Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 67

by Sheridan Anne

  Oh geez, just the thought of him getting all hot and sweaty seems to do the same thing to me. My eyes become hooded as I look over at him. “Can I watch?”

  He rolls his eyes, but I see the enjoyment in his satisfied smirk. He pulls up outside Baxter Corporation and I start hopping out of his truck. “If you’re not back in five minutes, I’m coming to get you,” he warns.

  I give him a salute, “Yes, sir,” I grin before disappearing into the building.

  I head straight for the elevator, ignoring the disgruntled receptionist in the lobby and hit the up button. Once again, I’m in awe of this incredible building and realize how much money must have been thrown into it. The elevator arrives and I hit number 38.

  It takes no time for the elevator to shoot through the sky and before I know it, I’m pushing through the glass door and facing a smiling Aimee.

  “Sophie, right?” she questions as she raises from her desk.

  “Yes, that’s right,” I smile. “Sorry to just drop in like this, my husband surprised me with lunch in the area, so I thought I’d pop in.”

  “Oh, no problem. How can I help you?”

  I reach into my bag and pull out the mock article on Christian Baxter’s sexiest bachelor nomination and hand it over. “I’ve finished the draft article. I was hoping Mr. Baxter could give it the ‘Okay’ so I can send it to print.”

  “Oh, sure,” she says. “I’ll get him to check it over now. Would you care for a seat?” she says, indicating to the one I had faked my baby pain on yesterday.

  “Thank you,” I say with a polite smile.

  The moment she turns her back, I make my move. Just as I had thought, the planner sits right on her messy desk and I quickly slip it into my bag before taking a seat on the couch.

  Moments later, Aimee returns and hands me the draft article. “He was pleasantly surprised. You are quite the writer.”

  “Thank you. I’ll send it off to my editor and be sure to send you a copy of the magazine with his article in print.”


  With that, I duck out of the office and make my way back out to Tanks truck. “All good?” he asks as I climb in.

  “All good.”


  The next morning, I send Tank on his way with a sultry ‘good luck’ kiss and hole up in my study with Aimee’s planner until I have practically memorised every last detail of Christian Baxter’s whereabouts for those days.

  Which honestly, I should have known better. It’s not like ‘Kill Marco Cincinnati in a brothel’ is going to be scheduled in a planner.

  Though, I do find out that at the time of each ‘death’, Christian Baxter has no alibi, well at least according to this planner he didn’t. I’ve also worked out, that the appointments surrounding the times of deaths have all had him smack bang in the center of the city. Giving him plenty of time to do away with his competition and return to his office or home without anyone noticing his absence.

  Damn, if I didn’t love writing so much, I should have been a detective. I’d be nailing bastards all over the country and putting their scum asses in prison.

  At precisely eleven in the morning, my stomach starts grumbling. I look down at my swollen stomach. “Dude, I just ate like an hour ago and you’re already hungry?”

  I know he can’t respond, well, actually he will in his own way. He’ll probably start kicking me in the ribs the moment I start eating, letting me know just how much he appreciates the yummy goodness I’m filling my body with.

  I’ve always found it strange when woman talk to their unborn children. Like, can they even hear you in there? Not to mention, you literally look like you’ve gone bat shit crazy and trust me, I let Dani know it every time she did it. Now though, it feels right, like communicating with my baby is the most natural thing in the world.

  I guess that’s just one more thing Dani gets to say ‘told you so’ about.

  I get up and head into the kitchen to start making myself a salad sandwich when I begin thinking about Tank’s meeting today. I wonder if he has had it already. Though, he would have called me right after to tell me the good news and no doubt, there will be good news, otherwise I’m going to have to go down there and bang some heads together.

  I place my sandwich delicately on a plate as if I’m about to deliver the bastard to the queen and make my way back into my study. I sit down and start annihilating it while I start Facebook stalking Baxter, hoping to find something that could actually tie him to any of it.

  After all, the planner is great and shows he doesn’t have an alibi, but it still doesn’t prove he actually did it.

  Before I know it, my sandwich is finished and I let out a sigh. I really should have made two of them, maybe three. I consider getting back up when my phone starts ringing.

  I grin at the caller ID.

  “Hey, bitch, what’s up?” I say into the phone.

  “Don’t call me that. You’re on speaker and Mia is listening. I don’t want her growing up with a potty mouth like yours,” Dani says.

  “Oh please,” I scoff. “Mia would be lucky to have a mouth like mine, besides it’s a cut throat world out there, maybe a little cuss word here and there would do her good.”

  I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Whatever,” she groans. “Can we head over? Mia really needs out of the house.”

  “Yeah, but can you give me a few hours. I’m in the middle of some research. I can just feel it, I’m going to crack this one soon.”

  “Ok, sure. I’ll head out and do the groceries first then come your way,” she tells me.

  “Excellent,” I say and am about to hang up when a thought occurs to me. “Have you heard from Miller? Have they had their meeting yet?”

  “No,” she says. “It’s at one so they’re still training. Don’t stress, he’ll get it.”

  “I know he will,” I say as confident as ever. “I’m just excited.”

  “Ok,” she laughs. “We’ll see you soon.”

  “K, bye.”

  I hang up and instantly head back into the kitchen. I know Dani will want to have lunch when she comes over, but that’s another few hours away. I’m definitely going to need another sandwich if I’m going to survive that long.

  Chapter 8


  I’m busy searching through all the dead guys Facebook pages and Social Media accounts when the buzzer for the front gate alerts me to someone trying to get in.

  I look at the time. Far out, it’s only been an hour since I spoke with Dani. Is she really struggling that much with Mia today? I let out a sigh and lean across the room as best I can, trying to reach the button for the gate. Damn it, I’m not long enough. I quickly search my desk and spot a 30cm ruler. Uh huh.

  I grab the ruler and stretch out again, easily pressing the button. God, I’m such a fucking genius.

  A moment later, there’s a knock at the door and I groan to myself. Seriously? Can’t she just walk in like she usually does? I ignore her and get back to searching Facebook when she knocks again.

  Damn it. I let out a groan and get to my feet. She better be bringing me a damn good surprise which makes it physically impossible to open the door. I mean, I’m five months pregnant. I only get off my ass if it’s extremely important, when food is involved or if the baby is squishing my bladder and I’m in the dangerous wetting pants territory.

  I fling the door open with a little more force than necessary and start digging into her before the door has fully opened. “Are you kidding me right now?” I scold as I take in the people on the other side of the door.

  My eyes widen in shock.

  Holy shit. What the hell is he doing here?

  A very disgruntled and annoyed Christian Baxter stands at my door with two extremely imposing men, bodyguards? Hired muscled? I don’t know, but they don’t look friendly.

  Christian immediately steps into my home with his two beef heads following behind. I hesitantly move out of the way as one of the guys
close the door behind him, then flick the lock.

  “It’s very unfortunate that we must meet like this,” Christian starts as he looks me over before making his way deeper into my home.

  The shock wears off and I quickly hurry after him. “Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?” I ask as he gingerly takes a seat on my couch.

  “Please,” he says, sweeping his arm out towards the opposite seat. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  “No, thank you,” I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. “What are you doing, uninvited in my home?” I ask calmly as I cross my arms over my chest and pull my ‘bitch face’ into position.

  He looks up at me as he throws his arm casually over the back of my couch. “You think I wouldn’t realize what you were up to?” he asks.

  “I haven’t a clue what you are talking about. In fact, your article was finished yesterday so you have no reason to be here.”

  He lets out a scoff. “You think I’m here because of some bullshit article that probably doesn’t exist? I thought you were smarter than that.”

  I give him a ‘get on with it look’ as I let out a frustrated sigh.

  “When Sophie Meyers shows up at your office, you know there’s a reason behind it. For Sophie Meyers to show up at your office two days in a row, you know she’s up to something,” he says, narrowing his eyes on mine. “You know, I was going to let it go until Aimee’s planner went missing. You see, she doesn’t miss place things. I made sure of it. So, I look up our surveillance footage and you wouldn’t believe what I saw, or in fact, who I saw stealing her planner and breaking into my office to steal private documentation.”

  I swallow back a lump in my throat. Shit, he’s so very clearly onto me and is so very clearly pissed off about it. Though, I’m sure that’s because he knows I don’t fail. “It could have been anyone,” I say, as his muscle men both start creeping forward.

  My eyes flick between them. Shit, this isn’t good. I’m in a room with someone who is most likely a murderer, or maybe he got these guys to do it. He knows I know and now he needs to tie up loose ends.

  Shit. Where’s Dani?

  Christian lets out a booming laugh. “You don’t think my surveillance has facial recognition software?” he says as he gets to his feet.

  My heart is pounding as these guys continue getting closer. I start back up. “You need to leave,” I demand.

  “In due time,” he says with a sick smirk.


  I take off like a bat out of hell. I just need to make it to the door and I’ll be able to call for help.

  My hands curl around my stomach as I fear for my baby’s life. I can see the door down the long hallway, but a hand latches around my forearm and yanks me backward with an incredible amount of strength.

  I scream as my body tumbles down to the floor and lands flat on my stomach. I scream out in pain before being dragged back up the hallway by my ankles. I need to get out of here. I need to make sure my baby is ok. I’m pulled to my feet and I try my hardest to fight against their hold, but it’s no use, my strength has nothing on theirs.

  Christian Baxter stands in front of me with his two henchmen at either of my sides. “Consider this your one and final warning,” he says before turning his back and walking away.

  His men turn on me with sick smirks and I see the decision in their eyes as they back me into a corner.

  “Please, no,” I cry before a fist comes pummelling forward in an uppercut to my stomach. I scream out in agony, desperate to cradle my stomach, but with my arms locked in this stranger’s firm grip, I have no other choice to suffer through the pain. Tears stream down my face with the horrific, unknown thoughts of the state my little boy could be in right now.

  I beg over and over again for them to leave me and my baby alone. To finish their assault and let me be. But it goes on and on, until every inch of my skin has thoroughly been beaten and my bones broken.

  After what feels like a lifetime, they finally leave me in a heap on the ground with my blood spilled all over the room. I consider trying to move across the room to call an ambulance, but I simply don’t have the energy. I curl myself in a ball with my arms protectively wrapped around my stomach as I weep in agony, wishing for the pain to go away.

  My consciousness starts to slip away and I concentrate on my stomach, waiting to feel his little movements as the darkness claims me.

  Chapter 9


  Today has been one hell of a long fucking day and it’s not even lunchtime yet. I’ve been a jittery mess of nerves waiting for this damn meeting. I shouldn’t be though and that pisses me off. I should be confident. I’m the best damn player on this team, I’ve been here for four years, working my ass off to get to this point. I deserve it and everyone knows it yet there’s this tiny seed of doubt in my mind. The fucking ‘what if’ bug.

  It shouldn’t be there, but it is.

  Nearly all the boys have shown up for this morning’s training session, taking advantage of the ice as we all have to be present for this compulsory meeting. It’s just after 12.30 when the boys and I start getting off the ice. I head into the locker room, strip off my training gear and head to the showers.

  I get myself dressed afterward and put in a little extra effort, after all, if this is going to be my big shot, then at the risk of sounding like a pansy ass mother fucker, I want it to be special.

  I’m just finishing up when Miller joins me. “You ready for this?” he asks as he collects his phone from his locker.

  “Fucking born ready, man,” I tell him.

  He gives me a goofy ass grin and I have to look away to avoid grinning back at him like a moron.

  I jam my phone, keys, and wallet into my pockets just as Coach Larsden comes into the locker room. “Conference room. Now,” he demands before turning away and stalking back out of the room without another word.

  “You heard the man,” Miller murmurs as we start making our way out.

  As one, we all make our way into the conference room and I’m pleasantly surprised to see the place decked out with all sorts of lunch arrangements. Apparently, the rest of the guys are as well as we all beeline straight for the food.

  With plates piled high, we take our seats and let Coach get the meeting underway.

  He starts off with the usual; how things are going to work, who our biggest competition is this year, the general plan for how we’re going to succeed. Then, half an hour in, he finally gets to the good stuff.

  “Alright guys,” he starts, “I’ve kept you long enough so we’ll get right down to what you really want to know.”

  The boys holler and cheer just as I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I slide my hand into my pocket and quickly pull it out before coach gets started. I see Dani’s name flash across the screen and I quickly look to Miller who looks none the wiser. Maybe she’s been trying to get a hold of him and thought she’d try me. Either way, she’s going to have to wait. Now really isn’t a great time.

  I silence the call, slip my phone back in my pocket and pay full attention to Coach Larsden. “Alright, we’ll start with vice captain,” Coach says as my phone starts up again. I silence it once again, hoping no one else can hear the sound of the vibration. Not that anyone would care but seriously, it looks kind of bad. “Congratulations, Cameron. The role is all yours.”

  The boys all cheer for Cameron who looks to Coach with a proud smile and nod.

  “Ok, now for our captain,” Coach says. My eyes flick to Miller who I know has been waiting for this moment just as much as I have when I feel my phone start up again.

  For fuck's sake, Dani. Not now.

  I concentrate on Coach as I silence the call again. “Your new captain has shown incredible dedication over the four years he has been a part of this team and is long overdue for the position. Congratulations Tank. You’re our new captain for the coming season.”

  I am fucking elated. I don’t even know how to describe the feeling within me. Pride? Excit
ement? Happiness? I don’t fucking know but what I do know is that this day will forever be right up there with the day I meet Sophie and our wedding day. It’s everything I have worked for since I was a kid learning how to skate and here it is. All the hard work has paid off.

  Or, well I guess, now the hard work is just getting started. Now I have to prove I belong here each and every day. I need to be the best damn captain these boys have ever seen and I’ll be damned if I don’t lead this team to victory.

  Fuck. The only thing missing right now is Sophie. What I wouldn’t give to have her in my arms right now. I can’t fucking wait to get out of his meeting and give her a call. I can just imagine what she’s going to say, but hell, she probably has something extra special for tonight and I’m sure it’s going to blow my mind.

  The boys give their congratulations in the form of whoops and hollers. Miller jumps out of his chair with a massive ‘yes’ followed up by a fist pump while I grin like a fucking idiot. Coach catches my eye and gives me a proud smile. He comes forward and holds out his hand. I take it quickly and give it a firm shake. “You deserve it, kid,” he says.

  “Thanks, boss, I won’t let you down,” I say, knowing just how much he hates being thanked but fuck it, I’m thanking the bastard whether he likes it or not.

  The boys finally settle down and Coach calls us to attention. “Ok, now that’s over, you may as well eat the rest of this shit. I don’t want it going to waste. Give yourselves a quick break then I want you in the gym,” he is just wrapping up his dismissal when his own phone comes screeching to life on the table before him.

  He looks down at the caller ID before giving Miller a strange look. A strange feeling settles within me, if that’s Dani, it must be damn important for her to call Coach, especially when she knows we’re in a meeting. Coach hits answer and holds the phone up to his ear while his eyes remain locked on Miller, who I notice is looking back at him in confusion, clearly wondering why Coach has him in his sights.


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