Spontaneous Combustion

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Spontaneous Combustion Page 11

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Dear Jack Sir,

  I wrote the attached piece shortly after I shaved this evening. Obviously, your order not to touch myself has had quite an impact. This may be suitable for the blog sometime, but not now. Just for you. And please don’t take my whining seriously. I’m smiling happily – just impatient and absurdly horny. Until tomorrow. Jeni”

  She attached the file labeled Combustible Matter and hit send. She wasn’t even sure he’d read it before he saw her, but it was out of her hands on its way to his, and that was all that she needed in order to settle down enough to get some sleep.

  Combustible Matter: I gotta write about this now because it’s all cluttered inside my head…

  About how I shaved myself for him tonight,

  one side of my crotch to the other

  And when my hand grazed the delicate flesh around my asshole,

  I thought of his erection sliding inside

  When I touched my cunt

  my entire body spasmed

  Later, after his ordering me to shave my pussy

  and I announce to him when he calls that the shaving is done,

  he tells me not to touch myself;

  not until he sees me,

  not until his fingers and his cock and his mouth

  let loose the sexual harlot pent up inside this hungry crotch

  Obeying his command to keep my fingers off my pussy

  my inner muscles tighten on air

  feeling emptiness

  and longing

  desire, leaping on desire

  I’m wet, wet against everything now

  the chair

  the sheets

  the edge of the table

  the fender of my car

  hell, I’d fuck a lamppost if there was one in front of me

  but that would be verboten too

  I suppose

  Not touch myself?

  That seems impossible for a randy slut like me.

  Does he know that every time I stop myself from doing

  what’s been naturally mine to do forever and always,

  that every time I reach for that wet place between my thighs

  and stop myself from going further—

  because he’s laid this order on me—

  that I think of him?

  Remember him?

  And recall the simple fact that he’s claimed my body as his

  It’ll be twelve hours of torture until I see him

  til I greet him at the door

  and lay myself wide open

  for this hands,

  his cock

  his mouth

  I can do nothing right now to satisfy this urgent, pressing need in me

  except write

  except pour myself into something useful

  and smile as my pussy spasms on the empty air

  remembering him. END


  Jeni managed to survive the night unscathed, although she didn’t sleep well, and her hungry crotch kept nagging at her until she finally climbed from bed and began her day. She checked her email first; Jack’s was the only message she wanted to see:

  “When I opened my mail this morning the screen caught fire. Was that hot! I’m hard and ready. A hug, a warm sloppy kiss on your left nipple and a smack on your bare ass. See you later, slut. Jack”

  There was no quelling the fire he’d raised in her. Look what you’ve made of me, you sorry, bastard! she wanted to scream. Although alongside that wretched inner voice was another, whispering, today’s the day, slut, smiling all the while.


  Jeni could hardly remember his face, and yet with that first glance, as he stood on the other side of the screen door, her memory swiftly returned. She smiled and let him inside.

  Then the door closed quietly on the rest of the world. They were alone.

  When she turned back to him, few words were spoken. They began to kiss. At first the kisses were sweet and delicate, just as they’d been in the park. But then there were longer ones when their mouths opened and their hands began the first awkward exploration. Feeling her desire immediately well up, she pushed her hungry crotch toward his hand.

  “Please, sir, please touch me. You have no idea how difficult my night was.”

  “Difficult huh?” He seemed almost pleased that she was suffering, though he pressed his hand to her crotch as she hoped he would. It didn’t matter that her black jersey sundress kept him from feeling bare flesh or going deeper where her clit was pulsing and hard. The dress would be gone soon enough. The feel of his hand brought her arousal to the surface, and then, with very little effort, her body exploded in a painfully exhilarating spasm – one so strong that she fell against his chest for support. She took a moment to enjoy the firm feel of his surrounding arms.

  “Oh my, it’s been so long,” she gasped. The cum, his warm body against hers – she felt as if she’d come back to life.

  “A long time for me too,” and he dropped his hand from her crotch.

  A moment later, he broke free of her and began to make his way around the house, sizing things up by the look it. She followed like a dutiful pup wondering what he had in mind.

  He was inside her house at last, and she was relieved to finally have him there. Yet it still seemed odd that a man she hardly knew was there invading her space, spreading his energy about her home as he surveyed the rooms. They’d had lengthy conversations about sexual matters; they’d talked a lot of fantasy, but what did she really know about him? She was in a vulnerable position. Her libido shifting into an unfamiliar gear. With the sex and lust and the spontaneous combustion of this first meeting driving her forward, all she could do was cling to her gut level belief in his goodness and trust that her instincts hadn’t been off the mark. By the time he walked through her door, there was little way she could slam on the brakes. And certainly not now.

  “How about the porch?” he nodded to the back of the house, to her personal sanctuary where she read and wrote and answered his emails.

  Once on the porch, she stood before him with her eyes fixed on his face, while he sat on the sofa and stared up at her. Her heart raced and her sex hungry body felt the heat in his steady gaze. She wished she knew what he was thinking.

  “It’s time I got a good look at you,” he finally broke the unnerving silence. “Take off the dress.”

  Jeni shuddered with excitement hearing the command. Such a simple order, and one she expected. She only needed to lift the thin shoulder straps to get started, however the idea of undressing before him generated a new wave of fear. Fingers trembling, she slowly eased the straps off her shoulders to unveil herself, and as the dress dropped to the floor, she stepped out from the puddle of jersey material and kicked it aside. Other than the nipple ties she was entirely naked as she stood before him. She’d imagined this scene many times. What she didn’t anticipate was the rash of new worries that suddenly plagued her. Would he find her physically attractive? Would her naked body turn him on? Was she the slave he dreamed of, or did this first unveiling leave him disappointed? He’d be too kind to say so, if he were. But how would she know? Her thoughts had disintegrated into a mess of concerns and questions – what any woman must face when they first appear naked before a new lover. Having been with one man for so long, she’d missed this part of relationship drama, along with all the anxious heartache, and awkward moments that go with it.

  Jack did nothing to allay her concerns. He looked at her passively and without comment, not even a raised eyebrow. She silently begged him for some clue to his feelings, but rather than put her worries to rest, he simply moved on. “Let me see your clit ring.”

  The metal ring was tucked in between her labia, pulled up and resting by the side of her clit. Most of the time, she hardly knew it was there.

  Her hand moved to her crotch where she felt her smoothly shaved labia. She loved the feel of that silky skin, though she was immediately reminded of how horny she was. She really didn’t need more titi
llation poured into the moment. She pulled the stainless circle from between her sex lips so he could see it dangle from her clit. Would he know how much that clit pulsed painfully, how it had grown aroused and hard? How his eyes staring at the ring made her clit ache? She hadn’t touched her crotch in over twelve hours – except for a cursory cleansing in the shower that morning where the washcloth did most of the work. She might wonder why her unthinking obedience to this mystery of a man mattered so much. But that wasn’t a question she could easily answer. To the vanilla world sexual submission must look like a silly game, but it was not a game to her. And certainly not something she could dismiss, especially when this piece of her seemed to have been hardwired into her psyche at birth.

  “Nice,” he said of the ring, though he gave it only a cursory inspection. “You didn’t touch yourself last night? Didn’t play with your pussy?” he asked.

  “No, Sir.” He remained solemn and earnest.

  “So turn around and let me see the rest of you.”

  She turned one-hundred and eighty degrees, and presented her backside to his face, which wasn’t want he wanted.

  “All the way,” he prompted.

  She finished the 360 degrees with her nerves so on edge that she could hardly keep her balance. Standing before him again, she stared into his eyes. He’d seen her from all angles, so what did he think?

  He made no comment, although he motioned with his finger for her to continue turning. “Let me see your ass again.”

  She took a breath to calm her nerves, and turned again so he could have a good look at her behind. She felt his eyes zero in on her ass, and that made her shudder, but not nearly as much as it might have if she were staring into his stoic face. His cool self-control alarmed her, but he was so like the fantasy doms she created in her stories that she had to wonder if the man had been handpicked for her by some sexual goddess, with the intent of driving her insane with lust. As he leaned forward and gently stroked the soft flesh of her ass, a tremor of excitement traversed her body, making every nerve light up.

  Did he feel her desire? Had he any clue how his scrutiny of her affected her arousal?

  If only he would move his hand deeper and play with her more forcefully. Her body wanted to be broken loose. If only. If only he would…

  But then he dropped his hand as he delivered his next command, “Bend over.” Another sharp spike of desire shot through her crotch as she obeyed the order and bent at the waist. She knew what was coming next. “Open your cheeks,” he said, just as she expected. Bent over, cheeks pulled wide was an act of compliance, inherently degrading, but one any submissive would expect in a D/s relationship. Despite her embarrassment, the humiliation was a turn-on and the command had her body smoking hot. She needed to cum. Soon.

  Now. Please don’t make me wait! she silently pleaded.

  But there was no hurrying the man. He was in charge, not her, and despite her explosive desire, she would do what she was told, even if his measured, steady pace made her crazy.

  Surrender, Jeni. This is what you do.

  It wasn’t as if she hadn’t done this before in her submissive life. She had. But this was a new relationship, and the way she saw it, there was nothing more intimate or humbling than exhibiting herself so lewdly before a man she barely knew.

  She hesitated briefly, then finally reached back, grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them wide apart so he would be staring directly at the puckering bud hidden there and her sex beneath. If he didn’t already sense her intense arousal, the physical evidence would be clearly apparent once he saw her pussy glistening with her juices.

  He reached out and ran his fingers deftly along her anal cleft, where she knew the recently shaved flesh was as smooth and soft as her labia. His touch was light, like a delicate whisper, and she quaked as his fingers grazed the sensitive flesh. Again, there was no direct response from Jack. There seemed something quite calculated about the inspection, as if he were deliberately setting her apart from him. They weren’t equals in this world of theirs. He was Dom. She was sub. Her slavish surrender was a given. She felt Jack’s strength through his fingers as he probed her forbidden territory. She imagined more – a few slaps, a squeeze or two, the hard fucking action of his hand inside her cunt. He could bring her to climax within seconds if that was what he chose. But instead of fulfilling her wish, he withdrew his hand and sat back against the sofa.

  “Now back upright and turn around.” Once Jeni faced him again, he reached to a small leather case at his side from which he pulled out a black bag. “Let’s put these on,” he said, while handing her the bag.

  Jeni recognized the rattle of metal even before she opened the drawstring and pulled out the ankle and wrist cuffs along with a serious number of brass locks.

  “The locks are all keyed the same,” he said.

  Smart idea.

  She waited, shivering and jittery, until he nodded his head. “Go on, put them on.”

  His blunt manner took some getting used to, although she was reminded of the voice in her head that had been commanding her for so many years. Jack’s was not unlike that stern voice, though this was no phantom Dominant speaking. The authoritative voice emanated from the warm, sexy man sitting on the sofa before her.

  Her head was swimming as her fingers nervously fumbled with the heavy cuffs and the locks. She must have looked like a total dimwit, as she struggled to fit the smaller pair around her wrists, prompting Jack to reach out and assist in the process. She smiled at him chagrinned, although he didn’t seem to mind that she needed his help.

  His warm hands were soothing and the inherent kindness of the gesture warmed her heart. Her nerves eased somewhat. Once the cuffs were locked, he reached down and fitted the second pair snuggly around her ankles. He secured the locks with an ease that suggested that he’d done this more than once. With the cuffs in place, the weight of the leather and metal made her feel owned and mastered. A well-worn fantasy that she’d written about many times had suddenly been given a fresh burst of life, and now felt far more real to her than it had ever been.

  While she was still getting used to the new feeling, Jack turned back to his leather bag and pulled out another length of leather, this one about an inch wide, with a stainless steel buckle and slim ‘O’ ring at the center, but no lock.

  He held it up for her to see. “I think it makes a good training collar,” he said. She smiled, in fact, she was almost giddy with delight as she viewed the collar.

  “This is getting real, isn’t it?” she gasped.

  “Let me put it on you,” he said then he rose to his feet and moved in behind her. He buckled the leather around her throat, adding as he did, “If I attach a leash, I’ll turn the buckle and ring to the front. But it’s fine like this for now.”

  Jeni didn’t know if the collar or cuffs had the greatest effect on her arousal, but certainly together, they made for one powerful, erotic cocktail. She was feeling a little lightheaded from the sudden wave of desire, but she had little time to adjust to the feeling. His next order was direct and to the point, and another reminder of her status in this new relationship.

  “Now on your knees where you belong.” He sat back down, opened his thighs wide, and drew her further toward him with the not-so-subtle implications in his posture. She was trembling so much that it was a relief to be off her feet, although as she crawled toward him, her eyes were suddenly riveted on his hands – unbuckling his belt, pulling it from around his waist, and laying it beside him. He saw her wide-eyed expression fix on the symbol of her lifelong dance with sexual darkness. “I know what you’re thinking,” he commented. We’ll get to that soon enough, but first you have some work to do.”

  He didn’t need to unzip his fly to communicate his wishes. Her hands instantly flew to his crotch, though she was suddenly mindful that she was wearing cuffs with dangling locks and she needed to be careful. Taking a deep breath, she unzipped his shorts and reached inside. He was warm. His cock erect. His balls soft b
eneath his erection. With some trepidation she gently reached deeper into his jockeys and caught a whiff of the testosterone-laden musk emanating from his crotch. The dizzying aphrodisiac had her inner muscles clenching and her mouth eager to taste his flesh.

  His skin was almost hot to touch and his earthy fragrance intensified as she pulled his penis free. Then her face dove to his crotch with her lips opening wide to bring his cock inside her mouth. She sucked and lapped and tongued and kissed the rising erection, then started all over again in an act of adoring worship that she seemed to need as much as he did. The cuffs and locks rattled as she worked him with her mouth, and her pleasure expanded as the organ thickened. She felt humbled and unexpectedly aroused by the act of giving him head.

  Several times, she pulled back to catch her breath, and when she went back down it was to take him deeper, to the back of her mouth and down her throat. She gagged once, maybe twice, but that didn’t deter her. She caught her breath and went back down again, and again, and again. As if she couldn’t get enough. She couldn’t remember why she thought she wasn’t oral. She hadn’t been in the past, but now, her body brightened in amazement as if this were an entirely new experience in pleasure. When his muscled thighs closed against her torso and squeezed, she felt bound and contained. In his control. His. His slut. His ravenously servile wench. Her arousal spiked and her body shivered with spasms.

  Could she ever get enough of this?

  Each time she went down on his cock her frenzied passion rose another degree.

  There was but one single thought traveling through her brain, as she worked his rising organ: she wanted nothing but his pleasure. Her own physical response was left to drift because sucking his erection had become far more important to her than her bossy crotch with its insatiable demands. This was what being selfless felt like. What submissive meant. How digging deep for someone else’s pleasure looked, smelled and tasted. Never before had being intimate felt this way—

  —Because of him, because in some mysterious way he had reached inside her sexual psyche and, grabbing onto an unfamiliar piece of her, shook it awake from a long slumber.


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