A New Path

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A New Path Page 3

by Xander Jade

  "How is this possible? They are rare, and very territorial, not to mention hostile," Will stated, shaking his head.

  "It’s a very long story," Mom said as she came walking up to them.

  "Well, I would very much like to hear it," Will replied in a low voice.

  Mom and Dad started telling the story of how Reaper came to live with us. They didn’t leave out any details. The ranger was impressed and couldn’t believe that we faced down timber wolves. We went in the house and ate dinner while Dad and Will started telling stories of their adventures, listening to every detail because my mind knew we haven’t heard these stories before and when I asked about that they acted like they didn’t hear me.


  After eating, I gathered my gear and headed out with the ranger. Reap walked along and kept a keen eye out for trouble.

  "How does he act towards strangers?" the ranger asked warily.

  "He is tame unless he senses danger from you."

  "It’s still amazing to me that he is still with you," he replied.

  "Well, he does what he wants, when he wants. I’m not going to get in his way unless I have to. He is very protective of our family though."

  "Thanks for the heads up," Will chuckled.

  We went far out into the woods, exploring and looking for game. Will started showing me how to track. It wasn’t difficult to start with but he would start asking me questions about our journey till now and asked how many different tracks have we seen. I couldn’t answer because I didn’t pay attention.

  Will calmly reprimanded, "Always be aware of your surroundings; you don’t want anything getting the advantage over you."

  As the day went by we stopped for the night to eat, and was informed tomorrow I would provide the meals from now on. I would need to track and kill for survival. My first try was horrendous and the rabbits got away, but got a couple by the end of the day. As the weeks went by I got much better, also Reaper was still growing rapidly during this time and it came time for the ranger to get back to his station.

  "Will, what’s it like to be a ranger for the king?"

  "Well, it’s not always glorious if that’s what you’re asking. I am content at the moment. Although with the rumors of war coming about, then I’ll have to move around some."

  "Are they true?"

  "Not sure, but I’ll need to be ready just in case," Will said cautiously.

  "I’m not familiar with how big the kingdom is, but someday I’ll find out what all the fuss is about," I stated while thinking about the future.

  "Yes, I can tell you are an adventurous lad," he chuckled.

  "Ah, don’t let my parents hear you say that. They don’t want to hear things like that or anything about leaving anytime soon."

  "HAHA, yes I can see how your parents would react," Will snickered while shaking his head.

  We went on for some time after that but finally went to our bed rolls for some sleep. Reaper came and laid down by me and went to sleep. I was awakened by a growl beside me and was startled by what I saw at the edge of our camp. There a figure was standing and staring at us for some reason, so I jumped up, got my bow, and was ready to shoot.

  "Take it easy Max, he’s with me," Will advised calmly.

  I lowered my bow and sat back down with Reap still growling. I advised him that he wasn’t a threat but Reap didn’t care. He kept alert and ready to pounce if needed.

  "Will, is it okay to come to the camp?" the other ranger asked.

  "Yes, but don’t make any sudden moves. Our local protection may not like it," he chuckled.

  "Local protection?" The other ranger asked while walking into the camp, but gasped out as he saw the big cat, "Woah, what is a siba doing here?"

  "That would be Reaper. Fitting name, don’t you think John?" Will asked while trying not to smile.

  "Umm… why is it in your camp?" John asked carefully, not knowing what to do in this situation.

  "That would be because of Max," Will pointed at me, "and the story about it is fascinating."

  John looked at me warily and advised that he wasn’t alone. Will told him to call out for them come to the fire slowly. I saw a figure come out of the woods then and noticed a female walking up to the camp. She was about 5’ 6" with a lithe figure but looked like she could handle herself if needed.

  "Greetings Will, is it safe?" the woman asked in a low voice.

  "Yes Alma it is. Come on over and tell me why you’re here."

  "We are having some issues south of here that need to be taken care of. We were told by Master Ranger Frank to come find you and meet them there." She stated in a hurried manner.

  "What are the issues?" Will asked not wanting to presume anything.

  "Is it okay to discuss things openly?" He nodded and she went on saying, "Orcs have been seen coming down the pass."

  Wow, an orc, I’ve never seen an orc before. Orcs are dangerous and strong creatures. They aren’t that intelligent from what I have heard, but can overwhelm when there horde attacks. I wonder why they are coming down the pass. Whatever they are looking for, it can’t be good for the kingdom.

  "Do we know why they are here?" Will asked

  "We aren’t sure. We can speculate but until we talk to Master Frank we can’t be certain," Alma replied without hesitation.

  "John, Alma, this is Max. Oh, and his siba Reaper." He laughed.

  The shocked looks and mouths agape were amusing while they looked across the fire at Reap then at me. Their mouths kept opening and closing trying to come up with something to say. I helped them out by introducing myself and Reaper, then advised them he wasn’t hostile, at least at this moment.

  "Good evening Max, Reaper," They said as they sat across from us at the fire.

  "Good evening." I said chuckling while Reap looked at them for any danger. When he was satisfied there wasn’t, he laid back down beside me.

  I laid back down but couldn’t go back to sleep, the conversation they had was disturbing. If orcs were coming down from the pass then what’s stopping the goblins, lamia, or undead. They are some of the dark creatures that are in the kingdom, although I’ve never seen them. Everyone says the creatures of the dark are evil. I’m not sure though, since I’ve never met one. The night slowly went by before finally falling back into the darkness. The next morning we broke camp and started back to town, on the journey I conversed with Alma and John. They were very courteous with polite conversations and waved to them as they left me at the outskirts of town. Reap and I walked back home deep in thought when I heard my father’s voice.

  "Max, how was your adventure?"

  "It was very intriguing. I learned numerous hunting and tracking skills."

  "That’s great son. Where’s Will?"

  "Some rangers found us and advised him of some issues somewhere south of here."

  "Hmmm… did he say what kind of issues?"

  "Yes sir. They were discussing orcs coming down from the pass and they needed him to come with them quickly."

  "What?!" he gasped. "Did you say orcs?

  "Yes sir."

  "How are they coming down the pass? Something must have happened." He said to himself.

  "Umm…are we in danger father? I asked concerned.

  "Not sure son, but it’s nothing for you to worry about right now," he replied unconvincingly.

  We went into the house and met up with mom. She rushed over and hugged me tight, gushing over me while I discussed my adventures. The next few months went by quickly as I trained and hunted. Reaper and I went out on our own most of the time, dad went out a few times but he had the forge to run. Mom had me learning and drilling me about herbs and healing, she often went out with us to locate special herbs, pointing them out, and asked what they are used for. To my dismay, we even had to help with the garden, she made me learn how to start and maintain a garden as well. A slave laborer, I know, but loved her all the same and my brain was hurting after a few weeks of this nonstop routine. After the training s
essions, Reap and I would walk around and explore the woods, lost to the ambience of nature. At the end of our days, our favorite time was when we sat and watched the natural habitat around us. It was beautiful to see.

  Chapter Five

  Years went by and my main goals were training and learning about survival. My hunting and tracking were proficient enough that I would travel miles out from the village to hone my skills. I had grown to a little over six feet and Reaper was full grown by now. He was about 10’ long from head to tail, and about 600 lbs. of pure muscle. He was huge, his head came up to my chest, but still awesome with tracking and stealth. A dangerously beautiful creature. While out on our excursions we would come across travelers that would give us a wide area for us to move around as they were gawking at Reap and thought it was mildly amusing.

  Numerous things changed in our village during this time, the major change was that it kept growing, and started having numerous nobles come and go. The village actually turned into a town, our mayor was promoted to Baron and the area celebrated. I didn’t care about politics one bit so we stayed away from that headache every time a carriage came to town and someone wearing a peacock looking costume got out. You could say that I was a bit childish but didn’t like the obnoxious attitudes they had. They thought they were actually better than us just because our family line isn’t of noble blood, and it always irritated me when those around my age called us commoners.

  One such person came to our town during the celebration. His name was Blake, and the son of Duke Jerald Ackley. The Ackley’s govern the town of Oakenshore and the family is high in the kingdom’s hierarchy, a pretty boy if I ever saw one. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and somewhat muscular. His outfit probably cost what I made in a year, but really didn’t care about that. It was his attitude that got me riled up and didn’t know any of this at the time but he was supposed to be an elite swordsman.

  People were lining up to watch him spar with anyone that would dare get in the circle. I was at the shop when Wade and Liv came by to meet up and go to the celebration. We walked through town and passed by booths of everything you can think of. Our little group stopped and talked with numerous people that we knew but all the conversations were about the talented noble swordsman. We just nodded and went about our business until we heard the sounds of metal hitting metal in the air. The three of us looked at each other, shrugged, went towards the sound and found two men in a sparring match. Blake Ackley and Willard Smiley, both nobles, were hacking away at each other but you could tell who the better of the two were. He obviously knew too because he let everyone else know it.

  "Just give up and surrender, you can’t win against me. Nobody in this town can," Blake chuckled.

  "What a jerk," Liv said. Wade nodded and grunted.

  "Yeah, but he’s really good. Needs a little lesson in humility though," I commented off handedly.

  "Really? And you are the one going to give it to me?" Blake sneered. I looked around and realized the session was over but didn’t say anything to the obnoxious noble. He narrowed his eyes at me and gestured to the ring, "Care to teach me?"

  "Max, you don’t need to prove anything," Wade said, trying to get me to stay out of trouble.

  "No, it’s ok. I’ll accept his challenge," I said while walking over to the weapons rack and picked up a wooden practice sword.

  "Look everyone, the commoner thinks he’s a swordsman," Blake cackled and his group of cronies laughed.

  I stepped into the circle and swung the sword around to get the feel of it. I stopped and asked the rules.

  "Are we dueling or go until one submits?"

  "Submits," he replied. One of his cronies was arguing with him about his decision, but I just shrugged and got in my stance. Now, realize that I’m a blacksmith’s son and was trained by my dad. I wasn’t the best by any means but I knew my weapons.

  The judge yelled go and we met in the middle. He swung at my left leg and I jumped back to parry his strike. My strategy was just playing defense at the beginning, locating his weaknesses. There weren’t many but I saw them. He swung at my head and I ducked under to strike at his leg and connected. He yelped and backed away from me. After a few seconds he yelled and ran at me jabbing and lunging in quick strikes. I parried every one and side stepped one of them to hit across his wrists. He gasped and let go of the wooden sword, it fell to the ground with a thump.

  "Impossible!! There is no way a commoner should be able to best me," he growled.

  I shrugged at his comment and waited for him to make his move. It didn’t take long and he was rushing back in for another try at me. His anger got the best of him as I parried every strike and lunge that came my way, but this time I went on the attack and used the techniques that my dad taught me. Not sure where it came from but it helped in this situation. He was quick with his jab but I was quicker and parried, then swung my sword around to hit him in the leg. He fell on his knees at the moment I hit his chest. He yelled out as my sword finally stopped right before I hit his neck. The crowd gasped waiting for my next move.

  "You lost, submit."

  "I will never submit to a commoner," he sneered with disdain.

  "Okay, this will hurt… a lot," I chuckled.

  "Wait!!!" yelled a voice behind me. I looked and found the guy that argued with Ackley before the bout coming towards us.

  "Just hold on and let’s settle this another way," he said.

  "Who might you be?"

  "I’m Gordon Ackley; his brother," he said as he pointed at Blake.

  "What do you want?"

  "To finish this without further embarrassment," he said.

  "And what are you suggesting?"

  "Archery," he stated without hesitation.


  "Yes, contestants get three arrows to shoot at 100 yards, most points win," he answered.

  "I will agree as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid."

  Blake looked at me with contempt but nodded. The pages setup the targets at 100 yards. I took out my bow and nodded for him to go first. He stepped up and let loose his arrow and it hit the center ring by the head of the arrow. His second arrow just missed the center and the third hit right in the middle. He walked back over to me with a smug look.

  "Beat that!" he stated.

  I walked up and unslung my bow and put three arrows in the ground. I took my first arrow and then let loose. It hit dead center, took the second and did the same. I grabbed my last arrow, took a deep breath, and let it loose. The crowd gasped as the arrow sank into the center. The Ackley’s stood there dumbfounded with their mouths agape. I shrugged like it was no big deal but inside I was smiling.

  "Where did you learn how to shoot and use a sword like that?" Gordon asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders indifferently and said, "Here and there. Nowhere in particular."

  I wasn’t going to tell them anything, especially where I learned those skills and didn’t want anyone to know who taught me those skills either.

  "You don’t just go anywhere to learn those skills," He replied thoughtfully. "You were taught by a knight and ranger. I would know those skills anywhere."

  "You are a commoner and it’s very rare that you would have someone teach you those skills. I’ll repeat his question. Who taught you?" Blake demanded.

  "First, this commoner, beat you at your own game, so STOP CALLING ME THAT!! Second, I don’t have to tell you anything."

  "Why you little---Gah!!!!" Blake started at me then yelped when a low growl came suddenly. Reap came into the crowd with my sis in tow. He walked up and started nuzzling me with his head.

  "What the….?" Gordon gasped, but continued. "What is a siba doing in town?"

  "This is Reaper and he is very protective of Max." Julie said.

  "Where did you find it?" He demanded.

  I stared at him and said nothing, instead rubbed Reaper’s head and played with him while the brothers were staring in awe at the magnificent creature.

  "Can I g
et a closer look at him?" Gordon asked.

  I nodded and whispered to Reap to let him be. Gordon came closer and examined him.

  "Magnificent!! I have never seen one up close. How did you tame one?"

  "Long story, but not really in the mood to tell it right now." I replied cautiously.

  He looked at me and his brother was red with anger because I wouldn’t tell them.

  "Now you listen to me you little freak…" he sneered at me but yelped when Reap started growling again.

  "That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t have to listen to you or anyone here." I stated calmly as I started to walk away with Reap. Wade, Liv, and Julie followed us but after a few yards away Gordon ran up beside them.

  "Is there a way I can come with your group for a while?" He asked.

  "Why?" Wade asked.

  "I am just so intrigued about your friend there," He said as he pointed at me.

  "And why is that?" Jules asked.

  "It’s not every day you see a mythical creature walking down the street. On top of that, your friend there just beat my brother in swords and archery. He is the reigning tournament champion in our kingdom five years in a row." Gordon stated.

  "Okay, you can come with us, but no funny business or we’ll sick Reaper on you." Liv said while Wade and Jules snickered.

  "I’ll agree to that." He said quickly not wanting any hostility from the siba.

  "Not to get personal, but how old are you Gordon?" Wade asked.

  "It’s okay, I’m 21 and my brother is 23. Can I ask the same?"

  "I’m 19, Liv is 18, Jules there is 15 and Max is 19." Will stated.

  "Ha! My brother will be so agitated when I tell him a teen beat him."

  He laughed at that and then the rest with him started laughing with him as we walked through the town to mom’s shop. Walking up Reap saw mom, looked at me, I nodded and he took off. I chuckled and shook my head knowing he’s about to get in trouble. Mom was in her garden getting supplies when Reaper barreled through it to get to her. Mom yelped when Reap stopped in front of her and knocked her plants to the ground. She looked at him and gave him a red stern face. "Look at what you did to my garden young fellow. How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my garden?" she asked but Reaper just nuzzled against her. She laughed and started scratching behind his ears and we could hear him purring as we came up to greet her.


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