Spontaneous Combustion

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Spontaneous Combustion Page 18

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Jack leaned forward in his chair, his expression solemn and earnest as he grasped her behind the neck. Jeni’s eyes went wide. What was he doing? Her mind was in such a blur that she didn’t even notice when his arm drew back. But when he abruptly brought it forward and his palm landed squarely on her cheek, she was stunned. The effect was instantaneous, resounding through her body and brain as she spiraled down further into a state of surrender. He’d lit up every nerve in her body, and within seconds, she exploded in a crushing orgasm. Her body twisted inside his unyielding grasp as she seized up. “Ohmygod,” she vented in a soft and breathy whisper.

  He slapped her again with the same result.

  From the first slap to the aftermath of the second stunning slap across her cheek, Jack stared into her eyes with cool command, communicating the degree to which he owned her.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He, too, seemed a little in awe of what he’d done.

  “I love it,” she answered, breathless and bewildered. “Weird, huh?”

  “Not for a slave. Hadn’t thought we’d get to this place so soon, but obviously it’s something you need or you wouldn’t have mentioned it.”

  “Need? I don’t know about that, but I certainly love how it makes me feel.”

  “And how does it make you feel?”

  “Reduced,” was the first word that popped into her head. Then a moment later from her dazed subspace, she added. “Diminished. I feel diminished…taken down…surrendered, I suppose.”

  “And horny by the looks of it.”

  “You can tell?” she found herself laughing, “I’m about to explode – again.”

  “Very good. It pleases me to know what a slave I have in you.”

  Overwhelmed. She should have added overwhelmed, she felt that too. Like she couldn’t take more. Not another smack or command, or minute of groveling against scratchy tree bark. For the second time that day, she was nearly in tears.

  “I think you need to fix your mouth on my cock, slut,” he said, smiling. “Put some of that libido of yours into me.”

  Her tears were forgotten as she opened his fly, pulled out his cock and began another worshipful moment of selfless service. While she worked his cock with her lips and tongue, Jack groaned, his pleasure undisguised. Jeni’s body fired off a half-dozen spontaneous orgasms without his laying a single hand on her crotch.


  Jeni noticed the shifting light, the shadows on the wall rapidly advancing with the day moving toward evening. She hated the thought of having to put her clothes back on and head for home. The afternoon had been a beautiful dream, just as the other afternoons in Jack’s company had been. She didn’t want it to end – ever. He’d lifted her out of the rest of her world, away from grief and sadness and the busyness of her hectic days at work. Here, she was slave and nothing mattered but pleasing her master, Jack Hawking.

  In the interlude that followed the last blow job, they sat on the deck, Jeni in a chair this time, and talked about botany, her writing, Jack’s cottage and the mundane work of an advertising copy writer. This was an easy back and forth – much less awkward than previous vanilla conversations had been. And then, because she couldn’t wait any longer to ask, she broached the subject of leaving. “Master, I have no idea the time, but I should probably head home before it gets too late and the traffic south gets heavy.”

  He looked surprised, “You need to leave? I planned for you to spend the night.”

  She thought a moment. “Really? I didn’t expect to stay.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No, Sir, I think I’m fine. Tomorrow’s Monday—” she thought a moment, “I don’t need to be in the office until noon. I did my homework yesterday.”

  “Very good. We’ll spend the night in bed.”

  Her face brightened. She was almost giddy with the thought. “I’d love that. Although I don’t have a change of clothes, anything really…”

  “You didn’t come prepared, did you?”

  “I guess not.”

  Jack shrugged. “So, you’re a slave. You make do. Besides, what do you need with a change of clothes?” There was a playful grin on his lips, as he viewed her bare breasts and naked crotch. “As far as I’m concerned, what you’re wearing right now will be just fine until you walk out the door and head for home. Since my opinion is the only one that matters…”

  “I guess I’m staying,” she laughed. It had been such a long time – over twenty years – since she’d spent a first night with a lover. She could hardly remember what it was like, although she was certain that it was nothing like this. No slaves, no masters, no naked in the out-of-doors, no slaps to the face, leather belts, and very little oral sex – that was just not her thing at the time, though it was now.

  “A lot of firsts for me today,” she said. She was still a little stunned by it all.

  “For me too.”

  “You, really? What’s new for you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  He thought a moment. “Never slapped a woman.”

  “You liked that?” Watching him stare at her, she almost thought he’d slap her face again. But then she noted his rather perverse grin. “Brings out the sadist in you, huh?”

  He barely nodded in agreement, still thinking it through. Those two firm smacks to her left cheek had left a lasting impression on them both. “Let’s just say that those slaps won’t be the last. Now, enough with the chat. It’s time I fucked you. Get in the house.”

  Jeni could feel his impatience almost immediately, and scrambled to her feet, following him into the house, down the corridor to the foyer then heading in the opposite direction from the living room toward Jack’s bedroom. Before she could even look at the room, he had her thrust over the end of the bed with her ass raised high and shivering in wait. Her face was buried in the mattress. All of her focus had shifted to her bottom cheeks, where Jack was mauling the soft flesh. He slapped her hard with his hand and the sting on her ass quickly rose in intensity. She suffered the pain for several seconds, and was just beginning to feel a sensation of pleasure arise, when Jack abruptly stopped. She groaned in despair.

  “Don’t worry, there’s more coming, pain slut.”

  She opened her eyes, gazing back from her lowly pose to see Jack withdraw the belt from his jeans and double it in his fist. Her body bristled instantly. A moment later, he tore into her rear as if he were on a mission. Each smack was firm and punishing, and in response to each one, she groaned fitfully, while trying to bear the pain with some kind of submissive grace – though that was tough to do.

  “Oh fuck, that’s nasty!” she blurted out. One minute she writhed as if she were begging for more, the next, she squirmed in agony, fought to get away. The uneasy paradox of pain and pleasure and that beloved leather belt was a lot to endure. Her writhing body went wild with pain and arousal; to survive his next crack of that leather, she drew on every bit of submissive grace she could muster. Though she wanted to take everything he dished out, she wasn’t certain that she could this time.

  “You had enough?” he finally asked, with the belt still dangling from his hand.

  She waited a moment, tempted to tell him to keep going, but another smack of that stinging leather? “I think I’ve had it, Master.”

  “So have I,” he said. He dropped the belt and abruptly left the room, no explanation offered, though he wasn’t gone long. When he returned, she felt some cold liquid splash down her anal crack. He mopped up the extra with a towel so it wouldn’t drip, then began inserting his fingers into her ass. He worked her there for about a minute then changed to a rippled anal probe, which he shoved into the tight space as far as it would go.

  She lunged forward and he yanked her back – the it was tighter than she expected. “Oh my,” she vented her distress.

  “You’re doing just fine, slave,” he added for encouragement. Oddly enough, his soothing comment worked. Once the ass plug finally settled comfortably within her, he fucked her with it for
about thirty seconds then pulled it out. “Good,” he said.

  Good what? she wondered. Then it dawned on her that the purpose of the probe was to see if her ass was clean enough to screw, and apparently it was.

  He shoved the probe back in and spanked her hard a few more times until her ass heated again. Then with no further ceremony, he pulled the probe free and replaced it with his cock. His stiff erection opened her even wider, but there wasn’t a moment of discomfort. His cock easily slid into her rectum and took command. Jack grabbed both ass cheeks and squeezed them firmly, while his erection thrust in and out of her in a slow, methodical rhythm. As he continued, his desire gained strength and the thrusting became more urgent, until the fucking turned savage, into a furious clash of libido, and the two were grinding into each other, moaning loudly and nearly breathless. All Jeni could think of was his driving his cock deeper, and with that thought in mind, her inner muscles squeezed down on his organ. She knew he was about to cum. And when she did cum, she’d milk him dry.

  “Dear God, yes…” she quietly hissed. Her cries were stifled by the comforter beneath her. Sparks were flying inside her eyes. What he did to her ass was goddam amazing! “Yesyesyes,” she lifted her head and started to cry out while pushing her ass into his groin to force him even deeper. Never had she been ass fucked so hard and so deeply. “Yes. Yes. Do it! Fuck me!” she screamed, as if he needed more encouragement.

  He didn’t stop. He just kept on. Going deeper. Using her like he would a captive whore. Wasn’t that exactly what she was?

  The fuck went on until he couldn’t stop the fire in him from exploding. When he finally ejaculated, Jeni could feel his spurting cum with every pulsing shove. She was cumming too, though in truth, her orgasm had begun with the first thrust and it hadn’t stopped. It just got bigger, deeper and more crazy as Jack finally spent himself.

  “You dirty little whore!” he shot out, scowling nastily, as she squeezed down one last time. She cringed again hearing him use the word whore, but that was just the piece of her that was still prim and proper in this reborn slut. The rest of her, the slave side, loved when he called her whore or slut or dirty or whatever came to his mind – not that she was about to admit that to Jack.

  “You like your ass fucked, slave,” Jack declared as he pulled out.

  “Yes, I do, Master.”

  “This is good. Since I’ll be taking your ass again soon. Maybe even later tonight.”


  There was no ass fuck later in the evening. Jack turned another page, wanting something quieter for the remainder of the day. Days were long in that part of summer, the sun not sinking low until nearly nine o’clock. They had already eaten and were lying in bed together by that time. Jack had the TV on, flipped through the channels, and with nothing to arouse his interest, he turned it off.

  He sat up on the bed while Jeni lay next to him.

  “Okay, slut, tell me more about your kinky desires.”

  “More? Really?” She pulled up and scrambled around so she could look at him face to face. “Haven’t I told you enough?”

  “Not if there are things you haven’t shared.”

  “But I’ve shared everything.”

  “Have you?”

  She was all flustered. “Well…I suppose there might be a few…” she suggested, although at that moment not a thing came to mind.

  “I asked a question, slave, I expect an answer.” He didn’t seem particularly upset that she resisted, but he still insisted.

  “Right, I confess my nasty little secrets, put more ideas in your head and I’m doomed.”

  “Maybe that’s the point.” He smiled.

  “That sounds awfully cruel.”

  “Cruel? Never. I’m a gentle and caring master.” There was that twisted grin again.

  “Right. How could I possibly think of you any other way?” She flashed him her sassiest grin. “It certainly didn’t take much time to have you slapping my face.”

  He shrugged. “You opened that door wide, Jeni. Now, quit stalling. What haven’t you told me? I’m starting to think you’re hiding something.”

  Maybe she was.

  She reacted with a sudden shiver, and a pointed, “Yes, Master.” Then taking a breath, she allowed herself to recall the fantasies she associated with Jack. “Let’s see. How about our dressing up, very modestly – well, not too modestly – going someplace nice, me with no panties and a skirt short enough that I’m sitting on my bare ass, maybe that butterfly thing you mentioned strapped to my cunt, you with the remote control, me a puppet you control with the a push of the button.” She was getting hot just thinking about it.

  “I like that,” he nodded. “Leave it to you to expand on my fantasies, and make them even better.”

  “You see!” she jumped on that right away, “that’s what worries me. There is a drawback to all this kinky stuff going on in my head.”

  “Just think of it as pleasing your master.” By the look on his face, he thoroughly enjoyed seeing her squirm.

  “Right. While getting myself in trouble.”

  “This is you talking, Jeni. You thrive on playing the naughty slut.” His eyes narrowed mischievously. “A puppet, huh. Nice idea.” She could imagine the wheels turning in his inscrutable brain. “So what else?”

  “Well, let’s see.” She was more than a little squeamish about what popped into her mind next. When she finally spit it out, she’d cocked her head coyly like a bashful kid. “You’ve mentioned this too, golden showers?”

  “You said you did that before…and liked it. Right?”

  “Well, maybe I liked it. I’m not so sure.”

  “And did you swallow too?” he asked.

  Her face reddened and she bowed her head.

  “Look at me when you answer.”

  She was suddenly burning inside with embarrassment.

  “Yes, I swallowed. But I don’t remember liking it.”

  “And if I ordered you to swallow?”

  She felt a steady throbbing in her cunt. “An obedient slave would do that, wouldn’t she?”

  “Yes, she would,” he said. His studied gaze had her trembling. “And she’d be turned on, just like you are now.”

  “Who said I was turned on?” Her embarrassment deepened.

  “You did,” he laughed. “The more you think about drinking my piss, the hornier you get.”

  Her face was bright red, and she pulled up the sheet to cover it.

  “I suppose you’re turned on, too?” she shot back.

  He pulled back the comforter and showed off his hard-on.

  “You want me to go down on you?” she asked, maybe steer him away from this interrogation.

  He covered his crotch again. “No, don’t stop now. I’m enjoying watching you suffer. Plus, you’ve got me hard again, let’s keep it up.”

  Jeni took a long look through her fantasy bag of tricks, deliberately avoiding one subject in particular while searching for safer things to confess. When nothing of any consequence came to mind, she knew she couldn’t ignore what was nagging at her. Like a kid in a crowd with a cardboard placard. The truth scrawled in permanent ink. Blinking neon in the dead of night. There was no mystery to this. She’d been masturbating to the fantasy for years, and most noticeably since Jack appeared in her life and started talking masters and slaves, remote wilderness cottages and a level of obedience she’d dreamed of, in spite of where it would lead her.

  “You know fantasy is one thing, reality something different. You want something I’d actually do?”

  “There you go again,” he said. His eyes remained fixed on hers. “There’s got to be something really nasty going on in that mind of yours to have you stalling. Let’s not keep it a secret.”

  She shifted positions, blushing enough to have her face as hot and throbbing as her horny cunt. “Okay…so in the past, you’ve asked about my being ‘shown off’ to other men…well, I think about that a lot.”

  “Do you?”

; “Yes. I wonder if that’s something you’d do, actually show me off?”

  “I might.”

  Her libido had been idling in a steady low gear and suddenly shifted forward. “You have anything particular in mind?” she wondered aloud.

  “I still have a few friends in the scene. Though I’m not sure that scene-friendly really matters.”

  Her eyes widened. And what exactly did he mean by that? She was afraid to ask, but unafraid to transmit her current state of arousal as she rubbed her cunt into the mattress.

  He observed her with some amusement. “This is really turning you on.”


  “Maybe?” He laughed outright then he reached toward her bare breasts, lightly stroking a nipple. Her body tensed, and she pressed her pussy even deeper into the bed.

  “Now that turns me on.”

  “I know it does.” His fingers continued going back and forth from one nipple to the other, stroking the hard little buds with such a delicate touch that she wished he’d be a little more aggressive. Her arousal was starting to spike, and there were spasms going off in her belly and sex. If he kept this up, she’d come.

  “Yessssss…” she was nearly delirious with the pleasure bounding through her. She might have even climaxed if he hadn’t abruptly switched gears again. Taking her right nipple between his thumb and index fingers, he pinched it roughly, then twisted it to the side. “Ouch!” she squealed, and tried to pull away.

  “You stay right here, slut,” he snapped. He repeated the torture with her left nipple, pinching and twisting it until she shrieked again. Finally, he tugged on both nipples, pulling her tits as he did, while she breathed deeply and drove the pain into her smoldering crotch where it fed her lust.


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