First Love Wild Love

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First Love Wild Love Page 23

by Janelle Taylor

  But Rankin’s plans for a short celebration were thwarted by merry neighbors. Several men had brought along musical instruments. They joined together to encourage dancing. Without rudely ordering everyone to leave, Cal and Lynx had no choice but to go along with their friends’ good intentions.

  As the bride was enticed to dance with many friends, the hour grew late. She had danced several times with Lynx, but it was always a lively tune. With all the excitement, they were granted little time alone. As Calinda was dancing with Rankin, she longingly gazed at Lynx who was genially chatting with friends.

  Rankin whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry, Cal. I know this is stealing most of your time with Lynx. But our friends don’t know he’s leaving at dawn. They should start heading home soon.”

  Cal looked up at him and smiled. He, too, had good intentions, but costly ones today. “Everyone loves a party, especially a wedding. They’ll hang around as long as possible. Don’t worry about it.”

  Rankin caught his son’s eye and sent him a message to join his wife. When Lynx claimed her hand for a dance, Rankin asked the musicians for a slow tune. A devilish grin flashed over Lynx’s handsome face as he gathered her tightly against him.

  Cal mildly protested, but he didn’t loosen his embrace. She sighed and accepted what she felt was an immodest closeness even for newlyweds. As they seemingly floated around the grassy area, Lynx boldly kissed her forehead, then nuzzled her ear.

  “Lynx, stop that,” she softly warned. “We’re in public.”

  “Maybe they’ll take a hint and leave,” he said.

  “It wouldn’t matter, if you stay home another day.”

  He looked down at her and taunted mischievously, “Missing me already? Afraid you won’t have enough of me tonight?”

  Calinda stared at him. “What’s gotten into you?” she asked. “Have you been drinking too much?”

  “I’m trying my damndest to stay loose, but thoughts of getting you alone are tying my nerves into knots. You look beautiful today, Cal. I could almost make love to you right here,” he informed her.

  “Behave yourself; you’re embarrassing me,” she scolded, but a telltale tremor passed over her.

  “I could behave, if I didn’t recall our last night together. You realize tonight will have to last us for weeks?” he hinted wryly.

  Calinda was about to make a naughty comment, but realized they were the only ones dancing. As she gazed around, Lynx did the same. He threw back his head and chuckled, then hugged her tightly. Before she realized what he was doing, he boldly swept her into his strong arms and announced to the laughing crowd, “If you folks don’t mind, my bride and I will take our leave. Please continue.” With that, he carried her into the house and up the steps to his room.

  Shocked by his conduct, she didn’t speak until he dropped her on his bed. “How dare you do something like that to me,” she ranted.

  “If I hadn’t, they would stay around half the night. Damnit, Cal, you’re driving me wild. If you think that embarassed you, this would have more,” he declared, pointing to the bulge against his tight britches. “See what you were doing to me out there? When the music ended, we were in trouble. Don’t worry; they’ll find it amusing.”

  Calinda’s face was as fiery as a sunset. Lynx murmured, “You’re the first woman who’s ever stolen my self-control. I started thinking about tonight, and nature took over. What are you doing to me, woman? I must not have the same effect on you, but I’m as heated up as a piece of dry wood in a roaring fire.”

  Calinda’s anger was replaced with passion. She grinned and replied, “You don’t affect me like that because we don’t have the same parts, my darling husband, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “I have noticed. That’s why my pants got so tight and uncomfortable. Let’s just see if I can inspire a similar effect.”

  Lynx pulled her to her feet, turned her around, then started unbuttoning her dress. “What are you doing?” she asked in alarm.

  “Getting us ready for bed,” he cheerfully replied, continuing his task at hand.

  “Bed,” she shrieked. “But we have guests outside. Surely you don’t plan to stay in here while they’re still out there?”

  “Why not?” Lynx fenced, spreading kisses over her neck.

  “They’ll know what we’re doing,” Cal wailed anxiously.

  “Maybe it’ll heat the men up so they’ll race home to do the same thing,” he mirthfully teased her.

  “You’re awful, Lynx Cardone,” she declared.

  “But you’re ravishing, Mrs. Cardone,” he retorted.

  “This is embarrassing, Lynx. What will they think about us?”

  “We’re married, Cal. This is a natural act to follow a wedding.”

  “But during our own party?” she debated, turning to face him.

  “In less than six hours I’ll have to ride out for weeks. Do you want to spend most of it entertaining guests who should have enough intelligence and consideration to go home?” Lynx reasoned.

  “But they don’t know my beloved husband is deserting me right after our wedding,” she countered angrily.

  “Let’s don’t quarrel tonight, Cal; time is short,” he coaxed, easing her dress and chemise down to torment her senses.

  He gently kissed each soft tip, then travelled up to eagerly devour her parted lips. The palm of his hand moved over her breasts, enticing them to crave their lingering pleasure. When his lips roamed to her ear and asked, “Do we stay here or return to our party?”, she was lost.

  “You win, Mister Cardone, but most unfairly,” she helplessly relented. She freed herself to finish undressing, then returned to his waiting bed. He was quickly out of his clothes and lying beside her.

  “I’m going to miss you terribly,” she murmured against his shoulder. “When people find out you left so quickly, they’ll think something’s wrong between us. It isn’t natural for a bridegroom to leave home the day after his wedding, a hasty one at that. They’ll probably think I’m pregnant,” she apprehensively speculated.

  “You could be, Cal,” he said softly, lifting his head to gaze down at her. At her shocked expression, he teased, “That does happen when two people make love, and this isn’t our first time.”

  “But…”She actually paled and shuddered. “Is that why you married me before heading off again?” she fearfully questioned.

  “No, love. I didn’t even consider it until last night. But it isn’t impossible. Would that upset you, Cal?” he asked seriously.

  “No, I just haven’t thought about a baby.”

  “Our baby,” he corrected her, then smiled warmly. “Promise me you won’t go running off again, not even to chase after me.”

  “I promise. But do you have to leave?” she entreated a last time.

  “We’ll talk about it later. Right now…” he hinted, then seared her quivering flesh with fiery kisses and burning caresses.

  He shifted to lie half atop her. His mouth came down on hers, exploring and tasting the sweet desire within her. He embraced her so tightly and fiercely that she feared she couldn’t breathe, but didn’t care at that moment. Eagerly seeking her unbridled response, Lynx hungrily took her mouth with skill and resolve.

  Cal’s arms had encircled his waist and her hands slipped up his back. How intoxicating he was, as some potent drug which dazed her. Surely there wasn’t a spot on her body that he hadn’t set to tingling with his tantalizing actions. She was alive with molten flames, as was he. Lynx seemed to control and stimulate the very essence of her being. His warm breath caused her to tremble as he murmured words of passion into her ears. His insistent hands roved her sensitive body, as if stirring each inch to life and awareness.

  As his hands became bolder, they soared over her slender and shapely figure. Soon her entire body urged him to conquer and claim her willing territory, to invade it, to explore it, to map it, and to declare it his sole possession. Wild and wonderful sensations attacked her senses, enslaving her. Cal want
ed to savor this special union, but her need was too great to linger.

  Her hand went into his hair and drew his mouth closer to hers. As his hand provocatively slipped down her flat stomach to seek out the secret place that summoned his skills and heightened his desires, Cal moaned and writhed in unleashed passion. Her fingers roamed down his sleek sides to brazenly claim a prize she had not dared to touch before tonight, a prize which possessed the power and talent to drive her mindless with pleasure and blissful torment. She stroked it gently, relishing its warmth and smoothness. His body shuddered as a groan came from deep within his muscled chest.

  Moments later, Lynx shifted between her parted thighs. His body so taut and enflamed, he swiftly and urgently entered her. The contact was staggering to his senses. He moved leisurely and deliberately, fearing his self-control would vanish too soon.

  Her hands wandered up and down his strong back, feeling the muscles rippling at his movements. As Lynx probed her body again and again, she arched to meet each entry, moaning at each exit. Her responses told Lynx when she was ready to conquer her rapturous challenge. He increased his pace and invaded her with a savage gentleness.

  A muffled cry of victory was torn from Cal’s lips as the powerful release claimed her. As if a signal to charge his own defenses, he quickly and eagerly pursued her successful journey. His body shook with the force of an equally potent release. His mouth engulfed hers, blending them as one until every spasm had ceased and his body was as sated as hers.

  They snuggled together in his bed, caressing and kissing until their passions were reborn. They made love once more, slowly and relentlessly. Lynx murmured instructions into her ear, which she quickly and readily followed, increasing their pleasures. When they lay exhausted and moistened in each other’s arms, he whispered fiercely, “You’re mine, love; I’ll never let you leave me. If you did, I would hunt you down and…” When he realized what he was saying, he made a light joke of it. “I’ll hunt you down and punish you by tormenting your body and senses. I’ll make you beg with hunger, then refuse to feed you. I’ll make you burn with desire, then let the flames go undoused.”

  Cal twisted her head to gaze over at his roguish expression. “That kind of torment runs in two directions, my love. Whyever would I leave you; you’re mine now. But if you don’t come home soon, I’ll punish you in said manner when you do show that handsome face and virile body,” she laughingly threatened.

  “I promise you, when I come home, we’ll be too busy for games.” He kissed her lightly, then they fell asleep without moving.

  It was mid-morning when Calinda stirred, smiling contentedly. As dreamy memories flooded her mind, her body responded with rising passion. Her lips hungered for his; her body flamed to join with his. As Cal turned over, her hand reached out to touch her love. She sat up, the covers falling to her lap, exposing flesh which quivered with desire. She looked around, but Lynx wasn’t in the room. She snuggled into the softness of his bed, waiting to see if he would return soon. She held out her arm to gaze at the gold band which thrilled her soul.

  When time passed, Cal decided she must dress and look for him. Lynx was more than likely eating breakfast or talking with his father or making preparations to leave. That last thought spurred her into hasty action. It never crossed her mind her husband would ride off for such a lengthy separation without awakening her to say goodbye in a proper manner for deliriously happy newlyweds. Cal hummed merrily as she pulled on a paisley dress. She hurriedly brushed her hair, then rushed downstairs, to discover Lynx had ridden off before dawn.

  Chapter Eleven

  To make matters worse for Calinda, it was Salina who informed her of Lynx’s departure. Salina gave the facts in succinct words, her tone crisp and mocking. The Mexican girl offered Calinda nothing more. Calinda would not dismiss her pride to press the girl, who was inexplicably hostile again.

  As she was about to prepare her own breakfast, Calinda did ask where Rankin was this morning. If there was more to learn about her husband, she would do so from her new father-in-law.

  Salina told her that Rankin had gone into town on business. Calinda was forced to ask when he would return. Salina stated indifferently, “Buenas tardas, late afternoon,” she clarified.

  When Calinda reached for an iron skillet, Salina asked frostily, “What are you doing?” When Calinda said she was going to cook her breakfast, Salina snapped, “Not in my kitchen. No one works in here but me. What would you like this morning, Mrs. Car@@@done?”

  At Salina’s caustic tone and bold order, Calinda looked at her. “What’s wrong with you, Salina? I always do this. If you think you’ll have to wait on me now, that isn’t true.”

  “I do not plan to wait on you, Mrs. Cardone. But I allow no one to take over my kitchen or prove I’m not needed anymore.”

  “This isn’t your private domain, Salina. Lynx and I are married now. I can enter and work here anytime I choose,” she stated defiantly.

  “Senor Rankin and Lynx do not agree. Before Lynx left, they talked of me. They said I was needed and wanted. They said, just because you live here now, it changed nothing, nada,” Salina joyfully emphasized her allegation. “That means, you are still a guest and I am in control of this casa. If you do not believe me, ask Senor Rankin. In fact, I dare you to ask him. Your husband is gone, poor thing.”

  Calinda’s mouth fell open at her hostility and daring. “I thought you and I had a truce, Salina. Why are you being so hateful?”

  “A truce and peace are mucho diferente,” Salina replied.

  “So, it’s back to the secret war again?” Calinda surmised angrily. “I doubt Rankin and Lynx will accept your demands and spite.”

  “They know me longer than you. If you tattle or treat me badly, they will think you try to run me off. I will see they do not believe you. This was my casa and family primero. You are foolish, blind.”

  “How dare you! Lynx and I are married now,” Cal shrieked.

  “I know not how you forced him into marriage, but it was not love. If Lynx married you, he had bueno reasons. Did you claim to be encinta, with child?” she coldly challenged, glaring at Calinda.

  “No! But even if it were true, it’s none of your business! Lynx proposed on the way home from Lampasas, and I accepted.”

  “Pero por que, that is what I wish to know,” she sneered.

  “When Rankin comes home, we’ll have a long talk about this,” Calinda warned the surly girl, mutely praying she wouldn’t get pregnant too soon and give Salina cause to gloat.

  “Do so, senora; I care not. I will tell you what else Senor Rankin said this morning. He said be nice to you; he does not want you to run off again. He does not want you to know Lynx told him all about your poco aventura, little adventure, in Lampasas. Senor Rankin thinks you will be upset and nervioso around him,” she murmured balefully, placing her hands on her rounded hips.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove or pull, Salina, but I won’t allow it. Lynx is my husband, and you’ll have to accept it. I won’t allow you to be rude or cause trouble.”

  “Your esposo?” Salina scoffed. “Tell me, Senora Cardone, do you have any idea where he is right this minute, or when he will be home, or what he is doing? No. I wonder how much a husband loves his wife when he keeps his life a secret from her. Must be nice to have a hot-blooded wife at home, then be able to roam around the state doing anything you please, with anyone you please,” she hinted audaciously and crudely. “I wonder who he is with today…”

  Fury and resentment surged through Calinda. She nearly slapped the girl, but realized she couldn’t dispute the statements. “When Lynx comes home, we’ll settle this matter once and for all, Salina. I’m going to confess everything.”

  A cynical smile claimed the girl’s lips. “He already knows everything, Cal. Did you really think I would lie to my love? Tell him the truth. He knows you deceived him before. To confess now will only inspire suspicions for your change of heart. He will think you are the one t
rying to pull a trick. You will look the trouble-maker.”

  “You have the arrogance and gall to threaten me! To blackmail me! You’re a fool, Salina. Lynx would never take a servant’s word over his wife’s.” Calinda and Salina glared challengingly at each other.

  “I proved I can be trusted, but you have not. I do not plan to blackmail you, Senora Cardone. I just want you to stay out of my path until Lynx grows weary of you and tosses you out. Lynx is used to freedom, privacy, and lots of women. Once he comes home to stay, you will strangle him with your constant presence and demands. I doubt you are woman enough to hold his interest very long. I will do my work and bide my time until that day comes, which it will.”

  “You’re wrong, Salina; I’m here to say. I love him,” she boldly confessed to vex Salina. “He married me, didn’t he?”

  “We will see, will we not, Cal? I bet you will be gone before the fall round-up. Lynx will never change. Even if he permits you to hang around for a respectable image, you will tire of his ways.”

  “I don’t want him to change; I want him just as he is. I’ll never tire of him, and I’ll make sure he doesn’t get bored with me.”

  “Would you care to know where your loving esposo has gone?”

  “I know,” Calinda declared smugly. “To Junction.”

  Mirthful laughter filled the quiet kitchen. “The business in Junction was lost because of you. He goes to Waco to meet with Major Jones, something to do with your telegram to him. You see, Senora Cardone, your trusting esposo is checking out your wild story.”

  “No, Salina, he’s trying to discover who sent the phony letter.”

  “No, Cal, he does not believe you,” Salina refuted.

  “Lynx knows there was a letter which lured me there!”

  “He knows there was a letter, but he is not convinced it was a trap as you pretended. Two reasons: he knew it was not an old letter because he searched your room on his first trip home; and you suspiciously burned the letter to prevent him from seeing the message and the handwriting. He is what I call a devoted esposo,” she scoffed.


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