A New Path

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A New Path Page 6

by Xander Jade

  "I'm not asking to marry him," Cori retorted. "You won't even let him know who we are. He comes out of nowhere and saves us, then starts healing people for no compensation or anyone asking him to. How many people would do that? I can't think of any nobles that would or any healers, can you?"

  Shea stepped back at her comments and thought for a few moments. "I can't think of anyone either. I'm sorry Cori, I didn't mean any offense," Shea whispered.

  Cory looked over at Maximus while he was busy going through their supplies and sighed loudly.

  "Look, he even went over to make sure we have enough food for the rest of the journey," and they turned their heads, looking at him too. "I just want to know if he even had a life growing up. I mean, how can someone so young do all the things he can?" They all nodded and agreed with her after those arguments.


  Looking over the remains of the supplies that weren't scattered during the battle, I stacked them into categories, then took inventory. They didn't have enough to make it, and was contemplating what to do or even if I should help them. Overhearing the ladies arguing, not the actual conversation, but the heated body language didn’t make my decision any clearer.

  I looked over at Reaper and sighed. They would need to see if they can even fend for themselves, doubtful since none of them have bows. Groaning, I got up and looked at the knights, trying to find Sir Nathan, then walked towards him when finding his location. Reap got up and followed me but at a distance. He knew he was making them uncomfortable, so I hurried over and let the knight know what's going on.

  Bowing to him and said, "Sir, I checked with Lady Shea to see what we could do to help. They had me locate and inventory supplies for the rest of your trip and found it to be short. Do you have anyone who can hunt or catch some food?"

  He sighed and nodded at my assessment. "I thought that was going to be the case. To answer your question, no, we don't have any way to trap any food or hunt unless we do it with daggers and swords."

  Thinking about their situation, I nodded and came up with an answer to my own question.

  "Alright, I'll be back shortly. Have a fire ready with a spit when I get back."

  "Where are you going?" He asked.

  I smiled and replied, "Hunting," and walked away with Reap in tow headed to the forest.

  As Max walked away the ladies came up to the knight and asked what was going on. He told them what they had discussed and then he went hunting. The knight laughed and went to get started on the fire. Cori looked around the group and found confused looks. She shook her head in disbelief that he would go out on his own to hunt. She guessed when you have a siba following you around it doesn't matter.

  They went to help clean and organize the camp, everyone started putting their tents up and getting their bedrolls out. The ladies were gathered around the fire talking amongst themselves when they heard some shouts outside of the camp. Everyone looked up at the direction it was coming from and found a figure carrying something on their shoulders. It was Maximus and he had a stag lying across his shoulders. Reaper was walking right next to him with a bag wrapped around his torso. He dropped the stag by a tree, got some rope out, and strung it up. Some of the ladies and men went over to see what was being done.

  "Do any of you know how to clean rabbit?" I asked while getting the rabbits out that were caught.

  A couple of the guards came over and handed the game over to them. I looked at the stag and rabbits, "Not bad," thinking to myself and started on the stag. A few ladies came over and stood watching.

  "Can we watch?" Lady Shea asked. I nodded to them, but wasn't sure if they were curious to learn or just didn't have anything to do.

  "This is fascinating," Cori gushed and asked, "How did you learn how to do this?"

  I thought about it for a few moments, "The hard way actually. My father taught me the basics. When I could go out on my own, I went with some friends and taught myself other techniques. I learned to hunt and survive proficiently from a friend of my dad. He was awesome and learned to basically make myself invisible in the woods. He taught me to track movements and figure out what I was following. I also learned to cover my own tracks to make sure nobody was able to follow me if I didn't want them to."

  My eyes could see that the gears in her brain were moving rapidly, trying to figure if I would be forthcoming in my answers to her questions. Instead of getting into anything that wasn’t meant to I asked, "Do you want to learn how to field dress?" She surprised me by nodding and coming over to watch over my shoulder with Lady Shea in tow.

  "Can you teach me too?" Shea asked.

  Nodding to her, I started going into my sequence and the reasons why I did it this way. They watched and asked questions while I was explaining, then had them cut out the pieces that weren’t needed. They were quick learners and praised them for their efforts, they beamed with pride. We got the stag cleaned and cut up the portions to be cooked, then went over to the spit and started cooking the meat. Grabbing a pot out of my pack, I walked toward the stream I found nearby to fill it with water, then cut up some veggies and herbs for some tasty stew, adding a slurry of flour to put some thickness to it. I found the two ladies watch me like a hawk with everything I did, smiling over at them I walked through what I was doing. After we were done with the prep, I had them put the pot over the fire to start cooking.

  "It'll be a little while before it's done. Would you ladies and gentleman mind watching this? I'm going over to sit down and shut my eyes for a little while," I stated.

  They nodded and I walked over to the nearest tree to sit down for some rest. Reap came over, plopped down, and laid his head in my lap. I absently ran my hands through his fur thinking about the day’s events. It has been a long day, I said to myself, and shut my eyes.

  Chapter Eight

  Shea was a whirlwind of emotions as she sat at the camp fire. She scanned the crowd around the fire and saw Sir Nathan and some of the other knights glancing over in Max's direction. She could see the same emotions on their faces that she has. Cori and Estelle kept to themselves while watching the stew.

  "What's the matter, sir knight?" Shea asked in a low voice, watching him closely.

  Sir Nathan shook his head mumbling to himself. Then said quietly, "Nothing, except that lad over there," points over at Max, "comes out of nowhere, saves us, heals our wounded, and now provides food. I... it's hard to wrap my head around the events that we had today."

  "The way he handles a blade, it looks like someone has taught that lad our ways. Does anyone know where he comes from?" One of the other knights asked.

  "No one knows. We've asked, but he hasn't told us," Shea replied with a sigh.

  "Lady Shea, I think the king needs to know about him right away," Sir Nathan suggested.

  Shea thought about it and said, "I agree and the High Mage as well." Cori tensed after that statement but didn't say anything. "I suggest we keep the siba out of the conversation for now. I don't want everyone in the whole kingdom trying to locate the creature. It would go very bad if they tried," she recommended. Everyone nodded at that statement. ".....besides, we don't even know if he will be here tomorrow." The knights looked at her with confusion. So she explained what was said in an earlier discussion.

  Shea turned to the ladies and remembered how they helped with guards. She smiled and said, "Well, one thing is for sure. He knows how to show a lady a good time."

  All the females giggled and started talking all at once about their experiences.

  "It was amazing!! I learned how to set broken bones."

  "We learned about mixing potions."

  "...and mixing poultices!!"

  "...he showed us what herbs to use for healing."

  "I learned how to field dress a stag!!" Lady Cori said.

  Shea looked over and smirked, "So did I. It's something I won't forget." They both laughed at the looks the group were giving.

  "Me neither. I'll never look at venison the same way again," Co
ri giggled.

  Estelle looked at her sister in bemusement. She can't remember ever seeing her sister this way. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird all day."

  Cori looked down at the ground and softly said, "Of course dear sister, it has been a horrific day. I've never seen anyone I know get killed and I'm still in some shock because of that. When Maximus wanted to bestow knowledge on to us with healing and survival; I wanted to learn it all. I may never get the chance to show what I've learned, but at least next time I'll be prepared to help." She got up, looked at herself and stated, "It looks like the meat is done. I'm going to go clean up and finish the stew."

  The other ladies didn't know what to say, so they just nodded and followed her to the stream to wash up. The knights got the meat off the spit and started cutting the meat in portions. They took the meat that was going to be left over, salted it, and stowed it away for another day. The rabbit would keep for a few days salted and could be used for another meal. When the ladies were done washing up they all chipped in with the men who knew how to cook and finished the stew.


  Waking up groggily, at first I didn't know where I was, but then my eyes took in my surroundings and remembered. I groaned and got up to stretch my tired muscles, then looked down to see Reap already up from the smell I suppose. Rubbing behind his ears he purred, I laughed and started my way over to the fire. Scanning the camp as I was walking, it seemed to be already in a flow, sentries posted and guards were around the ladies. I thought that was interesting, but let it go, not really caring about politics and nobles. We’re just going to finish what was started and make our way back home. I came to the fire slowly so they would hear me and Reap coming.

  "Good evening ladies," I called out and bowed to them then turned to the men and nodded, "sir knights," I said and then sat on a log. Reap came up beside me and sat down sniffing the air. I smiled and whispered, "I'll go get you some, just be patient." I got up to get us some food but was surprised that Cori was on her way over with a bowl and a cooked stag leg. She handed me the bowl and threw the leg to Reap. He snatched it out of the air and laid down to gnaw on it. He growled his appreciation.

  I laughed and said, "Is that all it takes for you to like someone?" Lady Cori giggled so I went on with my playful rant. "Throw you some meat and bone then suddenly you’re their friend? I thought I taught you better than that." He grunted and growled back at me. The group saw our banter and laughed. I thanked Lady Cori for the meal for me and Reap then ate two bowls not realizing how hungry and exhausted I was till then.

  Lady Shea glanced at me and asked, "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, milady, just a little tired," I answered with a full stomach.

  She smiled then stated, "Well, I can understand that."

  "How are the others?" I asked the knight.

  "Better, thanks to your instructions," Sir Nathan responded.

  "We'll have to change their bandages before they go to sleep."

  "Okay, we'll handle that, you just take it easy," Cori said while looking around at the other ladies. They nodded and smiled.

  I smirked and said, "Are you ladies looking out for my wellbeing?"

  They blushed and giggled. I shook my head knowing that I will never understand females.

  "No Maximus, it's just because you've done so much for us. Take a break so we can chat," Shea calmly said.

  So, they want to see what information they can get from me. This ought to be fun. "What do want to chat about?"

  She thought about it for a few moments then carefully asked, "I know your guarded and don't want to tell us much, but will you answer some questions we have?"

  I narrowed my eyes at her, "I will, but that doesn't mean you'll like my answers." Everyone leaned in waiting.

  She nodded, took a deep breath and said, "How old are you and where are you from?"

  "I'm nineteen, but not going to tell you where I'm from at this time." I held up my hand to stop the interruption. "Why is it important where I come from?"

  "Maximus, you have to understand, our kingdom is on the verge of war. You may not know this but the orc raids are getting worse and there are rumors that other evil factions are allying together," Sir Nathan said.

  "What's that got to do with me?" I asked, looking around to the others trying to figure out what they want.

  "Something big is happening Maximus. This hasn't happened in centuries since the Dark Warlock had the world in chaos with war. He tried to eradicate those who opposed him and almost succeeded. The other kingdoms rallied and was led by a battle mage by the name of Stewart Ackley. They won the war due to the sacrifice that Ackley made. The Ackley's were given a duchy from King Philip in his honor named Oakenshore. That is where we are going now, to a celebration and the official announcement of their heir Blake Ackley," Shea replied in an explanation of her concerns.

  I tried my best to look attentive to her story but I was shocked to hear of a war and the Ackley's heir apparent. I guess it's a good thing I didn't hurt him, I thought to myself.

  "You didn't answer my question, Lady Shea," I countered.

  Sir Nathan answered, "Maximus, it can't be a coincidence that you show up here in our hour of need with a siba. We will have to tell the King and High Mage that you were involved due to other circumstances. We will try to leave Reaper out of it but I don't think they will let us."

  "He's right Maximus, King William will want to know what happened here and the circumstances involved. They will want to know how we got out of this situation and who healed his men. Reaper will be the topic of discussion from the High Mage. He will want to know the story of how this legendary creature shows up with a teenager. No one has seen one of his kind in centuries. You have no idea how shocked we were to see one, not to mention one that is domesticated. Now you know our dilemma, will you tell us how you found Reaper?" Shea asked with some concern in her voice.

  This is not how I wanted the discussion to go. I thought long and hard then said, "Before I answer that question, let me ask you one. Which one of you are of royal blood, or is it all three of you?" They were stunned for some reason.

  "How do you know that?" Shea asked.

  "It's not hard to deduce. You have royal guards and knights with you," I stated the obvious.

  Cori giggled and said, "I told you he was going to figure it out."

  "Yes, you did," Shea shrugged. "I'm sorry for the misdirection but I had to be sure they weren't in any danger."

  "I can understand that, but right now I need to meditate and think over what you've advised. After that, I will go to sleep," I held up my hand to stop any more questions. "I will tell you some answers to your questions but not tonight. I will help you get to Oakenshore but will leave when you get there." I looked at Sir Nathan and asked, "Do you have enough for guard duty?" He nodded so I left to go get my pack and headed out to the woods to meditate and get some sleep afterwards. Reaper followed and the horrible day was over. I felt their eyes on me as I left but didn't care. They weren't being truthful, so I wasn't going to divulge any information I didn't have to. My main concern was to keep my family safe and out of harm’s way for as long as I could. Meditation took some time because of the adrenaline still in my body, but finally calmed myself. Not long after finishing, the sweet darkness came as soon as my head hit the bedroll.

  Chapter Nine

  My mind woke to the sounds coming from the camp the next morning, groaning as my body picked itself up and got prepared as I packed my stuff. Striding over to the camp, I recognized they were almost ready to go; guessing they were ready to get out of this reminder. My eyes noticed they buried their fellow guards and knights last night and realized that must have been hard to do.

  They gave me a horse to ride on that came from one of the deceased, it had been a while since I rode on a horse since Reaper could literally eat one. As we rode I kept myself at the back of the caravan, minding my own business due to the reason of being bombarded with questions. Reap walked bes
ide me checking for any danger, we made good time even though some till had injuries. The caravan stopped only for the minimum time getting horses water and breaking for the night. The ladies and I put on fresh bandages and poultices, some still had potions so they handed them out. I checked my supplies and found they were running low and would have to resupply on my way home.

  I didn't talk much the first two days, even when the ladies tried to get me in a discussion. I politely declined having too much to think about. They were to arrive at Oakenshore tomorrow afternoon so we stopped for the last night and I decided to go hunt to bring back some fresh meat as I traveled home. So Reap and I left them and found a trail to go down. There were tracks everywhere, so we followed some fresh ones up over the next hill and stopped when we saw a herd of deer. I took out my bow and lined up an arrow, took a deep breath, and released. The stag dropped flat as the herd dispersed, so I walked slowly down to retrieve my kill. Suddenly, we heard a roar and shouts a little ways further in the woods. I looked Reaper in the eyes and he knew that I wanted to investigate. Nodding to him we were off, forgetting the stag, for now.

  After skirting through the woods as carefully and quietly as possible, we came to the location of the roars and shouts, and were stunned at what we saw. There was a huge brown bear staring down about ten orcs with boars next to them. It had to be kodiak. Standing on its hind legs, it looked around eight feet tall and at least 800lbs. The bear was definitely outnumbered, and I shook myself out of my stupor to look at this scene a little closer. The big guy was protecting something. I would figure what that was about later.

  Patting Reap on the head, he roared and pounced. The skirmish stopped for a few seconds to look for the beast that roared and that's all we needed. I crouched, put down my pack, took out my bow and started releasing arrows as fast as I could, dropping orcs and boars one by one. Reap and the kodiak were killing anything dumb enough to come after them. I dropped my bow and unsheathed my sword when two orcs came at me. They were bellowing with anger and that cost them their lives. Taking them down quickly, I made sure they weren't breathing as their heads were separated from the bodies. Reap and the kodiak took care of the stragglers, no one escaped. I very slowly went up to look at the scene before me, there were at least twenty corpses in the area. Reap went and sat down beside the bear, I guess he didn't care that a fellow predator was close by, but I wasn't going to take that approach, so skirted by it and stood by Reap. They were looking at something hidden by some trees, so I took it upon myself to go in for a closer look and saw it was a female. Her clothes were ripped and torn and assumed she was escaping those orcs. Hmm... What the hell is going on? I was checking her over for any injuries when her eyes fluttered open. She jumped up and backed away from me, screaming. Her clothes were falling off and showed lots of skin, but I made myself look away as she got out of her shock.


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