Don't Tell a Soul

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Don't Tell a Soul Page 18

by Travis Szablewski

  Nicole secured tightly in a rolling chair. Tears streaming down her rosy cheeks as she thrashed side to side, struggling under the tape around her body.

  “Oh, my God!” Harper cried out as she rushed to Nicole. Harper looked at the tripod set up in front of her. It was the same camera…the same one that was set up in the entertainment center in the upstairs bedroom. Nicole cried under the duct tape securing her mouth as Harper ripped at the tape securing her hands to the armrests. Harper freed her hands as she gently pulled the tape from her mouth. Nicole inhaled sharply as she sobbed violently.

  “Thank God! Thank God!” Nicole sobbed uncontrollably as Harper cupped her red face.

  “I’m here! You’re going to be alright! We’re here now!” Harper cried as she ripped at the tape that secured her body to the rolling chair.

  “It’s her, Harper! It’ her!” Nicole said, breathless as tears streamed down her face.

  “Who? Who is doing this?” Harper asked as she finally ripped the last of the tape from Nicole’s body, freeing her.

  “It’s Delilah! It’s her!” Nicole sobbed. Harper’ eyes widened in shock. Delilah…she wasn’t dead. She did this. All of it. “She’s still here, Harper! She’s in the cabin!”


  Harper stood up in terror as she spun around, pointing the gun to the basement stairwell behind her. Someone…someone was in the cabin. Harper quickly turned to Nicole as she helped her up from the rolling chair.

  ‘Come on. You need to hide,” Harper said as she lead Nicole towards a tiny storage closet in the corner.

  “Please don’t leave me! Please!” Nicole cried as she stepped into the storage closet.

  “Nicole, I would never leave you! You’ll be safer in here! Just stay quiet! Don’t make a sound,” Harper ordered as Nicole nodded. Harper closed the closet door quietly.

  The gun trembled in Harper’s hands as she turned from the closet door and stepped towards the basement stairwell. Harper slowly raised the gun…ready to fire…as she inched up the stairs.


  Harper stared forward as she inched towards the basement door ahead…just a few more steps. The gun trembled in front of her as she squeezed it, tighter and tighter; her finger on the trigger. Harper’ eyes adjusted to the darkness as she stepped into the deserted kitchen.

  “Patrick?” Harper said softly. Harper slowly made her way towards the kitchen doorway. She closed her eyes…took a deep breath and rounded the corner. Her eyes widened as she stared back at the gun of Officer Warren. Their guns, meeting.

  “Harper,” Officer Warren said, breathless.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Who called you?” Harper demanded.

  “Kyle did. What the fuck is going on?” Officer Warren demanded as he lowered his gun. Harper did the same.

  “It’s Delilah. She isn’t dead. She did all of this…and she’s still here,” Harper said quietly.

  “Oh, my God,” Officer Warren said, stunned and baffled. Harper then jumped in terror as a blood curdling scream rang out from outside of the cabin.

  “What the hell?” Harper said as she ran from the kitchen and towards the front door.

  “Harper, wait!” Officer Warren exclaimed as he rushed to catch up with her.


  Harper’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard the gunshots fire from outside. Harper yanked the door open and ran out of the cabin, her gun drawn, Officer Warren right behind her.

  Harper and Officer Warren rushed out of the cabin and down the porch steps…and stopped in their tracks…

  Kyle’s dead body laid along the dirt ground beside Patrick’s car. A bullet hole in the center of her head and four more in her chest. Blood puddled beneath her blood locks. Harper’s eyes rose from her body to see…

  Elena standing over Kyle’s body, the gun still pointed down at Kyle.

  “What the fuck, Elena!” Harper cried out in terror.

  “Elena! Put the gun down! Now!” Officer Warren screamed as he raised his gun. Elena then raised her gun; the barrel pointed directly at Officer Warren.

  “Elena, no!” Harper cried out as Elena pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced into Officer Warren’s head as he fell back onto the ground. “Oh, my God!” Harper sobbed as she knelt beside Officer Warren’s dead body. She looked back to Elena, her gun now pointed at Harper.

  “Stand up, now,” Elena demanded, her voice cold and emotionless.

  “Elena, please…” Harper cried.

  “Stand the fuck up, Harper!” Elena snapped.

  Harper slowly rose to her feet as she raised her hands, the gun still in her hand. A million questions raced through Harper’s mind as Elena smiled softly.

  “Throw your gun,” Elena ordered. Harper nodded softly as she tossed the gun into the woods beside her. “Now get in the house,” she added. Harper slowly turned, her hands still raised, as she inched back into the cabin. Elena followed, her gun pointed directly at the back of Harper’s head. They both stepped into the dark cabin as Elena slammed the door shut behind her and turned the deadbolt.

  “Where’s Patrick?” Harper asked as tears streamed down her face. Harper slowly turned, hands raised, to Elena behind her. The gun still pointed at Harper.

  “Last time I saw him, he was circling the cabin. I’ll take care of him later, believe me,” Elena said coyly.

  “You did this? You did all of this?” Harper asked through her tears.

  “No. I didn’t. But, if Delilah really is alive…then that means she knows everything, and I can’t have any loose ends,” Elena said.

  “What do you mean?” Harper asked, confused.

  “I killed Delilah…or at least I thought I did. She was going to tell everyone, Harper. She was going to tell everyone about us. I couldn’t risk that. I couldn’t lose everything! I couldn’t lose the very things that I busted my ass for! I’d be a disgrace. I’d be a whore. I’d be a fucking joke to this damn town, Harper. Delilah told Patrick, so it was bound to get around at some point. I had to protect my family, Harper. But, if she is alive, then I have to cut every God damn loose end that there is. This can’t get out. Not now, not ever. And sadly, for you all…that means that no one can live but me. It’s too late to go back,” Elena said.

  “You’re insane if you think you’re going to get away with this, Elena. Think of Rosie, Elena! She can’t live without you,” Harper cried.

  “After tonight, she won’t have to,” Elena snapped back. “After tonight, Delilah will be dead…once and for all.”

  “You killed your own sister. You deserve to die,” Harper said.

  “I didn’t want it to end like this; at all. Delilah was supposed to be dead and this was all supposed to be dead and buried and forgotten,” Elena said as tears began to trickle from her eyes. “I had to do this.”

  “Drop the fucking gun…”

  Harper and Elena both turned as the soft voice echoed through the living room. Nicole stood in the kitchen doorway, a hand gun in her hand…pointed directly at Elena.

  Elena’s mouth dropped slowly…tears streamed down her face as she slowly stepped closer towards Nicole. Her eyes squinted in the dark…as she covered her mouth in shock.

  “Delilah?” Elena said, her voice trembled as she lowered her gun to her side. Harper’s stomach dropped.

  “Wait, what?” Harper asked, confused and stunned.

  “Yeah, it’s me. I look a little different, don’t I? Got a little work done. Don’t you like the new me?” Nicole smirked sarcastically as she inched towards Elena, her gun still raised.

  “How did you survive? I killed you,” Elena cried.

  “Well, you thought you did. At least this time, you used a gun and not a damn pipe. Did you really think a little hit to the head was enough to kill somebody? I mean, for fuck sakes, Elena, you didn’t even feel for a pulse. I just want to know if that was your plan the entire time. I mean, I thought we were just coming up here for our usual weekend getaway. N
ext thing I know, you’re beating me in the head with a pipe and rolling my body off the dock and into the lake,” Nicole said as she shrugged. “So, again…drop the fucking gun, Elena,” Nicole said sternly.

  Elena hesitated as she looked at the gun in her hand and then back to Nicole.

  “Don’t even try to act like you know what you’re doing with that thing. You fired six shots. You’re out,” Nicole said sharply. Elena swallowed hard as she dropped the empty gun to the floor. “People don’t know just how easy it is to reinvent yourself,” Nicole said as she inched towards Elena. “Shit, all I had to do was change my name and a lift here and a stretch there,” Nicole said as she motioned to her face. “And nobody had a single idea.”

  “Delilah…please,” Elena begged.

  “Don’t fucking call me that! My name is Nicole! Delilah doesn’t exist anymore! Remember, Elena! You fucking killed her! You threw Delilah into the lake like a piece of trash!” Nicole yelled as she charged at Elena, the gun inches from her face. “I would have killed for you, Elena! I loved you! I loved you so fucking much; more than I’ve ever loved anybody in my entire life! And you betray me! You tried to kill me just to protect your picture-perfect fucking image!”

  “And what about me? Why me?” Harper cried.

  “You were just so pathetic. I knew I could use you as a pawn. I followed you for quite some time while I was in hiding. You went through nanny jobs like crazy and I thought maybe…just maybe…I’d get lucky. And I sure did. You’re the perfect killer. The police are already on you. They already think you did all of this. You’re just a sad, pathetic little girl…and once this is done, you’ll be the face that’s plastered on the newspapers. You’ll be the psychotic killer who murdered all of these people. I’ve got it all planned out. You getting pregnant as just a huge fucking bonus. You were so obsessed with Grayon…and when he told you to get rid of the baby, you snapped. And you have no idea how easy it is to tie yourself up. I mean, there is a tutorial online and everything,” Nicole giggled.


  Harper’s eyes widened as she heard the deep voice ring out from the corner of the living room. Patrick stood in the kitchen doorway.

  “Patrick!” Nicole yelped in excitement as she rushed towards him and threw her arms around him.

  “You’re…you’re alive,” Patrick cried as he hugged his sister tightly.

  “I had to do this, Patrick. I had to,” Nicole cried as she released Patrick. “I couldn’t tell you. I couldn’t tell anyone. I had to do this on my own,” Nicole said as Patrick stared back at her. “I am sorry; I am so sorry. But I’m here, no,” she added. Harper’s eyes drifted to the gun in Patrick’s hand as his eyes darted from Nicole to her. “You can help me. You can help me finish this once and for all,” Nicole smiled widely.

  “Please, Patrick…” Harper cried as she shook her head.

  “Shut up!” Nicole snapped, her eyes still on Patrick in front of her. “Fine, I’ll go first!” Nicole smiled. Nicole spun around and drew her gun, pointing it at Elena.

  “No, please!” Elena cried out…as Nicole fired. The bullet pierced into Elena’s head as her dead body fell back and crashed onto the floor. Harper covered her mouth as she screamed. This was it. She was done for. She was alone. Her and her baby were as good as dead.

  “I can’t,” Patrick cried.

  “What do you mean you can’t?” Nicole asked.

  “I can’t kill her. I can’t kill Harper,” Patrick said as he ran his sleeve under his running nose.

  “Fine then,” Nicole said as she stepped back from Patrick…and put her gun to her head.

  “Delilah, what the fuck are you doing? Stop!” Patrick cried out.

  “Patrick, choose. Me…or her,” Nicole said sternly. Her eyebrows arched, and her jaw tightened as she placed her finger on the trigger, the gun tight against the side of her head.

  “I can’t! I won’t!” Patrick cried. “Please just put the gun down! Its not too late for you! You can’t do this! This has to stop! Please!” Patrick begged.

  “Then I’ll pick for you,” Nicole said with a slight shrug. She then turned and pointed the gun at Harper.

  “No, please!” Harper cried out. Nicole pulled the trigger…as the shot fired into Harper’s shoulder. Harper fell back, slamming against the front door. She slowly slid down the wooden face and onto the dusty, cold floor.

  “No!” Patrick cried out as he ran to Harper’s side. Blood trickled from the bullet wound in her as he ripped his jacket off. He pressed the thick fabric against the wound, struggling to stop the bleeding. “Please, don’t leave me! Please!” Patrick cried as Harper’s eyes fluttered open softly, her breathing heavy and rapid.

  “Now are you going to help me clean this mess up or not?” Nicole demanded behind him. Patrick slowly glanced back at Nicole as she stood over him, both guns in her hands.

  “Yes,” Patrick whispered. “Just give me a few last moments with her, please,” Patrick sobbed. Nicole rolled her eyes as she dropped one of the guns onto the floor beside him.

  “Make it fast. We have a lot of work to do,” Nicole snapped as she walked into the kitchen and out of sight. Patrick hung his head down as he sobbed. His watery eyes stared into Harper’s. Harper winced in pain as she felt his hand apply more pressure onto her wound. Patrick grabbed the gun from the floor as his eyes narrowed onto her.

  “We have to go…now,” Patrick said as he cupped his arms under her legs and back. Patrick picked up Harper into his arms as he quietly pulled the door open…and rushed out of the cabin.

  “She’s gonna kill you,” Harper said as she began to regain full consciousness.

  “Don’t talk. Just reax. We’re getting out of here right now,” Patrick said breathless as he carried Harper towards the squad car ahead. Patrick rushed to the backseat door and pulled it open. He gently placed Harper onto the seat as she winced in pain and placed her hand against her bleeding shoulder.

  “Hurry,” Harper said as the blood trickled through the spaces between her fingers. Patrick nodded as he quickly rushed around the squad car and settled into the driver’s seat.

  Patrick grabbed the gear shift and put the car into reverse. The squad car slowly rolled back he stared through the windshield…the headlights beaming ahead…to see Nicole standing in front of the car…gun raised.

  “Delilah, no!” Patrick screamed. Nicole fired the gun…as the bullet shattered the windshield and pierced into Patrick’s head. Harper quickly sat up from the backseat and looked through the security cage that separated the back seat from the front.

  “Patrick! No!” Harper sobbed as she grabbed at the cage. The squad car continued to roll backwards…soaring down a dirt path and straight towards the lake a few feet away. Harper glanced back through the rear windshield…as the car rolled faster and faster towards the dark watery abyss. “No! No!” Harper cried out.

  The squad car splashed into the lake as it rolled down the rocky terrain. Harper quickly sat all the way up as tears streamed down her face. She clawed an tugged on the security cage…but it was no use. She looked around as the squad car sank deeper into the lake…as the water raised to the windows around her.

  “Somebody help me!” Harper cried out. She quickly dug into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone. Harper quickly dialed 911 as she watched the water rush in through the shattered windshield. The cold water rushed in faster and faster. Harper shivered as the water began to fill the car…as the squad car completely sank beneath the glassy surface. “Shit!” Harper cried as she threw her phone down beside her onto the backseat. Harper tugged harder onto the cage…and that’s when she saw it. The upper left corner…slightly bent and pulled away from the metal frame.

  Harper quickly glanced around the backseat, searching for anything to help her pry the cage open. Her eyes then settled onto the old seatbelt beside her; the threads torn and thinning. Harper grabbed the cloth belt as she tugged onto it, harder and harder. The fabric stretched as she heard the th
reads slowly ripping…inch by inch. The seatbelt finally gave as it ripped from the fabric seat.

  Harper’s eyes stared down as the cold water rushed into the car…the water now covering the entire floor and making its way up to her legs. She quickly fed the end of the seatbelt through the dented, mangled corner of the cage and pulled it back through another space of the cage. She leaned back into the seat, holding both ends tightly as she pulled and pulled.

  “Come on! Come on!” Harper cried out as she slammed her feet against the plastic seat guard in front of her and leaned back with all her weight. She tugged harder and harder. The water rushed into the car as it made it’s way up to her stomach.

  The corner of the cage then snapped from the metal frame. She was finally getting somewhere. Harper pulled harder a she pushed her feet against the plastic seat guard. The cage slowly peeled back from the metal frame as she pulled and tugged. Just a few more inches and she would be able to fit through. Just a few more…

  The cold water rose around her…now to her chest. Harper tugged once more as the cage tore from its frame. She could fit. Harper quickly stood in the backseat and dragged her upper torso through the open section of the security cage. The water rose around her as it crashed in at an increased speed through the windshield.

  Harper fell onto the front seat beside Patrick’s dead body as she quickly pulled her legs through. Harper quickly moved to Patrick’s side as she water surrounded them.

  “Patrick! Please…” Harper cried as she cupped his face. But he was gone. Blood trickled slowly from the bullet wound in the center of his head. “Patrick!” Harper sobbed as she shook her head to herself. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Harper cried. She had to go. She had to leave him…

  Harper quickly reached down under the water, feeling for gun along the seat. Her hands wrapped around it’s cold barrel as she pulled it up through the surface. The water rose, higher and higher, now just below her chin. Harper took a long breath…as she held the gun tightly…and lowered herself down under the water.


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