The Atlantean Chronicles - Shadow's of Enlightenment

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The Atlantean Chronicles - Shadow's of Enlightenment Page 42

by Kip Hartzell

  “You risked your life to come back for me, why?”

  “Ah, it’s what any well-trained monkey would do.”

  She smirked. “Chimpanzee.” Jay smirked back. She put an affectionate hand on his. “See you in a few hours.”

  Before Jay could respond, her eyes were closed and a DD-220 was hovering overhead. He put her hand under the blanket and backed away. The energy field took over. The machine floated around with tentacles manipulating the pod. The capsule closed and pulled back against the wall vertically, while seating itself into the wall. Jay watched for a little while, wondering if this is how John felt when his mother was sealed in one after the Settler’s Field incident. He left and went into the main bay.

  “Aidan, where are we?” Jay heard John ask, as he approached.

  “In orbit. I wanted to be able to see 360X360,” Aidan said over the comm.

  “Good thinking, maintain position.”


  The group was gathered near the round table, which was quickly becoming a battle table.

  Draco, was his calm self again, spoke up, “May I make a request?” The smell of blood is quite disturbing, could we clean up?”

  With only a thought, a cleaning bot was hard at work sterilizing the deck.

  “I believe we are relatively safe, and I need to update Chrysalis,” John informed. “Everyone, back here in an hour. We’ll debrief, and plan for what’s next.”

  The group gladly dispersed. Jay went to a comm console and tried to contact Colonel Masters. She popped up on the 2-D screen in full uniform, sitting at her desk at the Pentagon. “Jay, are you and Shell okay?”

  “Yes, Abigail, we are a little beat up, but fine.”

  “Thank God, our satellites, and this computer, led me to believe it was you guys there on the Yucatan. They’re still trying to put out the fires. They’re writing it off as a battle between drug Cartels. But, no bodies have been recovered. Did you find what you were looking for?”

  “Yes, but it leads us to another clue.”

  “The Destroyer Probability Program has alerted me to one, so far. This thing can’t detect the one’s influenced by these aliens.”

  “Don’t alert the Destroyer. We could lose the element of surprise.”

  “This isn’t my first rodeo, Son. I’ll tag him, and when the time comes, we can bag’em all at once.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “I’ve been in meetings with department heads. I have an appointment with the President in three days. I’ll be able to tell you more, then.”

  “How’s my father?”

  “He’s still in ICU, under a controlled coma. He has security, and the best medical attention. I’m sorry about your Aunt, she was identified, and I’ve taken care of all the funeral arrangements. Her house was ruled an accident by gas leak. We squelched the reports of a gun battle, laser fire, space ships. God, what a mess.”

  “Thank you, Abigail. I’ll have Shell call you. Don’t you ever sleep?”

  “Not after reading all this crap, I’ll never sleep again.”

  Jay gave her an understanding smile. “We’ll talk again, soon.”

  “You’re welcome, and may God help us all, Masters, out.” The screen went blank, Jay sat back, took a deep breath, before getting up to go to his quarters.

  “Chrysalis is aware of our situation,” John started the briefing. “We won’t have support, as not to draw attention to ourselves. However, there are teams of decoys. Maybe we can search unmolested. Jay and Miss Masters have contacted her Mother, she is making headway in the US Government, to assist our side. Our injured will make a full recovery. Somehow, the Destroyers are able to track us. We need to find out how. Most notably, are they using our technology, or do they have the Gauntlet of Zeusticus. Aidan, damage report?”

  “Some chipped paint, but all systems are nominal.”

  “Where do we go from here? Draco, we need your information.”

  The Battle Table group looked at him through glowing readouts. He stood up in his Three-piece black suit, topped off with a shiny black neck tie. He reached into his coat pocket, took out the silver-gray medallion and tossed it on the table. It didn’t hit the table, but hovered a few inches above it. Jay saw the side up was engraved with a teardrop and exploding star behind it. He remembered seeing similar glyphs at some of his dig sites. The tip of the Atlantis shaped teardrop began to spin wildly in all directions.

  “What’s happening?” Jay asked.

  “It points to the highest concentration of agoam radiation, within its range. This ship is the highest concentration, so, it is pointing all around. We must be clear of this ship and closer to the target. Here are the coordinates I gave the suspicious person, long ago.” Draco plugged in the numbers and a topographical view of the area came up.

  “That’s the impact zones of the stray asteroids the Destroyers used to take down the shielding of power point 18,” Jay said, remembering the incident from the history/mind sifter.

  Draco took the coin. “The coordinates are not exact, but I thought hiding them there would be a good idea. I acquired a few of them over the years from my brothers and sisters. I hid five of them in the adjacent crater.”

  “Excellent, that should give us enough range,” John excitedly said. “The superconductive autonomous memory metal vehicle, runs on conventional power sources due to the lack of crystals. We can take it to the drop site.” John looked at Jay, he was beat, and tired. He looked at Shelly who, also looked tired. “Alright, we have a plan. I think we should slow down, get some rest. Try to answer some of those previous questions. We’ll leave orbit in twelve hours. Get some rest, or do some research, see you all in twelve.”

  Jay wanted to get going, but was tired. He didn’t want any more stimulants. So, he strolled to his quarters, shut the lights down, opened the blast window to see the Earth. He made his boots dissolve into his suit. He stretched out over his bed that was situated length ways along the window. He rolled over on his side and stared at the slow turning Earth, wondering if he was going to be able to save it. He drifted away.”

  Jay dreamed deeply, the swirling morass coalesced into a familiar spacescape. Something felt ominous, wrong. A black batwing shape slid across the moon’s reflection. Jay took a deep breath. The ship fired on the planet with surgical skill. Explosions and destruction was catastrophic. The ship was rocked by incoming detonations. To Jay, the silence was deafening. Lights flashed and spread out like fireworks. Just when he thought he couldn’t be any more scared, he felt a presence, warm, caring. He opened his eyes to an Earth lit room. He saw a shadow near the door. Rhe-A moved into the dim light. Jay slowly sat up on the edge of the bed with a slight groan.

  “Your door was unsecured,” Rhe-A stated the obvious, to be obvious.

  “I know, I keep forgetting about that. How are you?”

  “I am not one hundred percent, but I will be, soon.”

  “Good. How long have I been out?”

  “Ten hours, thirty-three minutes.”

  “Why did you wake me?”

  “I... I surmised that you might want time to prepare for the upcoming mission.”

  “Why? You don’t need me on this one.”

  “John seems to think, that your closeness to the current situation, will be beneficial.”

  “Maybe, but I’m kinda tired of being shot at.” Jay thought he saw a smile.

  She came over and sat next to him on the bed. “You are correct, we don’t need you on this mission, but...I would feel more comfortable if you were there,” she said, without looking at him.

  “Well, in that case, I’d be happy to tag along.” He put a hand on her knee to help himself up. He could’ve swore he heard, or felt, a sigh of relief. He went to the bathroom and washed his face, and other duties his human body required. When he came out, she was gone. He strolled out of the door. His boots melding over his feet as he went.

  He stepped into the bay to see everyone mingling around t
he vehicle. “Jay,” John said, “Rhe-A tells me you’ve agreed to go along.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. How’s Apollo?”

  “Still healing, may take another day, to be sure. Are you ready to go treasure hunting?”

  “That’s why I’m here, and to drive.” He quickly reached for the car door before he could interfere. John just waved a hand toward the driver’s side. Shelly intercepted Jay before he got in.

  “Jay, be careful this time, I couldn’t bear to lose you.” She then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. He finally took her arms away and broke the embrace. Rhe-A pretended not to notice as she got in the front middle seat. Draco noticed her demeanor quickly, but didn’t say anything. “Uh, I will. Besides, it’s just a simple recovery task. Make sure to help Aidan monitor our progress.” He got in and immediately pulled up the display and started selecting music. Rhe-A kept pretending she hadn’t noticed the exchange, as Draco sat next to her. Xen, Athene-A, and John took the back seat. The bay door opened to reveal a beautiful sunrise on the water. The shuttle hovered just above a calm sea of water.

  Jay pulled up the holo screen again, and said, “No, no, no, S.A.A.M. has got to blend in.”

  “Samm?” John asked from the back.

  “Your names are too long, it’s short for Superconductive Autonomous Memory Metal.” They all looked at each other in understanding. He manipulated a few symbols, with a grin, and Samm began to morph into a sleek cabin cruiser. He pushed a button on the steering wheel and cabin cruiser Samm leaped out into the water. He accelerated to blinding speeds across the ocean. The shuttle cloaked while banking right, and cleared the area.

  “JJ,” Athene-A said, hiding the stress in her voice, “We’re supposed to be blending. Your ships don’t travel this fast.”

  “Oh, right.” He slowed down, but only slightly. The music played as he set the course, continually playing with the holographic controls.

  While gliding across the water, Draco took out his medallion and watched it hover in front of him. “The shuttle is out of range.”

  “Coming up on the coordinates,” Jay said. Samm slowed, and made a leisurely pass in a circular motion. It stopped and settled just above the water line. “We’re here, everybody out.”

  They exited the closed cabin and strolled out onto the deck. The sun was now well above the horizon. Athene-A reached in a compartment and pulled out several small backpack shaped bags. She slipped one on her back, causing the suit to transform into a scuba suit. She handed one to John, Xen, and then Draco. Jay wondered how he could see anything through the suits blacked out goggles.

  Jay stood there, watching Rhe-A help them with their equipment. “Where’s mine? And why don’t we just take the boat down?”

  Athene-A walked over to him. “This is just a simple retrieval mission. Sit back, enjoy the sunshine, and the view. There are not many places in the Galaxy quite like this. The vehicle may cause interference. We want to get it as fast as possible.” She gave a long look around. “This is such a beautiful planet.” She stopped as if reminiscing. “We’ll only be a little while.” She put her hand on his cheek.

  He put his hand on her hand. “Okay, Grandma.”

  She smiled, turned, and walked off the boat. Hovering just above the water, her helmet formed, as did her flippers. She hardly made a splash as she sank below the surface. John waved at Jay and followed her.

  Jay moved over to Draco. “How come you haven’t burst into flames?”

  “Ha, SPF 50,”

  “Ha, good one.”

  “It is true we are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, we can only tolerate a few hours in direct sunlight before third degree burns, and then, worse. Lesser vampires have even less protection. Enjoy the sunlight.” He turned and stepped off the boat with a lot less elegance.

  “Why are you not going?”

  “I was asked to look after you,” Rhe-A answered, while putting things away.

  He gave her a lifted eyebrow. “Who’s looking after who?”

  Jay thought he saw a blush. “We can look after each other.”

  He moved his hand along his sleeve. The E-suit morphed into a brightly colored knee length swim suit. He dashed into the cabin, and came out with a glass, clinking with ice. He used the small umbrella to stir it as he manipulated a built-in lounge chair. He took a drink, savored it, and then put on sunglasses before he leaned back on the lounge chair.

  Rhe-A just stood there, unsure what to do. She came to a decision, and disappeared into the cabin. A few minutes later, she came out and went to a lounge chair next to Jay. She was straightening out her towel on the reclined chair, when Jay opened his eyes. He lifted the sunglasses, and almost spilled his drink. Her body had completely healed, revealed by the fact that she was wearing the smallest blue bikini he had ever seen.

  She caught him staring. “Is this appropriate? I just looked it up, it is the latest design in Earth fashion.”

  “Uh, it’s perfect,” he said, looking at her loose black hair around her brown tanned shoulders, against a light blue backdrop. “It’s all perfect,” he repeated as she sat down next to him, and leaned back.

  The world was finally quiet. Only the sounds of distant birds and small waves slapping the water. Jay reached over and put his hand on hers. She didn’t draw back. He felt her mind touching his. He knew he was a loud open book, opposed to hers, which had blocks, and doors that were only slightly cracked open. Only the doors he was allowed to see. He expected as much, and relaxed.

  Jay wasn’t sure how long he had been out, but the ice in his drink was almost melted. The sloshing of water brought him around. He saw John floating in the air above the boat as the others followed. Rhe-A was already standing there to meet them. Jay shook off the grogginess, and joined her. “That was fast.”

  “We didn’t find it,” John frustratingly said. “I don’t think it’s there.”

  “But, it’s gotta be there.”

  “The medallion was no help, because of the composition of the surrounding area, our scanners are intermittent. We’re going to need a larger search crew. I’ll call Chrysalis for assistance.”

  “Wait, before you do that, let me try. I did my scuba training in Cancun, during one of my spring breaks. Finished my certification in Hawaii, great place.”

  Athene-A, and John, looked at each other. “Alright,” she said, “We’ll give you an hour.”

  “Great.” He waved a hand over the swim suit leg, and the E-suit formed into a scuba suit.”

  “I’ll accompany him,” Rhe-A said.

  “Excellent choice in swimsuit attire,” Draco said, while admiring her stature.

  “Thank you, it is the latest fashion.” Her suit changed to a scuba outfit.

  They put on the backpacks. “The atmospheric demand regulator backpack will help propel you through the water.” Athene-A instructed. “It also is a backup re-breather, and emergency features. Remember-one hour, then we call for help.”

  “Draco,” Jay said to him, “may I borrow the medallion?”

  He looked leery, as if not trusting anyone for a long time. He slowly handed it over. Jay took it, and then did a back flip off the cabin cruiser. Rhe-A calmly slid beneath the surface.

  The helmet allowed him to see clearly. He and Rhe-A sank quickly. He was fascinated by the readouts on his visor; where he was, in relation to Samm, depth, water pressure, and Rhe-A’s location. He tried to calm his breathing from the excitement. The incredible feeling of not being encumbered at this depth.

  “You should slow your breathing more, as not to hyperventilate,” Rhe-A said.

  “Are you speaking over the comm, or, are you in my head?”

  “Comm system, your mind is still very chaotic.”

  The power pack on his back, pushed him as fast as he wanted to go. He felt none of the ocean’s pressure at this depth, and wondered how far down he could go. He pulled up just before he reached the bottom. Fish and plant life were a little sporadic. He w
alked along the bottom, looking for a marker. All good treasure hiders leave markers. He took out the coin and held it. He felt the direction he needed to go. So, he slogged across the bottom of the ocean, turning as if circling in on a target. He looked to is right and saw something partially sticking up out the muck. He waved away algae and sand to reveal an anchor. Finding the chain, he followed it, until he found a box attached at the end. He cleared away debris, and pulled on the box, it didn’t move. A little more effort made no difference. Rhe-A slipped up beside him, and took the lock and chain in one hand, snapping it like a twig.

  “Show off,” Jay said. He opened the box, a medallion sat in a plastic bag. He griped the coin, gave a satisfying grin, and took off toward the surface.

  Water trailed behind him as he exploded out of the water. He lightly landed on the deck with elegance.

  “Now, who’s the show off,” Rhe-A said, floating down next to him.

  His suit went back to a swim suit, while he held out the medallion and dropped it into Athene-A’s hand. A quick flick, and the other was caught by Draco, with barely a flinch. “JJ, you’re getting more amazing every day. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Grandma.”

  John patted him on the shoulder and took the medallion. Draco handed over his and John set them in the air in front of the group. The coins spun slowly and tilted downward and stopped. Both tips of the teardrop pointing in the same direction.

  “Apparently, they work,” Draco said, leaning down to examine them. “They are pointing to where I hid the others.”

  “I thought you had only one,” Jay said, also staring at the coins.

  “I said, I acquired a few from my dead brothers and sisters over time. Please try to keep up.” Before Jay could respond, Draco continued, “I hid mine in the northern creator.” He moved next to Xen. The holo-controls appeared, and he poked in the coordinates. The vehicle took off in a northwesterly direction. Jay leaned into the motion, completely unnecessary with the gravity stabilizers. His mind was going to have to be retrained. The shielding was just above the water line allowing the wind to blow over the top of them. The sun was high. Jay sat back on his lounge chair and watched the world go by through sunglasses. Rhe-A took her chair, examining the medallion they had found. Her unruly hair was now pulled back into a tight pony tail. She ran her fingers over its surface.


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