  He chuckles at that and shrugs, “No big deal.”

  I like the relaxed side of Madden. “Why did you get a job anyway?”

  I’ve seen the expensive clothes and truck. I can’t imagine he needs the money.

  “I needed something to do.” He takes another swig of the beer. “You know, there’s so much to do in Hollis.” he grins.

  “Are they treating you okay?” I have to admit seeing him with Brady on the roof today made me a little nervous for Madden. Brady is clearly not a fan and he can be an asshole when he wants to be. Of course, so can Madden.

  “It was fine, really. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  I smile at him. He just keeps surprising me. “I want to thank you for the other night.”

  He looks over at me, surprised. “For what?”

  “Kissing me.” I mentally slap myself. Wow. “I mean, for kissing me in front of Brady to help me out.”

  He swallows a drink of beer, his Adam’s apple bobbing from the liquid. “Anytime, Jade.”

  “You mean that?” My voice is almost a whisper.

  He turns to me, “Absolutely. You’re my only real friend here. I’ll do anything I can to help you. Like I said.”

  I flinch at the word friend again because my feelings toward him while we are sitting on his bed with his shirt off are anything, but friendly.

  I also find his words oddly sweet.

  Until he adds, “I can’t believe you have a thing for that asshole, Brady, though.”

  I take a big drink of my beer. My feelings for Brady are just as confusing as the way I feel about Madden. “He has a nice side.”

  He scoffs at that, “I’m sure.”

  “Anyway, thank you. I may actually take you up on the offer.”

  He turns to me, the surprise written on his handsome face, “Oh yeah?”

  I nod my head, “Yeah, if you are serious.”

  He gives me that confident, sexy smile. His body has moved closer to mine, his face is near mine when he says in a husky voice, “I was definitely serious.”

  I swallow trying to wet my now totally dry mouth and nod my head. “Good.”

  He slowly pulls back and we both finish our beers in near silence. We haven’t talked about terms or limits, but it’s clear in this moment that nothing is off the table. To make Brady jealous of course.

  Chapter 14


  I wipe the sweat off my forehead and nail down another shingle. When I started working for King Construction, Caleb’s crew was at the tail end of a job. We finished it my second day and quickly moved on to another job. Roofing Jack’s bar.

  I’ll be the first to admit, roofing work is not my favorite thing to do. For one thing, I’m on a roof. I’m not crazy about heights. Something about falling hundreds of feet to my death that bothers me.

  Second, I’m not crazy about being on a roof with Brady Thompson. He’s careless. I get the fact that he’s been doing this job since he was sixteen. It doesn’t change the fact that he likes to joke around. Tossing shingles to you when you’re not expecting it and behaving on the roof like he’s walking around on solid ground. We’re not on solid ground.

  Third, apparently my hazing phase isn’t quite over. Despite the fact that I’ve shown I’m an extremely fast learner, Brady and Caleb still don’t think I can cut it. The same tricks that were pulled on day one are still getting pulled on day four. It’s like I’m working with five-year-olds.

  “Quitting time, newbie!” Caleb calls.

  “Almost done.” I answer, hammering down the last shingle in the line I’m working on. I stand up when I’m done and head over to the ladder to climb down.

  “Drinks at Jack’s?” Tate suggests.

  “Hell yes!” Brady agrees.

  “You in?” Tate looks at me and I shrug. Maybe the bullshit hazing is over if I’m getting invited for drinks. Either that, or it’s a ploy to get me away from work so they can kick my ass off the job. Since I’m not a pussy, I agree to join them.

  I put my toolbelt in my truck and follow the crew in the bar. It’s shortly after six, but the place is already starting to get busy. I notice Jade behind the bar and her friend, Casey, is working the floor. Caleb walks up behind Casey and gives her a smack on the ass, earning him a scowl that quickly fades to a smile.

  Brady spots his girlfriend and heads over to her. I personally don’t get what he sees in her when he could have Jade. Sure, the brunette is pretty, but she has zero personality. She behaves as if she can’t function without him around.

  Now Jade…she can function just fine.

  Tate, Logan, and I approach the bar and I call her over. She’s smiling when she walks up and cracks a joke about whether we were working hard or playing hard. Lately it seems all I can think about is playing hard…with her.

  “A little bit of both.” Brady answers as he and the ditz join us. “That’s why we need a pitcher. Maybe two.”

  “I’ll bring ‘em out.” Jade informs him and he nods, walking away with ditz tucked under his arm.

  When she walks away to get the pitchers ready, I move down the bar to follow her. “Tell me again what you see in that guy.”

  “What do you see in the girl you left behind?” she challenges and I stiffen at her bristled words. She adds exasperated, “I can’t explain it, okay? He was different last summer. I was different.”

  I prop my elbows on the bar and lean over a little. “I get it, Jade.” I assure her. “Now come here.”

  She arches her eyebrows at me and I give her wicked grin, crooking my finger at her in a motion for her to get closer. Her lips spread out in a smile as she mimics my pose and props up on the bar, her face mere inches from mine.

  “Now we’re both different.” I tell her and close the gap between us. I barely hear her sharp intake of breath before my lips brush hers. It’s a short kiss. Soft and innocent. If there is such a thing with Jade. When I pull back her eyes are still closed for a second, but then she opens those deep blues and smiles.

  “Jade! Where’s our pitchers?” Brady hollers and I can hear the anger in his voice.

  I give Jade a knowing smirk as she straightens up. She grabs the pitchers and a tray of glasses and heads over to the table where the rest of our crew is sitting. Brady glares at me as I join the crew and pour myself a glass of beer.

  He might be figuring out what he’s missing now, but so am I.

  Chapter 15


  Before I know it, it’s Saturday and the day of the street dance in town. This town is tiny, until it’s time for the street dance. Technically it’s called, Hollis Days and it’s our town’s annual celebration. There is a carnival, lots of vendors, and it always ends with the street dance.

  People come here from all of the surrounding towns and it’s Jack’s most profitable day. Casey and I are working the day shift because Jack and Marlene were nice enough to take the night shift so we can enjoy the festivities. See, he’s not such an asshole.

  I can see kids running out front and know the carnival has started up. Casey comes up to the bar, looking pretty frazzled already and tells the cook in the back, “I need four ham and cheese sandwiches.” She then looks over at me, “And four Cokes.”

  I giggle as I fill up four cups with soda. Casey looks exhausted already from the increase of business and we’ve only been here a couple of hours. I know how she feels though. I’ve been running around all morning. I hand her the drinks, “Only five more hours.”

  I give her a big smile and she flashes me a fake, cheesy grin right back as she takes the order over to a table full of eager preteens.

  She moves to the next table and I walk out from behind the bar to take an elderly couple’s order. They are sitting near the entrance and just as I reach them the door opens and I feel the heat from the summer day on my skin as Caleb’s construction crew saunters in. It must be lunch time.

  Caleb nods his head at me and is followed by all the normal guys, with Madden at the end of the line. He grins, mischievously at me as they take the large table in the middle. />
  He’s been extra flirtatious since that night at his place, always in Brady’s presence though. I really think he enjoys screwing with him. I take the couple’s order and then head over to the big table.

  Of course, Madden is sitting next to Brady and I take my spot, standing between them. “What can I get you guys?”

  They all order their usual and then I get to Madden. I give him a big smile, “And you?”

  He leans back in his chair, “Well, I’ll take Coke and a BLT, but there’s something else I want, Jade.”

  I swallow, my damn mouth went completely dry. I need to start carrying water when I’m around him. “And what’s that, Madden?”

  “You to go to the street dance with me tonight.”

  Caleb gives him shit about sounding like he’s in high school, but he doesn’t seem to notice. I can feel Brady’s eyes on me, intent on hearing my answer. I only look at Madden though, “I’d love to. Meet you here around eight?”

  He grins, but it’s directed in Brady’s direction. There’s some serious tension there. “Sounds great.” He turns his beautiful, steel eyes back to me, “It’ll be fun. I’ve never been to a street dance before.”

  I laugh, “Oh, you’re in for a treat.” I wink at him as I walk away to put their orders in.

  My shift flies by and Marlene and Jack take over for Casey and I. We go back to my place since it’s a short walk from the bar. People are still filling Main Street.

  When we get to my house I unlock the door and we instantly go into getting ready mode. Casey takes a quick shower to “wash the bar stink off her” and I go into my room searching for the perfect outfit.

  When Casey is finally finished in the bathroom I take her place while she gets dressed and fixes her hair and makeup. I’m nervous as I let the water run down me, washing away the day. Madden’s hungry eyes burning in my mind. I know it was for Brady’s benefit, but it makes me tingle just thinking about it.

  Who is this mysterious guy? I don’t know much about him still, but the little pieces he has let me see, I like. It makes me wonder if it’d be so bad to have his attention for real, not just to make Brady mad.


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