Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 36

by Sheridan Anne

  “Thank you,” I smile as we head around a corner.

  “So, what do you think is holding him back?” she asks.

  “My guess is that I left before. I mean, he’s a man, he isn’t going to admit to me that he’s scared of getting hurt, but I think that’s what it is. I hurt him really bad when I left and I don’t think he trusts me anymore.”

  “Well, that’s a simple fix. You need something to prove to him that you’re in it for the long haul,” she says.

  “And what would that be?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure you’re going to like the idea, but I’m just going to put it out there. It’s totally artificial, but I think it just might work,” she says before becoming mute and concentrating on her run. Great, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what the little she devil has in mind.

  We turn another corner and I instantly see the group of guys heading our way on the opposite side of the road, though, today we’ll play it smart. I’m not getting thrown over any shoulders this morning. The boys come nearer and I can’t help but grin at Jax.

  I have absolutely no plan in mind but I give him an evil smirk and cross the road to run directly in front of him, the same way he had done to me. His eyes narrow on mine and my smirk gets bigger but he doesn’t move. Damn it, the guy is calling my bluff. He grows closer and I do the only thing I can possibly think of. “Get ready to bolt,” I murmur to Bri as I reach behind her and pluck the little water bottle out of the special waistband of her shorts.

  I pop the lid as quickly as possible and drench Jax just as fast. His mouth pops open as he registers what’s going on. I see the look in his eyes before he even moves. I scream for mercy and take off like a bat out of hell, dragging Brianna behind me.

  We have to stop running as we catch our breaths and walk for a minute. “He’s going to get you back for that,” she warns me.

  “I know,” I grin, absolutely loving these little games with Jax. “I can’t wait.”

  We get back into our jog when another runner passes us and does a double take. “Oh, hey,” he says, backing up and jogging backward in front of us so that we don’t have to stop. Something pulls at a memory as I take in the guy’s face, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it is.

  “Um, hello,” I say as Bri gives him a slightly awkward wave.

  “You’re Cass, right?” he asks with an odd look in his dark eyes, a look that tells me he doesn’t actually need my clarification. I can’t explain it, but something is putting me on edge with this guy. I give a hesitant nod before he continues. “I’m Matt. I’m kind of that dickhead who groped you at Micky’s the other week.”

  “What?” I ask in shock as I stumble over my own feet. Holy shit. This is the guy who practically attacked me at Micky’s. Had Jax not been there I probably would have ended up bruised and bloodied in the back alley behind the bar. Actually, what am I saying? He did leave me bruised and bloodied.

  “Yeah,” he cringes. “I, ah, just wanted to apologize about that.”

  “Oh, um,” I say a little uncomfortable, desperately needing to get away from this guy. “Yeah, it’s fine,” I say hoping that’s enough to send him on his way.

  “What?” Brianna barks out in horror, startling us both. “It’s not ok,” she demands then gets right into the guys face as anger radiates all over her. “You touched her when she said no. You ground your dirty, sweaty body into her when she said no. You kissed her neck after she said no. You wanted more when she struggled against you,” she continues as her face starts turning red. “You bruised her skin and tried to force your hand down her pants. None of that is ever ok. She was lucky that Jax was there to knock your sorry ass out or she probably would have ended up in the hospital completing a rape kit.”

  Woah. Go, girl.

  Matt’s eyes grow dark and angry and he leans over Bri, getting back in her face. “I’m not a rapist,” he roars at her. I notice his fists beginning to clench into fists at his side and it looks like he’s physically trying to hold himself back from hitting her.

  Where the hell is that bunch of hockey boys when you need them?

  “Could have fooled me,” Brianna grunts then takes a calming breath. “Look, I don’t know you. I doubt it, but you might even be a nice guy when you’re not drunk, but the way you acted against Cass at Micky’s was unacceptable and quite honestly, it freaked out every woman in that bar. You need to get yourself help or you’re going to end up in a jail cell.”

  He scowls down at her before glancing back at me with narrowed eyes and taking off. “Holy shit,” I say to Cass. “You really put the fucker in his place.”

  “Yeah, I did,” she grins then admits, “I’ve actually been thinking about that a lot. I’ve had the whole speech planned out for weeks now.”

  “I can only imagine,” I laugh as we pick up where we left off.

  “I can’t believe you were going to let him off the hook,” she says.

  “I know, I didn’t want to, but the guy gives me the creeps. I just wanted him gone,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, I get it,” she says. “But I think guys like that, who think it’s ok to act that way towards women need to be put in their place.”

  “Agreed,” I sigh. “Let’s just hope we never have to see the bastard again.”

  We cut our run short and head home before getting on with our day. I finish classes just after lunch and am heading home when I get a call from Bri. “Hey, where are you?” she asks.

  “Just about home, why?”

  “Oh good,” she says a little too giddy which puts me on edge. “You know how we were talking about doing something to prove to Jax that you’re committed?”

  “Yes,” I say slowly.

  “Awesome,” she sings through the phone. “I’ll meet you in ten.”

  Damn her. If only I could read her mind.

  Bri gets home a few minutes after me and grabs my car keys before physically putting me in my passenger’s seat and driving off. “Where are you taking me?” I ask, warily.

  “Can’t tell you. You’ll think about it too much and chicken out.”

  I let out a groan but don’t bother pushing her on it. I know it’s no use, she’ll never crack.

  “Hey,” I ask as she hums away to herself while navigating the afternoon traffic. “Did you steal my favorite black lace panties?”

  “Eh?” she grunts looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. “I don’t want your dirty ass underwear. Who knows where that shit’s been?”

  I roll my eyes. “So that’s a no?” I clarify.

  “Hell yes, it’s a no,” she laughs. “Did you check the laundry? Sometimes the machine eats my socks or maybe it got stuck behind the vanity in the bathroom,” she suggests with a secretive grin. “I’ve lost a few things behind there.”

  I ignore her later comments. “I’ve checked everywhere, even the washing machine, they’re not there. I’ve pretty much turned the whole house upside down,” I sulk.

  She cracks a grin. “Maybe Jax stole them. He might have become sentimental of his conquests over the past three years. He probably has a drawer full of used panties with a polaroid picture of the girl.”

  “Ugh,” I groan. “Jax isn’t a creepy fetish guy.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Just saying. How well can anyone truly know another person?”

  The conversation is cut short when she starts reverse parking my car like a pro. We hop out of the car and she loops her arm through mine while leading me through a maze of shops. She stops by a liquor store and grabs a bottle of vodka before silently continuing her journey.

  My nerves start to spike. Where the hell is she taking me?

  “Better start drinking,” she says, handing me the bottle. I reluctantly take it and crack the seal before taking a burning sip.

  She suddenly takes a turn into an open shop and I have to backtrack to get a good look at where the hell we are when her plan becomes extremely clear. “What?” I shriek, “You want me to get a tattoo?”

  “No,” she says. “I want you to get your nipples pierced,” she tells me with as much sarcasm as she can possibly muster up before breaking out into a wide grin. “Yes, dumbass. You’re getting a tattoo,” she says, “You better make it something symbolic between you two as well.”

  “Oh my god, Bri. This idea is ridiculous,” I tell her.

  “No, sweet cheeks. It’s fantastic.”

  I have to admit, her plan does have a little merit. If Jax can see that I’m dedicated enough to get something permanently put on my skin to symbolize how much I love him then surely he can see that I’m here for good, right?

  I lift the bottle of vodka to my lips and take a deep pull before turning to the man behind the counter. “Let’s do this shit.”

  Chapter 16


  That little fucking whore. Doesn’t she realize I’m a man? Nobody says no to me and the second she did, I made it my mission to teach her a lesson.

  I claimed Cassandra Waters as my own the night in Micky’s bar. I saw her dancing and knew instantly that from that moment, she would forever be mine. She’s my fucking property to do whatever I please with and the fact that her dick of a boyfriend keeps getting in my way is really starting to piss me off.

  The second I deal with her, I’ll be dealing with him, then I might teach that slut, Brianna a good fucking lesson, too. Who the hell does she think she is to address me like that? And in public. The three of them sure have karma coming their way and I’m going to enjoy handing it out.

  I followed them home from their run this morning, just like I’ve done nearly every day since that fucking hockey player took her from me. I watched through her window as she stripped out of her running clothes and left for the bathroom. She returned and got dressed for the day with my eyes glued firmly to her body.

  Then as she left for her lecture, which I know she attends every Tuesday at ten, I slipped in through her window. I spent the day in her room, just like I do every other day, laying in her bed, reading through her notebooks, watching her tv, showering in her shower.

  Mmmm, Cassandra Waters will be mine.

  I stood at her window last night and watched as Jaxon Payne took her body over and over again, taking what’s mine and making me more determined than ever.

  She came home after class and Brianna whisked her straight out the door while I stood in her wardrobe, wrapped up in her dressing gown. So, here I stand outside the tattoo parlour, with my hand deep in my pocket, clenching that black lace between my fingers as I watch her brand her creamy skin with another man.

  No. I will fix this. My fingers release the fabric and latch onto the pocket knife. I pull it out and flick out the blade as I walk towards the shop.

  I’m moments from finally getting what’s mine when two employees of the parlour step out of an office and surround Cassandra as she gets her tattoo.

  Fuck. The knife slips back into my pocket as my hand releases the door handle.

  She’ll be mine soon and I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.

  Chapter 17


  I walk up the driveway I have recently become very familiar with. I raise my hand to knock on the door when I see two faces peering out the curtains, watching me. One with lust and the other with absolute devastation.

  Rather than knock, I push through the door and stand in the hallway. I narrow my eyes at them as I try to figure out what the hell they’re up to. They both kneel under the window with their heads turned in my direction. I raise a questioning eyebrow and they fall into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

  I look around the room to find an almost finished bottle of vodka and it clicks. These chicks are wasted. As they roll around on the floor trying to contain themselves, I scoop up the bottle and head into the kitchen to put it on the highest shelve of the cupboard knowing it would be too much effort for these idiots to bother getting it down.

  I smirk to myself before heading back into the living room to find the girls finally recovered and scowling at me with their hands on their hips. “Excuse you, Mr. Big Shot Hockey Guy,” Cass starts off, pointing her finger at me, “Where the hell do you get off waltzing in here, disturbing our afternoon and taking away our drink?” she demands.

  “And where the hell is my pizza?” Brianna asks as her eyes narrow in on me. Well, at least that explains her look of devastation when I arrived.

  “I assume you’re here to try and get me on my back?” Cass continues with attitude before wagging her finger in my face. “But don’t even think about it, Mister. I’m not one of your little hussies who’s going to open my legs at your say so.”

  “That’s right, sister.” Brianna adds, “You tell him.” They give each other a sideways glance before lifting their hands in a very sloppy high five.

  Jesus Christ. Save me.

  I focus all my attention on my girl. “Cassandra Waters, shut the fuck up,” I demand and wait for her attention to fall back to me. “First of all, I’m here to ask if you wanted to go to dinner with me, but apparently you’re a little too tanked, and secondly,” I say, annoyed that I’m having to even say this. “If you happen to end up on your back at the end of the night then that’s a win for both of us. And for your information, I damn well know you’re not some cheap hussy. I would never treat you that way. I haven’t been with anyone else since the day I saw you in that damn class. You’re in my head Cass, the same way you used to be.”

  She gives me a dreamy smile with glassy eyes and starts to say something when Brianna cuts her off, “Aww,” she says, looking just as dreamy as Cass does, “He loves you.”

  I roll my eyes ignoring Brianna because, let’s face it, both Cass and I know I never stopped loving her. Admitting it out loud is the problem. I turn back to Cass who takes a step in my direction. “You want to take me to dinner?” she questions with excitement in those beautiful brown eyes.

  “Can you sober up enough to remember it tomorrow?”

  “I think I can manage that,” she tells me.

  I give her a grin. “Can I treat you like a hussy after?”

  She bites her bottom lip as her eyes fill with lust. “Only if it’s hard and fast and ends with me screaming your name.”

  And that right there is why this woman drives me insane. I stare right back at her while my mind fills with all the things I want to do to her.

  “Oh my god, would you two stop? I mean, unless you’re planning on including me then this is just mean.”

  My eyes flick to Brianna because well, I’m a man and she mentioned a threesome. I raise my eyebrows in question. I mean, only if Cass was down for it, but then, I’m not sure I like the idea of anyone else seeing Cass in that way.

  “Ugh,” Cass complains and I’m pretty sure she even stomps her foot. “I know you two are sort of the king and queen of threesomes around here. But I don’t share.”

  I walk right up into her personal space and whisper in her ear. “You will never have to share with me.”

  Her eyes immediately whip up to meet mine and I see a million questions behind those beautiful eyes, but I don’t give her a chance to voice them. “Go and get dressed,” I tell her, sending her on her way with a smack to that perfectly plump ass before dropping into the couch and flicking on ESPN.

  She lets out a frustrated groan, knowing I’m holding something back but does what she’s told. Bri sits and watches for a while before a gleam appears in her eyes and she disappears from the room.

  I don’t have time to dwell on it before Cass comes down the hallway looking like an absolute goddess. She wears a black dress that clings to her body and dips low between her breasts. She matches it with strappy black high heels and my mouth starts to water.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper as she struts past me.

  “I’m not a little girl anymore, Jax,” she says like the little seductress she is.

  “No, you most certainly are not,” I agree as I follow her to the door. I reach around her and open the door l
ike any well behaved gentleman and offer my arm as I help her into my truck, because let’s face it, her father would bust my balls if I didn’t.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as I climb into my truck and start the engine. I give her a pointed look before turning back to the road. “Right, ok. I get it,” she scoffs, once again annoyed to be held back from her answers.

  I drive along and her eyes light up when I pull into the parking lot of her favorite Italian restaurant. She looks over at me and gives me a knowing smile before grabbing her purse and hoping out. I meet her at the top of my truck and silently lace my fingers through hers.

  I lead her through the door and to our table. “You booked?” she gasps.

  “Yes,” I grin, knowing where she’s going with this.

  “You’ve never booked a restaurant in your life,” she muses.

  I pull out her chair and help her in before heading around and sitting before her. I order her a glass of wine and get myself a beer so the waiter can scamper off.

  “What’s all this about?” she asks.

  “Can’t we just enjoy dinner together?”

  “No,” she scoffs. “You have an ulterior motive or… I don’t know,” she says.

  “I haven’t seen you in three years. Is it too much for me to want to spend time with you?”

  She considers it for a moment, but gives up her line of questing with a slight nod.

  The waiter comes around with our drinks and takes our dinner orders. “Tell me about New York?” I ask as we wait for dinner.

  “You really want to know about that?” she asks, nervously.

  “Yeah, I do,” I admit. “We used to be together every day. Not a thing happened in your life that I didn’t know about, so yeah, even though it sucked that you weren’t around, I still feel like I need to know every detail about your life.”

  “Ok,” she says before launching into her spiel of her life over the past three years. She tells me about her dorm mate for the first year and the apartment she moved into after that. The friends she made and the ones she regrets. We sit at the table for hours filling each other in on the ins and outs of our lives before the restaurant staff starts giving us dirty looks to vacate the table.


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