[Sigmar 01] - Heldenhammer

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[Sigmar 01] - Heldenhammer Page 36

by Graham McNeill - (ebook by Undead)

  Wagons of ale threaded through the camp, and Sigmar watched the spirits of men soar like sparks from a fire. Men and dwarfs shared this night of victory, talking and drinking as brothers, sharing tales of courage and the deeds of heroes.

  The dead would be mourned, but tonight was for the living.

  The warriors that lived drew air that was fresher than any they had previously breathed into their lungs, drank ale that tasted finer than any brew supped before, and sat with friends that would become dearer than any they had ever known.

  Moonlight bathed the battlefield of Black Fire Pass, and Sigmar smiled as he felt the breath of the world sigh through the mountains, filling him with the promise of life. The lands of men would endure, and the first great challenge had been met and overcome, though he knew there were still battles to fight and enemies to overcome. He wondered where the next enemy would arise as a cold wind blew from the north.

  The orcs dead were dragged away and left for the crows, while the fallen of Sigmar’s army were carried to great funeral pyres built in the shadow of the ruined dwarf watchtower. A warrior from each of the tribes stepped forward to light the pyres, and as the flames caught and sent the dead to Ulric’s hall, the pass echoed with the howls of mountain wolves.

  With the warriors of the army honoured, the kings of men marched in solemn procession towards the last remaining pyre, bearing the body of King Marbad upon a bier of golden shields.

  The king of the Endals was borne by Otwin of the Thuringians, Krugar of the Taleutens, Aloysis of the Cherusens, Siggurd of the Brigundians, Freya of the Asoborns and Marbad’s son, Aldred.

  Sigmar followed behind the fallen king with Wolfila of the Udose, Henroth of the Merogens, Adelhard of the Ostagoths and Markus of the Menogoths. Each of these kings carried a golden shield, and no words were spoken as they followed the body of their brother king to his final rest.

  Kurgan Ironbeard of the dwarfs stood at the watchtower, resplendent in his silver armour and a flowing cloak of golden mail. Beside him stood Master Alaric, his head bowed in sorrow, and Sigmar favoured his friends with a nod of respect.

  A priest of Ulric awaited the bearers of the dead beside the pyre, swathed in a cloak of wolf pelts and carrying a flaming brand. Thousands of warriors surrounded the procession of kings, but not a breath of wind or a single whisper broke the silence.

  The kings bearing Marbad brought him to the pyre and laid his body upon it. Even in death, the aged king of the Endals was a striking figure, and Sigmar knew he would be greatly missed.

  His black cloak was folded around his body, and the kings of the lands west of the mountains stepped back as the priest of Ulric thrust the flaming brand deep into the oil-soaked wood.

  The pyre roared to life, and as Marbad burned, Sigmar stood before Aldred. The young man had his father’s lean physique, and carried Ulfshard sheathed at his waist. Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, and Sigmar placed a hand on Aldred’s shoulder.

  “This was your father’s,” said Sigmar, handing a golden shield to Aldred. “You are now king of the Endals, my friend. Your father was a brother to me. I hope you will be too.”

  Aldred said nothing, but nodded stiffly and turned his eyes to the pyre once more.

  Sigmar left Aldred to his grief, and moved to stand beside King Kurgan as the kings of men raised their golden shields in salute of their fallen brother.

  “Nice shields,” noted Kurgan. “Do I see Alaric’s influence in their craft?”

  “You do indeed,” agreed Sigmar. “Master Alaric is a fine teacher.”

  Alaric bowed at the compliment as Kurgan continued. “Young Pendrag told me what you said when you gave them those shields. Fine words, lad, fine words.”

  “True words,” said Sigmar. “We are the defenders of the land.”

  “Aye,” agreed Kurgan, “But a warrior needs a weapon as well as a shield to defend his home. What say I have Alaric here fashion you some swords to go with those shields?”

  “I would be honoured.”

  “Well, Alaric, you up for making some swords for Sigmar’s fellow kings?”

  Alaric seemed taken aback by Kurgan’s offer, and hesitated before answering. “I… well, it will be difficult and—”

  “Good, good,” said Kurgan, patting Alaric on the shoulder. “Then it’s settled. I give you my oath that the kings of men will have the finest blades forged by dwarf craft, or my name’s not Kurgan Ironbeard.”

  Sigmar bowed to the king of the dwarfs, overwhelmed by the generosity of Kurgan’s offer. As he straightened, and turned back to Marbad’s pyre, he saw his brother kings gathered before him. Each carried the shield he had given them at their side, and each bore an expression of loyalty that made Sigmar’s heart soar.

  Siggurd stepped forward and said, “We have been talking of what comes next.”

  “What comes next?” asked Sigmar.

  “Aye,” said Siggurd. “The lands of men have been saved, and you have your empire.”

  The king of the Brigundians nodded and as one, the assembled kings dropped to their knees with their heads bowed. Behind them, the hosts of man followed the example of their kings, and soon every warrior in the pass knelt before Sigmar.

  “And an empire needs an emperor,” said Siggurd.


  Adelhard - King of the Ostagoths.

  Alaric - Dwarf Runesmith of Karaz-a-Karak.

  Aldred - Son of Marbad of the Endals.

  Alfgeir - King Bjorn’s Champion and Marshal of the Reik.

  Aloysis - King of the Cherusens.

  Artur - King of the Teutogens.

  Asoborns - Tribe of warrior women famed as chariot riders.

  Black Fire Pass - Great pass through the Worlds Edge Mountains and site of the great battle between the armies of Sigmar and the orcs warlord Urgluk Bloodfang.

  Blacktusk - A great boar, the mightiest of its kind, encountered by Sigmar and his friends.

  Bjorn - Father of Sigmar and King of the Unberogen.

  Bretonni - Western tribe of men.

  Brigundians - Tribe of men of the east.

  Cherusens - Tribe of wildmen from the north.

  Cradoc - Aged healer of the Unberogen.

  The Dragon Sword of Caledfwlch - The blade of Artur, forged by a mysterious shaman from a captured shard of lightning frozen by the breath of an ice dragon.

  Eadhelm - Astofen chieftain and cousin of Bjorn.

  Endals - Tribe of men of the west and staunchest allies of the Unberogen.

  Eoforth - Unberogen counsellor and trusted advisor to King Bjorn.

  The Fauschlag Rock - Mountainous rock and seat of the great city of the Teutogens.

  Field of Swords - Training ground for the young warriors of the Unberogen.

  Freya - Warrior queen of the Asoborns.

  Galin Veneva - Ambassador of King Adelhard of the Ostagoths.

  Gerreon - Unberogen blademaster. Brother of Ravenna and twin of Trinovantes.

  Ghal-maraz - Legendary dwarf rune hammer gifted to Sigmar for rescuing King Kurgan Ironbeard of the dwarfs.

  The Grey Vaults - A bleak netherworld between life and death where the spirits of the dead wander.

  The Hag Woman - Mysterious and enigmatic figure of the Brackenwalsch Marshes, cursed with powers of foretelling and prophecy.

  Henroth - King of the Merogens.

  Jutones - Western tribe of men famed for their hunters and skill with bows.

  Karaz-a-Karak - Greatest city of the dwarfs.

  Krealheim - Brigundian settlement ravaged by the beast Skaranorak.

  Krugar - King of the Taleutens.

  Kurgan Ironbeard - High King of the dwarfs.

  Maedbh - Asoborn warrior woman and charioteer of Freya.

  Marbad - King of the Endals.

  Marburg - Chief settlement of the Endals built atop a great black volcanic rock and the ruins of an ancient settlement of the elves.

  Marius - King of the Jutones.

  Markus - King
of the Menogoths.

  Menogoths - Tribe of men of the south.

  Merogens - Tribe of men of the south.

  Myrsa - Warrior Eternal of the Fauschlag Rock.

  Norsii - Barbaric savages of the frozen north and worshippers of the Dark Gods.

  Ostagoths - Tribe of men of the east.

  Ostvarath - Ancestral sword of the Ostagoth kings.

  Otwin - Berserker king of the Thuringians.

  Pendrag - Sigmar’s sword-brother and bearer of his war banner.

  Rahotep - A chieftain from ancient times known as the Warrior of the Delta, Conqueror of Death, whose tomb is located in the Brigundian wilderness.

  The Raven Hall - The great hall of the Endal kings.

  Raven Helms - Elite, mounted warriors of the Endals so named for their black cloaks and winged helmets.

  Ravenna - Unberogen woman. Sister of Trinovantes and Gerreon.

  Redmane Dregor - A legendary hero of the Unberogen tribe.

  Reikdorf - Principal town of the Unberogen tribe.

  Roppsmenn - Tribe of men from the north-east.

  Siggurd - King of the Brigundians.

  Siggurdheim - Principal town of the Brigundians.

  Sigmar - Mighty hero of man and eventual King of the Unberogens. Known in prophecy as the Child of Thunder.

  Skaranorak - Dwarf name for the dreaded dragon ogre of the mountains.

  Soultaker - Doubled-bladed axe of King Bjorn.

  Taalahim - Principal settlement and seat of King Krugar of the Taleutens.

  Taleutens - Tribe of expert horsemen from the east who ride into battle on stirruped saddles.

  Teutogens - A rival tribe of the Unberogen.

  Thuringians - A tribe of berserkers from the west.

  Trinovantes - Unberogen warrior. Brother of Ravenna and twin of Gerreon.

  Udoses - Coastal tribe of men of the north.

  Ulfdar - Berserker woman of the Thuringians.

  Ulfshard - Daemon-slaying sword of legend said to have been forged by the elves. Wielded by Marbad of the Endals.

  Ulric’s Fire - Undying flame at the pinnacle of the Fauschlag Rock.

  Unberogen - Sigmar’s tribe of men.

  Urgluk Bloodfang - Mighty orc warlord and leader of the greenskin warhost at the Battle of Black Fire Pass.

  Warrior’s Hill - Sacred burial mound of the Unberogen.

  White Wolves - Personal guard of the Unberogen King led by Alfgeir.

  Wolfgart - Unberogen warrior and Sigmar’s sword-brother.

  Wolfila - King of the Udose tribe.

  Scanning and basic

  proofing by Red Dwarf,

  formatting and additional

  proofing by Undead.




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