Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 51

by Sheridan Anne

  Before I know it, Micky is upstairs and filling in Charli. It takes all of two seconds before I hear her rushing down the stairs in the quiet bar. She turns into the office and I cringe, knowing what she’s about to see.

  “Fuck,” she cries as she takes me in and rushes to me. She stops herself before she actually touches me, but I see the need to reach out in her eyes. “Are you ok?” she asks with tears pooling in her eyes.

  I take her hand in mine. “I’m fine. It looks worse than it is,” I lie.

  “Bullshit,” Micky grunts to himself. I give him a blank stare and he pulls his phone out of his pocket and throws it down on the couch beside me. “I’m going to give you two some privacy,” he states. “You’ll need to call your bank and cancel your credit cards before the fucker can do any more damage. Then be sure to call the cops and report your truck stolen.”

  I nod my head, glad to have a guy like Micky looking out for me. After everything that’s happened tonight, cancelling my credit cards was the last thing on my mind.

  Micky leaves and we hear him exit through the doors.

  Charli wraps her hand carefully around my waist and helps me up the stairs to her apartment. “You take my bed tonight, I don’t want to roll into you while I sleep,” Charli says.

  I give her the same blank stare I gave Micky not five minutes ago. “The last thing I want is for you to be out on the couch,” I tell her.

  She knows a losing argument when she sees one and gives in, though I see the annoyance written all over her face. I take a seat on the couch while Charli heads into the kitchen and gets some painkillers.

  I pull out Micky’s phone and dial my father’s number.

  “Hello,” an annoyed voice answers clearly pissed off to be disturbed in the middle of the night.

  “Dad, it’s me,” I say as I hear my mother in the background questing who it is.

  “Son? Why are you calling so late?” he questions before he sighs. “What kind of trouble are you in now?”

  I roll my eyes at his bad attitude and let out a sigh of my own. “No trouble, Dad. The boys and I went out to celebrate after the game. I was mugged by four guys on my way home. Took my truck, wallet, and phone.”

  “Shit,” he grunts. I can just imagine him, sitting up on the edge of his bed, elbows propped on his knees while he rubs his eyes in annoyance.

  “My bank card for my trust was in my wallet,” I explain.

  “Right,” he says, instantly getting where I’m going with this. “I’ll call the bank now,” he says, suddenly very businesslike. If anything, you can always rely on my father to look out for his money. “What about the truck?”

  “I’m calling the cops after this to make a statement. I’ll report the truck stolen then.”

  “Good,” he grunts. “I’ll get the bank to send you out some new cards. You’ll need new identification as well,” he reminds me.

  “I’m on it, dad,” I tell him.

  “Right. Well I’ll speak with you soon,” he says before promptly hanging up and not bothering to check in on my wellbeing after I just told him I’d been mugged.

  I put the phone down on the couch and take the painkillers that Charli has set out on the table. “That sounded like fun,” she says.

  “Oh yeah, it was amazing,” I scoff. “Why don’t you go to bed,” I suggest as I reach out and give her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be a while on the phone with the cops and then I need to take a shower.”

  “No,” she says, “I’m right where I want to be.”

  “Ok,” I murmur, also being able to see a losing battle when it’s staring me in the face. I lean back in the couch and draw Charli into me. She gently lowers herself and very carefully relaxes in my arms.

  Half an hour later, I have called the cops and spoke to an Officer Samuels who has taken my statement and also reported my truck. Unlike my dad, I told her exactly what happened and why. She mentioned that as it was near an ATM there may be CCTV footage to help nail a charge. Charli then took the phone and was able to help with their identities from my descriptions. Though, Officer Samuels said she would need to compare it to the footage to make sure.

  Following that, I called my own bank and made sure they cancelled my bank card that holds my whole future. They explain that I can collect a new bank card from the branch come Monday. I thanked the woman and hung up.

  I decide I can call the insurance company and Cole in the morning. I place Micky’s phone down on the couch once again. Charli sees that I’m finished and helps me to my feet. She drags me into the bathroom and strips me down before stripping herself.

  Seeing her so confident in front of me has me reaching out to touch her. “Nope,” she scolds pushing my hand away, “No way. Not until you’re better.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” I groan as I watch her lean into the shower and turn the taps, putting that epic ass of hers on display. My dick twitches to life but it also fights with the exhaustion from the day.

  “Not kidding, Xander. Now get your ass in the shower so I can take you to bed.”

  Damn. I am definitely falling for this woman.

  Chapter 12


  There’s nothing more satisfying in this world than playing nurse to Xander Phillips.

  When Micky came pounding at my door last night, I had been all rugged up in my bed. He had gotten only halfway through his explanation before I was bolting down the stairs, desperate to check on Xander.

  His shirt was off, so I noticed the cuts and bruising to his chest first, then, of course, the nasty marks across his ribs. From the look of it, it was damn obvious that there was a broken bone in there somewhere.

  My eyes travelled up to his face and took in the lump to the side of his temple and it was clear someone had done a number on him.

  I guess I was surprised, after seeing him fight all those weeks ago, I had always seen Xander as invincible. No one could take him down. Until I learned that there was four of them and a baseball bat against him. I mean, he’s incredible, but he’s still human.

  Anger tore through me. Without even hearing the explanation, I knew what had happened and I was so stupid to assume it was over. I can’t help but feel this is all my fault. If I hadn’t flushed the drugs, they wouldn’t have come after me. I could have just left and that would be it. Or maybe if I’d just stayed and never met Xander, he’d be safe and sound in his own bed, pain free, but instead, I brought it all on him.

  I hate myself for the harm my actions have caused him and I will spend every day of forever trying to make it up to him.

  He’s put on a brave face all night, but underneath the stubborn jackass, I know he’s in a lot of pain, not that he will ever admit to it.

  I wake early on Saturday morning after feeling like shit all night. Each time Xander moved in his sleep he would cringe and grunt in pain. I tried to give him space, but he would just keep pulling me back to him.

  I dash around my room pulling on my jeans and boots before searching high and low for my favorite bra, though, I’m pretty sure Xander threw it somewhere when he stripped it off my body the other day.

  I settle for a boring plain one and pull a tank top on. I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth before ducking back into the bedroom, leaning down and pressing my lips to Xander’s.

  He wakes at my touch and his arms fly up and around my neck, holding me to him so he can take advantage of my kiss. “Stop,” I chuckle against his lips. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He frees my neck as he takes a second to notice I’m dressed and ready for the day. “Where the hell are you going?” he grunts, looking like someone has just kicked his puppy.

  “Out,” I say as I grab my purse and phone off the bedside table. “I won’t be long.”

  “Do you want me to come?” he asks as he throws off the blanket.

  “No,” I scold, pulling the blanket right back into position. “You’re staying right there until you’re feeling better.”

llshit,” he argues.

  “I don’t want to hear it,” I tease.

  His eyes light up with excitement. “That’s the kind of attitude that earns a lady a good spanking.”

  I can’t help but grin at the idiot. “I’ll make you a deal,” I say as I spritz a little of the perfume Xander had gotten me last week onto my wrist. I watch him out the corner of my eye as he raises his eyebrow in curiosity. “If you’re a good boy for the next few days and let me look after you, you can spank me all you want.”

  His dark eyes continue lighting up as a wicked grin takes over his handsome face. His tongue darts out and licks his lips and I know without a doubt, he’s picturing exactly how it’s going to go down.

  I grin as his eyes become hooded and the need radiates off him. “Go back to sleep,” I tell him. “I won’t be long.”

  “How can I do that now that I’m thinking about getting my hands on that perfect ass of yours?”

  “Remember,” I say as I start making my way out the door. “You need to be a good boy before you can be a bad one.”

  “Fuck, babe,” he whines. “Come back.”

  I stick my head back through the door with a smile. “Something you need?”

  “Yeah, you need to deal with this,” he says, throwing the blanket back one more time and pointing out his very large erection, visible through his underwear. My mouth waters at all the possible scenarios that could play out right now, but I put them to the back of my mind. He needs to rest and get better then he can take advantage of me any way he likes.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I wink as I exit the room. I dash out the front door before he has a chance to change my mind.

  I hear him calling out to me, “You owe me.”

  I laugh to myself as I make my way downstairs and out the front door of Micky’s. Yes, indeed, I do owe him and I completely intend to make it up to him.

  I head down the street, enjoying the early morning breeze as it brushes past my face and blows my hair back behind me. I turn into the mall and search the stores until I come across the pharmacy. I duck in and buy a shit load of painkillers, some antiseptic creams, and new bandages.

  I head to the grocery store next, figuring a guy like Xander is going to rid my home of all its edible contents within the first half hour. I stock up on everything that I know he likes, being careful that I don’t get anything that goes against his strict diet.

  As I’m heading back out towards the street, I walk past a costume shop. My eyes take in the costumes as I pass, but one in particular has me stopping and going inside.

  By the time I get home, my arms are aching from all the shopping bags and I realize it probably would have been a good idea to let Xander tag along, but he needs to rest and I’m kind of glad he wasn’t there, otherwise his surprise would be spoilt.

  “That was quick,” Xander calls out from the bedroom as I dump all the bags on the counter and start putting groceries away.

  I grin to myself before the comment even comes flying out of my mouth. “Not as quick as you were the other night.”

  “Fucking smartass,” I hear him mutter to himself.

  “Hungry?” I ask, figuring if I’m already in the kitchen, I may as well make myself useful.

  “Depends,” he replies.

  “On?” I ask, already knowing what he’s going to say.

  “Are you on the menu?”

  “Ha. Ha. You’re so very original, Xander Phillips,” I tease.

  “Please,” he scoffs. “I’m fucking hilarious.”

  I roll my eyes as I ignore his comments and get started on breakfast. I call out, letting him know the food is ready and place it down on the coffee table then head in to help him out of bed, but of course the moron has already done it, probably just ignoring the pain in his big show of masculinity.

  We eat on the couch together then put on a movie and before I know it, the big guy is fast asleep.

  I clean up after breakfast and put on another movie while I wait for him wake.

  As I’m singing along to ‘Time of my life’ at the ending of Dirty Dancing, Micky’s phone on the coffee table starts ringing. The only people who have Micky’s number are his family or any vendor’s he uses for the bar.

  I quickly jump up and answer it, thinking it is most likely a vendor and not wanting to miss it if it’s important. I hit answer as I start making my way over to the door. Hopefully, Micky is already in the bar for the day and I can pass the call along.

  I stop on the spot as the woman on the other end of the phone starts. “Hi, this is Officer Samuels from The Denver Police Force,” she says. “Is Xander Phillips available?”

  Oh shit. This s about the attack last night. “Oh, hi. This is Charli. I spoke with you last night. Xander’s actually asleep. Can I pass along a message for him to call you back?” I ask, trying to be as helpful as I can.

  “Oh, sure thing, Charli. How is Xander doing today? He had quite the night,” she says.

  “To be honest, he’s being a stubborn ass,” I scoff.

  “Yeah, well, he is a man after all. You shouldn’t have expected anything else,” she chuckles to herself. “Anyway, the reason for my call is, I wanted to let Xander know that CCTV did indeed catch the footage of the attack, so we will be able to positively identify the attackers and that is a lot of thanks to the names you supplied last night.”

  “Oh wow, that’s great news,” I say, desperately trying not to imagine the attack.

  “Indeed, it is. They will all be charged and we’ll be sending out a recovery team to locate Xander’s truck,” she explains.

  “Thank you,” I say, “Xander could use some good news today.”

  “That he could.”

  “Um,” I cringe, not really sure I should be saying it, but after what those dickheads did to Xander, I’m going to make them go down. “You should probably search their premises for drugs.”

  “Ok,” she says in her serious, cop voice. “Will do. Thanks for the heads up.”

  “No problem,” I say before she says her goodbyes, promising to let us know how they go with Xander’s truck.

  I hang up the phone and make myself comfortable on the couch beside Xander. He stirs at the movement and cringes in pain before realizing what he’s done and schools his features. I press my lips together and get up to find the painkillers I had bought this morning.

  He reluctantly takes them and I make myself comfortable in his arms once again. I fill him in on the phone call from Officer Samuels and he seems to relax just a little more.

  By that afternoon, we’re both bored out of our minds. I mean, there are only so many movies you can watch in a day, so I decide it’s time.

  Xander is chilled out on the couch, begging me to leave the apartment when I excuse myself for the bathroom. I rush through the process so he doesn’t expect anything other than an innocent trip to the toilet. I fluff up my hair, apply a little red lipstick and put on my new sexy nurse outfit before slipping on the high heels I had stashed in here earlier.

  I take one last look in the mirror and decide that if I was a guy, I’d definitely do me.

  I step out of the bathroom and lean against the doorframe, giving my man the sultriest look I can possibly manage.

  His eyes clock me the second I step out of the bathroom. I watch in amusement as his eyes widen in shock which almost immediately turns to appreciation. “Fuck me,” he murmurs as he adjusts himself on the couch.

  “Did someone call for a nurse?” I manage to say without breaking into embarrassed laughter. My bottom lip comes between my teeth as I push off the doorframe and slowly make my way over to him with hooded eyes.

  He tracks every move I make as his eyes roam up and down my body, hungry with need. As we have been home all day, he never bothered to get dressed so half my work is already done. I come to a standstill before him and he sits up on the couch so he can reach out and touch me.

  He places his hands on the back of my thighs and runs them over my thigh high,
fishnet stockings. I slowly lean forward, giving him a good look at my cleavage and the red bra that matches the red plus symbol, declaring me a nurse.

  I place my hands gently on his knees and push them far apart giving myself plenty of room to drop down between them.

  A groan comes tearing up his throat as I look up at him, biting my bottom lip once again. I reach out to his waist and take hold of his underwear on either side. He leans back on the couch, making himself comfortable as raises his hips ever so slightly and allows me to slide his underwear off, only to find him already hard and ready to go.

  He watches me with flames in his eyes as I wrap my fingers around him, slowly moving up and down his impressive length. I keep my eyes locked on his and watch as those flames turn to molten lava.

  I lick my lips before leaning forward and taking him into my mouth, working up and down as I run my tongue over the tip with my hand continuing to work its magic.

  “Fuck, babe. I need you,” he groans.

  I pull back so I can reply, but continue working him with my hand. “Nope,” I whisper, “Not till you’re better.”

  “Babe. I fight for a living,” he says, then groans as I tighten my hold on him. “I can handle a little pain.” I’m desperate to climb up on him and slide down onto his length, but the thought of hurting him further kills me inside. He can clearly see the desire in my eyes, but can also see the hesitation. “Either you get up here or I’m coming down there. You’re choice.”

  Fuck. This guy is such a stubborn ass. He hasn’t really left me a choice at all and before I know it, I’m getting back to my feet and lowering myself on his lap, being as careful as possible not to hurt him, though this position really should be fine.

  He slips his hands up my skirt, takes hold of my underwear and literally tears them off my body. I gasp as he grins in satisfaction, clearly very proud of my reaction, but I don’t dwell on it. There’s something here I’m desperate for and it just might kill me if I don’t get it now.

  I rise up slightly and position him beneath me before guiding myself down on top of him, completely filling myself up and moaning in satisfaction. I start to move and instantly decide that this is my new favorite position.


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