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First Page 15

by Penelope Sky

  Her panties came next, baby blue. “I got my papers. Did you?”

  My hands pushed my boxers over my hips so my cock could come free. My head was so far in the clouds, I couldn’t articulate a response with my words. All I did was give a nod as I stared at her slit.

  Her knees hit the couch, and she slowly lowered herself onto my lap, her arms hooking around my neck. Chest against chest, we brought our faces together, our quick breaths dancing across each other’s cheeks.

  My cock was against my stomach, and her lips were on my balls, warm and wet. I could feel her arousal moisten my delicate skin, feel her warmth as it teased me.

  She rubbed her nose against mine gently, her eyes looking at my mouth like she wanted to devour me. Both of her hands dug into my hair as she leaned down and kissed me, her soft lips landing against mine like two sides of the same coin.

  My hands moved to her hips, and my fingers reached underneath her t-shirt. I inhaled as I felt her hungry lips, felt my fingers dig deep into her flesh like she was a life raft. I tugged her a little closer as I kissed her back and felt my dick twitch when her mouth was on me.

  Our kisses continued, loud in my quiet bedroom. Our bodies oozed with desire as the foreplay aroused us both. My knees parted and my feet planted against the ground, my toes digging into the rug because I was already writhing in the pleasure I expected to feel.

  Her small tongue danced with mine, the occasional moan filling the charged air around us.

  My hand moved across her ass cheeks, getting a nice grip of both of them with a single hand. My middle fingers rested in the crack as I squeezed her, wanting to yank her down my length and take her harshly.

  I let her decide when she was ready in case she wanted to change her mind. Fuck, she better not change her mind. I’d never wanted a woman more, and if this were taken away from me, I’d lose my mind.

  She ended our kiss and looked me in the eye, her curtain of dark hair framing one side of her face. She arched her back and tilted her hips in the sexiest way, and without breaking our contact, she grabbed my base and straightened it so she could saddle it.


  She lowered her slit onto my tip, noticeably soaked and anxious. She parted for me, like a crowd that made way for a queen. Her body divided to take me in, to allow my enormous size to sink into her and claim it.

  I closed my eyes for a second and groaned, my fingers squeezing her with absolutely no delicacy. I was only a few inches deep, but it was already the most unbelievable sensation I’d ever experienced. I’d never taken a woman like this, never considered this level of intimacy with anyone.

  Monogamy was fucking hot.

  She bit her bottom lip as she sank the rest of the way, watching my face match hers. Her fingers loosened on my hair and gripped my shoulders. She slowly fell until she had every single inch of me. She released a shaky breath, wincing with the pain at my stretch, but she didn’t seem eager to pull me out.

  My mind was overloaded with all the intimate sensations. There was no sheath blocking the sensitivity of my dick. I could feel every single detail, absorb all her moisture, feel all the nerve endings fire off with explicit pleasure. Fucking a woman with a condom was the right thing to do, but fucking her without one was brave.

  How would I survive this?

  She moaned in my face. “That’s a lot better…” Her ass was right on my balls, and she tilted her hips to drag her clit against my hard body. We were combined together, so intimate that we were more than just lovers. She started to move up and down, her face pressed to mine as our bodies slid past each other.

  It took me minutes to get used to it, to stop moaning and writhing and focus on what was happening. I’d never felt so weak in my life, paralyzed. I’d been beaten to within an inch of my life, but I was far more helpless now than I had been then.

  It took me a while to snap out of the spell. My feet finally dug into the rug, and I thrust up with my hips, meeting her movements so she wasn’t doing all the work. The pace was slow because that was more than enough for the both of us. Our slick bodies moved past each other, practically frictionless. My hands gripped her ass, and I helped her rise and fall, showing her I was man enough to be allowed this privilege.

  She spoke against my lips. “I can’t wait for you to come inside me, Damien…”

  Jesus Fucking Christ.



  When Damien’s alarm went off the next morning, he barely opened his eyes before he moved on top of me and thrust himself in between my legs. The sheet was over his waist to stay warm, and he gave me lazy thrusts as he woke up to the sensation of being buried in my pussy.

  My arms hooked over his shoulders, and I felt him rock me back and forth, my body relaxed because I hadn’t fully woken up yet. I was still full of him from the night before, a marathon of fucking that used every piece of furniture in his room. Now, we were at it again…like last night wasn’t enough.

  It was easy for me to come because the full sensation of his dick was still new. It felt so right to feel the grooves of his dick press right up against me as he sank inside me over and over. My slickness cushioned his glide, and together we made the best sex ever.

  He widened my legs with his arms and thrust into me harder, digging my ass into his mattress as he pounded me into the sheets. His head rested against mine, and he breathed hard and groaned with every thrust.

  I gripped his arms as I came, my hips thrusting back as my body gave in to the pleasure. My head rolled back, and I moaned long and hard, experiencing so much goodness, I didn’t know what to do with all of it.

  Watching me come set him off, and he filled me with his final pumps, moaning with every thrust. He stuffed me with another mound of come, adding it to all the previous piles that still sat inside me.

  He rested his forehead against mine when he was done, breathing hard as his body spiraled down from the high. He gave me a soft kiss that contradicted the hard and lazy way he’d fucked me then rolled off me. He had to get to the office, so he immediately went to the bathroom to shower.

  I turned over and went back to sleep.

  He drove me back to my apartment on the way. He parked his car and walked me to the door, even though I told him that was unnecessary.

  In his black suit and tie, he looked like the formidable opponent he claimed he was. He handled billions like it was nothing, and he ran the streets as if being a dictator was the easiest job in the world.

  And he was so hot while doing it.

  I didn’t think I had a thing for bad boys, but my ex-husband was a fighter covered in tattoos, and the new man I was sleeping with was a drug lord. I never worried about the risks associated with the men. I just enjoyed the fact that they were strong enough to protect me.

  I knew Damien could keep me safe…and I liked that.

  When I got the door unlocked, he kissed me goodbye. His large hands gripped my hips, his fingers digging deep into my sides as he held me close. His kiss was sexy, full of eager lips and a bit of tongue.

  Now I didn’t want him to go.

  He released me and pulled away. After a dark look with those intense eyes, he turned around and walked off…without saying a word.

  I liked that…because he’d said everything he wanted to say with just that look.

  I’d just finished lunch when Sofia called me.

  “Hey, is this a good time?” she asked, sounding exactly like the bubbly person I remembered.

  “Absolutely. How are you?”

  “The baby is kicking like he didn’t like my lunch, but I’m good besides that,” she said with a chuckle. “So, I’m calling to formally offer you the job. Damien has a big mouth, so he probably already told you.”

  “Yeah…he mentioned it,” I said with a laugh. “And I’m very excited.”

  “Great. Can you start on Monday?”

  “Definitely.” I’d go down to the restaurant tomorrow and throw my apron in my manager’s face. “I’ll see yo
u then.” Just when I hung up the phone and set it down, it started to ring again.

  This time, it was Liam.

  He hadn’t called me in a long time. After the emotional conversation in my living room, he finally got the hint and walked away. Knowing I had a guy in my bedroom was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and he let me go.

  But now, he was back.

  My first instinct was to ignore his call, but since it’d been months since we talked, maybe he actually had something important to say. Maybe I should give him a chance. I swiped on the phone and took the call. But I didn’t say anything…because I didn’t know what to say.

  He didn’t say anything either, his presence enough.

  I opened my mouth to say something but changed my mind.

  He finally spoke. “I’m surprised you answered.”

  “Wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt…”

  He was quiet again, organizing his thoughts because he’d been expecting my voice mail. “Can we have dinner tonight? I want to talk to you about something.”

  Were we doing this again? “Liam…”

  “It’s not about us.”

  “Then why can’t we just talk about it now.”

  “Because it’s not that kind of conversation. Just meet me. Please.”

  I felt weird going out to dinner with my ex when I was kinda in a relationship now, but if it was platonic, I didn’t see the harm. “Alright. Just text me the time and place.”



  Hades stepped into my office, looking pissed as usual.

  “It’s way too early for this.” I relaxed into the chair, too exhausted for our usual back-and-forth venom. I had been up all night fucking, and I never really woke up. I stared at my computer and saw dots…or flashbacks of my night with Annabella.

  “Liam is in my office.”


  “Let’s squash the beef and say hello.”

  “I got him back, didn’t I?” I snapped.

  “Damien.” His eyebrows narrowed. “Seal the deal. You know how this works.”

  It was hard not to hate Liam after what he did to Annabella, but since he was so important to Hades, I had to be objective about the situation…even though I was fucking his ex-wife. “Fine.” I pushed back my chair and walked with Hades down the hallway to his office.

  Liam’s massive size was in the chair, and he was texting on his phone.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Hades said as he moved to his chair behind the desk.

  “It’s fine,” Liam answered. “But let’s get this rolling because I’ve got a lot of shit to do today.”

  I straightened my tie and extended my hand. “Welcome back.”

  He eyed me for a second before he took my hand. “Yeah…”

  “I’m glad we could move past our spat,” I said diplomatically. “Hades and I both value your business.”

  Hades stared at me, and it was the first time he gave me a look of approval.

  Liam relaxed further. “And I value your expertise.” He turned back to Hades. “Now, let’s make some money. I’m having dinner with my ex-wife later tonight.” He pulled back his sleeve to eye his watch. “And I can’t be late to that.”

  I stilled on the spot, staring at him with wide eyes.

  Hades watched my expression without giving anything away.

  Liam didn’t catch on to the change in the energy of the room.

  Hades cleared his throat. “Then let’s get to work. Damien, I can take it from here.”

  I had to blink a few times before I could regain my composure. Wordlessly, I left the room and headed down the hallway.

  When I was back in my office, I felt the wave of anger.

  Why the fuck was she seeing him?

  Why the fuck didn’t she tell me?

  My brain boiled with rage, and I felt the betrayal like a knife between the ribs.

  But then I remembered she didn’t owe me anything. Just because she was having dinner with him didn’t mean she was going to sleep with him. She’d had plenty of opportunities in the past and she never did, and our arrangement was going so well, I didn’t see why she would need him at all. Whenever we were together, it was obvious she was into me…really into me.

  She wasn’t my girlfriend, so I let it go.



  If Damien called and asked if I had plans, I wasn’t sure what I would say. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I didn’t want to tell him the truth either. He didn’t seem like the jealous type, but it might piss him off that I was seeing Liam. Though, he should trust me, because I was committed to him…had been since the moment he’d asked me out. Why would I want to be with Liam again when I already had a man who was a million times better?

  A billion times better.

  I sat in the restaurant and read the menu by candlelight. It was a nice place, because Liam liked nice things. He would never be seen at the restaurant where I worked or any casual place like that. He said he was too rich “to eat shit.”

  I’d let him pay because I couldn’t afford this place. Just a salad was thirty euro. I’d been wealthy for a long time, so becoming broke was a really humbling experience. I realized how hard it was to get by when you were alone with no experience.

  At least I was starting my new job in a couple days.

  Liam walked inside, moving to the front because the staff recognized his face. A man in a suit guided him to the table where I waited. Liam didn’t look at the chair or the table, his eyes focused on me as if he liked my black dress. Some things hadn’t changed…like the way he looked at me.

  He ordered a bottle of wine for the table along with an appetizer, running the show like usual. He always issued orders and put people to work because that was how he was…a natural leader.

  He was quiet as he stared at me, ignoring the staff as they poured the wine, brought the basket of bread and the appetizer, and barely issued a thank-you when they walked off. His broad shoulders were large in his sports coat, and he stared at me like I was still his, even though I hadn’t been his for so long. There were times when I wished I would forgive him because he was the kind of man any woman would want. He was handsome, masculine, and strong. And he always made me feel like a woman. But now that I had Damien, I didn’t feel the same way anymore. I was glad I hadn’t settled…because I’d met a better man. I’d met a man who made me feel so much, who made me feel safe, who made me trust him without having to try. He put me back together—whether that was intentional or not. He didn’t need to take me to a fancy place to impress me. He could do it with a large pizza in his boxers.

  “What did you want to talk about?” I wanted to keep it professional because I wouldn’t have met him otherwise. I didn’t ask how he was because that might open the doors to him saying he was miserable without me…and that whole conversation would start again.

  His eyes showed slight disappointment, like he’d hoped for more this evening. But he didn’t fight it because he knew I would leave the restaurant. “I’m going back to death fighting.”

  My heart started to race a little quicker as the fear killed me. He knew exactly how I felt about that, and I wished he’d never told me. We could be divorced for twenty years, and I would still care about his well-being.

  He watched my reaction.


  His eyes were steady on mine. “Why not?”

  “Because you could die,” I snapped. “That’s why.”

  He shrugged. “The pot is bigger.”

  “You’re already a billionaire.” My voice rose uncontrollably, bringing me from a state of calm to one of hysteria. “Why do you need more money? You have a plane, several homes—what more do you want?”

  He hadn’t reached for the wine or the warm bread wrapped in the white linen. “I don’t have anything else, Annabella. I don’t have a wife or a family, so I’m not risking anything anymore. It’s a challenge, something to work toward. Regular figh
ts are boring. But when your life is on the line…”

  I closed my eyes. “Please stop.”

  He shut his mouth. “I’m not going to lose. I never lose.”

  His arrogance didn’t give me any assurance. “Why are you telling me?”

  It was the first time he broke eye contact, looking across the restaurant at no one in particular. His blue eyes were impossible to read because they were always so hard. He shifted his gaze back to mine. “Because I won’t do it…if you take me back.”

  I inhaled a deep breath into my lungs, appalled that he would put me in that position. He gave me an ultimatum, guilting me into giving him what he wanted, manipulating me by creating a life-and-death situation. “You’re an asshole.”

  He didn’t argue.

  “How about you not do it out of respect for what we had?”

  “Anna.” He deepened his tone. “You are my only reason for living. I’m never gonna love another woman the way I love you. I’m not doing this to coerce you—”

  “It seems like it,” I hissed.

  “I thought you should know how miserable I am without you, that I don’t value my life the way I used to. And maybe that will be enough for you to trust me again, to believe me—”

  “If you really loved me, you wouldn’t do this, simply because I asked you not to—whether we’re together or not.” Our voices grew louder as we argued across the candlelit table. “You know I’ll always care about you, always love you, so you’re doing this to be a jackass.”

  He didn’t care about the people who’d started to stare at us. “I want to do this. The only reason I stopped was because you asked me to stop. But now that you aren’t here anymore, I want to resume. I’m just giving you a goddamn courtesy. If you really want me to stay out of the ring, then you have the power to stop it.”


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