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Temptation Page 28

by Brie Paisley

  “You don’t know a fucking thing about Viktor and me. You think just because you let him in between your legs that he tells you everything?” He shakes his head and takes a step to me. “You don’t know anything.”

  I can’t stop myself from saying something back to him. “I do know what you did to him years ago with his girlfriend. He did tell me that, and you know what, you don’t know anything about me or Viktor. You think just because he’s your brother, you know what all he goes through, but you don’t see what I see in him. Fuck you, Sebastian. You’re a sorry piece of shit for doing that to him.”

  He starts to laugh which starts to make me worry. “Ah, you have it all figured out don’t you? That stripper you’re referring to, was just that. Nothing but a fucking bitch who took her clothes off for men and whored around to get what she wanted. Sounding familiar?” I shove him back, and turn to leave. I won’t stand to listen to him talk that way about me. I feel a hand on my wrist and I turn around, jerking my hand out of Sebastian’s grip.

  “Just so you know, that bitch drugged me. Oh and the baby wasn’t mine either.” I look away, not knowing for sure if I can believe him. “See, told you that you didn’t know everything.”

  “That’s enough, Sebastian.” I walk away from Sebastian when I hear Viktor’s voice, and as I pass by him, I shake my head. What a fucking mess. Viktor lets me walk away and I’m glad he doesn’t want to talk to me. I’ve had enough drama for one night. I don’t know what happened between Viktor and Malcolm. I don’t know how bad Tony was hurt or if he even was. The only thing I do know is, I’m finding Margo, and taking a few weeks off. Tonight was by far the worst night at the club, and I have a feeling it’s only getting started.

  Seeing Malcolm again has shocked me to my core. I thought it was over between us, and I thought I’d never see him again. I walk back to the dressing room, wondering if it’s even worth it to try to find some closure. I know I’ve held onto what he did, but a part of me is sick and tired of it all. I can’t even muster the strength to think about what to do about it. I sigh as I grab my bag out of my locker. I do know one thing for sure, Malcolm should stir clear of us, if he knows what’s good for him.

  I wake sometime in the late afternoon to a killer headache and an empty bed. I sigh and rub my temples knowing Viktor never came home last night. I still cannot get over how things quickly took a turn for the worse. After I told Margo I was leaving and taking a few weeks off, I grabbed a taxi and came home. I didn’t even stay up to wait and see if Viktor would come home or not. I went straight to bed, trying to erase the events from last night. I slowly get out of bed, and go to the bathroom. I do my daily routine and grab my comfy pajama’s for the day. I think about going and getting Gabbie, but as I reach the end of the stairs, I decide against it.

  I see Viktor sitting at the island in the kitchen with his phone in hand. I can feel his gaze as I grab a water out of the fridge. I lean against the counter as I gulp it down. Our gazes lock but neither of us say a word. I don’t know if he just got here or if he came home late last night and slept on the couch. I notice he’s still wearing the same clothes from last night, just a bit more wrinkled. I’ll admit it stings knowing he wasn’t here last night or the fact he didn’t care enough to let me know he wasn’t coming home. The last time I left without telling him, he came rushing back here. I shake my head, thinking, it’s not important. I take a deep breath as I set my water bottle down and I take a seat by Viktor. He lays his phone face down and turns to me.

  “Do you want to talk about what happened last night?” I ask.

  “Not particularly, but I guess we should.”

  I refrain from rolling my eyes and snapping. Why are men such dicks sometimes? “Well, you can start off by telling me what the fuck was going on with you last night.” He rubs his chin as if he’s thinking of what to tell me. I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, but he’s acting different today. “Vik, why won’t you answer me?”

  “It was nothing. I just lost my temper because of the fight between that asshole and Tony.” But why I don’t believe you, I think to myself. Something’s off.

  “Okay, it was crazy and unexpected. I thought … I thought maybe you were angry at me for some reason. I mean you do realize that was Malcolm, my ex fiancé.”

  Viktor shakes his head as he says, “No, I didn’t realize.” I can tell he’s lying. I sigh, hating that he just lied to my face. And the fact that he doesn’t want to talk to me or look me in the eyes as he does say something. I hate this distance and feeling as though he’s keeping secrets.

  “So, are you pissed off at me?”

  He sighs and takes my hand. He kisses my fingers and tells me, “I could never be angry with you. I’m sorry you feel as though I was taking my anger out on you. And I’m very sorry for being such an ass to you last night. I should’ve never talked to you that way.”

  His words give me a little solace, even though I think he’s keeping something from me. I don’t want to fight with him but I would still like the truth. “I forgive you, but you better not ever talk to me like that again.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he says with a chuckle.

  “Okay, no need to be a smart ass.” I get off my stool and stand in between his legs. I wrap my arms around his neck as he places his hands on my hips. “Why didn’t you come to bed with me last night? I woke up lonely.”

  “I’m sorry, moya lyubov'. I haven’t even been to sleep yet. It was crazy after you left, again without telling me. You know I don’t like it when you go home alone.” He sighs and says, “I had to stay and take care of some business.”

  “I’m sorry for leaving without telling you. I was just ready to come home and the way you and Sebastian were having a standoff, I thought it would be best to leave you two alone to talk. Did you hear what he told me?” He pulls my arms from around his neck and places them in his lap. His head drops, and I squeeze his hands to let him know I’m here for him.

  “Yes. I heard what he said.” He glances up to me and says, “I don’t know what to think about it. I still don’t trust him.”

  I sigh and I take a hand out of his. I gently run it through his hair and I smile when he closes his eyes and groans. “I don’t think Sebastian would lie about something like that. I know you two don’t get along, but I think he stays around because you’re his big brother, and the fact that he still looks up to you.” I laugh thinking about it now. “You do realize he did the things he did with me to get us together?”

  “I guess he did.” He shakes his head, no doubt thinking of the past. “I’ve been so angry at him for so long about him sleeping with Misty. I never even thought of letting him explain. I never gave him the chance. Looks like I’m the one that needs to apologize.”

  “It’s not too late to make amends with him. I’m sure he’ll listen, or be stubborn about it, but he’ll listen.” I give him a peck on the lips and I pull away. I stop before I get to the living room and say, “By the way, I have tonight off. And next weekend too. I don’t know if Margo had a chance to tell you. I thought it would be best to take a break from the club.”

  “No, she didn’t tell me but I think it’s a good idea.” Viktor makes his way to me and we both lay down on the couch. His front faces mine and he lays his head on my chest. “Should we go pick up Gabbie from your parents?” I run my hands through his hair and he sighs in content. His arms wrap around my waist tightly, then he looks up and smiles. I lean down and kiss him, but it’s sort of awkward to do so. We both end up laughing and he lays his head back down.

  “We can go get her tomorrow. She’s used to staying the whole weekend anyways.” I want to talk more about what happened last night, and talk to him about why I feel the way I do, but when I hear him breathing deeply, I know he’s fallen asleep. I knew he would as soon as he got comfortable. Especially if he hadn’t slept at all last night. I try not to laugh when I hear him start to snore.

  I continue to run my hands through his hair, loving how it feels
on my skin. I can’t help but stare at Viktor as he sleeps. He looks so peaceful and stress free. It’s not often I get this opportunity and I’m taking full advantage. He starts to mumble something, but I can’t understand him. Partly because he’s mumbling and partly because it’s in Russian. I think for the thousandth time maybe I should start taking lessons. It would make things easier if I knew some of the things he says to me at times.

  Viktor continues to sleep as my boredom grows. I reach over careful not to wake him, and grab my phone off the coffee table. I play some games, and check my email. I notice it’s getting super late and I don’t know how much longer I can lay on the couch like this. My back is starting to cramp from Viktor’s arm being under me and he’s getting heavy on my chest.

  I’m about to wake him and tell him to go get in the bed when my phone starts to ring. I silence it quickly, but Viktor stirs. When I see it’s mom calling, I immediately answer it. “Mom, what’s wrong?” I know something wrong as soon as hear Gabbie screaming in the background, and knowing it’s too late for her to be calling to talk. While she tries to pacify Gabbie, I move Viktor off me and I get up.

  “I’m sorry, Ava, but I can’t get Gabbie to stop crying. She’s been upset for over an hour, wanting you.”

  I hang onto mom’s every word, trying not to think the worst. “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I laid her down for bed and she just woke up screaming.” I hear Gabbie calling for me and I look over to see Viktor waking up. I grab my shoes and start to put them on as I tell her, “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

  “It’s fine, mom. Can I talk to her? Maybe that’ll help.” I motion for Viktor to get up and I walk to the door as my mom tells Gabbie I’m coming to get her and that I want to talk to her. Gabbie seems to calm down a bit but I know she’s still crying when she comes on the phone.


  “Hey, baby. Tell me what’s wrong?” I get to the passenger side of my SUV as Viktor gets in the driver’s seat. He doesn’t ask or say anything as we pull out of the driveway.

  “Mommy, peas, mommy.” I hate I can’t understand a word she’s saying after that. I hate something has upset her so much.

  “I’m coming, baby. Put Gammie back on the phone.”

  I hear Gabbie scream again as my mom takes the phone from her. “We’re on our way. We’ll be there as soon as we can.” I have to yell so she can hear me over Gabbie.

  “Be safe and I’ll see if I can’t figure out why she’s so upset.”

  “Okay, mom. Bye.”

  I hang up and rub my eyes. Viktor places a hand on my leg and asks, “What happened? Is Gabbie hurt?”

  “I have no idea. Mom said she woke up screaming for me. I don’t think she’s hurt. I’m guessing she had a nightmare.”

  Viktor rubs my leg in an attempt to relax. This is why I hate being so far away from home. It’s going to take way too long for my liking to get to my parent’s and I hate knowing I can’t do a thing to help Gabbie. I’m glad I wasn’t at work. I usually keep my phone off or in my locker. I would’ve missed mom’s call and never known it until I had gotten off work.

  “She’s going to be fine. As soon as she sees you she’ll be alright.”

  Viktor’s words give me some comfort, but at the same time, they make me feel guilty. I know Gabbie doesn’t have nightmares very often but I can’t help to feel this way. She should’ve been home with me. I shouldn’t have to rush to go pick her up from my parent’s because they have to watch her while I go take my clothes off for strangers. I lean back in my seat and look out the window. Maybe I should stop working four nights a week and spend more time with her. I only wanted to work to take care of her, but I hate knowing she’s so upset and I’m not there.

  Then knowing Malcolm’s back. Not knowing what will happen with him is driving me crazy with worry. Not to mention I still don’t know why I feel as though Viktor lied to me earlier. I sigh, turning in my seat. “Viktor?”

  He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. “What is it, moya lyubov'?”

  “Were you lying to me earlier? About Malcolm, I mean.”

  He sighs loudly and pulls his hand away from mine. “I don’t know why you would think that. Have I ever lied to you before?”

  “No, but.”

  “No, buts about it Ava. I get he screwed you over, but that doesn’t mean I’m like him.”

  “Vik, I …” My eyes start to fill with tears. Why he’s being so defensive about it, makes me question it even more. I turn back around in my seat when he starts to clench his jaw. I know something more is going on, and I’ll drop it. For now at least.

  Viktor and I don’t speak again as he drives to my parent’s. He knows I’m lost into my thoughts and I hope he realizes what a dick he’s being about nothing. All I want is the truth. Is that so fucking hard? I just want to hold Gabbie in my arms. I hate that it feels like it’s taking more than an hour to get there. Every few seconds I glance at the clock hoping time will hurry up.

  Finally, I can I see my parent’s house. I can see the living room light is on and I don’t wait for Viktor to park before I’m out of the car. I run up to my parent’s door and I go inside. The first thing I hear is Gabbie crying. It breaks my heart knowing I wasn’t there for her. I see my mom in the rocking chair, trying her best to calm Gabbie down. I make my way over to them and then Gabbie sees me. She cries for me and I reach for her. I pick her up and she instantly wraps her little arms and legs around me. I rub her back as she continues to cry and I whisper in her ear that everything’s fine now. Mom looks exhausted, and she slowly gets out of the chair.

  “I still don’t know what happened,” Mom tells me as she bends down to pick up Gabbie’s bag. She smiles at Viktor and hands it to him.

  “Maybe she had a nightmare? It’s happened, but it’s never been this bad before.” I continue to rub Gabbie’s back and her hair. Her cries slowly start to stop.

  “I really don’t know, Ava. I just know I’ve never seen her so upset before.”

  I try to hand Gabbie to Viktor so I can hug mom bye, but she starts yelling again. I sigh and say, “I’m sorry, mom. I hate she kept you up half the night. We’re going to go so you can get some rest. We’ll be back tomorrow hopefully and maybe Gabbie will be better. I just hope she isn’t getting sick.”

  “Okay, honey. I checked her forehead and she didn’t feel hot. I think she’ll be fine soon. She just wanted her mom.” I smile at mom as she touches my shoulder and Viktor and I turn to leave. Gabbie has not let up on her grip on me and when I try to put her in her car seat, she screams right into my ear. Viktor gives me a sympathetic look as he gets in the SUV, and I get into the back so I can hold her. It’s probably not the best idea, but at this point anything to get her to stop crying I’ll try. I awkwardly pull the seat belt around us, and I rub her back some more.

  All the way back home I rock her in my lap, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Ten minutes before we pull up at the house, Gabbie finally passes out. I lean my head against the head rest and sigh loudly.

  “Is she finally out?” Viktor asks.

  “Yes. Thank goodness. I’ve never seen her cry this much or so upset before. And it’s very surprising she didn’t want to go to you. She’s never done that.”

  Viktor chuckles as he says, “She just wanted her mother.”

  His mood seems to have gotten better on the way home. “I guess so. I just hope she stays asleep.” Viktor pulls into the driveway, parks, and gets out of the SUV. He opens my door and I carefully slide out making sure not to wake Gabbie. I hear Viktor shut the door, and I wait for him to open the front door to let us in. I walk up the stairs and go in Gabbie’s room. I don’t turn on the light worried it might wake Gabbie and I cringe when I kick her toys and one goes off. I wait a second before I move again, hearing her whimper. When she doesn’t move or wake up, I slowly put her down in her bed. She curls up
in a ball as I cover her, and I move her hair out of her face and kiss her on the forehead. I watch her for a minute making sure she doesn’t wake up.

  I feel Viktor’s hands on my shoulder, and then his lips on my cheek. “She’s fine. Come, let’s go get some rest,” he tells me softly. I follow him out, and leave Gabbie’s door cracked. I want to be angry with him for acting the way he had, but at this point, I’m too tired to care right now. Viktor and I climb into bed but I sigh loudly. I still feel guilty about not being there for Gabbie, but Viktor pulls me into his arms and runs his hands through my hair, it relaxes me. He kisses me on my forehead and I finally let myself drift off.

  “Gabbie! Please stop!”


  I feel as if I’m losing my mind. I’ve been fighting with Gabbie all day. I jerk the remote out her hand and sit her down on the couch. Of course this makes her kick and scream as if I’m hurting her. She’s hit me with the stupid remote twice now. I’ve no clue why she’s being such a brat today. We didn’t even go to my parents on Monday since she’s been so horrible for the past three days.

  “Gabbie, if you don’t sit down you’re going to take a nap.”

  “No!” she yells.

  I sit her down again and this time she stays. I turn the TV on for her, hoping it will catch her attention. Ever since I had to go pick her up at my parents three days ago, she has been acting out. Nothing I do pleases her and I want to pull my hair out. Viktor has been pretty much absent since Monday, working at the club. I just know he comes home in a pissed off mood every day and I’m ready to just give up. Three days of Gabbie being a terror and Viktor acting like a dick is really starting to wear me down. I honestly don’t know how much more attitude I can take from Gabbie, or the cold shoulder from Viktor.

  Gabbie starts to jump on the couch and I don’t even care to try and stop her. I just let her be, thanking the sweet heavens she’s not screaming anymore. I sit down hard on the floor and of course, Gabbie decides to kick me on the back of my head.


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