Desired by the Billionaire

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Desired by the Billionaire Page 1

by Millie Morgan

  Desired by the Billionaire

  By M.G. Morgan

  Copyright 2012 M.G. Morgan

  Smashwords Edition

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  Paige stared at the computer screen. The figures were beginning to blur one into the other. She needed more coffee but she had just finished off the last pot of pure black tar that her office supplied. She had sworn that she would sneak in her own freshly ground beans but as of yet she hadn’t gotten around to it.

  Stretching in the seat her breasts pressed up and against her silk blouse. The lace of her bra was pressing uncomfortably against her nipples. Each time she shifted in her chair it rubbed against the sensitive little nubs hardening them into peaks of desire. It was the last type of distraction that she needed. She needed to balance the figures before the big presentation.

  Several times it had occurred to her that she could just take it off. The office was deserted for the evening. Everyone with a life outside of work had gone home. Everyone with sense.

  Paige stood and kicked off her high heels. She padded across the floor and headed for the small office kitchen on her level. Searching through the cupboard she sighed with frustration. She really was out of luck where coffee was concerned. A thought hit her then. She could always go to one of the other levels and borrow some coffee from their kitchen.

  With a small she headed for the elevator. She wasn’t sure why she decided to go up. Reaching management’s level she stepped out into the silent hall. Glancing up and down she searched for any sign of activity. There was no one, that she was aware of.

  With a swing in her hips she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed and started to rummage through the cupboards.

  “Jackpot!” She said aloud. She pulled a dark coloured bag from its place on the shelf. “Expensive taste...” She murmured with a giggle.

  It felt so wrong to steal coffee from the management. Although, she knew it was a childish thought she couldn’t help herself. Paige had always been brought up never to steal or to behave in a way that could be considered morally wrong. Her parents had been strictly religious. Paige herself had left religion behind but some part of it had rubbed off on her.

  She carried the bag out of the kitchen and into the hall. The sight of a man silhouetted in the half light of the office made her scream and drop the bag on the floor. He hadn’t been there before.

  “What are you doing? The office is shut.” His commanding tone sent a sliver of fear skittering down her back.

  Paige couldn’t make out his features but she could tell that he wasn’t wearing a guards uniform. He must be one of the managers. Guilt gnawed at Paige as she looked down at the spilled coffee on the grey carpet.

  “I work down on the fifth floor. I’m working late and well we were all out of coffee down there and well... I hoped I could borrow some...”

  “You mean steal it.” His voice was flat and completely devoid of any emotion. Paige giggled nervously and chewed her lip. She couldn’t read this man. And it wasn’t just the darkened hall obscuring her view of his face that prevented her from knowing how serious he was. There was something in the tilt of his head and the way his voice slid across her skin that urged her to run.

  But she didn’t. Paige stayed where she was, her feet practically glued to the floor. He moved towards her and Paige stood and watched him.

  “You don’t know who I am do you?” He asked her. It was the first time that Paige heard an ounce of emotion in his voice. It stirred something within her but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. It was like an itch that hid in the back of her mind. If she could just reach it then she knew she would have the answers.

  His face came into view and still Paige didn’t recognise him. Come to think of it she didn’t recognise him as one of the managers either. The scent of his cologne drifted towards her. It was a heady combination. A mixture of musk and his own very unique masculine scent. Paige longed to reach out and touch his broad chest and. To press her face against his body and draw in a deep breath.

  “But I know you...” The words hung between them. The world slowed to a crawl as he reached out and tucked a stray strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. It was an intimate move. Far too intimate a move for a stranger to make.

  Paige stared up into his dark eyes. They were deep and Paige felt herself falling forward into them. The strong curve of his jaw. His sensuous lips. The way his hair curled at the end. This was a man that Paige could get lost in.

  He bent his head and pressed his lips against her neck. The sensation of his lips pressing against her skin sent shivers of desire shooting down through her body. She moaned softly and moved into him. He moved up the curve of her neck and reached her ear.

  “Paige...” The whisper of her name made her freeze. He knew her name. He had said he knew her. But how was that possible? There was something familiar about him but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

  She pulled out of his grip and stumbled towards the elevator. What was she thinking? Practically throwing herself at a stranger. She was a disgrace. It wasn’t like her at all. She didn’t do things like that. Until now.

  A strong large hand closed over hers as she pressed her hand against the elevator button. His body pinned her to the wall beside the doors. Paige let him. Her body ached for this man. It ached for something only he could give her.

  “Paige, of all the companies in this city you had to work for this one...” His words wound their way down inside her. She could hear the restrained emotion in his voice.

  “How do I know you?” Her voice was hoarse and choked. She threw her head back as he nibbled down along the side of her neck.

  “How can you have forgotten me? Have I really changed that much?”

  She searched her memories for anything and came up with a blank. He pressed his knee between her legs spreading them further apart. His free hand snaking down over her waist and tugging her skirt upwards he revealed her sensible dark panties.

  Paige blushed as she imagined what he must think of her. Part of her wished that she had worn something a little more risqué. Something that might entice him to explore.

  “You always were such a good little girl. I liked that about you. I imagined that you had something darker hidden beneath that perfect little exterior. I could look, Paige, but not touch. Not until now.” His hand moved over her ass and squeezed.

  Paige sucked in a breath as his fingers dug into her flesh. No man had ever touched her like this before. But then no man had ever filled her with such wanton lust either.

  “Tell me who you are?” She begged breathlessly.

  His hands stopped moving and he simply held her there. Pinned between him and the wall. She could feel every breath that he took. Each beat of his heart thrummed against her spine.


  Paige struggled to move. She wanted to turn around. To look him in the face. Perhaps then she would figure out who he was.

  “You need to remember. If you do then I will give you anything you ask of me. If you don’t then I can have anything from you that I want.” He pushed his lips against her ear. His hot breath tickled her skin and neck making her flush crimson. “Trust m
e, Paige, you don’t want me to win this.”

  He released her then and Paige spun around to face him. Her hand itched to slap the smug grin from his face. Why couldn’t he just be honest with her? Why couldn’t he just tell her who he was like a normal human being?

  “You might want to fix your skirt. You don’t want people getting the wrong idea.” He smiled and Paige found herself swallowing hard. The look he gave her as he let his eyes run up and down the curves of her body was all predator.

  She hastily tugged her skirt down covering her ass and hips once more. Anger made her hands shake as he smirked at her. She had been foolish to let him seduce her in the way he had. He was obviously a talented manipulator.

  “You’re behaving like a child. Why can’t you just tell me who you are? You’ve practically groped me here in the hall, where anyone could have come along. I could report you for inappropriate conduct.”

  His smirk grew larger as looked down at her. “You could report me. In fact perhaps you should just to be on the safe side. Who knows what I might do to the next unsuspecting woman who creeps into the managers kitchen to steal coffee.”

  With a frustrated sigh Paige pressed the elevator button repeatedly until the doors whooshed open. She stepped inside and scowled at the man in front of her.

  “You have until tomorrow morning to remember me. Or face the consequences.” The elevator doors slid shut and Paige fell back against the wall with relief. Yes there was something terribly familiar about that man but she was damned if you could remember. The effect he had on her was extreme. If he had wanted to screw her right there in the hall she had a sinking feeling that she would have been the one to slip her panties off.

  Shame burned her cheeks as she waited for the elevator to reach her floor. All thoughts of finishing the numbers was forgotten. All she wanted to do now was get home and think about the stranger in the managers suite. Perhaps he was one of the investors. But if he was then what was doing in the office after everyone else had left?

  Paige scrubbed her hand across her forehead and stepped out into the hall as the doors opened. It was decided. She would go home for tonight. She had a headache brewing and there was no way she would get anymore work done with that man still in the building.

  Paige pulled on her coat and slipped her shoes back on her dainty feet. She would go home and have a long soak in the bath. Perhaps whilst there she would remember the stranger. If he knew her then she would figure out who he was. She had no intention of playing his stupid little game. She would merely remember him and move on. No big deal...


  Paige tossed and turned in bed later that night. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body, it made her hair stick to her neck and her t-shirt cling to her curves.

  Paige dreamed of the mysterious stranger. He pinned her to the wall and kissed her neck. His lips were soft and Paige found herself moaning in response to the touch of his mouth. His hands roamed across her naked body. Pinching and squeezing as they wandered. She wanted him. She needed him.

  A memory surfaced inside her. She stood in the field beside her childhood home. Looking down she realised that she was wearing her favourite dress from when she was a young girl. It had been white with pale blue flowers printed across the fabric. A young man stood in front of her. He had to be thirteen to her twelve years.

  They had sworn their childish love for one another. Spending the days playing in the long grass. This had been before he had moved away. His father had acquired a new company and the whole family had moved to accommodate this. They had stayed in contact for a few months but life and school had come between them. They had simply grown up and in the process grown apart.

  She had forgotten him, but her memories were still there, still perfectly intact. They had been so happy together. So young and innocent. A time before adult life had changed them both. Life was simple then.


  Paige sat up in the bed. Her alarm buzzed on the locker near her bed. Something nagged in the back of her mind. The dream she had, it had been so familiar. There was something about the young man. Something important that she needed to remember.

  With a shake of her head she switched off the alarm and stepped out of bed. She made her way to the bathroom and into the shower. The water felt good on her sticky skin. She washed away all thoughts of her dreams and nagging memories. She really didn’t have time for that today. Today she would present the accounts to the managers. The progression of her career depended on it.

  She dressed in a daze. Her mind completely taken up by what would happen in the meeting. If she didn’t bring her A game she wasn’t sure what the future held. People had been fired for far less than messing up the most important set of accounts the company was in possession of.

  Her cell phone buzzed on the counter as she pulled her shoes on. Without thinking she picked it up and pressed the answer button. Her boss’ voice crackled down the line.

  “Where are you? You know how important these accounts are. The meeting has been moved up and we have the big boys coming in this morning. Paige, where are you?”

  “Tony, I’m on my way. When did the meeting get moved up? Have you explained we can’t possibly do it any sooner? We need all the time we have allotted to get everything in order...”

  He cut her off mid sentence. “Trust me, Paige, if you don’t have everything in order already, then you’re sunk. This guy doesn’t mess around. He has a reputation for being one of the most ruthless business men around. Just get here, now!”

  The phone went dead in her hand and she sighed. When would things settle and go right? Was it too much to ask for less complications? She headed for the door and grabbed her coat. It seemed today was only going from bad to worse. It was up to her to salvage what remained.


  The office was a hive of activity when Paige arrived. Tony immediately grabbed her and dragged her into a little side office. He was panicking. She didn’t need to hear his fears she could tell simply from the sweat stains that covered his shirt. A shirt that would have been fresh and crisp when he arrived in the office merely an hour before.

  As she prepared her file for presentation her mind wandered back to the night before. She was intrigued by the man in the office. He had given her until today to figure out who he was. Her mind seemed to insist that he was her lost childhood friend. Paige on the other hand was convinced otherwise. Why would he have behaved the way he did if he was? It didn’t make any sense.

  Nervously she made her way to the lift. It was now or never. If she failed then that was the end of her career.

  The elevator moved slowly to the managerial level. Paige found herself fidgeting nervously with her hair. She pushed it behind her ear every few minutes. Now that she was here she regretted not pinning it back. It would look terribly unprofessional if she spent the entire meeting playing with her hair.

  The doors whooshed open and she walked to the large glass conference room. Her legs trembled with each step. She could see the managers gathered around the large wooden conference table. Tony stood in the room. His mouth moved but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. No doubt it was some type of introduction.

  Bracing herself she pushed the glass door open and entered the room. She lay her file on the desk and faced the sullen expression’s of the managers.

  “Why bring the meeting forward?” One of the managers piped up. He was a small pudgy man. But the look he gave Paige was unsettling. It was as though he was mentally undressing her with his eyes. She could see it in the way he licked his lips and in the narrowing of his eyes as he stared at her breasts.

  Discomfort settled in Paige’s stomach. The last thing she needed was some old prick leering at her, whether he was her manager or not.

  “I did not bring the meeting forward. I was informed of the time it was taking place and I am here. That is all I know.”

  “I’m sure I could find a way to forgive you sweetheart. I’m sure we all could.”

p; Paige felt herself bristling with indignation. How dare he speak to her in such a manner. She may have been one of the account overseers but that did not excuse sheer rudeness. Opening her mouth to answer the door behind her opened.

  The familiar scent of cologne met her nose and she inhaled. How did he manage to smell so good? She turned and met his piercing stare. It was as though he was daring her to answer the manager’s rude comments. She opened her mouth and then closed it again. She needed her job and she wasn’t about to jeopardise it.

  “All of you out.” His commanding tone sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. Shocked murmurs filled the room.

  “I said out.” He lowered his voice and everyone of the managers stood and walked out. Paige started to follow them but he lifted his hand halting her.

  “No you stay. We have things to discuss.” He pointed to a seat and Paige sat. She wasn’t sure why but he seemed to have the ability to boss her around and she obeyed. She had never been like that in her entire life.

  He sat at the table opposite her. It took all of Paige’s strength to stop herself from fidgeting with her hair. The air was thick and the tension could have been cut with a knife. Her eyes darted from his face to his hands to the office beyond the glass walls. He was studying her and it was unnerving.

  “Who am I?” His voice was steady and unreadable.

  Paige swallowed hard. This was worse than having to present the accounts. At least with the accounts she understood what was going on. Figures and graphs were easy to read. The man that sat in front of her was impossible. He may as well have been carved from stone.

  “I knew you...”

  “Very good. Where did you know me? Who am I, Paige?” His dark gaze bore holes into Paige. She kept her eyes lowered. Part of her wasn’t sure if she could meet his stare and keep her composure.

  “We were friends, when we were young. Best friends. Then you moved away and...”


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