See also cheese; milk; specific health condition
Davis, William, 68
death, 138, 186, 223, 226
and alcohol, 187, 188, 189
and fats, 93, 94
and fruits and vegetables, 166, 167
and glycemic index/load, 125
and hydration, 173
premature, 138, 166, 186, 200, 265
and weight, 44
See also specific health condition
defensive eating, 57, 64–66, 270
dementia, 1, 81, 84, 153, 164, 210, 220, 222, 251–52, 268–69.See also cognition; memory
depression, 58, 176, 209, 267–68
desserts, 64, 71, 159, 271–72
dextrose. See glucose
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 80, 81, 102, 148
diabetes, 1, 2, 7, 89, 111, 117, 140, 227, 248, 264–65
and alcohol, 187, 188
and benefits of healthy eating strategy, 251, 252
and carbohydrates, 109, 111, 115, 124–25, 264
and children, 135, 138
and coffee, 185, 186
and costs of healthy eating, 259
drug treatment for, 117
and exercise/physical activity, 58, 59, 60, 61, 124–25, 264
and fats, 75, 84, 88, 110, 264, 265
and fiber, 124, 162, 264
and fruits and vegetables, 150, 153, 159, 164, 169, 264
and glycemic index/load, 117, 119, 119, 124, 264
and grains, 124–25, 126, 169, 264, 273
guidelines/advice concerning, 5, 12, 13, 23
and improvement in American diet, 23, 24
increase in cases of, 75, 110
and insulin, 115, 117, 264
and low-fat diets, 264
and Mediterranean diet, 15, 255
and organic foods, 283
and pregnancy, 261
prevalence of, 264
and protein, 135, 138, 139, 148, 264
and soda, 177, 178
studies about, 28, 31, 117, 185
and sugar, 164, 264
and vision problems, 264
and vitamins, 163
and weight, 38, 39, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 69, 264, 265
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (USDA)
2015–2020 edition of, 20–21, 88, 129, 155, 178, 231, 245, 255, 258
and costs of healthy eating, 258
and environment, 245
and Healthy Eating Index, 22
original edition of, 3, 4, 8–9, 10, 13, 17
recommendations of, 39, 43–44, 43, 87, 88, 128, 129, 154, 155, 168, 178, 224, 231, 255, 258
systematic review of, 20
characteristics of good, 74
“cheating” on, 67
and choosing nutrition-packed foods, 271–72
and diet-heart hypothesis, 85–87
disappointments with, 66
evidence about, 72–74
failure of, 66–67
global, 63–64
healthful substitutions in, 272, 274–82
and individual differences, 62–63, 66, 72, 74, 265
monotony of, 52
and perfect proportions and correct combinations, 70
prevalence of number of, 72–73
selection of, 62–64
variety in, 65
See also specific diet or type of diet
digestive system, 108, 112, 115, 131, 138, 161–62, 171, 187, 216
dining out
and weight, 68, 70
See also restaurants
diuretics, 184–85, 227, 229, 233
diverticular disease, 125, 150, 158, 163
DNA, 34–35, 212, 218, 221, 226, 232
drinks. See hydration; specific type of drink
drugs/medications, 166, 176, 189, 203, 210, 233, 259.See also specific health condition, drug or medication
Dukan diet, 63, 68, 109
Dutch study, 91, 92
Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet, 70
eating strategy
benefits of healthy, 251–52
flexibility of, 259
and healthy global eating, 259
and weight, 57, 62–64, 73, 74
See also specific strategy
Eaton, S. Boyd, 72
ecological studies, 34
eggs, 232, 254
and costs of healthy eating, 258
and fats, 89, 98
guidelines/advice concerning, 15, 21
and protein, 134, 136, 138, 146, 258
and vitamins, 207, 208, 210, 219
elderly, 5, 42, 178, 200, 201, 222, 227
falls among, 217
and hydration, 173
and vitamin D, 202, 216, 217, 218, 219
See also age
endometrial cancer, 38, 182, 199, 266
endosperm, 122, 128, 273
and calories, 50–51, 52, 71
and carbohydrates, 110, 112, 117
and fats, 52, 75, 77, 79, 81
and glycemic index, 117
and physical activity, 58, 59
sources of, 50–51
and sugar, 110
and weight, 48, 50–51, 52, 58, 59, 70, 73
energy density, 55, 71, 257
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 80, 81, 102, 147, 148
epilepsy, 110, 176
erections, 38, 58
esophagal cancer, 38
essential fats, 78, 98.See also omega-3 fats; omega-6 fats
estrogen, 144, 145, 148, 164, 181, 182, 195, 196, 201
Europe: traditional diets in, 253
exercise/physical activity, 1, 115, 143, 170, 200, 201, 252
and alcohol, 190, 191
benefits of, 57
and BMI, 44
and bones/muscles, 193, 200–201, 204
brisk, 60
and carbohydrates, 111, 116
and cholesterol, 191, 265
guidelines/advice about, 5, 12, 15
how much, 60–61
and hydration, 172, 191
importance of, 73, 270
intensity of, 61, 148
and Mediterranean diet, 255
and protein, 134, 149
studies about, 28, 31, 37
and traditional diets, 256
and weight, 44, 48, 50, 53, 57–61, 59, 60–61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73
See also specific health condition
eye problems. See cataracts; macular degeneration; vision problems
fad diets, 51–52, 135, 250
fats, animal, 81, 101, 102
fats, dietary, 75–108, 115, 143, 221, 270
as bad, 75, 86, 87, 88, 108
and blood sugar, 119
in bloodstream, 77
and body fat, 86
burning, 58–59
and calories, 50, 52, 75, 86, 87, 90, 97, 101–2, 104, 106
and carbohydrates, 79, 80, 87–88, 89, 91–93, 92, 94, 108, 110, 119, 127
and cholesterol, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83–88, 90, 91–93, 92, 94, 107, 108, 265
and costs of healthy eating, 257–58
cutting back on, 104
and death, 93, 94
and energy, 50, 52
and exercise/physical activity, 58–59
and fiber, 108
and food labels, 286–87
functions of, 75, 78, 79, 85
and glycemic index/load, 121–22
as good, 85, 88, 93–94
guidelines/advice concerning, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 85–88, 250
health effects of, 90–96
importance of, 52, 75, 76, 79
and media, 97–98
and Mediterranean diet, 14, 94–96, 95, 253
and organic foods, 283
and protein, 108, 119, 139, 141
selecting healthy, 103–8
stocking kitchens with, 288
studies about, 28, 29, 30, 91, 93–96, 100, 103, 254
substitutes for, 108
and traditio
nal diets, 256
types of, 76, 78–85
and vitamin B, 208
war on, 76
and weight, 48, 50, 52, 53, 58–59, 62, 63, 64, 68–69, 70, 71, 74, 86, 88, 116
See also low-fat diets; type of fat or specific topic
fatty acids. See fats, dietary; type of fat
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 29, 83, 84, 85, 104, 127, 129, 131, 140, 142, 147, 164, 177, 206, 285
fiber, 51, 108, 140, 158, 163, 233
and advertising about food, 126–27
and carbohydrates, 109, 115, 117, 124, 125, 127, 128
and cholesterol, 126, 157, 161
and circulatory system, 161
classes of, 161
and digestive system, 161–62
“fake,” 131
and food labels, 287
and fruits and vegetables, 151, 153, 158, 161–63, 169
and gastrointestinal health, 125
and gluten, 267
and glycemic index/load, 117, 119, 120, 121
and grains, 122, 123, 126, 128, 131, 162, 271, 273
guidelines/advice concerning, 8, 12, 18, 22
and healthy food choices, 271, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
in juice, 174, 176
and multivitamins, 234
and protein, 139, 141
sources of, 161, 162, 169, 271, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
studies about, 25, 28, 30, 126, 162
and traditional diets, 256
and weight, 51, 55, 63, 68–69, 124, 162–63
See also specific health condition
fish oils, 147–48, 207, 208
fish/seafood, 232, 234, 269, 272
benefits of eating, 147–48
and costs of healthy eating, 257, 258, 259
and environment, 243, 244, 246–47, 248
and fats, 76, 80, 81, 95, 98, 99, 102, 105, 106, 110, 263
guidelines/advice concerning, 15, 18, 19, 19, 250
and heart attacks/disease, 147, 148
and iron, 225, 226
and Mediterranean diet, 14, 253
mercury in, 147–48, 258, 263
and pregnancy, 263
price of, 99
as protein source, 18, 110, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147–48, 258, 264, 288
studies about, 25, 254
and traditional diets, 253
and vitamin D, 218, 219
and weight, 53, 54, 63, 68, 71
5 A Day campaign, 154, 159, 166–67
flavonoids, 153, 186–87, 221, 268
flaxseed/flaxseed oil, 82, 98, 99, 106, 277
Flint, Michigan, water in, 174
and carbohydrates, 88, 127, 158
“enriched,” 273
and folate/folic acid, 206, 213, 214
and glycemic index/load, 121
and grains, 122, 123, 123, 127, 132
and healthy food choices, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280
shopping for, 284
and weight, 55
folate/folic acid, 29, 30, 89, 102, 123, 130, 140, 210, 211, 212–13, 267
and alcohol, 188, 189, 191, 212, 234
and fruits and vegetables, 153, 156, 160, 167
functions of, 213, 213, 262
and grains, 212
guidelines/advice concerning, 206, 212, 214, 238, 262
and healthy food choices, 271
importance of, 205–6
and multivitamins, 189, 211, 234, 235
and pregnancy, 206, 210, 212, 235, 261, 262
safety of, 214
sources of, 160, 206, 210, 211, 212–13, 271, 281
studies about, 212
supplements, 156, 206, 212
too little, 214
and women, 206
See also specific health condition
Food and Drug Administration. See FDA
Food Guide Pyramid (USDA), 13–14, 39, 178
and Healthy Eating Index, 22
and Healthy Eating Pyramid, 15, 16, 16, 18
as misleading, 1–2, 110
MyPyramid as replacement for, 17, 17
original, 10–12, 11
revision of, 17
food industry, 65, 127, 129, 164
and environment, 240–49
and fats, 83, 84, 99
and fiber, 131, 162
and labels, 140
and lack of knowledge about food, 126
overproduction by, 49
power/influence of, 1, 10, 21
and scientific research, 10
food production
and environment, 240–49
sustainable, 242–44
Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost (Atwater), 8
fractures, 183, 216. See also hip fractures
France, 45, 190
free radicals, 157, 163, 215, 216, 221, 222, 226
fried foods, 76, 83, 141, 257, 269
fructose, 112, 129
fruit drinks, 65, 112, 191.See also juice
fruits and vegetables, 23, 222, 223, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272
altering of chemical makeup of, 164, 165
benefits of, 150, 161, 163
canned, 167
and carbohydrates, 88, 110, 111, 152, 155
and carotenoids, 214, 215, 222
colors of, 154, 167, 288
cooking of, 167
and costs of healthy eating, 257, 258–59
dried, 259
and fats, 81, 88, 95, 98, 101, 160
and fiber, 151, 153, 158, 161–63, 169
and folate/folic acid, 153, 156, 160, 210, 212
fresh, 167, 168
frozen, 167, 259
and glycemic index/load, 120, 169, 170
guidelines/advice concerning, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15–19, 18, 19, 21, 22, 154–55, 166–67, 250, 258
and hydration, 171, 172
importance of, 161
and iron, 225, 226
locally grown, 247, 282–83, 288
and magnesium, 226, 227
and Mediterranean diet, 14, 253
out-of-season, 247, 257, 259
and phytonutrients, 154, 163–64
and plant “family,” 152–53
and potassium, 229, 231
potential harm of, 165–66
and pregnancy, 261
and protein, 88, 146, 258
seasonal, 258, 283
shopping for, 282–83
and sodium, 231, 232
and starch, 167–70
studies about, 2, 5, 28, 156–57, 159–60, 166–67, 254
and sugar, 164
and sulfur, 153
and supplements, 150–51
too much, 165–66
and traditional diets, 253, 255, 256
and variety in diet, 150
and vitamins, 151, 153, 164, 207, 208, 223, 224, 234
and weight, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68–69, 70, 71, 72, 113, 150, 158, 169, 231
See also citrus fruit; specific health condition
gallbladder/gallstones, 38, 39, 39, 45, 84, 126, 140, 185, 186, 187
gastrointestinal health, 125, 135, 163
genetics, 28, 115, 171, 220, 221, 255, 265
and cancer, 102, 161
and weight, 47–48, 62, 63
global warming, 242, 249
glucose, 58, 129, 161, 172, 177, 273
and body fat, 50–51
and carbohydrates, 88, 112, 113, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 126
as energy source, 50–51
and fiber, 131, 162
and glycemic index/load, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121
and weight, 50–51, 54, 58, 63
See also blood sugar; glycemic index; glycemic load; low-glycemic diets
Glucose Revolution Diet, 69
gluten, 130, 138, 250, 267, 279, 280
glycemic index, 118, 275, 279
and calculating glycemic load, 120
and carbohydrates, 112, 116–17, 119, 120–22
and death, 125
sp; determination of, 120–22
and energy, 117
function of, 120
and grains, 129, 131, 273
and healthy food choices, 275, 279
and individual differences, 121
measuring the, 121
See also specific health condition
glycemic load, 118, 119–22, 125, 169, 170.See also specific health condition
Goodman, Ellen, 25
grains, 99, 126, 222, 232, 273
and carbohydrates, 109, 110, 111, 122–24
and environment, 241, 244, 245, 248
and fiber, 126, 161, 273
and folate/folic acid, 206, 212
and gluten, 130, 267
and glycemic index/load, 120–21, 273
guidelines/advice concerning, 13, 18, 18, 22
and iron, 225, 226
and Mediterranean diet, 253
milling of, 122–23, 273, 288
processed, 54, 69, 71, 120, 122, 212, 273
stocking kitchens with, 288
storage of, 288
studies about, 254
and sugar, 110, 115
and weight, 54, 69, 71
See also intact grains; refined grains; whole grains; specific grain
grapefruit, 66, 67, 166, 176
Growing Up Today Study, 33, 181, 183
growth/growth hormones, 59, 134, 141, 178, 181, 182
hamburger, 68, 78, 107, 110, 136, 146, 244, 257
Healthy Eating Pyramid; Nurses’ Health Studies
Health and Human Services Department, U.S., 8–9, 20, 245
healthy eating
advice about, 1–2, 3–4
characteristics of, 52, 74
confusion about what is, 3
cost of, 257–59
definition of, 62–63
global, 259–60
in 1950s, 90
Healthy Eating Index, 13–14, 22, 23
Healthy Eating Plate, 260, 266
children’s version of, 20
and diet quality, 4–5
MyPlate compared with, 4–5, 4
picture of, 19
recommendations of, 4–5, 18–20, 19, 52, 54, 74, 90, 111, 128, 250, 252
revisions to, 23
websites for, 20
and weight, 52, 54, 62, 70, 74
Healthy Eating Pyramid, 4, 19, 90, 128, 260, 266
blocks for, 15, 16
development of, 15–17
and Food Guide Pyramid, 15, 16, 16, 18
and MyPyramid, 17
picture of, 16
recommendations of, 52, 54, 74, 111, 250, 251
revisions to, 23
and weight, 52, 54, 62, 70, 74
heart attacks/heart disease, 1, 2, 7, 23, 116, 221, 222, 251, 252, 277
and alcohol, 187, 188, 188, 189, 190
and beef, 248
and blood pressure, 263, 264
and carbohydrates, 94, 95, 110, 111, 116
and China, 232
and cholesterol, 77, 79, 85, 265
and coffee, 184, 186
cost of, 85
and costs of healthy eating, 259
and death, 95, 110, 125, 189, 267
definition of, 14
and diabetes, 264–65
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy Page 51