Moonlight Kiss

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Moonlight Kiss Page 18

by LuAnn McLane

  “I won’t argue,” she said weakly and walked gingerly over to the big wingback black velvet chair trimmed in gold. After she sat down she eased her feet up onto a matching ottoman. A weary sigh escaped her while she leaned forward and massaged her feet, exposing a nice display of cleavage. Reid swallowed hard and almost dropped the flutes of champagne. He downed the cold bubbly liquid in three gulps.

  “Here you go,” Reid said.

  “Thank you.” She accepted the glass and took a sip. “Ah, nectar of the gods,” she said with a tired grin.

  Knowing he was taking a chance Reid lifted up her feet and scooted onto the big ottoman. Her eyes rounded slightly but she didn’t kick or scream, so he went on to his next move … massaging her feet.

  “If you’re trying to get back in my good graces, that’s totally working.”

  Reid chuckled softly. “I am.”

  “Then don’t even think of stopping.”

  “I won’t.” He pressed the pad of his thumb to the ball of her foot, rolling it back and forth.

  “Dear Lord … I think you missed your calling.” She leaned against the back of the chair and sipped her drink, watching him through half-lidded eyes. She looked so tired that Reid longed to scoop her up in his arms and carry her upstairs to bed. The massage therapy wouldn’t stop with her feet.

  “Sara said you wanted to go over to Sully’s and have a night out on the town. Are you game?”

  “Not unless you want to carry me piggyback again.”

  “I would.”

  Her expression softened even more. He hoped it wasn’t just from the champagne. “That would be funny.” She giggled, and he knew she was a bit slaphappy but it was so damned cute on her.

  Reid chuckled. “Have you eaten?”

  Addison jammed her thumb over her head. “Cake.”

  “Is that champagne going straight to your head?”

  “Yeah, it’s awesome. May I have another?” She raised her glass.

  “Absolutely.” Reid refilled both glasses. “What are the raspberries for?” He pointed to the bowl.

  “Oh, you drop one into the bottom of the flute. To look pretty and to go with the filling in the cake.”

  “Ahh … of course.” Reid plunked one into her glass.

  “No raspberry for you?”

  “I don’t fruit my drinks.”

  “Yeah, well, you do have to worry about that last swallow.”

  “Sounds like you know this from experience.” Reid handed her the glass and then sat back down.

  “I seem to learn everything the hard way.” When she started to put her feet on the floor he shook his head.

  “No you don’t. Put those tired toes back where they belong.”

  “In your lap?”


  “I’m too bone weary to argue. Pretty soon I’ll be tipsy. Wait. I think I already am. Was that your grand plan?” She tipped the glass up to lips that were tinted with something pink and glossy.

  “No, my plan was to take you to Sully’s. But I’m flexible.” He hesitated but then decided to take that leap of faith that Sara preached to him about. “In fact, Addison, I know exactly what you need.”


  Ya Gotta Have Faith

  “AND WHAT MIGHT THAT BE?” THE RETURNING TOUCH OF his hands on her feet sent a warm, delicious tingle that started with her toes and spread throughout her body. She felt as if she were melting like butter on a pancake, the pain in her feet forgotten.

  “A swimsuit.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think I’m up for swimming laps.”

  “You could use a long, hot soak in my hot tub. It saved my sore back when I first started working on the farm. I thought I was in pretty decent shape, but apparently I was wrong.”

  Addison watched the play of muscles beneath his shirt as he worked his magic on her feet. She remembered what he looked like bare chested and her fingers itched to lean forward and tug on the mother-of-pearl-covered snaps on his shirt, making them pop open one by one. And then she’d press her mouth to that tanned skin of his… .

  “I promise you, it will make you feel like a new woman.”

  “Oh, I bet you could. I mean, it would. The tub … I mean.” Dear Lord. She tipped her flute back and drained the rest of the champagne.

  To his credit he kept a straight face. “It works wonders.”

  “Oh, I admit that sounds so inviting. I haven’t stopped all week and my weary body is starting to protest. I unloaded a million boxes.”

  “A million, huh?”

  “Maybe two.”

  Reid chuckled. “You should have called me to come over and help.”

  Reid’s offer caught Addison by surprise. “Would you have?” she asked softly.

  “Yes,” Reid replied, and then lowered his gaze to her feet. When he gently traced his fingertip over the blister Addison melted a little bit more. “You need some ointment on that one.” He might be a little moody, but he was a good guy, caring about everything, unlike Garret who seemed to only care about himself.

  “I can’t do it.”

  Reid looked up at her. “Hey, I want you to know that I only thought the hot tub would make you feel better. I wasn’t trying—”

  “I mean that whole pretending-to-be-a-couple thing I came up with. I just can’t do it.”

  “Oh, so you’ve had a change of heart?” He asked casually, but there was something in his eyes that made Addison’s pulse pound.

  “You could say that.”

  “I want you to know that I didn’t call because I wanted you to rethink it, Addison.” He stoked the arch of her foot, waiting for her answer, but she didn’t know what to say. The foot massage was making her brain short-circuit. “Let me guess: You couldn’t even begin to pretend to like me.” His joking tone was at odds with the searching look he gave her.

  “You guessed it. I’m a terrible liar.”

  Reid pressed his lips together and nodded.

  “The truth is, I don’t want you to be my rebound guy, Reid.”

  “I think you’re making yourself pretty clear,” Reid said with an edge of something … disappointment?

  “No, I don’t think I am. If I have a relationship with you I want it to be the real thing, not some silly sham. I suppose I made up that stupid scenario to try to come up with a way to spend time with you without feeling a sense of guilt for jumping into something so soon. But I already like you way too much, and that’s dipping into dangerous territory.”

  “Wait. What did you just say?”

  “It’s too soon. I need to get my head screwed on straight.” She tapped her temple.

  “No … the other part. The part about liking me. Let me get this straight. You don’t want to date because you like me too much? That’s your reason?”

  “It sounds silly spoken out loud, but yes.”

  “That’s insane.”

  Addison scooted up in the chair. “Well, it’s your fault! At first I was just physically attracted to you but I thought you were, well … kind of an ass. Then you had to become all likeable too and there’s that dimple when you smile.” Addison sighed. “And then …” She trailed off and shook her head.

  “It was the piggyback ride, wasn’t it?”

  “Yep, that sealed it for me. And now this … just when I was pissed when you didn’t call. Why couldn’t you just stay a jerk and we could have had some really hot sex?”

  Reid laughed.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I know. That’s why it’s so funny.”

  “Not only that but I wanted to find out …”

  Reid sat up straighter. “What?”

  “Nothing. No more champagne for me.”

  “Tell me.”

  “No!” The word sliced through his gentle request. She scooted forward but he held her feet captive. “Let go of my feet, please.”

  “I won’t let go until you talk to me.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine.”

/>   “Meaning you’re going to tell me.”

  “No, I’m going to wait you out.” Addison blinked at him for a few seconds. Along with all of that handsomeness he looked pretty stubborn and she kind of had to pee. Then again, she’d been mocked in the tabloids; what was one more little embarrassment? “Okay, well, I think that men get bored with me after a while, especially in bed,” she said in a huge rush. She hoped he didn’t understand because she wasn’t going to repeat it.

  “You’re joking, right?”

  She nibbled on the inside of her lip.

  “Hold on. Wait. That’s what you meant about the experiment you wouldn’t tell me about? You wanted to see if …” Reid swallowed. “If you would give me a happy ending?”

  She nodded slowly and then covered her face with her hands. “I think this is the single most embarrassing moment in my entire life. And, trust me, I’ve had a few big ones.”

  “You wouldn’t disappoint me, Addison.”

  She peeked at him through her fingers. “Maybe not at first.”

  “I promise. Not in the short term or the long run.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “We’re going to find out.”

  Addison dropped her hands and stared at him. “No, I can’t let you do that.”

  “I’ll take one for the team.”

  “We called the whole thing off!”

  “That’s right. We’re not pretending anymore. Addison, look. I know that you’re right. The timing is off for us. I get that you want to back off and get your life together. I have some decisions of my own to make. But Sara said something to me earlier and it stuck.”

  “What did she say?”

  “When life gets shitty you have to take a leap of faith.”

  Addison frowned. “Sara said that?”

  Reid gave her a crooked grin. “I’m paraphrasing, but yes. She said that my life is all about numbers and graphs, and sometimes life just doesn’t always add up perfectly.” He sighed. “I guess it’s just that I watched my parents’ financial struggle for so many years. I started to hate the farm, but damned if they didn’t dig in their heels and hang on by the skin of their teeth.”

  “It’s called a labor of love. My mother could retire if she wanted to, and my dad spends each day surrounded by music, art, and photography. It’s not about the money. It’s about loving what you do.”

  “Yeah, but I thought they were all going crazy! With Jeff heading to Nashville, Braden quitting school, and then Sara leaving her teaching career, I thought I was the lifeboat in a sea of insanity.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “I was wrong.”

  Addison put a hand on his arm. “It’s never wrong to care, Reid.”

  “That’s what Sara said, but, Addison, I was wrong to try to hold them back. Jeff recently played a gig at Tootsies in Nashville. Braden is happy being back here instead of taking business classes that he didn’t care one lick about. I argued against the Old MacDonald education program and it makes money and, more importantly, has done wonders for my dad’s health. I was wrong about everything, so that pretty much means that the barn wedding idea must be a good one, since I was against that as well.”

  “You’re being way too hard on yourself.”

  “That’s the way I roll.”

  “Well, give yourself a break at least for the rest of the evening.”

  He gave her a slow smile. “So, you think you’re boring, huh?”

  “Oh, stop.” Addison rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. “I can’t believe I told you that.”

  “Well, I’m going to really enjoy proving you wrong.”

  Addison’s heart thudded. “So, where do we go from here?”

  “My cabin.”

  Addison was referring to the future but then squashed it. Aiden and Garret had made her gun-shy and insecure. Reid was right! They didn’t deserve the power to rule her life.

  “Hey,” Reid said at her sudden silence. “I was teasing, Addison. I want to take you to my cabin, but let’s just see where the night takes us. No expectations, okay?”

  “Okay.” Addison nodded and gave him a smile. “What about food? Do we need to stop somewhere?”

  “Are you kidding? My mother keeps my fridge stocked full of her home cooking. I have some fried chicken that will make you weep.” He patted his stomach. “I’m busting out of my clothes.”

  “I think it looks good on you,” Addison assured him, and then groaned. “I’m really having trouble keeping my thoughts from coming out of my mouth.”

  “No way. I want to know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. So, here’s what I’m thinking. Let’s get your swimsuit and head out of here.”

  “I need to wrap up the cake.”

  “I see the plastic wrap over there. I’ll do it. I’ll tidy up while you get what you need.”

  Addison smiled. “I’ll get out of this dress and toss on some comfy jeans.” She scooted to the edge of the chair and gingerly put her sore feet onto the cool floor. He helped her stand up. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Reid nodded as he headed over to the table and started tossing paper plates into the green garbage bag Addison had started filling earlier. “I’ll hold you to it.” “Bring the leftovers and the rest of the champagne.” She hobbled over and picked up the flowers.

  “Excellent idea. I’ll even pack up the raspberries.” He swiped his finger in some frosting and licked it off. Addison watched as he sucked the top of his finger, and suddenly felt warm all over. “Mmm, really good. Now go get what you need.”

  “My bathing suit?” Addison asked over her shoulder.

  “Totally optional.”

  “Ah, then I think I’ll leave it behind.”

  Reid gave her a slow smile, showing off that sexy dimple. “Addison?”

  “Yes?” Her heart pounded. There might be no expectations, but it was pretty obvious where the evening was headed.


  “No problem.” Addison took the stairs as fast as her sore feet would carry her. But the fatigue she’d been feeling suddenly vanished. Her second wind had her slipping out of her dress, letting it pool in a pretty puddle at her feet. She smiled when she put the flowers in water. She wasn’t even going to try to kid herself. Right or wrong, she was happy that Reid showed up.

  After tugging on her favorite, worn boyfriend jeans she grabbed a T-shirt and gently slipped her feet into rubber-soled flip-flops. “Ahhh …” Not knowing if she would actually muster up the nerve to soak in the hot tub naked, Addison located a royal blue bikini, one of two that she had with her. The rest of her clothing and some other personal items were being shipped by her parents but hadn’t arrived just yet.

  After pulling her curls up into a ponytail she tossed some toiletries into a canvas bag, glad that her shop was closed on Sundays until business picked up a bit more, so she could have a day to rest up. Wait … her shop. Addison smiled. It was hard to believe that her life had taken this sudden and exciting turn.

  Tonight, however, she wasn’t going to think or worry about anything and just enjoy spending time with the handsome man waiting for her downstairs. Sometimes no plan is the best plan of all.

  A soft knock at her door had her smiling. “Come in,” she called, and when Reid entered she felt a little flutter in her stomach.

  “All of the perishables are put away and I took the garbage out to the Dumpster. We do need a bag for the leftover cake and champagne.”

  “Thanks. Follow me into the kitchen.”

  He smiled and simply stood there and looked at her.


  “You looked incredible in that dress and sexy heels, but I like you even more in jeans, a T-shirt, and flip-flops.”

  Addison swallowed hard when he walked slowly toward her. He was going to kiss her. She’d seen it in his eyes, felt it in the rapid beat of her own heart. Oh God …

  This is it.

  This was what Mia had been talking about. Could Reid Greenfield be the re
al deal? Could she finally, truly be falling in love? Addison felt a little flash of fear when all kinds of what-ifs started buzzing around in her brain. But when Reid pulled her into his arms and kissed her all she could think about was how good it felt. She knew it was an old-fashioned notion, but being wrapped in his arms made her feel safe, secure, and happy to the point of being giddy.

  “I’ve been thinking about seeing you, kissing you, all week long.”

  Addison put her hands on his broad shoulders and raised her eyebrows. “So, how was it?”

  “Even better than I imagined.” He leaned in and captured her lips in another sweet, lingering kiss. “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. We should get there in time to see the sunset over the river. By the way, I like what you’ve done with this loft.”

  “Thanks! It helps having a really nice antiques shop right next door. I can’t wait to have more time to shop at the thrift stores up on Main Street.”

  “Ever been to a flea market?”

  “No, but it sounds like fun.”

  “There’s a big one at the county fairgrounds every weekend. We’ll go when you get the chance. I’m pretty good at refinishing furniture.”

  “I’d like that,” Addison said, and took his offered hand.

  “Good. It’s a hobby I enjoy. And gives me a chance to impress you.” He picked up the canvas bag for the cake and they headed downstairs.

  The waning sunlight softened the brightness of the late-spring day, slicing through the tops of the trees along the riverbank. Lush and full from recent rain, the woods along the rolling hills blended into various shades of green. “I never knew that Kentucky was such a pretty state. My only visit was to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville.”

  “You’d enjoy driving through horse country in Lexington. The horse park is beautiful.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  Reid glanced at her. “Sometimes. I really liked going to college there. I have my favorite restaurants.” He grinned. “The Tolly-Ho is open twenty-four/seven and has some of the best burgers on the planet. And you haven’t lived until you’ve had the cheesy tots with bacon and chili.”


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