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Temptation Page 8

by Brie Paisley

  What I notice most of all, is the center stage.

  I stop walking, feeling Viktor’s hand on my back again. This is a strip club. I take in a breath, seeing what this place really is. I want to turn around and walk out. Viktor’s hand moves to my lower back keeping me in place. As if he knew I would want to run. But as I’m made to stay, I can’t help but to look around more.

  The stage takes up most of the room, and has one pole right in the front. There are two other poles on each side as well. Single tables and recliners sit in front of the stage. It’s almost as if only the main attraction dances here.

  Then the music changes, and I see a very beautiful, dark mocha colored girl come out from behind the black velvet curtain. She makes her way dancing provocatively on the stage, but at the same time, it’s exotic. Sensual. Graceful. Her moves and the way she bends her body is absolutely beautiful. When she gets to the pole in the middle of the stage, she moves like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I’ve never seen a woman look this way while dancing before. I thought ballet was graceful and the most beautiful way to dance, but this … this is so much more.

  I watch her dance for three songs, and I’m mesmerized. It’s like she has me transfixed on her and nothing else. I see her leave the stage just as gracefully as she came, and I imagine that it’s me up there. I see me being the one doing everything this exotic dancer just finished. The thrill of having everyone watching me as I dance again is breath taking.

  I remember that feeling all too well. And I realize, I miss dancing terribly.

  “Let’s go into my office.” Viktor’s voice pulls me out of my trance and I follow quickly behind him.

  I cannot believe I just pictured myself being a stripper.

  While following Viktor, I take in everything I can about this place. We cross in front of the center stage and turn right. We walk down a hall and I can see rooms down this hall. All the doors are closed so I don’t know what’s inside. Before we make another right, I see stairs to my left and I wonder what’s up there? The walls in this whole club are black and red. The floors are title and grey, I think, but I can’t be sure since the lighting’s so dim.

  I have so many questions to ask, so many things running through my mind that I run into Viktor’s back when he stops. He turns and gives me a look that I can’t describe and he pulls out a set of keys. I want to ask him to give me a tour of the club, but I hold back when he opens the door to his office. It’s dark green and it’s very close to the color of his eyes. I wonder why his door is different from all the other black and red doors, but I don’t ask. He steps back to allow me inside his office and I blink a few times when he turns on the lights. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to being in the light again.

  Viktor walks over to the massive desk that almost dominates the entire room. He sits down and he holds his hand out showing me a leather couch to my left. How many girls have been on that couch? I think to myself. I don’t know why that thought even occurs or why I get angry about it. I shake my head and as I sit, I look over his office. The walls are a deep dark green as well. Certificates in frames adorn the walls. Nothing personal. I’m guessing they are what he needs to keep this place up and running. His desk is black as well, and when he sits in his chair, I feel as though he’s sort of like a king. His presence makes the small office seem smaller. He dominates the room and suddenly, the air is so thick with tension it makes it harder for me to breathe.

  I put my hands in my lap not knowing what to say. All this is overwhelming and I still have no idea why Viktor wanted me to be here. I don’t even meet his intense gaze. I can feel him watching me.

  “Do you understand now what kind of club this is?” He says and I jump a bit at hearing his voice. It’s so commanding and hard. I’ve never heard him talk this way before.

  I don’t want to like it. I don’t want to feel my heart racing, or how my stomach flutters from hearing his hard voice. “Yes. But I still don’t understand what I’m doing here.”

  “You’re here because I want you to be here.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “Look at me, Ava.”

  I slowly raise my head and I look at him. He takes my breath away when I see him sitting there at his massive desk. He sits back in his chair like this is another ordinary day for him, and I guess it is. I’m sure he has done this many times. His hands are on the handles of the chair and he holds them tightly just like he did while driving me here. Is he holding back from touching me, like I am too? When I meet his eyes he nods his head at me, like he’s telling me he appreciates my obedience.

  “Why am I here, Viktor?” I ask and I don’t know if he hears me. I barely hear the words myself.

  “I want you to dance for me.” He clears his throat as he adds, “For the club.” Like this is the most common thing he can ask of me.

  “You … you want me to what?”

  “Dance, Ava. You’re a ballet dancer right?”

  “I used to be, but I haven’t danced in months. As you can see, I’m not exactly in shape for any kind of dancing.” Viktor looks at me and the way his eyes look me over make me twitch on the couch. I don’t miss his smirk as he does so, and I can’t help but enjoy his intense gaze on my body. I shouldn’t like it as much as I do, and when he meets my gaze again, I shouldn’t want him to do it again.

  “Take however long it takes to get your body in the shape you feel that needs to be considered back in shape. I want you do dance. I think you will bring my business ten times the money it’s getting now and for yourself. Say yes, Ava.”

  “I … I can’t say yes. What you’re asking … It’s not something I’d ever do.”

  “I disagree. I think, no, I know there’s more to you than you let on.” He gets up out of his chair and grabs a folder. He walks over to me and sits down beside me. He’s too close to me. I move away from him but he grabs my arm before I can get too far. I stare at him, wondering why he’s not letting me put distance needed right now between us.

  “This is a contract. In this contract, you’ll find what I want from you and the rules for working here.” He hands me the contract and I don’t even let myself look at what’s inside. I can’t look because there’s no way in hell I’m doing this.

  “Ava. Look at me.”

  I look at him once again into his intense dark green eyes. I can’t figure out what and why he wants me of all people to be … a stripper. I want to ask him, demand he tell me the answers I need, but I don’t. Instead I get lost into his green eyes. All my questions evaporate from my mind, and I find myself unable to break eye contact with him.

  “You will look over this. You will sign and do everything this contract says. In return, you’ll make more money than you can dream of. You’ll be provided with a house in Nashville, as well as a car of your choosing. Come work for me. Say yes, and you’ll have everything you need to take care of Gabriella.”

  “I … I don’t know. I think I need to go.” I shake my head, trying to clear it. There’s so much to think about. Moving away from my parents. Taking my clothes off for strangers. Letting him buy me a house. How can I say yes? But, how can I say no, knowing what all I’ll get if I say yes.

  “Alright. I’ll give you one week to decide. Say yes, Ava.”

  “Viktor …”

  “Go. There’s a car waiting to take you back. I’ll see you with a decision in one week.”

  I quickly get up and walk out of Viktor’s office. I go back along the hall with different doors, and I walk in front of the center stage again. I stop and look at it one more time. Am I really considering this? Can I really get up there, on this stage, and do what Viktor is asking of me?

  I have no idea what I will do, or what I want to do. All I know is, I need to get back home to my baby girl.

  One week later

  I can’t even count how many times I have read over Viktor’s contract. It covers everything – from health and beauty requirements to my lifestyle choices. I should ha
ve it memorized by now. But, as many times as I’ve read the contract, it seems it’s all new. The things he wants me to do, and the rules he has in place, overwhelming doesn’t even begin to explain how I feel about all of this.

  I hold Gabbie in my arms as I look over the list again. I think if I do say yes, I can handle some of the things he’s asking. I mean, this contract isn’t just for his protection, it’s for mine as well. It’s the last paragraph that holds my attention as it has every time I read it.

  “If the employee signs this contract, she will be held in this contract for two years. During these two years, the employer and employee will not engage in any sexual acts of any kind. There is to be absolutely no interaction between employer and employee, other than strictly professional reasons.”

  Reading this again makes me wonder if there’s a reason for it. Did Viktor have a relationship with one of his dancers before? The thought sends a sick feeling to the pit of my stomach. I don’t understand why. I shouldn’t care who or what Viktor does with his spare time, but I do. If he did have a relationship with one of his dancers, it makes sense for him to have some of the rules. Like the one that says:

  “There is to be no touching of any kind between employer and employee”.

  Or, the employee is never to be allowed with the employer without another person present. But, my personal favorite is the one that says, if the employee should decide to engage in acts of sex, or any other form of sexual acts, she may do so, but only outside of the club, with the client of her choosing.

  Yeah, that definitely won’t be happening.

  I sigh and toss the contract on my bed. I’m on the last day for Viktor’s deadline. And I still have yet to make up my mind. I look at Gabbie again, seeing she has fallen asleep in my arms. I want to do this for her. If Viktor thinks I can make easy money, doing the one thing I love, well isn’t that enough? But, what if my parents find out what type of work I’ll be doing by saying yes? Or what if one day when Gabbie gets old enough to understand and she finds out her mother was a stripper? I’d have to lie and hide this life if I say yes.

  The thought is exciting.

  To pretend to be someone else, knowing no one knows the real you and who you are, sends a thrill through me that I’ve never experienced before. I can see why someone like me would want that. I’ve always been the shy and good girl. But now, I wonder if maybe I’ve become this person because it’s easy to stay hidden. It’s easy to stay behind the shadows and let other’s take the spotlight. Even with small things. If I do this, I will be front and center. I will be seen.

  My heart starts to race from thinking about it.

  I look over at the contract laying on my bed. The urge to sign my name on that dotted line is strong. Very strong. But, before I completely make up my mind, I do have some conditions of my own for Viktor. It’s time I start standing up for myself and speaking up. Even though Viktor is demanding as hell, I have to show him I can take care of myself and Gabbie.

  I will do that starting with some of these rules I don’t agree with.

  I place my order for my coffee, and I find a table farthest away from prying eyes. I look around the small café, trying not to remember the last time I was here with Malcolm. The day I told him I was pregnant. Some days, I wish I could go back and forget him and I were ever together. Lord knows we weren’t exactly a couple. I sigh trying not to think about the past. I really want to forget Malcolm ever existed.

  I check my phone again for the time, wondering where Viktor is. He’s running five minutes late, and that’s unlike him. I set my phone down and take a sip of my coffee. I can’t help but wonder why he’s not here yet. I might not know him as well yet, but by his dominate and controlling side, it won’t allow him to be late, unless for a good reason. I start to worry that maybe he’s standing me up. Maybe he changed his mind about this whole situation. I haven’t seen him in a week, just like he said. I thought he would still come to see Gabbie like he used to, but he didn’t. The only reason I’m here waiting for him in the café is because he called my parents phone last night.

  That was an awkward conversation.

  Viktor insisted I tell him then what my decision was, but I held strong. I wanted to do this face to face. I also told him I had a few conditions of my own, and I’m still not sure if he liked that or not. When he asked where to meet, the café was the only place I could think of. It wasn’t like we could talk about my very near future of becoming a stripper in my parent’s house. I can’t risk either one of them finding out what I plan to do. I also know I need Viktor’s help to come up with some sort of cover for the job he offered me.

  I hear the bell on the café door and I when I look up, I see his dark green eyes staring right at me. The man knows how to wear a suit. Seeing him walking towards me makes my skin break out with goosebumps. Try all I want, I cannot shake our locked gaze. His eyes are like a drug. Like he’s hypnotizing me. He smiles at me when he sits, as if he’s laughing at some sort of private joke. He clears his throat a few times and I pull my gaze from his. I look down at my coffee, suddenly lost for words.

  “This is a nice place,” he says and I feel as if he trying to make the conversation light before we jump right down to business. The barista walks over and he orders a black coffee. He doesn’t even acknowledge the barista. I watch her walk away to make his coffee.

  “Yeah, it is,” I take a breath and I look at him again, “I’ll just get straight to the point. My answer is yes,” I hold up my hand when he tries to speak. He grins and me and allows me to continue. I have to bite my cheek seeing his grin. I like that I put it there, and I like he seems proud I have conditions, instead of just saying yes. “As I was saying, there are a few conditions of my own before I sign your contract.”

  “Alright. What are your conditions?”

  I wait a few moments, watching the barista set his coffee down. He still doesn’t look anywhere else than at me. When I know we are alone and out of earshot, I start. “First, my parents can never know what I’ll be doing. I don’t care what we have to do to spin this so they won’t find out, but this is non-negotiable.”

  “I agree to this. What else?

  “I will not be dancing under my name. I’ll figure out what you and the other dancers may call me only while I’m at the club working. They will not know about Gabbie. No one will know my life outside of the club.” When he nods his head in agreement, I continue.

  “You said I’ll be provided a house and a car. I want the house to be fully furnished and have a back yard for Gabbie. The car, I really don’t care as long as it’s in good condition.” This is part is hard to for me just to accept. I quickly add, “I want to pay you back for the house and car. Even if it’s in payments each month. I can’t just accept anything else for free.”

  Viktor doesn’t say anything when I reach into my bag and pull out the contract. I flip through looking at my notes I had made making sure I haven’t forgotten anything.

  “Under no circumstances will anyone touch me or get me to have sex with them. I want someone there watching just in case if I’m alone with a customer. I want you to pay for a check-up every six months, as well as an escort when I leave the club every night I work. I also want to be provided with an upfront cash bonus before I start.” Viktor raises his eyebrow at me when I tell him that but I continue ignoring his look. For my first business meeting, I think I’m doing okay despite the nerves. Here might be the deal breaker and I bolster all the confidence I have. “I want five thousand. I want to make sure when Gabbie and I move, I’ll have everything we need to get started in a new town. You’ll provide the movers, and make sure they do their job right.”

  “Is there anything else?” he asks, and I lean back in my chair picking my brain over in case I’ve missed anything.

  “Yes, there’s one more thing, but I also have some questions.”

  “What’s the last condition? We can talk about anything else once you actually start working for me.”

bsp; I lean forward to rest my arms on the table. “Fair enough. My last condition is that I have to choose my own music. I don’t want that to be decided by anyone else. If you can agree to my conditions then I’ll sign your contract.”

  He doesn’t even hesitate when he says, “I agree to all your … conditions.”

  Wow. That’s was easy. I cross my arms across my chest and give a curt nod. “Okay. Good.”

  I think the conversation is over when Viktor asks, “Can I talk now?”

  I nod, and I start to worry. What if I just stepped over the line? God, what if this is a mistake?

  “There are a few parts I’d like you to make sure you’re aware of.”

  “Which parts? I pretty much know this damn thing by heart.”

  “Good. But you should know, your contract will be terminated, and you will lose your job if for any reason your boyfriend or significant other decides to come to my club. I will not tolerate it. I’ve been down that road before, and some men can’t handle seeing that.”

  “Trust me. That’s something you do not have to worry about. I don’t have a boyfriend and not looking to get one.” Viktor sighs and gives me a strange look. Like he doesn’t believe me. Why would I lie about that? And it’s the truth. I have no one and I honestly don’t care to have a boyfriend.

  “There is no drinking allowed while you’re working. If I, or any of the staff sees you even with a drink in your hand, contract terminated.”

  “I don’t drink. At all.” I highly doubt I’ll ever drink again considering what happened the last time I got drunk. Viktor nods, and then he continues talking.

  “You agree to the beauty regimes I have in there?”

  “Yes, it seems … necessary. But I’d like to find a place of my choosing, if you don’t mind.”

  “The company the other girls use is quite discreet and professional if that’s what you’re worried about.”


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