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Stunner Page 1

by Trina M. Lee

  Alexa O’Brien

  Prequel Short Stories


  An Alexa O’Brien Prequel Short Story

  Trina M. Lee

  Published 2011

  Copyright © 2011, Trina M. Lee

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Published by

  Dark Mountain Books

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  The faintest sprinkle of rain descended all around. The chilly drops landed on my hair and eyelashes as I looked up into the dark night sky. I shivered and rubbed my arms briskly. I couldn’t decide if it was the cold or fear that caused me to shake.

  Watching the others bound off into the night left me feeling alone and more than a little abandoned. More than enough time had passed. Being a werewolf had grown easier in many ways. Yet, I still couldn’t shake the terror and insecurity that came with both the nudity as well as feeling like an outsider among my own pack.

  I felt like I was still so new, a stranger amid the rest. Shaz was a newer addition than I. Even he seemed to fit in better than I did. I didn’t belong here. I knew it deep down, in every part of me. It may have been the fact that I was born with metaphysical abilities, able to work energy. Or it could have been something else entirely. Either way, I couldn't shake it.

  Shaz had hung back upon noticing my hesitance to join the others. I stood in the clearing, watching our pack disappear into the forest. The weight of his jade green gaze was heavy and I almost wished he’d gone on without me.

  “Are you ok, Lex?”

  I met his eyes steadily. “Yeah, I just don’t feel like I belong here. With them. And with him.”

  I could be honest with Shaz. In fact, he was pretty much the only person I felt like myself around. At just nineteen, he was so young yet wise beyond his years. He would have been like the little brother I never had if he hadn’t been a werewolf. And strikingly beautiful whether in wolf form or not.

  Shaz nodded as if he understood. Maybe he did. “You love him.”

  Hearing someone else say it struck a chord deep within me. The truth really does hurt at times. In fact, it could cut like a knife.

  I laughed but it sounded fake, even to me. “Is it possible to love and loathe someone at the same time?”

  I was painfully aware of our nakedness. I angled my body away, trying to hide what he and the rest of the pack had already seen countless times. The self consciousness wasn’t something I could easily shake. I’d been a naive teenager when I was attacked. Entering into this world of creatures that stalk the night had proved incredibly difficult.

  I owed Raoul for everything he’d done for me. Taking me into his pack, teaching me that werewolves were not just B movie characters, he’d done so much for me. He was rough and ruggedly handsome with his long black hair, strong physique and take charge attitude. He was Alpha wolf for a reason.

  He was also maddeningly appealing to me in every way. Despite the fact that he was seventeen years older than my twenty-two years, I’d fallen for him. Hard.

  “If you just want to hang out here, I’ll stick around.” Shaz’s eyes were all wolf, not a speck of white showed. He needed to shift.

  “No, you go ahead. I’m fine. I’ll catch up.” He gave me a look of disbelief so I added, “Promise.”

  His hand on my shoulder was warm and unexpected. I could feel his wolf in his touch, waiting impatiently. He squeezed gently and nodded before turning away. The change stole over him swiftly and suddenly a large white wolf stood before me. His fur was just as white as his shock of platinum hair.

  He gave me one last look before trotting off into the trees. I waited until he was gone before giving in to the ache within me. It hurt to deny the change but at least it was possible. It hadn’t always been so.

  The shift from human to wolf felt like true freedom. It was fast and fluid and despite what one may assume, only hurt for a split second. Then it was absolute pleasure.

  Though part of me longed to run with Raoul, Shaz and the others, I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. When I was wolf, I felt like nothing in the world could bring me down.

  The afflictions of the human world were gone, like dust on the wind. It was a sense of peace that I was still getting used to.

  Everything in the forest smelled so alive, filled with vitality. From the earthy scent of the grass at my feet to the all encompassing expanse of the night sky above, this was life like so many would never know it. Perhaps I was more blessed than I wanted to admit.

  After the attack, it had taken a long time to accept what I was. Survivor’s guilt never really went away, at least, not so far. I’d spent a lot of time fearing that I would become a rampaging monster like the wolf that had killed my family and left me for dead. It was moments like this that made it all bearable.

  The sound of nocturnal creatures scurrying through the trees and brush had my ears twitching. I could scent the small coyote pack that lurked half a mile away. They were afraid to get too close to us.

  It was the mental gifts I’d been born with though that alerted me to another presence. Being able to work energy had always made me feel like a freak, until I became part of the supernatural world. Now it all seemed to fit like that last puzzle piece.

  Raoul emerged from the darkness, the moonlight dancing on his jet black fur. He was massive, powerful and majestic. I was absolutely enchanted.

  He was alone. He stood watching me for what felt like a long time. My heart fluttered and I barely breathed. He was the man who had saved me, taken me in when I had no one and nothing. I adored him.

  He came to me, slowly crossing the distance between us. I quivered in anticipation. Since my late teen years, he’d been my hero. Despite the ups and downs along the way, he still was.

  Raoul nuzzled me, rubbing his furry face along mine. I leaned into his touch, seeking comfort in it. He shifted to human form fast and knelt before me. I followed his lead so that we both sat in the grass facing one another.

  I wasn’t prepared for how fast he grabbed me, pulling me close and crushing his lips to mine. The scent of him overwhelmed me, wrapping me in his musky, masculine aroma.

  My mighty Alpha wolf. Oh, how I wanted him. I threw my arms around his neck, burying my hands in his long silky locks. He forced his tongue into my mouth with an aggression that shocked me with delight. When Raoul wanted something, he didn’t ask. He took it. And I was more than willing to let him.

  “You can’t hide from me, Alexa.” His whispered words were a growl in my ear. “If you think avoiding a pack run is going to do anything but provoke me, you’re dead wrong.”

  “I didn’t … I mean, I wasn’t trying to avoid you. I just wanted to run alone.” I gasped when he bit at my neck with fangs bared. The pain sent a jolt of pleasure throughout my entire body. Raoul forced me back so that I lay beneath him on the ground. Random bits of twig and pine needles dug into my back but I barely noticed when he bit harder.

  Sliding a hand down my body, he stroked between my legs ever so gently. He bent to capture one of my nipples in his mouth. The hot, wet sensation of his mouth and tongue coaxed a moan from me.

  “You want me. I know you do. Tell me how bad you want me.” Raoul’s demand was as dominant as his touch. His husky voice and the words he spoke had my whole body thrumming with desire.

is hair was soft and silky against my bare skin. I reached to run my hands down his firmly muscled back. “I do want you, Raoul. I need to feel you inside me.”

  He chuckled, a sound that stirred the embers of the growing fire inside me. “Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me that you’re mine.”

  I writhed beneath him and he stilled me by repositioning his weight atop me. “I’m yours,” I gasped, straining against him. “You know I am.”

  I reached down between us, wanting to touch him. He moved so that I couldn’t. It wasn’t part of his game this time. Raoul was lost in his domination of me. He was the Alpha male and I was his submissive female.

  He hungered for control, rarely giving it up. The wolf was wild within him, seeking only to take me and make me his. Like I had so many times before, I gave myself to him completely. Was it foolish? Perhaps. But it felt so right.

  I growled with impatience. I was ready for him at the slightest touch. His teasing tongue traced a wet line down my stomach. My fingers tightened in his hair but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “Please,” I heard myself beg. “Now. I need you now.”

  Raoul ignored my pleas. Instead of responding to my request, he forced my legs open wide and wasted no time in burying his face between them with raw animal aggression. The instant sensations swarmed my brain, growing quickly agonizing in the most beautiful way. It was too much yet it also wasn’t enough. I wanted him inside me.

  The moist touch of his tongue was mind shattering. I cried out when his hands slid beneath me, lifting my hips to give him better access. The sounds and smells of the night heightened my pleasure.

  I didn’t give any thought to such things like the fact that the others could come racing back at any time. All I cared about was that he claimed me the way I desperately needed him to.

  A howl broke from me when the onslaught of sensation became too much. Climax crashed over me with a heady rush. My breath came in pants and I opened my mouth to beg him again to take me but he was already moving to do so.

  Raoul knelt between my legs, thrusting hard and fast. Having him fill me was what I’d been aching for. My heart raced and I threw my head back, looking up at the stars far overhead.

  Surreal. That was the only word that could accurately describe what it felt like to have Raoul buried within me as we moved together beneath the expanse of the night sky. His thrusts were rough, his body demanding of mine. I wanted to answer the call of his wolf, to be all that he wanted.

  “Look at me,” he growled, drawing my focus to him. His eyes were all wolf, frightening with their predatory glow. I knew mine looked the same.

  With a smooth maneuver, Raoul flipped us over so that I sat atop him instead. Our rhythm momentarily faltered but he gripped my hips with both hands and pulled me down at the same moment that he thrust up. It was pure ecstasy.

  A snarl erupted from between my lips and I flashed fangs at him. He smirked, completely self satisfied. The masculine yet wolfy scent of him filled my nostrils. I breathed it in deep, wishing to savor it forever. Raoul’s smell was intoxicating. That alone could bring me to my knees with desire for him. I would have closed my eyes and let that scent wash over me but he insisted that I meet his heavy gaze.

  I couldn’t have denied him if I wanted to. I adored this man. He was everything to me.

  Our bodies moved as one, united by our common bond as wolves and two passionate living beings. Many things united Raoul and I but love wasn’t one of them. Not anymore. Clearly, there was a certain affection we shared for one another. I may have called it love during times such as these. It wasn’t though. Whatever it was, it was powerful and I was certain, everlasting.

  Raoul moaned, pulling me down so that my breasts were pressed to his chest. He bit at my lower lip and I trembled in his arms.

  It was as I spiraled headlong into that moment of overwhelming sensation that I felt it. Though I couldn’t detect the scent of anyone around, I could feel his energy. Another wolf had come upon us.

  Raoul was oblivious. The throes of passion overtook him and the power behind every move he made increased. The pleasure pulsed throughout my entire body, knocking me momentarily breathless. The intensity struck me to the core. I threw my head back and a sound that seemed to be a howl and a cry mingled came from me.

  Through my passion induced haze I thought I saw jade green eyes for the briefest second before they disappeared into the shadows among the trees.

  Chapter Two

  I couldn’t believe I’d been doing this for years already. In many ways, it felt like just yesterday that I’d met Veryl and my colleagues. Killing vampires and Weres had never struck me as something I shouldn’t do. There were far too many that were simply too careless and stupid to be allowed to walk the earth. All it took was one wrong move to expose us all.

  I preferred a challenge when I hunted to kill. If it was too easy, it wasn’t any fun. Of course, I wasn’t quite the thrill seeker that my vampire companion Kale was. It was this fact that had me asking myself why I’d agreed to accompany him tonight.

  “I promise, it will be the easiest way to lure him out. No big deal. You get him out of the building and I’ll be waiting for him.” Kale sounded so sure of himself. I guess after centuries of proving yourself, that came naturally.

  “And what if he decides he wants to rape and kill me first? What then?”

  The look Kale gave me clearly stated how ridiculous he thought that was. The fact that his eyes were two different colors made the look eerie but intriguing. It didn’t take much for those eyes to captivate.

  He’d been born that way, a gene condition that he detested. I didn’t see why. He could use it to his advantage due to the extraordinary beauty of having one dark brown eye and one amazing blue one. I was a little jealous. My brown eyes and ash blonde hair weren’t nearly so eye catching.

  “You’re joking, right?” Kale asked, running a hand through his short, dark hair. “You’d tear his arms off before he could do that to you. This won’t be dangerous. I promise.”

  It was my turn to give him a look. “Bullshit. Every time you say that to me, it ends up being incredibly damn dangerous. How about you just stop saying that altogether?”

  “Fine. Now get your ass moving so we can nail this bastard.”

  I would have slapped him if he’d been anybody else. But Kale’s friendly grin erased any seriousness his words carried. He was the only vampire I knew other than Veryl that I trusted and actually considered a friend.

  I stared at the dark building, knowing a potentially deadly vampire dwelled within. I didn’t sense anyone else but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. I didn’t have a good feeling about this. Why was I letting Kale talk me into something my instinct said was all wrong?

  “Kale … something doesn’t feel right. Are you sure he couldn’t possibly know we’re here?” I glanced at the building, then back at Kale. My hand was frozen on the door handle of his black Camaro.

  “Well, anything is possible, Alexa, but I really don’t think so. He slaughtered four teens partying in a graveyard. He’s a fucking coward that preys on kids. We have to stop him before he does it again.”

  I nodded. I’d seen photos of the aftermath of that slaughter. It was enough to make me nauseous. I didn’t understand why some vampires went for such weak prey. I’d imagine they would prefer more of a challenge. Maybe that was just me.

  “Fine. But I still don’t see why you don’t just come in there with me.”

  “It makes more sense this way. If he’s not alone or if he pulls a fast one on us, I’ll have a better chance of coming in after you. If we’re together, we could both be put at a disadvantage.”

  I sighed and tried to resist the urge to ask him why he couldn’t be the one to go in first. I knew what he’d say. But I asked anyway.

  Kale frowned and studied me hard. He thought I was afraid and I hated that. I wasn’t afraid. I was wary.

  “Come on, Alexa. You know that you have a better chance a
t distracting him than I do. I don’t have any reason to believe he plays for the other team. Use your womanly wiles and work some magic.”

  I laughed bitterly and stuck my tongue out at him. “Right. Magic. Sure. Here I go. Don’t you dare let him kill me.”

  “Cross my heart,” Kale replied with a wink.

  I shoved the car door open and got out without a look back. I stared straight ahead at the old, long abandoned building that had once housed a law office. Now it was home to a vampire unworthy of being either supernatural or human.

  There was no point knocking politely and waiting for an invite. Taking a deep breath, I strode up to the front of the building and kicked the door open. The sound of wood splitting was music to my ears. Adrenaline rushed through me and my trepidation slipped away. I was ready to tangle with this guy.

  What I wasn’t ready for were the four vampires awaiting me. Each of them wore an expectant expression. The one that I was after looked absolutely delighted. He reached for me and I reacted, instinct driving me to throw my hands up and blast him with a hot shot of pure energy.

  It wasn’t the greatest reaction. It resulted in every other vampire lunging at me, the one closest took me down hard and fast. The breath was forced from my lungs as I hit the floor with his weight on top of me. I sure hoped Kale had seen this from the car or I was fucked.

  “Fucking stupid werewolf,” the vampire pinning me down sneered. “You might have power but it’s never going to be enough.”

  “I can’t believe you thought you could take me.” The one I’d come for laughed as he moved into my line of vision. He motioned to the one holding me, indicating he wanted me up.

  They jerked me to my feet and pain shot down each of my arms. I bit back the urge to make a pained noise. My power wasn’t nearly as strong as theirs but it was all I had. I waited though, wanting to plan any attack carefully. Once I used up my strength, I’d be screwed.


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