The Women of the Rose

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The Women of the Rose Page 9

by Sara Estey

  Drinking in the water and her words, I look at Joe and Connie. I remember my first trip here a few days, or weeks, ago. The vibrant colors of the vegetation, the bugs, and animals, immediately take over your senses. Smiling, I think of how happy I am, that now they can experience this, also. Looking over the jungle, the valley, and the river, I too see things so vibrantly, as if they are moving. This time, I see that everything is vibrating, or breathing. The jungle, the butterfly that flies by me, and the river; it is all alive and breathing as if to the beat of the same heart.

  “Maria, is there something in the water that alters our perception?” I ask.

  “Yes, it helps to raise our energy vibration to higher states of consciousness,” she says.

  I explain to her, Joe, and Connie, what I just saw.

  “Your vibration is rising Mary,” she says. “As it does, how you see reality will alter.”

  “How I see things will change?” I ask.

  “How time transpires, as well,” Maria says. “You have heard of time change in other dimensions?”

  “Yes, that time is not the same as you go into higher dimensions,” Joe says.

  “Yes, we are in a place that is between the Fifth and the Sixth dimension here, in the community. Time moves differently than it does for you in the 3D world,” Maria says.

  We follow her back to the jeep, and drive into the housing area. As we are four now, Maria lets us know that we will all be staying at her house, and that she and her son, Brandon, will stay with her sister, Lella.

  “Please, don’t let us run you out of your home,” I say.

  “It is fine. This is best,” Maria says. “More of your group will be joining, I think, and I have five bedrooms to use here. If need be, we will pitch tents outside in the yard.”

  “I don’t think that will be necessary. We aren’t planning on having everyone follow us here,” Connie says.

  “No worries at all. Make yourselves comfortable and then we can go down to the river, and you can meet the others,” Maria says.

  Joe and I walk out to the backyard together, and look down at the river. A dozen, giant dragonflies dance around us, and Joe pulls me to him in a long embrace, followed by an even longer kiss.

  “Okay lovebirds, would you care to join us for dinner?” Maria asks as she walks toward us, with Sarah and Connie in tow.

  As we arrive in the outdoor eating area, Maria introduces Joe and Connie to the other women. We all get our food from the buffet line, and sit down. The tables are set with white candles and living white flowers, that have been placed on the table in small pots. Many tiny lights are strung above us.

  “It is magical here,” Connie says.

  “It almost has the feel of a wedding, what with the candles and lights, and everything in white,” Joe says to me.

  I look at him a bit inquisitively as that seemed a bit of an odd statement coming from him. But, it is true, it does look like the setting for a wedding.

  As we eat our food, Maria asks Joe and Connie what they would like to help with in the community. Connie asks to help with the healing work that is being done here. Joe says he will help with any building work that may be needed.

  Sarah and I have already agreed to help with the preparing of lunch each day, followed by assisting with the teaching of the children. We both realize that we will likely learn more than we teach. However, we can tell the children, and the community, a bit about how things are run in the outside world.

  As the children come up to us to say good night, Maria asks us to follow her to a sitting area by the stream. As we follow her, we admire the beautiful night sky. The cool air caresses us, and the sound of the rushing river mingles with that of the crickets, and the animal and insect nightlife.

  We sit down on some wooden benches, and gaze at the water that is lit up by the moon, and the stars.

  “You know why men have not been allowed at the community?” Maria asks.

  “No, I don’t know why,” Joe says.

  “When we were of the Sixth dimensional frequency, and some of us were in the Fifth, something happened to us,” Maria says.

  “What happened?” I ask. “We have an idea of what happened, but are curious about what happened to you, and those you came from.”

  “Many moons ago—before ancient Egypt, before Sumeria, before those times—we lived here, on these lands,” Maria says. Some fifty-thousand years ago, or so, we lived here in harmony with the land, and those on it.

  “We had lived here in this way for many moons. Time was not the same as it is now. Granted, it is different now in this community, than in the outside world, as you have already witnessed. Then, time was not really even a concept to us.”

  “I see, so time stood still?” Joe asks.

  “Time did not stand still, Joe. Time was not linear, though, as it now appears in the Third-dimensional world,” Maria says.

  “So, what happened?” I ask.

  “We were living in harmony, and union,” Maria replies. “We had forgotten where we originally came from. Or, if we remembered, it was in the stories that we told, and passed down through the generations. We did not really understand the concept of self, as an individual self, that needs to survive for the self. We were of a oneness, of the universal self. Or, at the very least, the self of the interconnectedness of all of our species. In oneness, we coexisted with all of the others on the planet.”

  “Others? What others?” Connie asks.

  “I’m referring to the other species that were on the Earth at that time. Plants, animals, the earth itself,” Maria replies.

  “I see,” Connie says.

  “We lived in harmony until others, not from this planet, came and involved us,” Maria says.

  “Who? What others?” I ask.

  “Those that came to ravage the lands, and take what they felt they needed. We thought they were here, as we were here,” Maria says. “You see, in our connection to all, and in our release of a separate self, we had forgotten that self that other conscious beings may live their lives from. In that forgetting, everything was changed.” Maria says.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” Lella says, approaching us. “We all have to be up early, and it has been a long day for all of you.”

  “Yes, of course,” Maria says. “We can discuss this in more depth, tomorrow.”

  As we walk back up to the house, I think about what Maria has just said. I wonder how her insights of what happened affect our world today.

  Were other conscious beings now ready to understand and feel the connection to all, and release the individual and isolated self? Or, are we cursed to forever be disconnected from our true power?


  An Age of Higher Dimensions

  Late in the afternoon, Sarah and I follow the path from the river to a small, sheltered sitting area. Maria had shown it to us all, earlier that morning, and Joe and Connie are to meet us here, after their work is done. I am exhausted, and intrigued, by the information Maria had shared with us the night before.

  As we approach the benches, I see that Maria has joined Connie and Joe, and they are sitting and drinking hot tea. Maria offers some to us, as we sit down.

  “So how was your day?” I ask.

  “It was lovely, I was able to learn some of what the women do in regards to healing. It is more advanced than what I was doing, or what we were doing in our program,” Connie says.

  “It was? How so?” Sarah asks.

  Connie tells us that they mainly use sound, or resonance, to heal here. Sarah and I had seen this used for growing the plants as well.

  “I use sound, as you have seen, to assist with time and astral travel,” Connie says. “However, they use this in conjunction with pulling in energy waves, and altering those waves to what is needed.”

  I explain how Maria had instantaneously healed my sprained ankle, when I had fallen on my first day here.

  “When I did healings, or had healings with Reiki, for instance, I wo
uld bring in symbols,” I say. “Though healings were sometimes instantaneous, they generally were slower in completely manifesting in the form of healing myself, or another. Or, the Reiki energy would be needed more than one time, or one session. It seems what they do here is instantaneous, always.”

  “Yes, it is a matter of altering the electromagnetic fields within the object one is working on. This has to do with aging as well,” Maria says.

  “How so?” Joe asks.

  “It has to do with changing the frequency of the cells, the energy,” Maria says. “As I mentioned last night, we were between the Fifth and Sixth, and some were in the Sixth dimension. In this energy vibration, we used the energy to heal and transform, to repair. However, if we were vibrating at the Sixth dimension we did not need repair, we were beyond that. We also did not age as we do now.”

  “It seems with the altered time field here in this community, you don’t age much anyways,” I say.

  “Yes Mary. You are correct. We do age a little though,” Maria says. “The aging is, in a way, separate from the time piece of it. Time is slowed down, or does not go by as quickly, in a higher frequency. The bandwidth is different. The body also does not age in a higher frequency, the same way that it ages in a lower frequency. In the Third, and the Fourth dimensions, repair and re-generation is needed. In higher dimensions, it just is not needed any more; depending on how high a vibrational state one is in.”

  We sip our tea, and look at the river before us.

  “So, do you not age Maria? How old are you?” I ask.

  “I’m thirty years old, and have appeared in my physical form, as such, for a long time. In human years, I believe I would be five hundred years old,” Maria says.

  “I see. Is that true of the others?” Joe asks.

  “Yes, we have been living here, on this land, for thousands of years. Originally, we lived over one thousand of the 3D world years. Now, it is closer to nine hundred,” Maria says.

  “And, what of the children?” I ask.

  “They age faster than we do. It has to do with the planetary grid. This cannot be escaped,” Maria replies. “However, at the rate they are aging it is expected they will pass five hundred of your years. We are hoping things do change on the planet and, if they do, that will also change.”

  “That is interesting, Maria. What about your son Brandon? Was he self-birthed?” I ask.

  “No. It seems that self-birthing is only for women now. Only girls are born through the self-birth process. Brandon was conceived by me, with the Guru when he visited us,” Maria says.

  I was not expecting such news, and I look at the others to see how they are taking it.

  “It was destined. We were destined. Brandon was destined,” Maria says.

  “I’ve seen one other boy child,” Connie says.

  “Yes, that is another woman’s child. His name is James and he was born a few years before Brandon,” Maria says. “His father was also a monk. But his father died shortly after James was born. He had lived with us for a long time. He is the last man that lived here.”

  “You mentioned last night to us that men don’t live here in the community,” Joe says.

  “They don’t. It has to do with the trinity of being. Once we were masculine, and feminine, and could split into a third, a child, as well,” Maria says.

  “We also had these revelations, in Egypt, and in our work. We do understand about the divine masculine and divine feminine, and the birthing from the divine of a child,” I say.

  “Yes. The divine masculine was the part that, when split and isolated, had the more aggressive and self-preservation aspects to it,” Maria says. “The female has the softer, giving aspects. To preserve our community and our lifestyle, we have kept the community to women.”

  “But what of James, and Brandon?” Connie asks.

  “It is time now to bring in the boys, who shall one day be men” Maria says. “If the world has not elevated in consciousness by the time they are young men, they will be destined to go out in the world and spread the word.”

  “So, are you saying women could not do the same? Women cannot spread the message?” I ask.

  “I am saying, the world you came from will more easily listen to a man than a woman, Maria says. “However, it may not come to that. The time is here though. It is time to ascend back to where we came from.”

  “Yes, of course, we understand,” I say.

  “We tried to help. We were not successful,” Connie says.

  “I see. Perhaps you were more successful than you think,” Maria says.

  “When should we go back into town?” Joe asks. “Should we have the others come here Maria?

  “It is up to you,” Maria says. “Perhaps we can go into town and make arrangements that, in a few weeks of your time, the rest of your group and the monks from Kauai can join us. That will give us time to build the homes for them.”

  “Two weeks will hardly be enough time to build homes for fifty, or so, people,” Joe says.

  “You forget the time difference,” Sarah says.

  As we walk to dinner, Joe and I chat about him leaving tomorrow, to contact the rest of our group. We are both anxious about Rob and Judy, as well as the rest of our friends. He assures me he will be careful, and that all will be okay; everyone will make it here safely.

  I think of David and his untimely death. I know that it feels very safe here, now. But the darker forces are at work outside, and that it is not safe. I’m hopeful we can get the rest of the group in here quickly.

  As I wake up, I see the crystal light come through my window. It bathes me in the colors of the rainbow, or the colors of the chakras. My sleep was peaceful, and I slowly get up, and get dressed.

  Going downstairs, I see Joe drinking coffee in the kitchen. He offers me a cup, and we go sit in the garden, drinking our coffee and looking down at the river.

  “I wonder how the water is used in this community?” he asks.

  “I’m sure we will find out,” I say as I sip my drink.

  “Good morning,” Maria says as she joins us. “We best get going, Joe.”

  I take Joe’s cup, and walk with them out to the jeep. I give him a quick hug, and wave as they drive off.

  Sarah joins me, and we walk to the vegetable patch together, to gather the food that will be needed for the day’s meals. As we walk up to the garden, we see three other women, already working in the fields. We join them and our voices catch on to the tones drifting about the garden. We join in the chants, and incantations, that the women have sung, for so many thousands of years.

  It feels as if we are in a dance with nature. We sing and dance and ask permission to pull the plants needed for today’s meals. As if responding, the plants are easily pulled up from the soil. We place them in our baskets to take them down to the river to be washed, before they are prepared to be eaten, in the kitchen.

  “Mom, have you seen anyone meditating here?” Sarah asks.

  “Oddly, I have not,” I reply. Thinking to myself how truly odd this is.

  In such a spiritual place, you would normally find people meditating.

  I see Maria as we approach the river, and ask her if the women meditate.

  “We live in meditation, Mary. As you raise in vibration, your daily activities, your way of being, are a meditation. Does that make sense?” Maria asks.

  It does make sense. It is as if they are one with the field. In being one with all, they are all, and that is why time seems to stand still. It is a way of being.

  As I help prepare lunch, I think about what Maria said. I wonder when we, as a race, started to meditate. Buddha meditated, and taught this method to connect to our true self. Of course, we were already living in the Third dimension, when these lessons were taught.

  As we set the buffet table, and I put the large salad I made onto the table, I see Connie approaching me.

  “How was your morning?” I ask.

  “Good, I learned a bit about what they are d
oing with water for healing,” she says.

  “Oh good, you have to tell me,” I say, as we fill our plates, and go sit at one of the dining tables.

  “Yes, I will tell you. However, we are teaching the children about water healing today,” Connie says.

  After lunch, Connie, Sarah, and I, follow the children down to the river. I’m excited to see what Lella and Connie will be showing the children today in regards to water.

  “Water has been with us since we were conceived,” Lella says.

  She explains how the embryo thrives and grows in a sack of fluid in the womb, pre-birth. This is a familiar place for humans and most mammals. It is also what was used to help bring life onto the planet in the flesh and blood form, the non-spirit part of a being.

  “The water can act as a conduit of electricity, or energy. The water can help to heal and revive life, as the energy is brought through the water,” Lella says. “This has been done mainly for those in the Third dimensional reality. It was brought through as a healing form when the humans were no longer able to just tap into the energy through their vibrational frequency.”

  One of the children is asked to lie in a pool of water that goes off from the main river. Lella makes a small cut into the child’s finger, before the child lies in the river. Once the girl lies in the pool, Lella takes a metal rod and puts it into the pool of water. The sun shines on one end of the rod and the other is in the pool of water, close to the girl.

  After a minute or so, the girl is helped out of the water and her finger is completely mended. There is no cut.

  “This, children, is a primitive way of healing. Of using intention through the energy resources available on the planet to heal,” Lella points out.

  I sit on the bank of the river. As the children leave, Connie and Sarah join me, and sit down as well.

  “So, we were using a primitive method to try and help raise the consciousness of humanity,” I say.

  “Not primitive for where we are as a society,” Connie says.

  “It is interesting; funny almost,” I say.

  “How so?” Connie asks.


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