The Women of the Rose

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The Women of the Rose Page 3

by Sara Estey

  “Or, perhaps, that is Mary you speak of?” David asks.

  “Yes, well, that is open for debate,” George says.

  “You are welcome to stay here if you like,” George continues. “Unfortunately, though, it is a tourist spot, and it is highly likely you will be spotted.”

  As if on cue, there is a knock on the door. George looks at us, as he walks to the door and asks who it is.

  “The police,” sounds a gruff male voice from the other side of the door.

  George motions for us to be quiet.

  “Just give me a minute,” George responds.

  “We have a warrant,” the policeman says.

  George quickly motions to us to follow him. He takes us to the library and opens a door, which leads to a staircase.

  “This will lead you out a back way, just down the road,’ he indicates. “You may be able to escape. But, you are probably sitting ducks as you are on an island.”

  “David and I will stay here,” Rob says. “We are who they want to question. That way the rest of you can escape and we will see where this leads. They can’t keep us in for questioning too long. “

  We hear the policeman banging at the door. Rob gives Judy a kiss; and Judy, Sarah, and I descend down the stairs, through a tunnel, and out onto a street at the other side of where we entered the home.



  Tickets in hand, we board our flight to Kauai. The Community has procured passports with fake identities for Sarah and I. We sigh in relief as we sit in our seats. It has been a tense week.

  Rob and David have not been released from custody, as we thought they would have been. Additionally, we have not been able to deduce where they are being held. Judy has been especially distraught, and has decided to stay in France, not joining us on our trip to Kauai. After two weeks holed up in the house near Mont Saint-Michel, I welcome this trip to the tropics.

  Based on what I’ve been told of the monastery, I feel as if I’m destined to be in a community much like Shangri-La, soon enough.

  Sarah and I are on our way to see, for ourselves, the monks who don’t age. We are excited to learn more about their method of longevity, and how it may tie into what we have studied, learned, and channeled. One of the scientists from the Community has been living with them for a month now.

  Apprehensive for the safety of everyone in the Community, we felt it was best that we travel under aliases so as not to direct attention to the monastery in Kauai, nor to our ongoing studies into activating our dormant DNA.

  We are greeted with leis and a welcome drink as we collect our baggage at the terminal in Kauai. I note just how warm and humid it is, as we leave the airport and head to our transport. Our driver offers to take us to a clothing store on the way to the monastery, and Sarah and I purchase some modest warm weather clothing.

  As we drive away from the ocean and up a mountain, I see waterfalls and streams. It feels so peaceful and tranquil. The jungles and beauty that surround us are a far cry from the cold weather we had just left in France.

  Driving off onto a rock and dirt road, we continue for a short while until we drive up to what appears to be a reception center.

  “Here we are,” the driver says, as he helps us out of the car and places our bags down within the center.

  “Hi Mary, and Sarah,” says Jacob, who we know from the Community, as he walks towards us.

  “Hi Jacob. This is quite a change from France,” I say.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Jacob says.

  Jacob introduces us to Adam, a monk who is dressed in light-brown robes. The man’s head is shaved and he has an infectious grin.

  “Hi ladies,” Adam says. “If you will, follow me to the guest quarters.”

  We walk along a rock path that leads past a stream. Giant flowers in pinks, purples, red, white, and yellow, are all around us.

  “These flowers look larger than any I have seen before,” Sarah says.

  “Yes, they likely are,” Adam says. “We sing to them every day, and the waters here are very sacred, as is the ground.”

  We see a wooden cottage in front of us. Hearing the roar of water, we note that the cottage is built upon an embankment that looks out over a valley. The valley is gorgeous, filled with grasses, palms, trees, and flowers. A beautiful waterfall is just below us, and the water cascades down into a swirling pool that then leads out to a rushing river.

  “This will be your home while you are with us,” Adam says. “We don’t usually have women staying here. But, when we do, we have this space available.”

  “It is beautiful. Stunning. Thank you,” Sarah says.

  “You are most welcome,” Adam says. “Jacob has a room in the cottage just above yours. We have very simple huts further up the mountain, that we call home. We don’t sleep too much though.

  “Why don’t you settle in, and Jacob and I will be back in, say, an hour to show you the rest of the property.”

  Sarah and I have adjoining rooms. They are simple, yet elegant. The beds are done in crisp white linens, with brightly-colored pillows placed artfully upon them. Bright cushions also are in the corner for meditating on. A huge glass door opens to a balcony that looks out over the waterfall, and a pool of water.

  Sarah and I sit on the balcony, mesmerized by the water and the landscape. Birds chirp and butterflies fly around us. Drinking cucumber-infused water, we sit in silence, absorbing the tranquility of the place.

  Knock, knock, comes a sound.

  “Hi ladies. Would you like to see the property?” Adam asks.

  Having somehow lost track of the time, we say that we would. We quickly change, putting on the khaki slacks and short cotton shirts we just purchased, and meet Adam and Jacob outside of our room.

  “So, we moved into this property just over fifty years ago,” Adam says. “Our Guru, who started this center, passed away a few years back. We have continued with the center and the meditative lifestyle.”

  Adam explains that the property has over a thousand acres; quite a large amount of property to own on the island of Kauai. He takes us to their organic garden. I immediately notice the pyramid generator and ask him about it.

  “Yes, we started using the pyramids to help with the production of our food. We now have them throughout the property. That is the main reason why the flowers are so big,” Adam says.

  I saw similar generators used in Bali, for good reasons, and not so good. Knowing this, I ask Adam why they started using them, and how they knew about the power of the pyramids.

  “Our Guru tapped into many things,” Adam says. “He was able to transcend time and space. In ancient times, such as in Egypt, they used the pyramids to generate power. These pyramids are found not just in Egypt, of course, but all over the world.

  Having dived into this topic extensively in my visits to Bali, and to Egypt, I knew this to be true.

  Adam shows us a rock path which we follow past the waterfall. The path has palms and trees lining either side of it. As the trees give way to flowers, we come to a huge temple that is Grecian in appearance. It appears to be under construction.

  Adam explains that donors helped to build this beautiful temple, for people to come to, and meditate in. Visitors are welcome to utilize the temple and the gardens surrounding it. He mentions it should be completed within the year.

  “This is all so tranquil and beautiful,” Sarah says.

  “Wait until you see the Hindu temple of worship that the monks have used since just after this place started,” Jacob says.

  We follow the men back to the Hindu temple, as Adam explains that, every three hours, every day of the week, a ceremony, and a blessing is performed.

  As we approach the temple, we are given sarongs to wear. Following the instructions Adam gives us, we rinse our feet off in the stream that flows alongside the temple.

  Walking into the temple, I hear a monk chanting. Hindu music, or the music of the angels (I’m not sure which), is
playing, or being sung. Golden statues of Shiva are displayed in all forms of dance. Her golden embodiment is in the form of statues, which are placed in shelves that line either side of the temple. Pulling my eyes away from the statues, I see a giant crystal in the middle of the front area of the temple. It is at least seven feet tall. I feel the energy of this giant crystal. The healing energy is palatable. I don’t know if I have ever been in a place that felt as holy as this temple.

  “It is a representation of Shiva,” Adam whispers in my ear, as I continue staring at the crystal, absorbing the energy.

  As if in a trance, we all sit cross-legged on cushions to listen and receive blessings. The monk who is chanting, flicks flower petals upon the altar as he continues his sing-song chants

  After much chanting and ceremony, the monk comes down from the altar and toward us, to give us a blessing. He is followed by another monk who is holding a bowl of water.

  I’ve received Hindu blessings before, in Bali. I watch as the others in attendance are blessed, and then it is my turn. The sacred water is placed in my hands. I drink it. It is placed again, and I drink; then again, and I put it on my head and drink. Then I have rice put in my hand, and I put the rice on my forehead. A frangipani flower is given to me, and I put that in my hair. With hands in prayer over my heart, I thank the monk.

  As the chanting monk walks outside to bless the gardens, we follow him. He throws rice and water as part of the offerings, and a flock of birds descend around us and peck at the rice.

  Feeling tranquil and almost out of my body, I walk over to a giant rock bench and sit. I fall deep in meditation. Having no idea how long I’ve been meditating, I feel Jacob trying to get my attention. He tells me it is time to go; it is time for us to eat

  As I stand up from the bench, I breathe in the surroundings. It feels heavenly in nature. We meet some of the other monks, and are then shown to the dining area that is designated for guests. As we sit, listening to the babbling brook that is next to us, we are served a delicious meal of vegan food grown on-site. It is delicious. Jacob, Sarah, and I dine alone enjoying the sounds of nature and the beauty of our surroundings.

  After the long flight, and tour of the sanctuary, I am ready for a good night’s sleep. As the sun goes down, Sarah and I go to our rooms. I barely make it to the bed before I fall deeply asleep.

  As the morning light shines through the windows of my room, I awake, feeling exhilarated. The birds are chirping, as the sun rises. Walking out to my balcony, I look at the waterfall. I see a beautiful rainbow, filled with every color of our chakras. It expands from the pool up into the water cascading into it.

  Feeling a need for coffee, I go to the small kitchen area outside our rooms. After brewing coffee, I sit in the chair on the balcony, and look at the waterfall. Breathing in the fresh air and sipping my coffee I feel blissful.

  I see birds, of bright blue and yellow, fly by me. My gaze follows them, as they fly to the waterfall as if to take a drink, or fly within it. I look away, and then look back again.

  What looks like a translucent being is in the water. Shaking my head, I make sure I am seeing clearly. It is still there: a being that I can see through. Then, it is gone.

  “What do you mean you saw a translucent being?” Jacob asks me as we eat breakfast.

  “A being that you can see through, as I said,” I reply.

  “Are you sure, Mom? Have you seen, or heard of this here, Jacob?” Sarah asks.

  “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

  Deep in our discussion, we had not heard Adam, as he approached us.

  I tell Adam that we slept very well, before asking him if anyone had seen anything odd in the waterfall area before.

  “What do you mean by odd, Mary?” Adam asks.

  “I saw what appeared to me to be a translucent being,” I tell him.

  “Interesting...” Adam says.

  “Interesting? Why do you say interesting? Has anyone else seen such a being?” I ask.

  “Well, yes. Our Guru saw translucent beings. As a matter of fact, he wrote scriptures about it. After you finish breakfast, I can show you the library.”

  The library is unlike any I’ve ever seen. Giant floor-to-ceiling windows look out over the jungle below us. Two waterfalls, I have not seen before, are also on display. The books are laid out on tables. The book covers have vibrant colors with gold lettering.

  I look at Adam inquisitively.

  “Our Guru wrote, or rather channeled, many books,” Adam says.

  Sitting down, we browse the beautifully covered books.

  I pick up a book and start to read it.

  The Guru had written of a time when the beings on the planet were translucent. They came down from the heavens and lived amongst the plants and animals. He wrote that they lived for a thousand years, or more. Time was not the same as it is now. Time blended together, freely flowing. People were able to come and go between this planet and others, in this state of being.

  Engrossed in the book I’m reading, I finally look up to see that Jacob and Sarah have gone outside and are standing on the embankment that overlooks the stream.

  They appear to be pointing at something, so I walk out to join them.

  “Look, Mom,” Sarah says as I follow her gaze to the stream below us.

  A group of men are chanting as they walk into the shallow area of the stream. Dismayed, I observe that they look as though they are walking not in the water, but on it.


  The Ageless Monastery

  “So, what do you mean they learned to walk on water?” I ask Adam as he joins us for a late lunch in the outdoor garden library.

  “It is part of our initiation. The Guru, of course, was able to do this: materialize and dematerialize,” he replies. “Working with him, we eventually learned many of the old ways.”

  “They are not actually walking on water. It appears that they are,” Adam continues, “but, the water is shallow, and they are in fact walking on stones.”

  Adam mentions it may actually be harder to walk on a stone that is slippery from moss in the rushing water, than it would be to walk on top of the water.

  I laugh, but am not sure that would be true. Besides Jesus walking on water, I have not heard of anyone who is said to have done so.

  Adam describes to us his experience with the Guru in Kauai. He had come to the monastery soon after it was started, some forty years ago.

  “So, you arrived forty years ago?” Sarah asks.

  “Yes, I was a young man then; just twenty-five,” Adam says.

  “And, forty years later, you don’t look a day over thirty-five,” I say.

  “Yes, that is part of our living here in this community,” Adam says.

  Adam tells us that the energy of the monastery grounds keeps them young. The food is grown and prepared with love. They sing hymns, and chant daily, to all that is on the property.

  He says they are also using the pyramid generators throughout the property, to help keep the vibration up, and to keep the negative energies, and interfering energies, out.

  “What interfering energies are you referring to?” I ask. “It seems that you are in a fairly remote area of the island.”

  “We are in a remote area. However, Kauai is fairly populated, so of course we have the energies from satellite radio waves just like most places,” Adam says.

  “There are also naval bases on the island, as well as military ones, that are in communication with other planets,” he continues. “This is a hub for bringing in consciousness from other dimensions, and planets. It is why our Guru settled here. However, there is good with the bad, so we want to ensure that our area stays pure, and that we do as well.”

  I had seen what looked like a deserted air station on the island, on a past visit to Kauai, as well as the Kokee Air Force Station. I also had heard rumors in the past about top-secret military activity taking place on the island.

  “So, do the pyramid generators help to keep th
e energy vibration high, and keep you in a bubble?” Sarah asks.

  “Yes, we are basically protected from outside intrusion. By keeping our outer environment in a pure state, it is easier for us to stay in a pure state as well,” Adam replies.

  “Interesting. Of course, it makes sense,” Jacob says.

  “Would you like to go see the river below, where the monks were walking?” Adam asks.

  We follow him down a small pathway that zig-zags back and forth through the foliage on the side of the hill.

  As we walk from the library overlook, to the river, I admire the beautiful flowers of all shapes and colors. I have never seen so many types of flowers in one place before. Even the butterflies look brighter and larger in this place, as they flit around us.

  “The environment, and our personal and group meditation and chanting, all help to keep us young and vibrant,” Adam says as we follow him down the embankment.

  Arriving at the river’s edge, I note that the water is flowing much faster than it appeared to be when we were looking down upon it.

  Adam points to the stones in the water.

  “Did the water just speed up?” I ask.

  “No, Mary, this is the usual speed of the water here. However, you can now see that walking on these stones does not appear to be an easy task,” Adam says.

  “I don’t really see how it would be possible to do this,” Jacob adds.

  Adam takes off his sandals and steps into the water. Going to the river’s edge, I dip my right foot in and immediately pull it out. The water is ice cold.

  I watch as Adam steps onto one rock, and then another. The water rushes around him and he continues to walk on the rocks, not swaying at all, but walking steadily on.

  I look at Jacob and Sarah who are also mesmerized by the spectacle. Looking back at Adam, I notice that his eyes are closed. He continues walking forward in the water with his eyes closed. The water rushes on, and around, his feet and ankles. Even from this angle, it appears he is walking on water.

  Adam walks to the other side of the river. He steps onto the shore and then turns around, and smiles at us.


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