Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Kings of Denver - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 73

by Sheridan Anne

  “None of your god damn business,” I grin as I carry on.

  I grab the phone and tablet that still sits in the packaging on my bedside table and decide I should probably bring those along with me, you know, I might have a little downtime in my crazy plan.

  As soon as the cleaners show up, I give the strict, specific instructions on what to do and what to burn before we make our way out of the house. “You sure they’ll do a good job?” I ask Tank as we get in his truck.

  “Fucking better for what I’m paying them.”

  I roll my eyes but it’s true. If you want the best, you got to pay for the best. But it will be worth it… hopefully.

  We pull up at Dani and Miller’s place a minute later, after all, we basically live in the same street and we barge our way through the door to find them, screwing on the kitchen table.

  Dani squeals as Miller grins, not bothering to cover himself up. I don’t want to but out of respect for Dani, I turn away. I mean, they are both fucking hot. Miller, Tank and I all have questionable pasts when it comes to what we were willing to do between the sheets and I must say, after a night of heavy drinking, the idea of the four of us has entertained my mind on a few occasions but since being married Tank is all ‘no other man or woman will ever see my wife in a sexual way’ and I have to say, Miller is that way too, though, Dani has always and will always be a one man kind of girl. Though, she doesn’t know what she’s missing.

  I look up at Tank and from the look he is giving me in return, he knows exactly what I’ve just been thinking. He gives a slight shake of his head. “Not going to happen," he murmurs.

  I shrug my shoulders and give him a grin. “At least they seem to be getting the hang of Naked Cooking Night.”

  “Nah, they don’t quite do it like we do,” Tank says with a knowing grin.

  “Very true,” I laugh.

  “Ahhh… you guys mind?” Miller asks, drawing our attention back to the kitchen counter.

  “Not at all,” Tank says, “Carry on.”

  Dani squeals once again and attempts to cover up as best she can as she realizes we’re happy to stay and watch. “Come on,” Miller groans. “Can a guy get a break around here?”

  “Fine,” I grunt, “But if you’re going to make us wait, at least make her scream,” I say as Tank grabs my hand and leads me down the hall to their spare bedroom.

  Twenty minutes and proudly, a lot of screaming later, we get the all clear to exit the spare room.

  As we walk down the hallway, I hear Mia stirring in her room. Without thinking about it, I walk on in and greet her with a big smile. The precious little girl beams up at me and I instantly scoop her into my arms. “Did you have a good sleep?” I ask the cuddly little gem in my arms.

  She lets out a nice big fart and I take that as a yes. I take her over to her change table and get her a brand new nappy before coming out to the kitchen where I find Tank grabbing the spray and wipe, handing it to Miller and demanding he gives the kitchen bench a good clean, especially if we're eating dinner here tonight.

  A newly dressed Dani turns as she sees us joining them in the kitchen. A smile filled with relief comes over her face as she sees me happily with Mia. “Are you ok?” she questions. “Do you need me to take her?”

  Tank looks on at her question but I ignore his curious gaze. “No,” I tell her with a smile. “I think I’m alright. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely pulling at the heartstrings but I’m not turning into a sobbing mess on the floor.”

  Dani comes over and wraps her arms around both me and Mia. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that,” she murmurs in my ear.

  “I know,” I tell her. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a stranger. It’s just been hard, especially with Mia.”

  “It’s ok, you don’t need to explain. You handled it as best you could.”

  “Geez,” I scoff. “Lay it on thick. I didn’t handle it at all.”

  “Well, no. You didn’t,” she agrees. “Now, what do you guys want for dinner?”

  “We’re not eating here,” I inform her.

  “What?” Tank asks with a groan. “You don’t really feel like going out?”

  I turn to Tank with a grin. “Let me clarify,” I say. “Dani and I are going out for dinner while you two stay home and look after Mia.”

  “Oh really?” Dani says with excitement as Tank lets out another groan, clearly knowing where this is leading.

  “Hell yeah,” I smile. “And then we’re getting shit faced and Tank is going to come pick us up at god knows what hour of the morning.”

  “A girl’s night? Holy shit, you have no idea how desperate I am for one of our girl nights.”

  “But…” Miller starts.

  “No,” Dani says turning on him. “I need this and so does Sophie. Don’t ruin this for us.”

  He holds both hands up in surrender. “I was just going to remind you to express first, I think we’re all out of breast milk.”

  “Oh,” she says with an embarrassed smirk. “I can do that.”

  “So, it’s settled then,” Tank says. “Miller and I will be Mia’s bitches for the night while you two go out and enjoy yourselves.”

  I walk up into his arms and give him a big kiss. “And you’ll be happy to pick us up?”

  “Yes,” he murmurs against my lips as he takes Mia out of my arms and holds her close to his chest. “One condition though,” he says.

  “And what’s that?” I ask with suspicion as I pull back to look at him clearly.

  “You need to set up your phone first. I don’t want you out there with no way to contact you.”

  “Fine,” I groan. “I’ll set it up while Dani milks herself.”

  I make myself comfortable on the couch setting up my new phone as Dani sits on the opposite side with some weird as fuck contraption that she attaches to her boobs. I watch in a strange kind of fascination as the thing sucks her nipple in, drains her of milk and fills up a bottle connected at the bottom.

  “Can you stop looking at me like that?” she asks.

  “I can’t help it,” I tell her honestly. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or disgusted.”

  She rolls her eyes and carries on with her task while I try my best to concentrate on mine.

  Two hours later, we’re dressed and ready for our night. My amazing husband reluctantly drops us off at a cocktail bar and we practically skip inside. We find ourselves a table and order the barman to keep the cocktails flowing.

  Following dinner, we decide the cocktails just aren’t doing it anymore and we start hitting the hard stuff. The dance floor calls to us and I’m pretty damn sure we’re making a menace of ourselves but I just don’t care. I’m having the time of my life and to be honest, I really need this. Hell, after the shit I’ve been through, I freaking deserve it.

  Dani starts huffing and puffing on the dance floor and demands we take a break from ass shaking. She loops her arm through mine and together we stumble across and take a seat at the bar. “Holy shit, this is such a great night,” she slurs as she slaps a hand down on the table to gain the bartenders attention. “Hey,” she yells over the sound of the bar. “Can we get some service down here?”

  The bartender looks down the bar and gives Dani a quick nod followed up by a wink. “Shit, you see that?” she asks me. “I push a fucking watermelon out my vag and I can still reel them in. My husband is one hell of a lucky guy.”

  “Amen to that, sister,” I laugh as the bartender comes down and pours us each a shot. We down them in seconds after clinking our tiny weeny little glasses together.

  From there, our night quickly spirals out of control but I do my best to take as many selfies as possible so we can remember the fun we had for years to come.

  After being told to get off the tables, Dani and I drag ourselves back to the bar for our eighth, ninth or tenth shot of the night. The room spins for both of us but as far as I know, we’re both going strong.

  I laugh as Da
ni tries to take her seat between a bunch of guys and a group of skanky as fuck chicks but manages to slip straight off the side of the stool and falls to the ground. I wobble as I bend down to try and help the clutz to her feet but the laughter is taking over me too much that she has to manage by herself.

  “Shit,” I say as the laughter finally settles down. “I’m pretty sure I just peed a little,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, well, I’ve got a sore ass,” she giggles. “Even worse than the time I let Miller have it. That fucking hurt.”

  “Dani,” I laugh, “Are you serious? You should have told me you were going to do that. I could have given you some pointers.”

  “Well, I would have been fine if Miller didn’t have such a big pointer.”

  I burst out laughing and am about to get started on my pointers when the conversation coming from the skank ass bitches behind me catches my attention.

  “The Storm fucking suck. That new captain is going to destroy them. I’m making bets on the Wolfs,” the chick sitting behind me says.

  “Oh, she didn’t,” I gasp as I look to Dani with wide eyes.

  “What?” she questions.

  I relay what was just said and a ferocious look comes over her face but I stop her next comment as the girls continue.

  “I agree,” someone shouts. “It’s about time the dream team moved the fuck over and took their asses back to Denver.”

  “Shit’s about to get real,” I warn Dani as I get from my seat and start taking out my hoop earrings. I shove them down my bra as Dani does exactly the same thing which honestly surprises me as if she hadn’t been drinking, she’d be trying to drag me away but here, she’s right by my side.

  “Hey,” I shout getting in the girl's faces as Dani puts her hands on her hips besides me, trying to look intimidating. “What’s your problem with Tank and Miller?”

  The girl who was sitting right beside me grins at my question, clearly thinking we’re some dumb, obsessed fans. “They’re shit. They’re just a bunch of muscle the Storm hired to make them look good for the media. You’ll see, with Tank as captain, they’re as good as a sinking ship.”

  “Excuse you,” Dani says, stepping forward. “Tank and Miller are the best on the team. They’re taking out the championship, just like they have for the past four years.”

  “Geez, you sound pretty fucking desperate for them,” another girl grins.

  “Don’t waste your time,” someone else says. “They’re both hitched to some whores. I saw them out and offered a threesome. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have them both fucking me.”

  At that, Dani’s face goes bright red in anger but I beat her to the punch line as my fist comes hurtling back before flying through the air and knocking the bitch into the bar.

  Her friends instantly jump in but I have a fuming Dani right beside me and we hold our own until we physically can’t any longer.


  Dani and I are lead through the police station, past the interrogation room and through to the holding cells. The cop unlocks the door before taking our cuffs off and sending us on in.

  Dani takes one look around and notices the butch chick sitting on the bench. “Shit,” she gasps. “I’m too innocent for this. I don’t want to be her bitch.”

  I let out a sigh as I study the woman. I mean, she isn’t that bad. “Don’t stress,” I tell her. “As long as she’s willing to give what she gets then I’ll take one for the team.”

  Dani visibly relaxes as she follows me into the cell and sits down next to me on the bench. I introduce us to the butch woman and we instantly hit it off. Her name is Marge and apparently, she loves cats. On her days off she likes to ride her Harley around the streets of L.A. Just beautiful.

  Twenty minutes later, a cop comes in and tells me I can make a call before unlocking the cell and showing me where the phone is.

  I dial Tanks number and wait as it rings at least three times before he answers. “Babe, is that you?” he asks into the phone and from the sound of his voice, it’s clear he was fast asleep.

  “Um yeah,” I slur. “Who else are you expecting to be calling you at three in the morning? Some skank whore looking for a threesome?”

  “Shut up. It just came through on a weird number,” he informs me. “I’m taking it you girls are ready to come home?”

  “Yep,” I declare

  “It’s about fucking time,” he murmurs. “You still at that cocktail bar?”

  “Um… no, actually,” I grin into the phone. “We’re at the police station.”

  “What?” he questions. “What the fuck are you doing there?”

  “Well… it’s kind of a long story,” I giggle. “But Dani and I sort of got into a bar fight and now I need you to bail us out.”

  “Fuck, babe,” he groans but I hear the amusement in his voice. “I’ll be there soon.”

  “Love you,” I remind him as I hang up the phone and join Dani in the cell. The cop asks her to make her call but she doesn’t bother. She knows Tank’s got her back and besides she won’t get Miller to drag Mia out at this time of night.

  Forty five minutes later, I’m faced with a grinning Tank as he watches Dani and I being released from the cell. He hands me my purse and I quickly pull my phone out to make sure I get a good photo of Dani and I in our cell with Marge.

  Marge happily obliges and we quickly make our way out of the station.

  We practically chat Tank’s ears off as we recap our night and tell him exactly how we ended up in there. Though, I must admit, Tank wasn’t too impressed about the whole fighting thing, seeing as though my body is still healing from the last one but honestly, those chicks needed to be put in their place.

  I mean, that woman tried to get both our husbands into bed at the same time. Nu uh. That shit ain’t going to fly with either of us. Unless, it’s the four of us in bed but apparently that shit ain’t flying either.

  We finally make it back to Dani’s place and Tank helps us both inside before forcing a glass of water down both our throats. He drags me down to our room and helps me get dressed but the second he pulls the zip down on my dress, I’m instantly jumping into action and as usual, my husband is not one to disappoint.

  I wake the next morning with a killer headache and smile at the painkillers and glass of water Tank has left on my bedside table. I down the pills and groggily make my way out of bed and down the hallway.

  The smell of bacon and eggs greets me and I greedily take my seat at the table, patiently waiting for Miller to stop burning the bacon.

  “Mmmmmmm,” I moan as my breakfast makes my way down to my stomach.

  I distantly notice conversation around me but we all know I won’t be participating until the pills have kicked in, breakfast is happily situated in my stomach and a coffee has washed it all down.

  Half an hour later, I’m finally starting to feel myself again when I join Dani on the couch. She is in the middle of recapping the story of our night out while she gives Mia a bottle. I grab my phone and start flicking through our photos of the night, making sure to show Tank and Miller all the good ones when I notice a shit load of photo’s on my phone that I could have sworn I’d lost.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp as I start flicking through them.

  “What is it, babe?” Tank questions as he gets up and comes around the back of the couch to peer over my shoulder.

  “It’s all the photos of the documents I had on Baxter. They must have saved in the cloud thingy and uploaded when I connected it all yesterday.”

  “Fuck. Seriously?” he questions as he takes the phone from my hand and begins zooming in.

  “Yeah, it’s all there.”

  “That’s awesome,” Dani says from beside me.

  “Sure, fucking is,” Tank murmurs with a satisfied grin. “It’s one step closer to nailing the bastard.”

  With that, I make quick work of calling Detective Andrews and emailing all the documents across. I just hope now that I’m in a good place, Baxter
doesn’t come after me again for supplying evidence but whatever happens, will happen and I’ll be ready if he comes… well, I have no idea how I’ll be ready but I know for damn sure the fucker won’t be putting me in the hospital again.

  By that afternoon, Tank and I are heading back to our place when I turn to him with a thought. “Maybe I should start working again,” I tell him.

  His whole face drops as he looks at me like I’ve gone crazy. “You’re not seriously thinking of picking up the Baxter investigation again?”

  My eyes widen at his comment. “God no,” I quickly rush out. “As much as I want to see him go down for everything, I want to stay away. Especially now things are good again,” I explain. “What I meant was going back into the office and taking on little cases, like petty things. Just something to keep my mind busy during the days.”

  “I don’t know, babe,” he says, thinking it over.

  “What if I promised to talk to you about each case before I accept it. That way you know what I’m working on all the time.”

  He’s quiet for a while and sits still in the driver’s seat even after we’ve pulled into the driveway. “I’ll make a deal with you,” he starts. I look at him and wait for whatever genius plan he’s come up with. “I’ll be happy for you to go back to work if it’s only minor cases like nailing the dickhead who keeps running the red light on Main Street and if you literally have no contact at all with the suspect. You’ve got to do it all under cover without the guy knowing you’re writing the story.”

  I think it over for a bit before holding my hand out. He puts his hand in mine and shakes on the deal. “You realize you’ve just made my job a million times harder,” I tell him.

  “Yep,” he declares.

  “And you also know that the extra challenge is going to push me more,” I warn him.

  “I know,” he sighs. “That’s the only part I’m worried about.”

  “Good,” I smile. “Then you’ve got yourself a deal, Big Guy.”


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