If Only for the Summer

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If Only for the Summer Page 17

by Alexandra Warren

  “What? It’s the truth,” he replied with a sly grin. And since I couldn’t exactly deny it, I continued listening instead. “But for real, I just… I don’t know why I can’t keep my ass away from you, but I’m done trying.”

  “Does this have anything to do with me going out tonight?” I asked as I sank deeper into his closeness, reveling in the comfort that came from just being against him.

  He made it completely worth it when he wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me even closer when he answered, “Maybe. I mean, I can’t lie. Thinking about you really hittin’ it off with somebody out there, goin’ home with another nigga, lowkey had me sick to my stomach. Couldn’t even eat a damn brownie.”

  “Those are some good ass brownies too,” I added as if that made his point even more valid.

  But the mention of how good they were only caused him to slip away from me to grab one. And I couldn’t help but toss a side eye his way, even when he said, “Shit, you said they were good. And now that you’re back, my appetite is too.”

  He tossed one into his mouth before grabbing another and making his way back to where I was standing. “I don’t know, Nova. You might’ve been lying. I mean, you taste way better than these brownies ever could.”

  “Let me see,” I said, my first thought to take the one from his hand. But a second, much better thought came to mind as I dodged it once he had extended it my way and went for his mouth instead, the remnants of chocolate in combination with the liquor he had consumed making me moan, “Mmmm… nope. Brownies still win.”

  He seemed amused as he fed me the brownie I had just raved about, watching me chew enthusiastically while insisting, “Now let me see.” And I wasn’t sure what he meant until he dropped to his knees in front of me, knocking me just slightly off-balance when he lifted one of my legs over his shoulder, causing the hem of my dress to slip up towards my hips.

  Thankfully the window was there to support me, even if that meant my ass was exposed to anyone who could see that many floors up. Then again, the idea kind of turned me on as Guy inhaled my natural scent like it was a bed of roses, releasing a moan of satisfaction before he asked, “Panties really aren’t your thing, huh?”

  I gnawed on my lip as I shook my head no, watching the way his lips turned upwards into a greedy grin before he landed a kiss against my inner thigh. Then he went to the other to deliver a kiss just as teasing, his grip on the back of my leg tightening when he asked, “You with me?”

  Of course I nodded yes, though once again I didn’t know what he actually meant until he lifted the leg I was relying on for support and tossed it over his shoulder with ease so that I was completely straddling his face. And while I was initially worried about doing something clumsy, I felt completely balanced sitting in his hands with my back pressed against the window and my thighs resting on the shoulders I knew were perfect for stuff like this the first time I laid eyes on him.

  Chance encounters at the airport were now a thing of the past as his fingers dug into my ass when he delivered a full swipe with his tongue, following it up with quick flickers against my clit as I sank deeper into the window with no place to go, no place to escape the way he was making me feel. And he took complete advantage of that fact, licking faster and sucking harder with every encouraging moan I released from up above until I felt like I was free-falling into his hands. But he didn’t let me fall, forcing me to take on everything he was dishing out as he gripped me tighter and moaned with me in his mouth, doubling down on his claims of me tasting better than those damn brownies.

  In fact, it seemed like a silly argument as he unleashed an attack with his tongue that had me trying to push off his shoulders with a newfound strength; strength that meant absolutely nothing to Guy as he countered it with a stronghold of his own, even when I gasped, “I can’t.”

  “You are,” he growled, easily recapturing the spot he had abandoned to speak. And since he wasn’t giving me a choice, I quickly succumbed to the sensation he was creating deep in my belly, continuing to ride the wave as he licked me clean through my orgasm.

  Like the devil he was, he only grinned as he let me down onto my heels, catching me at the hip when I stumbled a little thanks to my weakened limbs.

  “Easy, baby,” he advised as if it wasn’t his fault I suddenly had baby giraffe legs. And just when I thought he actually had my best interest at heart, he turned me around, pressing my chest against the window as he grumbled, “I know you don’t really think I’m done with you already, Nova.”

  I honestly hadn’t even gotten a chance to think about there being more, too busy floating on top of the clouds to consider a next step. But when Guy pressed further against me, I discovered the exact reason why he wasn’t done, my mouth watering as I thought about returning the favor.

  Instead of letting me taste him, he made me taste myself, slipping a hand between my thighs to see just how wet he had me before slipping that same hand between my lips. And naturally, I groaned as I sucked my flavor from his fingers, Guy close enough to whisper, “Good, ain’t it?”

  I nodded, though an answer wasn’t nearly as important as the feel of him taking me with one firm stroke from behind, pushing the strap of the already mangled dress I wore from my shoulder so that he could bite into it. And I couldn’t figure out which pleasurable pain to focus on as he slammed into me again, my fingertips finding just enough leverage against the glass to meet his stroke as I struggled to balance on my heels.

  That’s when I knew I was really a goner. The fact that I was willing to risk a sprained ankle or worse for this shit without a second thought because it felt that good. And it was clear I wasn’t the only one going off the deep end as Guy wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me steady, growling against my ear, “Fuck, girl. You feel too fuckin’ good.”

  The only response he got was my panting moans as he continued to sex me senseless, somehow managing to get me out of my dress in the process. And while being completely nude, especially in front of a damn window, would’ve brought along a bout of insecurity in the past, I had never felt sexier with my breasts pressed into the glass and Guy’s mouth hot against my neck as he gave me medal-worthy backshots.

  “You gonna cum again for me, baby?” he asked so politely you would’ve thought he wasn’t crashing into me at all. But when I didn’t respond fast enough, he quickly returned to the aggressive demeanor I had a kink for, wrapping his hand around my neck when he grunted, “I know you heard me, Nova. Speak up.”

  “I’m gonna cum!” I shouted loud enough to wake Jaxson up - or the whole building.

  But saying it loud and proud got me what I wanted as Guy linked his fingers with mine and did what he did best, giving me strokes so perfectly calculated that I was collapsing against the glass in no time. And Guy was only a few pumps behind me, pulling out and stroking himself through his release as he came in thick, white drops against the hardwood floor.

  “What a waste,” I told him teasingly through my heavy breathing, his eyebrows shooting up once he realized the missed opportunity I was talking about.

  “Don’t even trip, sweetheart. There’s plenty more where that came from,” he replied with a wink as he took off towards the bathroom to clean himself up. And I did the same, going to my own room to prevent myself from being too tempted with potential shower sex.

  By the time I got cleaned up, got my makeup off, and got all of the bobby pins out of my mostly destroyed updo, I didn’t expect Guy to even still be awake. But when I went to the kitchen intending to snag just one more brownie before bed, there he was, looking completely refreshed with his post-sex glow as he peeked up from the bowl he was mixing and smiled.

  “Gotta whip up a new batch of brownies for Jaxson since somebody devoured them all,” he teased, making me blush with embarrassment since I hadn’t meant to. But seeing the dedication he had to keeping a smile on his baby boy’s face in combination with his dedication to satisfying me a few moments earlier only reminded me of why I should�
��ve stayed home in the first place.

  Everything I wanted, even if it was temporary, was right here.

  I couldn’t help but smile as he lured me in with a finger of brownie batter, me licking it from his fingers only taking me back to the place I could still feel between my thighs. But for now, I was going to focus on Guy, the person, when I snatched the spoon from his hand and told him, “I got this.”


  I had to be more careful.

  Physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually.

  I had to be more careful if I didn’t want to completely fuck this up for the both of us.

  Nova was in my bed for the third night in a row, comfortably asleep against my chest like we had been at it for years when really I had only known her for a little over a month. And part of that time she was in a full blown relationship with someone else meaning she shouldn’t have even been on my radar at all. But everything felt way too like right as I held her in my arms just as the sun began to peek through the windows, landing a kiss against her forehead that made her snuggle deeper into me.

  I wasn’t even a kiss on the forehead type. More of a, “how can I wake you up without it being too obvious that I just want to fuck before I kick you out” type. But something about Nova had me crossing boundaries I had never even considered approaching since dealing with Mariah, had me doing things I didn’t see myself doing with any ol’ casual fling.

  Then again, nothing about Nova really felt flingy, her presence more like a fixture, a foundation, something solid, something... familiar. We ran with some of the same people even if we hadn’t crossed paths before, we enjoyed a lot of the same things even if we hadn’t gotten a chance to experience them all together quite yet, and we both got a kick out of my crazy ass child who called himself sneaking into my bedroom at the crack of dawn.

  I thought about tapping Nova to warn her, but her snores told me she was in a deep enough sleep that I didn’t want to bother her. But maybe I should’ve since the first thing Jaxson asked was, “Daddy, why Miss. Nova in here?”

  For the first few nights, we had gotten up before him so he hadn’t seen us in bed together, or together at all really outside of a little light flirting here and there. But now seemed like a better time than ever to have him get used to the sight when I explained, “She’s sleeping, Jax. Like you should still be. It’s not time to get up yet.”

  “But I’m done bein’ tired,” he whined as he rubbed his eyes, his favorite stuffed animal tucked under his arm as if he wasn’t as done as he claimed to be. And while it usually wouldn’t have been an issue to just have him climb in bed with me, I didn’t want him to make a habit out of it now that I had company.

  So without raising my voice too much, I still spoke as sternly as possible. “Jaxson, go back to bed. You can get up in a little bit.”

  “But Daddy…” he whined again, his trembling lips alerting me that he was on the verge of a real tantrum; the last thing I wanted to hear first thing in the morning.

  Before I could react, Nova’s head was peeling away from my chest and I worried it was so she could make her grand escape even though we had already been caught. But to my surprise, she stayed close, her voice soft, and maybe a little groggy, as she said, “Good morning, sweetheart. Are you okay?”

  Jaxson completely sold his frustration with me, pouting his lips when he answered, “Daddy said I gotta go back to bed.”

  Nova matched his emotion as if she was on his side while also explaining, “It’s really early, Jaxson. And if you get up too early then you won’t be able to spend lots of time with your mommy cause you’ll be too tired.”

  “I don’t wanna be too tired,” he quickly replied, legitimately concerned about not being able to maximize his time with Mariah. So much so that I almost wanted to laugh since I knew this was just Nova using her Jaxson-Voodoo skills.

  But just like always, it seemed to be working when she enthusiastically told him, “Well you better go get back in bed and get as much sleep as you can. She’ll be here pretty soon, you know.”

  Jaxson nodded as if he understood exactly what she meant before taking off towards his room, Nova and I smiling for different reasons as we watched him disappear through the door. And while I wanted to just stare, forever in awe by her tactics, I could only shake my head as I complained, “Man, I swear this shit isn’t even fair. You tell him somethin’ and his ass is reporting for duty immediately, all hyped up like a damn Chick-Fil-A employee. I tell him the same shit and what do I get? McDonald’s. Attitude, ice cream machine always broke, drive-thru order all wrong...”

  Nova immediately bursted with laughter as she climbed out of the bed and stretched her arms in a way that had the t-shirt she wore rising above her ass. Definitely a morning sight I could get used to, though once she finished, she let me have it. “First of all, I really need you to let McDonald’s go. Second of all, please don’t ever compare someone as exceptional as Jaxson to something as mediocre as McDonald’s. And finally, all it takes is a little manipulating, Guy.”

  “Is that what you did to me too? Played with my head? Manipulated me?” I asked teasingly as I tossed my legs over the edge of the bed so that I could pull her between them.

  She settled in with a smile, wrapping her arms around my neck as my hands sat against her waist. “Are you saying you have the capacity of a three-year-old?”

  I shrugged as I glided my hands from her waist to her ass while answering, “Nah, I’m sayin’ you got skills that could transcend generations. Him with words and me with all this.”

  My full grip of her cheeks only made her giggle as she knocked my arms away. “Quit messing around, Guy. We need to clean up and stuff before your… guest arrives.”

  The emphasis she put on the word guest let me know she still wasn’t completely sold on the idea of Mariah coming to visit even though, “Nova, you said you were good with this. Don’t start gettin’ all weird on me now.”

  There was an uneasiness to her tone when she whined, “How can I not be weird about this, Guy? This is your baby mama, the woman you almost proposed to we’re talking about. And I’m just your… summer roommate who you’ve been throwin’ the D as of late.”

  My face scrunched as I huffed, “Damn. A nigga spends some quality time with you, cuddles with you all night, and that’s the only story credit I get?”

  Though I wasn’t actually offended since I was definitely throwin’ the D, I was still glad when she answered, “No. This has been… nice. Really nice. But it’s also very new, and very unorthodox, and not exactly something I know how to package and explain to someone so important to you.”

  It would’ve been silly of me to act as if Nova’s uncertainty wasn’t rooted in reality. What we were currently sharing was beyond new, beyond unorthodox, and something I wasn’t exactly sure how to package either. But regardless of any of that, the bottom line was, “You don’t have to explain anything to Mariah. She’s just coming down to make sure our kid is still in one piece and to enjoy a little time away from the city like the rest of us.”

  Nova still didn’t seem too settled with the idea as she glanced away and quietly replied, “If you insist, Guy.”

  But I deepened my hold against the back of her thighs to get her attention and keep her still so that I could reiterate, “I’m serious, Nova. Just because she’s coming to visit doesn’t change anything between us. I still want you in my arms, want you in my bed...”

  She immediately cut me off with a laugh of disbelief. “Oh, there’s no way in hell that’s happening while she’s here.”

  “What? Why not?” I asked, confused as to why she would want to stop a good thing when it was just getting started.

  Still, she acted as if it was the worst idea in the world, her face tight when she replied, “Guy, are you kidding me? That wouldn’t even feel right.”

  “You in my arms always feels right, baby,” I countered with a charming smile.

  A smile that only made her roll her eyes. “You kn
ow what I mean.”

  “I don’t. But if that’s what it takes to make you not be weird about it, I guess I’ll just suffer without you for a few days,” I told her, surely sounding pitiful as hell. But the fact that I was already willing to sound pitiful in front of her without giving a damn was just another reminder of how careful I needed to be.

  To my surprise, it was my sorrow that brought her genuine smile back as she patted my shoulder and suggested, “You’ve made it all these years without me. I’m sure you’ll be alright.”

  She was already on her way to my bathroom when I called after her, “You comin’ to the airport with us to pick Mariah up?”

  “What? No. Why would I do that?” she yelled back, followed by the little tinkles of her peeing as if she had left the bathroom door open.

  “Shorty is mad comfortable,” I thought to myself with a laugh, finding it adorable as hell before shouting back, “Why wouldn’t you?”

  It seemed like a no-brainer to get their introduction out of the way once Mariah touched down so I could prove to Nova things would be as cool as I claimed they would. But it was clear she wasn’t too interested, the toilet flushing followed by the flow of water coming from sink as she replied, “I’m going over to Kay and Lamar’s for the cookout.”

  With Mariah coming in town, I had honestly forgotten about the cookout since my focus was on making sure things would be in order for her arrival. But since we really didn’t have any plans once she got here, I decided that would be our first move too.

  “We’ll probably swing by after I pick Mariah up,” I told her just as she emerged from the bathroom, her locs twisted into a low bun in a way that put her glowing face on full display just as more sun was coming through the window.

  Nova was so fuckin’ gorgeous, even when her nose flared as she said, “Uh… did you run that by Kaylin?”

  I brushed her off. “Man, their little beef is so old. She can’t possibly still be trippin’ off that.”

  “You must not know Kaylin very well,” Nova challenged with a smirk that said there was a lot more to it than what I had hoped.


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