Karma's Revenge (A Bad Girls Novel)

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Karma's Revenge (A Bad Girls Novel) Page 10

by Teresa Gabelman

  She nodded, not wanting to betray herself by sounding nervous. She led them toward the windowed conference room, relieved Axel would be able to see her. She glanced at Axel, who had stood, and conveyed with her eyes that she was fine… for now.

  Sophia walked in, then let them pass before closing the door. “Have a seat, gentlemen.” The word gentlemen almost stuck in her throat. The man with Detective Halloway had no emotion on his face. His sunglasses made no sense since they were inside, so the appearance on his face made her wonder about him.

  “We’ll stand,” Detective Halloway replied, then gave her a glare that immediately set her on edge. “But thank you.”

  Glancing at the man with the sunglasses, Sophia held her hand out. “I’m Anna’s sister, Sophia Deluce, and you are?”

  The man stood still as stone, no recognition whatsoever that she spoke to him.

  “He’s my partner,” Halloway answered, then dismissed her question with one of his own. “Where were you the night of August twenty-first?”

  Knowing exactly where she was on that night, her hunch was right; something was off, and now she knew what. “And why is that any concern of yours?” She dropped her hand back to her side.

  “Well, Ms. Deluce, it seems that vampires are showing up dead.” He stared at her, then moved around the room looking at things.

  “Sorry to hear that,” she lied. “But why did you think you needed to inform me of this? Unless it’s my sister’s killer, I really don’t see how my reaction to that news is important.”

  “Oh, but it is important.” He turned to look at her with a grin. “You see, the vampires that are being killed are being killed in the same fashion as your sister.”

  “Okay, then maybe the asshole has stopped preying on poor unsuspecting humans and is going after his own kind,” she countered, her anger overruling her nervousness. Fuck him, thinking he was clever. “Do you have any clues on who he is?”

  “Ah, you would think it was a he.” He chuckled, then walked up and slammed both hands on the table. “But to our surprise, every witness is stating that a woman is seen leaving the men’s restroom right before the poor bastard is found wedged between the toilet and wall.”

  “Pity,” Sophia said, not knowing why she said it, yet the bitchiness was not missed by either man. “I don’t know what you are insinuating, Mr. Halloway—”

  “Detective,” he corrected her.

  “Not in my eyes,” she responded, then walked to the door, opening it. “I think you need to leave.”

  He smiled, pulling his hands off the table, his eyes going straight out the window from the conference room to Axel. “Who is that?”

  Sophia didn’t answer. Stoic, she stood with the door held open. “You’re the detective.” Her words dripped with sarcasm.

  Halloway walked out of the room with Sunglasses following him. He gave Axel one last look before turning toward Sophia.

  “I’d advise you to stay in town. If you don’t, I’ll find you,” he said, then disappeared out the door.

  “You couldn’t find yourself out of a wet paper bag, asshole,” Sophia hissed as soon as the door closed behind them. Her eyes went straight to Axel. “You sure you want to associate with me?”

  Chapter 16

  Despite this being no smiling matter, her question made him grin. “Lock up,” he ordered, rushing her toward her bag for her keys. He then took them from her.

  “Where’s Darin?” she asked.

  “Get your stuff ready.” He jogged to the front doors and locked them.

  “Axel, what’s going on?” Sophia frowned when he took her arm, leading her toward the back of the library. She turned off lights as they went. “I think if he wanted to arrest me, I’d be in handcuffs by now.”

  They went out the back door, Axel making sure it was locked. The Viper idled with Darin sitting in the driver seat wearing the biggest grin on his face.

  “You let him drive?” Sophia’s voice pitched high in shock. “If you only knew his driving record.”

  The sound of a car had him looking away from her, but he opened the passenger-side door. “Get in.”

  Sophia looked around him as headlights lit the back parking area. “You’re not facing this alone. This is my fight.”

  Axel sighed, turning to look at her. “No, this is our fight. They don’t want me. They want you.” He gave her a pointed look. “We have a better shot at getting out of this if you are safe. Please get in the car.”

  He turned again and noticed it was more than one vehicle, and they slowly made their way toward them.

  “Sophia, get in the car. Both of you put your seat belts on.” It took another second of her looking between him and the cars. Finally, she got in but didn’t look happy about it. He leaned down to see Darin staring wide-eyed at the blinding headlights. “Darin, put the car in neutral and if I give the signal, get the fuck out of here. Go back to my place. The code is 66666.”

  “That’s a terrible code. Ah, okay. But why in neutral?” Darin gulped at the glare Axel gave him. He shifted into neutral then glanced at Axel before he could close the door. “What’s the signal?”

  “You’ll know.” Axel went to close the door, but Sophia stopped him.

  “Don’t die because of me,” she whispered, and the worry in her eyes gave him life. She was worried about him, and it felt fucking good. It had been forever since anyone gave him a second thought.

  Instead of saying anything heroic and ruining the moment, he closed the door and turned to face the threat. They picked the wrong motherfucker to mess with.

  He walked to the front of the car and stood as a barrier, his arms crossed as if bored. What he was really doing was getting his hands closer to his weapons. He counted the men as they exited the vehicles, one a black van similar to the van that was charred metal.

  “We want the girl,” a tall man called out. It was one of the vampires who was at the bar with Savior.

  “If Savior wants her, he’s going to have to go through me to get her.” Axel didn’t believe in bullshit. Getting to the point was his way, and tonight they were going to play his way or die.

  “That won’t be a problem.” The vampire reached for his gun, but Axel was faster and put a bullet hole between his eyes and then one to his heart. Men started reaching for their guns and whoever drew theirs first, died. Two decided to try him, but failed as they lay dead just like the first. The others decided against tempting fate. He could do this shit all fucking day. It was just target practice for him.

  “Enough!” a booming voice shouted from the darkness. The suit, who he now knew as Savior, walked forward, his hands up with a smile on his face. He wore a bulletproof vest over his suit, protecting his heart.

  Axel held both arms out, his guns in each hand ready to fire. His body stood in line with Sophia so any bullets from their guns would hit him, not her. He just hoped Darin stayed low in the car. So far, he had taken care of that threat, but he had a feeling that was about to change.

  He watched as Savior glanced at the ground to see some of his men in the final moments of death. His eyes raised to Axel. “Impressive.” He nodded, lowering his arms. “I could use a guy like you on my team.”

  “I’m not a team player,” Axel replied, his eyes never leaving the man.

  “Shame. I hate to kill good talent,” the man replied, then his eyes shifted to the car.

  Axel remained silent as he moved his head from side to side to loosen his muscles. Things were about to get very interesting. “The best, and good luck with that.”

  “Is Sophia in the car?” Savior took a step to the side to look around Axel, but Axel stepped, blocking his view.

  “You know she is,” Axel responded, done with the games. “I suggest you and your goons get back in your vehicles, turn around, and get the fuck out of here.”

  Savior threw his head back in mock laughter. “Okay, I’ll play,” he said after he was finished laughing. “And if we don’t? No, wait, let me answer that�
� we die?”

  Axel crossed one arm over the other and shot the guy that was edging himself against the building, trying to get close to the car. Once in the head, then the heart. Before anyone could even move, his guns were back to where they were. “I see we’re on the same page.”

  Savior wasn’t laughing anymore. His face changed to rage. “Dean!” Savior shouted, his bellow echoed in the alleyway. His eyes never left Axel. “You fucked up. This could have been taken care of simply, but I’m done with you.”

  Knowing things were about to get real, Axel lifted his leg with his knee bent, and his foot rested on the fender of the car. He hoped like fuck Darin had his shit together. A man, who he figured was Dean, stepped out from around the van with an AR-15.

  “And I’m fucking bored,” Axel sneered, then glanced over his shoulder at Darin. “Now!” With his power and speed, he pushed the car back sending it flying at a high rate of speed before focusing on what was to come. The sound of squealing tires told him Darin was doing exactly what he wanted him to while the sound of the AR-15 told him to move his ass.

  With instinct and training, his mind took over as well as his body. He focused solely on surviving. Bullets, bodies, and curses filled the area. While Axel was well outnumbered, he was also well trained. He took three of Savior’s men out before he even got moving, missing the asshole with the AR-15, which splattered bullets everywhere. He took off running, raining bullets and sending the bastards in different directions, but at least he was the only one shooting at the moment. He leaped in one single motion to the roof of the library.

  “He’s a breed!” he heard Savior shout, making him smile.

  “Surprise, motherfucker.” He reloaded then ran the length of the rooftop while firing down on them. The guy with the AR was covered behind the van, his vantage point a big disadvantage for Axel. Stopping, he used the other side of the roof for cover and tried to count the assholes left to take out. Car doors slammed, cars began to move, and he’d bet his ass that Savior was in one of them. The coward. He army-crawled to get a better sight and looked down. The van remained, and so did the asshole who took a shot at him. Part of the roof exploded near his face, making him curse. He took another glance, his eyes landing on the building across the alley. Knowing what he had to do, he slid down then stood and with determination, he ran up the side of the roof and with everything he had, pushed off at the top and flew across the alleyway. As he reached the van, he looked down and opened fire.

  “He really needs to change his code.” Darin’s voice was just above a whisper, but Sophia ignored him. Instead, she watched out the window as Axel stood his ground against the group of men.

  She knew Axel was in front of her for a reason and she honestly didn’t know how she felt about that. Yes, it was amazing to feel protected, but again, he was putting himself in danger for her.

  “He needs help,” Sophia said, reaching for the door handle.

  “Sophia, I love you, but if you try to get out of this car, I will knock you out.” Darin stared at her, his face more serious than she had ever seen it. “Let Axel handle this. He knows what he’s doing. Trust him.”

  She gasped as Axel shot a man, who dropped dead to the ground. And as two more men drew their guns, more hit the ground and then the shots stopped.

  “Holy shit on a rice cracker,” Darin said in awe. “Did you see that?”

  Sophia saw him immediately. Savior walked out wearing something over his suit, his arms up as he looked down at the carnage on his side.

  “Is he wearing a bulletproof vest?” Darin asked, leaning closer to the windshield.

  “That’s Savior,” Sophia replied, her eyes narrowing with hatred. She wished she could hear what was being said, but with the windows up and the motor running, she wasn’t able to. Just as she was getting ready to push the button to roll the window down, she saw a man step from around the van.

  “Ah, that’s a big fucking gun.” Darin’s voice rose with nerves. “Ready for the signal anytime, Axel,” he muttered, reaching for the gearshift.

  Just as he finished saying it and as if Axel heard him, he shouted, “Now.” The car suddenly flew backward with such a force if it wasn’t for the seat belts, they both would have been thrown out the windshield.

  Darin screamed but managed to grab the gearshift, pushing it into drive, spinning them around. They took off, barely making the corner of the turn. He hit the street trying to keep the car in control.

  “No, dammit.” Sophia turned, looking out the back window. What sounded like a machine gun going off faded as Darin drove further away. “Darin, we have to go back. He can’t—”

  “He can and he will, Sophia.” Darin gripped both hands on the steering wheel, blowing past red lights, dodging traffic while praying out loud. “We would distract him. You know this. I’m getting us back to his place like he said. At least I hope. I swear to God, if I get pulled over, my license is going to be gone forever.”

  Sophia spun back but didn’t pay attention to where they were going. She ripped off the seat belt, which Darin complained about, but she ignored him. She turned again, hoping to see some sign of Axel.

  She wanted to puke, cry, and scream all at once. Why in the hell didn’t he let her help him? She was a damn good shot. Instead, here she was running. It was bullshit. God, she prayed he was okay because she knew if he wasn’t, she would be crushed.

  When they pulled into his drive, Darin hit the code and drove them into the garage. Once inside, Sophia ran upstairs and paced in front of the large window looking for any sign of Axel.

  Darin huffed his way inside. “Did that just happen?” His eyes were as wide as saucers as he tossed the keys on the island.

  Sophia didn’t answer as she stood staring, her eyes blurring from staring so hard. “Where are you?” she whispered, biting her nails and pacing some more. Surely he had run. No way could he have just stayed and fought it out. He was outnumbered, even after killing those men. And the machine gun… she thought it was an AR-15. Guns weren’t really her thing. She could shoot, but knowing types was not something she knew very well.

  “Sophia, he’s going to be fine.” Darin stopped beside her and peered out the window. “He’s one badass mother… and he doesn’t die like other vampires.”

  “What?” That got her attention. She stared at Darin. “How do you know that?”

  “He told me,” Darin replied, glancing at her. “At the library, we had a chat. Okay, maybe not a chat. Axel doesn’t seem like the chatty guy, does he?”

  Darin was driving her insane. He always talked too much when he was nervous or scared, saying things that were not relevant. She had moments where she loved him and wanted to choke him.

  “What did he say?” She gave his arm a shake.

  “He said that if he got shot in the heart, it would heal itself. He said he didn’t die the same way they did, but… and this is smart on his part, he didn’t tell me how he could be killed. Not that I would kill him, but that’s a secret worth keeping.” Darin glanced back out the window, putting his arm around her. “He’s going to be fine.”

  “He better be.” Sophia stepped closer to the window and stared out, wondering how someone she just met could mean this much to her in such a short amount of time. It felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest, the anxiety and fear she felt at even thinking of him being hurt was almost more than she could bear. “He better be.”

  Chapter 17

  Axel walked among the dead knowing the police would arrive within minutes. Siren wails grew closer, and this time he knew the direction they traveled. Glancing toward the end of the alley, he frowned. Two cars had left, one with Savior.

  Anxious to get the fuck out of there and find Sophia, he took off at a jog in the opposite direction of the sirens. He stayed in the shadows, and once he knew he couldn’t be seen, he ran with superhuman speed, jumping obstacles in his way.

  With his mind going over everything that just happened, he knew exactly ho
w Savior had found them. The guy who came in with the detective was no detective. He’d bet his Viper on it. He had seen him sending a text as they followed Sophia into the conference room. Axel now knew he had been texting. He was one of Savior’s men. Of that, he had no doubt. It was also clear the detective was a bad cop and was lining his pockets by being on Savior’s payroll.

  The closer he got to his house, the quicker he emptied his mind and studied his surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Still, he waited until he felt it was safe and he hadn’t been followed before jumping his security fence. His alert on his phone went off, making him grin. Even he couldn’t break into his place without being detected. He pulled out his phone, turning off the alert. It didn’t go to the police like most people’s security. No, he was the security.

  He came in the back way, hit the codes on the keypad and opened the door. Walking into the garage and relieved to see his Viper, Axel took the steps two at a time. Once he’d opened the door, he turned the corner to see Sophia standing in front of Darin holding one of her swords in both hands. She looked more beautiful than he remembered as she audibly breathed a sigh.

  Another wave of relief hit him at seeing her unharmed. He didn’t hold back his smile.

  “You’re smiling?” The tip of the sword dropped just a few inches. The relieved look on her face disappeared as her eyes narrowed at him, and Sophia raised the sword, pointing it at his face. “You’re smiling?!”

  Confused by her reaction, he glanced at Darin who was giving him what he guessed was a warning by waving his hands behind Sophia’s head. “I, ah….” He frowned as he stopped in midsentence because he couldn’t think of what to say.

  “I, ah… that’s all you got?” Sophia jabbed the sword toward him. “What in the hell was that back there? You could have been killed—”

  Darin stopped waving his hands as he whispered, “Technically, I told you he couldn’t be killed the norm—”


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